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Matchmaking... Really?


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So I have observed something really disturbing and was wondering if you all have noticed as well.


When I que with my toons on rep or imp that I have about 3/4 mastered ships the opponents that get I get are newbs 3 ships max. It happens all the time. Even the other players are like "really" in the chat. You might see maybe one vet on the opposition.


When I que with my imp low lvl toon 3 ships only. I get just what I saw with my op toons. My whole team is 2-3 ships max vs. 4-6 vets.


Now I know there are low lvl people out there (see first comment) and I know there are vets out there. But why can't the matchmaking system match low lvl with their kind and high lvl with there kind? I am getting tired of 1000/2 or whatever matches! I don't know if there's a solution or its just F-up.

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If you're seeing this in Imp vs Pub matches, it could be chalked up to not having enough players queueing for matchmaking to work. If you've only got 12 noobs queueing on one side, and a bunch of vets on the other, what is the game supposed to do?



Now, when it happens in same-faction matches... IDK *** is up w/ that. Sometimes I'll see Pub v Pub matches where everyone on my team has 4/5 ships, while the players on other side only have 3/4. Since we're all from the same faction, the game should be able to mix up the vets and newbs better than that. However, most of the time, same-faction matches will be reasonably balanced.

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Let me clarify a little.


When I am an imp vet the reps are all noobs. When I am a rep vet the imps are all noobs. This has happened while switching immediately from one to the other vet toon. When I play my imp noob I get vet reps. I will check tonight on a rep noob to see if I get vet imps. If that is the case then the system is purposely putting noobs with vets! That is what I am trying to convey.

Edited by SithAceI
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There aren't enough people yet to make matchmaking reliable. It tries I think.



If you want to fight pilots instead of pugs, watch for when the opposite faction pilots get out of a match, then queue against them. This works for me almost every time.

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There's no doubting matchmaiking needs some work. It's actually been somewhat better since GSF opened to preferred players, at least from my experience, as some of the matches I've had lately have been very balanced. I had a great one today that ended 997 to 1000.


That said, about half the time it's still a complete blowout, with teams being incredibly unbalanced. It's easy to predict from the very beginning of the match.


They really need to base more of the balancing on player experience and upgrade level, and less on trying to force opposite faction matches, On my server, The Shadowlands, this would mean far more same faction matches. Primarily with newer Empire players facing teams of newer empire players, while teams of experienced pubs played other experienced pubs. Not ideal, to be sure, but better than the 1000 - 14 blowout I had earlier today. (Ironically right after the 1000 to 997 game...)

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just because you see some poeple with only 2 or 3 ships dont mean there noobs.


ive got a couple of chars with only 3 ships that are more or less fully upgraded, so teaming u with ya mastered ship with my 3 ship char that is almost fully upgraded on the 3 ships is not bad match making, yes alot of the two and three ship guys are new.


then got to put into the equation is there enough of each team vets signed at same time if not they will be filled with whats left.


on red eclipse i find majority of the time its good match making, when im on a 3 ship char i still get amtched with some of the guys with 5 ships which means its working, where as when i created a new char other night i signed straight away and rougly 9 out of 12 were complete noobs and similar for other side to me majority of the time match making is working fine just the less social hours where it may not quite match up how it normally should.

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This will self regulate as more people level up there ships / que. Right now, there is little incentive to get new players to start in the GSF realm. My average wait for a que is around 10-15 minutes, and when it does pop you know who's been playing based onrecognizing the names (On Jung'Ma, I know a few names of the pubs I blast most frequently, and relay that information to the team). The close matches are the best, but until there are more players with geared ships, it's a coinflip between good matches and blowouts
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Yeah I notice the same thing a lot. One match I'll face 12 enemies with 4 or 5 ships when my side is mostly just 2-3 ships each, and then the next match I'll see it completely reversed.


It's almost as if there is an anti-matchmaking system in place trying to put together the worst matchups possible. It's as if the geared people are coordinating their queuing to avoid each other.

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There appears to be ZERO matchmaking, just a queue that pops for the first 8v8 group possible. Matchmaking doesn't seem to exist at all.

There's most definitely matchmaking, you can tell because people with more ships are matched together into one (4man ) group. There just aren't enough people to balance a whole team. It's going to start the match with two unbalanced teams rather than wait 10 more minutes to see if more people show up.

