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assassin sucks


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flat out, weakest armor, 4m range, low dps, no stealth opener bonus, no incentive to use stealth other than spectating.


sniper has 2x the armor if not more, longest game in the range and twice as much dps as assasin. how is this balanced giving the class with the most range the highest or nearly highest dps AND better armor?



what exactly do we get in return for being squishy, lower damage and no range. all its good for is ganking people already half dead while fighting mobs.

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If you're playing a stealth class in an objective based PvP match and you're worried about being top dps, you're playing your class wrong.


If you're in world PvP and a sniper has you at max range, you're playing your class wrong.

Edited by KaiHeilos
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I don't feel underpowered at all. Certainly not against range dps'rs. It's tricky sometimes, but when played right, I find I'm able to do buttloads of damage before the opponent even gets a chance to move.


It's challenging but I wouldn't call it "underpowered".

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i never said i wanted to be top dps just have the ability to assinate someone like the name imples, read the other pvp posts, BH are posting even saying pvp is a joke and easy.


sit back spam a few buttons and top the dps charts, i'd be happy just being competitive and not work 2x as hard for half the results. go group with a bh and watch him melt a mob down while you just scratch it to death. they can 2/3 shot mobs which if anyone should be able to it should BE THE ASSASSIN CLASS.


u know...


sure assasins have cool playstyle and abilities, but they are underwhelming, nobody can seem to come p with an excuse as to how its balanced to have more dmg more armor and the lngest range. at least the DPSing/healer has to let his heals suffer if he wants to dps. right now BH have the best of everything.


u can complain that they are squishy all you want but the fact is they still have medium armor which is approx at least 50 or double the % of assasin armor. plus with range they dont even get hit just snare/kite/kill.



and you can say your assasin is great all you want fact is you are just killing someone half afk or lets you kill them. any competent BH wont even let you get close after your initial attack that breaks stealth he'll just kite you to death.

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It seems to me you are just playing too much like a warrior and not enough like an Assassin.


Also not all classes are created equal. Both Assassin/Shadow and even more so Sentinel/Marauder are very heavily player skill based classes with no middle ground. This means you either suck or you are a master, nothing in between.


It might be tougher to play, but the reward is equally greater than for the easy mode BH you complain about.


If you want to have an easy time, then by all means play a BH, but don't expect all classes to work the same way. Just understand there is a big difference between a class sucking and the player behind it sucking.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Do other classes find operatives/sins difficult? I do alright, mostly I focus on securing objectives but I can rack up kills. heavy armor and sages/sorcs give me nightmares though. I find troopers and BH touch eggs to crack and sages/sorcs just destroy me with that absorb bubble and lighting/force ability that snares and obliterates you. I still need more knife abilities but right now I feel balanced. I have some CC, I do damage, and I dont last long when focus fired.


If you ask me we could deff use the snare at lower levels and that trooper harpoon or some kind of jump would be dandy. Give us mobility and something to get past heavy armor.

Edited by Malaix
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well.. i dont play like a warrior, i try to choose my fights, and pop stealt hwhen i wont get tag teamed. yet it always happens because i cant burst people down fast enough and thats with the highest dps spec u can get and the best armor/gear for my level.



exactly what is the downside of being a BH? whats their weakness? i've yet to hear a legit one..


they die so fast? yeah. try having light armor and half the CCs.


i dont see how you can even say i'm playing like a warrior when i havent even divulged my playstyle. i've played a rogue class in every mmo for almost a decade and this is by far the weakest version i've seen. hopefully it changes with time most stealth classes are either broken or OP at launch it seems like they were so worrie about not overcompensating for stealth they just neglected it all together, fact is there is no reason there should be some kind of stealth opener bonus to benefit people who play stealthy and wisely.

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flat out, weakest armor, 4m range, low dps, no stealth opener bonus, no incentive to use stealth other than spectating.


sniper has 2x the armor if not more, longest game in the range and twice as much dps as assasin. how is this balanced giving the class with the most range the highest or nearly highest dps AND better armor?



what exactly do we get in return for being squishy, lower damage and no range. all its good for is ganking people already half dead while fighting mobs.


It's a matter of play style and the player. I have a buddy who is in love with the assassin. Maybe it's just not your class, try something else until u find something you love.

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I have np killing people on my Lv32 Assassin. I have found that if u wish to kill people don't roll tank spec also you have to fight each class different. Learn there skills and use yours to counter what they do.


