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Strange Sightings Reported


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Rumors of a new GSI initiative codenamed THORN remain unconfirmed at this time.


I recall seeing THORN paraphernalia on Nar Shadaa. They do need their funding from somewhere afterall. Though to also give the gear a THORN name, seems a bit over-zealous, if they wish to remain inconspicuous.

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Victims of recent animal attacks have disappeared from Alderaan medical centers. Personnel offer no explanation.


Seems mighty suspicious... I bet they turned into gungans, and were so ashamed by it that they fled the scene hoping to not be seen in their hideous state of affairs. :eek:



Or maybe im just crazy. :p

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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Found a crater I didn't recognize in King's Pass on Alderaan, out in the a**crack of nowhere...whihc means there shouldn't be any bomb runs targetting the area, so Imp artillery's out. Republic (scum) wouldn't waste a ZR-57 on it, either...so where in the hell did it come from? And who took whatever caused it? The crater was real...but there was nothing in it...
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To republic command, SIS.

Here is the follow up report as requested. I forward it unaltered, as I feel you should be aware that it is not only General Garza that is expressing her frustration over the use of Havoc squad as a search team.

I to feel that Havoc squad is to valuable an asset to NOT be on the front lines, but I will agree that the wording of the report could be somewhat toned down.


May the Force be With you.


Master Widriksen


Forwarded from havoc squad:



Requested scouting report of territory of Alderaan.



Before rendering our findings I would it to go on record that we (The entire Havoc Squad) find it an ENORMOUS waste of us as a resource to go looking for “missing patients”.

Such a task, in our opinion, sort under local law enforcement, however skilled and organized they may be.


That patients can up and disappear from a hospital speaks volumes to the lack of security for one, and care and attention by the staff and personnel of said hospital.


Our preliminary findings as follows:


1. No trace of the patients in or around the hospital. We STRONGLY recommend installation of security cameras that actually work!!!


2. A search of the immediate surroundings resulted only in recovery of one patient from the mental ward that somehow managed to slip out of the ward during the confusion of the missing patients. (Do these people even understand the concept of “security”???)


3. A wider search is currently under way, but I seriously doubt that the patients can have made it far if I am to believe the report of their injuries.


4. I am leaving HK-51 and M1-4X to guard the area around the hospital just in case something like this should happen again, but I AM pulling them back the second we are done with the search, and I WILL NOT be held accountable for an damage, or fatalities they may cause if the local security keeps up their interference. M1-4X isn’t known for his patience towards meddlers, and should he engage HK-51 is likely to come to his support….with dire consequences.


We expect to conclude our business here on Alderaan within the next 24 standard hours. PLEASE assign us back to actual combat mission as this assignment bears all the marks of a police mission, and we are SOLDIERS.

Respectfully yours



Commanding officer, Havoc Squad.

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[Forwarded message from General Garza to Havoc Squad leader <NAME HIGHLY ENCRYPTED>]

Major, I want you to inform all of your squads that the mission(s) they are on are of the highest importance to galactic safety. Any mission they are on could potentially turn fatal to any one not rated at the training of Havoc Squad or higher. All requests of reassignment are being denied until further notice. Anyone who starts to get lazy at their job resulting in a catastrophe will be suspended without pay.

[Message ends]


:hope_05: There you have it. Our job isn't always glorious. But we are always assigned to do the tough jobs that need to be done. We should take pride in that. Even if they seem to be nothing more than what the local security can handle. We protect the Republic from any danger, whether it's the Empire, or ferocious animals. We are Havoc Squad. The Republic wouldn't ask us to do it if it didn't require our help.


:hope_05: Garza has also asked me to acquire the coordinates of all craters found and check them out for myself and send a report. I first got word of one on Tattoine and investigated. I've gotten word of the general location of the one on Alderaan. I still require the location of the one on Corellia and any others there may be.


Glory to freedom. Glory to the Republic!

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Strange animal attacks have been reported by soldiers serving on Alderaan. An investigation is currently underway.







Sir, we served together on Hoth during the Parabalus incident. Your assistance was instrumental in saving the lives of my unit then and you told me if we ever needed your assistance, I could contact you using this channel.


My unit has been stationed on Alderaan for months now, keeping those damn Imps at bay. We lost good men, but at least we knew what we were fighting.


But this is something else, sir. The brass keep saying they're investigating, but it's a lie. They know what's going on, they're just too scared to admit it. They don't want to cause a panic. I understand that, but something has to be done, and quickly.


I'm not authorised to give you this information, but we need your help. Please, sir, you have to come quickly. That damn GSI have started something they can't control. It was supposed to be about profit, but if this gets out of hand, the whole galaxy is at risk.


Sir, these aren't animal attacks. The truth is that Alderaan is at risk of being overrun by ra...



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Receiving transmission at D5-Mantis personal starship.


Mysterious voice ::

Can anyone read me? This is an emergency!


Mako ::

We read you loud and clear.


Mysterious voice ::

I am contacting you to inform you about the single biggest threat to the planet of Alderaan. You see, there is something out there that threatens our very existence. I'm talking of course about Manbearpig.


Bounty Hunter ::



Mysterious voice ::

It is a creature which roams Alderaan alone... It is half man, half bear and half pig. Some people say that Manbearpig isn't real.... well I'm here to tell you now, Manbearpig is very real and he most certainly exists. I'm serial. Manbearpig doesn't care who you are or what you've done. Manbearpig simply wants to get you. I'm SUPER serial! But have no fear because I am here to save you! And some day when the world is rid of Manbearpig, everyone will say "Thank you Al Gore, you're super awesome"!


Mako ::

Is this guy crazy?


Mysterious voice ::

Our only hope to kill Manbearpig is to construct a giant battle station with a giant laser beam to DESTROY Alderaan!


Bounty Hunter ::

Destroy Alderaan?


Mysterious voice ::

Destroy Alderaan! That is our only hope to kill Manbearpig! I'm super duper serial! I will begin drawing the blueprints right away. Manbearpig shall be no more! EXCELSIOR!


Transmission end.

Edited by Iamrock
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I know what the PTS is for. The problem is Bioware does not. The overwhelming majority of content that has gone through PTS has gone straight to live, game-breaking bugs intact. Have you never heard the saying the squeaky wheel gets the grease? :rolleyes:


Have fun with your RP. Seems to be all this game and its dev team is good for lately.


Duran'del here:


This is a RP/PvE game. It was not marketed as "ERMEHGERD! DIS IS TEH BEST PVP GAME EVAR!!!!!!!!" It's really annoying how you think this game is about PvP. Don't you think BW has more things to deal with than bugs that will affect ~1% of the total population right now?

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Duran'del here:


This is a RP/PvE game. It was not marketed as "ERMEHGERD! DIS IS TEH BEST PVP GAME EVAR!!!!!!!!" It's really annoying how you think this game is about PvP. Don't you think BW has more things to deal with than bugs that will affect ~1% of the total population right now?


Go back to RP/PvE. PvP is obviously the best thing about this game and should be given its fair share of attention.

Edited by JediMasterSLC
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Go back to RP/PvE. PvP is obviously the best thing about this game and should be given its fair share of attention.


People like this, in MMOs, make me laugh. If you were really that into PvP you would be playing an FPS or something. Or hell, even GSF is way more PvP than the ground game will ever be.

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People like this, in MMOs, make me laugh. If you were really that into PvP you would be playing an FPS or something. Or hell, even GSF is way more PvP than the ground game will ever be.


Maybe some people like mmo pvp? Or star wars and pvp? And I do play other games. Rofl at gsf, it's a joke.

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