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There's most definitely matchmaking, you can tell because people with more ships are matched together into one (4man ) group.


I hate to burst your bubble, but that's usually because we're queueing together. When I queue solo, I don't see this.

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There's most definitely matchmaking, you can tell because people with more ships are matched together into one (4man ) group. There just aren't enough people to balance a whole team. It's going to start the match with two unbalanced teams rather than wait 10 more minutes to see if more people show up.


If that's the case, it's the same problem as the 4 man arenas. you can't match teams internally for skill level then throw them at whatever other team you made. That gets you a really good team v a really bad team more often than not. The matchmaking needs to balance opposing teams, so if one team is 10 noobs and 2 vets, the other should be too.

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There's most definitely matchmaking, you can tell because people with more ships are matched together into one (4man ) group. There just aren't enough people to balance a whole team. It's going to start the match with two unbalanced teams rather than wait 10 more minutes to see if more people show up.


If you que as a group of 4, those 3 allies u have are part of your 4-person squad.... We really need an in-game voip for gsf tho. I hate not being able to relate with people outside of my guild about tactics that I guess they dont realize

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So a few notes since I did some recon. During prime time the player base is very large and matching IS pretty good.

After hours it is ya get what ya get.

I even played a match with a premade group that got split between both side hehe. Prime time tho. Both republic.


So in retrospect I figure it is what it is we'll have to wait till Feb. to really see what's up.

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I had a match when I was qeueing with a group of friends. We all had 5 ships each and we all had mastered ones. The rest of our team literally had two ships max. The opposing team was averaging around 3-4.


It was a pub v pub, and if you take ship# as a measure of skill that match is evidence of decent matchmaking.

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I had a match when I was qeueing with a group of friends. We all had 5 ships each and we all had mastered ones. The rest of our team literally had two ships max. The opposing team was averaging around 3-4.


It was a pub v pub, and if you take ship# as a measure of skill that match is evidence of decent matchmaking.


Yeah, but I know a few people whose alts have two ships and top leaderboards. (My TEH character was one of them until very recently.)

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Yeah, but I know a few people whose alts have two ships and top leaderboards. (My TEH character was one of them until very recently.)


Well none of the two-ship people on our team did much except ask about how to use missiles and boost. Also even if one of them was a hidden ace, that wouldn't be the fault of the matchmaker would it?

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Well none of the two-ship people on our team did much except ask about how to use missiles and boost. Also even if one of them was a hidden ace, that wouldn't be the fault of the matchmaker would it?


Well I am sure that total requisitions spent on your ships is at LEAST a sign of experience. I think it is funny when same faction sides get out of whack... shows that it is ALL about when you queue and nothing else.

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Just had a match where I know for a fact my pub side guild premade are lvl 55 who do nothing but play GSF all day and have their ships geared to the teeth.

Where as me and some other are just lowbies like 10 -20's.

This matchmaking is putting new to the game subs against veteran premades with fully geared ship.


How is this fair Bioware?

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Just had a match where I know for a fact my pub side guild premade are lvl 55 who do nothing but play GSF all day and have their ships geared to the teeth.

Where as me and some other are just lowbies like 10 -20's.

This matchmaking is putting new to the game subs against veteran premades with fully geared ship.


How is this fair Bioware?


i agree about new people to game, but level should have zero effect on match making in gsf.


all i do is pvp and recently just gsf, i have level 55's fully maxed in gsf, and i have level 20 chars fully maxed in things, even got a level 11 rep char with fully maxed ships, why should that char be matched with other vets?


only factor that should come into it is ship specs not number of ships. if i have 5 ships and zero mods done then i should be pitted with fellow low graded players and if i have two ships maxed to full i should be matched with other vets.


to me alot of the time it does work as intended.


i have a level 20 merc that i recently started into gsf, it has zero mods and i was being pitted against mostly noobs to gsf. then on the side i have a level 11 char with maxed mods and only 3 ships and its getting pitted against mostly vets same as my level 55 chars that are also eithe rmaxed or nearly maxed on everything.


now if a new comer joins a premade of vets then that group sould be matched with other vets.


maybe theres less on your server that do gsf so match making cant work as intended all time but on red eclipse i find my examples above working regular, not all time ofc but durning peak times it works fine.


hell no to level based match making.

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