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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Chill out people, you're not missing much


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I received my email this morning when I was at work and got all excited for a moment. I came home for lunch to reserve a name for me and my friend and everything was smooth when I got in game. The starter zones felt just like they did during beta with a new character apearing next to me every 30 seconds or so.


Now that I'm back home I finally start the game to get a little ahead of my friend in lvls (only 2 or 3) it irritates him greatly lol but I love to tease him haha.


Well I've barely managed to get passed the first quest on ord mantel, the area is overpopulated like hell. I dont know if its all the people coming from work like me but the server is starting to fill up REALLY fast. The overpopulation was to be expected and I dont mind it too much , the big problem folks is the LAAAAAAAGGGGGGG!!


I can run in what looks like a 20 meter circle and use abilities but they just dont go off and everyone else in running on the spot or against a wall.


After about 2 minutes or so of complete freezing the game kind of starts catching up a little and I manage to get off an ability or two before the whole thing starts all over again. Whats funny is Im not dieing during theese frozen time space periods and it seems the game is saving my progress from the last time I did something and catches up the fighting where it left it.


Obviously this is server lag, I dunno if its related to the server hardware or the huge influx of connections but one things for sure, the game in this state is completely unplayable. Will just have to wait until things settle down, Im not mad even tough it is extremely annoying. I know its launch day and this was to be expected :(

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I received my email this morning when I was at work and got all excited for a moment. I came home for lunch to reserve a name for me and my friend and everything was smooth when I got in game. The starter zones felt just like they did during beta with a new character apearing next to me every 30 seconds or so.


Now that I'm back home I finally start the game to get a little ahead of my friend in lvls (only 2 or 3) it irritates him greatly lol but I love to tease him haha.


Well I've barely managed to get passed the first quest on ord mantel, the area is overpopulated like hell. I dont know if its all the people coming from work like me but the server is starting to fill up REALLY fast. The overpopulation was to be expected and I dont mind it too much , the big problem folks is the LAAAAAAAGGGGGGG!!


I can run in what looks like a 20 meter circle and use abilities but they just dont go off and everyone else in running on the spot or against a wall.


After about 2 minutes or so of complete freezing the game kind of starts catching up a little and I manage to get off an ability or two before the whole thing starts all over again. Whats funny is Im not dieing during theese frozen time space periods and it seems the game is saving my progress from the last time I did something and catches up the fighting where it left it.


Obviously this is server lag, I dunno if its related to the server hardware or the huge influx of connections but one things for sure, the game in this state is completely unplayable. Will just have to wait until things settle down, Im not mad even tough it is extremely annoying. I know its launch day and this was to be expected :(


so.....you seem to think this is going to change? why wouldn't you expect a populated starting area? All your post is making me think is that BioWare is going to fail miserably at running their servers when the 20th rolls around.

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Obviously this is server lag, I dunno if its related to the server hardware or the huge influx of connections but one things for sure, the game in this state is completely unplayable. Will just have to wait until things settle down, Im not mad even tough it is extremely annoying. I know its launch day and this was to be expected :(


its not launch day :p

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Yup...1 staggered stress test is all they needed....right.


And they say THIS isn't a stress test...yeah right. Please don't insult me like that Bioware.


It IS launch day for all intents and purposes...a soft launch. The 20th is like the day you renew your subscription...you don't enter the code...you don't get to play.

Edited by Thunder-God
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Yup...1 staggered stress test is all they needed....right.


And they say THIS isn't a stress test...yeah right. Please don't insult me like that Bioware.


It IS launch day for all intents and purposes...a soft launch. The 20th is like the day you renew your subscription...you don't enter the code...you don't get to play.



No, it is Early Access. the fact that a load of smart-alecs like you think it is launch day does not make it so. This is a reward period for pre-orders which is also being used as a final stress test. The fact you don't get it doesn't make you in any way right. And you don't need BioWare to insult you. You have managed that adequately yourself by aspiring to have knowledge of things that only BioWare insiders will be privy to t this time.

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It does seem sort of odd that they run into issues on launch, when the beta stress tests held a much greater load. perhaps there's other things going on behind the curtain we don't know about...


And I agree...the only thing the really bugs me at this point (and it's rather small) is the name thing. I'd rather skip the lag and crowds if I can, but having all the names i like snatched because someone got access before me. well, I do tend to pick odd names, so i doubt they'll be taken (crosses fingers)

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