This! on the flipside yes you sometimes will get splattered In Huttball fighting a crap ton of ranged classes

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At first I didn't like all the advantages I felt other classes had that make platforms trivial like range or charge. I've come to truly enjoy the play style, knocking people off ledges from stealth, ninja capping, etc. My biggest complaint would be that we're ranked/rated the same as every other class with a much different play style. There are times I feel like I'm the biggest contributor but you wouldn't know it going by the stats.
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i never said i wanted to be top dps just have the ability to assinate someone like the name imples, read the other pvp posts, BH are posting even saying pvp is a joke and easy.


sit back spam a few buttons and top the dps charts, i'd be happy just being competitive and not work 2x as hard for half the results. go group with a bh and watch him melt a mob down while you just scratch it to death. they can 2/3 shot mobs which if anyone should be able to it should BE THE ASSASSIN CLASS.


u know...


sure assasins have cool playstyle and abilities, but they are underwhelming, nobody can seem to come p with an excuse as to how its balanced to have more dmg more armor and the lngest range. at least the DPSing/healer has to let his heals suffer if he wants to dps. right now BH have the best of everything.


u can complain that they are squishy all you want but the fact is they still have medium armor which is approx at least 50 or double the % of assasin armor. plus with range they dont even get hit just snare/kite/kill.



and you can say your assasin is great all you want fact is you are just killing someone half afk or lets you kill them. any competent BH wont even let you get close after your initial attack that breaks stealth he'll just kite you to death.


alls i saw was:


blah blah blah...i did not top the meters...blah blah blah....i did not top the meters....blah blah blah....i did not top the meters...blah blah blah


This is warzones are lost. Who cares who gets the most dps, or the most heals, etc... Did you win the warzone or not? There is no 'i' in team.

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At first I didn't like all the advantages I felt other classes had that make platforms trivial like range or charge. I've come to truly enjoy the play style, knocking people off ledges from stealth, ninja capping, etc. My biggest complaint would be that we're ranked/rated the same as every other class with a much different play style. There are times I feel like I'm the biggest contributor but you wouldn't know it going by the stats.


I make a lot of my pvp matches, I play like an agent. I sabotage behind the scenes, I plant bombs, steal data, and take objectives. I've become quite successful at ninjaing points.


I'm not a glory hound hacking through waves of foes, thats for the sith. They draw the republics attention while I tip the scales in the empire favor. its worked out many times so far. Maybe people will eventually wisen up and start watching points more closely but until then ive had a good time winning void star and civil war.

Edited by Malaix
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flat out, weakest armor, 4m range, low dps, no stealth opener bonus, no incentive to use stealth other than spectating.


sniper has 2x the armor if not more, longest game in the range and twice as much dps as assasin. how is this balanced giving the class with the most range the highest or nearly highest dps AND better armor?



what exactly do we get in return for being squishy, lower damage and no range. all its good for is ganking people already half dead while fighting mobs.


I am sorry, but you are just straight out bad.


Assassins definately has among the highest damage out of everyone in the game.

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TL;DR but currently my guildie and I are level 50 Assassins and I will say this: while we have little complaints about the benefits or lack there-of from stealth, we feel as if we are the squishiest class with lackluster dps. Either buff our survivability (He's tank spec, I'm DPS spec - Deception) or buff our burst. Sure, our dps is fine. I do great in PvE and I'm pretty high on the damage meter, if not first in Warzones but it takes me absolutely forever to kill someone while everyone else seems to get kills in half the time and certainly can almost one or two shot me.
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TL;DR but currently my guildie and I are level 50 Assassins and I will say this: while we have little complaints about the benefits or lack there-of from stealth, we feel as if we are the squishiest class with lackluster dps. Either buff our survivability (He's tank spec, I'm DPS spec - Deception) or buff our burst. Sure, our dps is fine. I do great in PvE and I'm pretty high on the damage meter, if not first in Warzones but it takes me absolutely forever to kill someone while everyone else seems to get kills in half the time and certainly can almost one or two shot me.


I will agree with this. We should be doing mean burst considering we are A) melee and B) we have to position ourselves. shiv and backstab should really hurt, especially medium and light armor people. As is the do meh damage.

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no stealth opener? What about spike, maul, deathfield? (Spike knocksdown and stuns for 2 seconds oos) I destroy kids w/ my assassin. Level up and it gets better. Know how to use your cooldowns, buy relics, etc.. I get 3k+ maul crits all the time. No i wont do 300k damage in a round spamming aoe's, but ill go 45/3 w/ 7 medals. Edited by Hotshyte
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