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What is this crap?!


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I just did my first starfighter fight and all I can say is *** is this crap?!?


I guess I should have realized the mechanics of it would be garbage when you hype the customization part of it more then the actual playing part of it.


The controls are so unresponsive. I either don't turn enough or I turn WAY too much. I spend more time trying to figure out where my cursor for my mouse is so I know how much I am turning than I am spending actually lining up an enemy ship. On top of this, the controls are so disorienting that I spend almost as much time trying to NOT fly into objects that I suddenly turn into that I am trying to find someone to shoot.


And finally, when in a dogfight, I can't tell where the enemy that is shooting at me is.


This is the WORST flight sim I have ever played. How do you guys keep re-inventing the wheel and coming up with squares over and over?! Im feeling my $30 renewal was a waste of money....again.

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I had a sarcastic post lined up, but I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt. I am going to assume you are merely frustrated and taking your anger out on your keyboard. The above link will help you figure out GSF. I hope you read it and figure out what you're doing wrong, because this aspect of swtor is actually addictively fun!


You mention not being able to gauge how sharply you're about to turn. Here's something that may help: your targeting reticle is moving with your mouse cursor, which means you will turn where you're targeting. There is also a line going from the center or your screen to your cursor, which should help you find it more easily.


You also seem to be having trouble locating enemies, especially in a dogfight. Your HUD has little red arrows around it, which each represent an enemy near to you. The bigger the arrow, the closer the enemy is. You can press "Tab" to target the closest enemy, which will show up in your targeting computer and their arrow around your HUD will turn to a lighter pink (and changes shape). If you turn your ship toward that arrow, it will eventually show up on your screen as a red circle with their name!


On a similar note, if an enemy actually does damage to you, you can target them by pressing "R."


A last little tip: don't fly in a straight line. It makes your ship and easy target ;)

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As elitist as it sounds, your issues really are almost 100% "learn to play" problems and have very little to do with the actual game. Controls in GS are very similar to most space sims and there is nothing inherently unresponsive about them.


All you have to do is spend some time in the tutorial or read dulfy's guide and with a bit of practice you'll do fine.


Next time though, try to actually learn a system before you start blaming it for your downfalls. ;)

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Get ready to see more of these threads next week when the preferred players have their first matches. ;)


All that can be said is that it take practice and your first few matches will be awful. Everyone's is. Don't quit, it gets better.

Edited by RebekahWSD
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Controls in GS are very similar to most space sims and there is nothing inherently unresponsive about them.


As a sim fan, I'm going to disagree with this. Controls in GS are similar to console space/flight arcade style games. You see this in the comments on the GS controls. The people who are ok with the controls are those that have played mostly console "flight" games, the ones who hate the controls and are screaming for joystick control are overwhelmingly simmers.


To the original poster, if you like good air/space combat sims, resign yourself to the fact that compared to a good sim Galactic Starfighter has a craptastic control interface and that there is absolutely no prospect whatsoever that this will ever change.


After enough matches you can learn to compensate for most of the control system deficiencies, and at that point GS can become quite fun.


It may help to think of it as a weird new variant of SWTOR ground pvp rather than a combat flight sim. That way you're not getting disappointed by comparing a SWTOR minigame handicapped by SWTOR's many game engine weaknesses to a well designed combat flight sim.

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As elitist as it sounds, your issues really are almost 100% "learn to play" problems and have very little to do with the actual game. Controls in GS are very similar to most space sims and there is nothing inherently unresponsive about them.


All you have to do is spend some time in the tutorial or read dulfy's guide and with a bit of practice you'll do fine.


Next time though, try to actually learn a system before you start blaming it for your downfalls. ;)


Well said. It takes time and more effort than you appear willing to put in OP.

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Get ready to see more of these threads next week when the preferred players have their first matches. ;)

I apologize for off-topic: can preferred post on the forum? If not, it will be difficult to gather feedback about first impressions, matchmaking etc.

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As elitist as it sounds, your issues really are almost 100% "learn to play" problems and have very little to do with the actual game. Controls in GS are very similar to most space sims and there is nothing inherently unresponsive about them.


All you have to do is spend some time in the tutorial or read dulfy's guide and with a bit of practice you'll do fine.


Next time though, try to actually learn a system before you start blaming it for your downfalls. ;)


Controls in Space sims are definately not mouse + keyboard. You probably not played much of them.


Anyway, to the OP, don't worry about the L2P, it's not about L2P it's about getting gear. It'll take some times to earn enough points to buy distorsion field, upgade burst lasers, and stuff.


Already told it many times, it's going to get ugly when F2P will be in.

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It has a steep learning curve, it takes a while to get used to the control imo.


The first matches I was at the lowest 3 in terms of damage. After 1 day I was in the middle and now I usually am in the upper regions. Just take your time; dont give up too soon.

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Like others have said, it has a steep learning curve. For some people it'll be natural and they'll be a skilled player within 1-3 days of playing. Others it take a while to get used to and start getting better after 1 or 2 weeks. And for some, it is really difficult and takes a lot longer than most (those are usually the players who quit/complain about a certain ship being OP). And then there are the few dozen who can't do it at all, whether it be from motion sickness or a disability, they just can't do it (feel sorry for those guys)


Take your time and learn, trust me.. its fun! :D

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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As a sim fan, I'm going to disagree with this. Controls in GS are similar to console space/flight arcade style games. You see this in the comments on the GS controls. The people who are ok with the controls are those that have played mostly console "flight" games, the ones who hate the controls and are screaming for joystick control are overwhelmingly simmers.


as a fan of both Flight Sims and Arcade Shooters i'm going to have to respectively disagree...

for me it's about feel, in a Sim i prefer to have use of my Flight Stick, Keyboard, and occasionally Mouse (ala DarkStar One)... for Shooters i prefer Keyboard/Mouse controls, don't even wanna use a game-pad as it has slower response...

i play Sims from a Cockpit View and use all of the instruments needed to keep in the sky and fighting, Shooters are external and completely Fly-by-wire, with little instrumentation needed... GSF is not a Sim and therefore would feel awkward to me if i were to use a stick, much like using a stick on StarLancer feels odd, and using mouse flight on DarkStar feels odd...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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When I started playing and it was a case of learn to play the fights were fun and it was more about skill than ships.


But as people max out their ships there is a massive difference between someone that is just starting out and no amount of learning to play is going to change that. It will make the 14th a lot of fun for preferred status players who are going to get owned again and again so less requisiton so an even longer time of getting ganked to close the gap. Luckily their will be a score board they can look at to see how much fun they are having.


But then I don't know what BW were thinking with the design they had for GSF.

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as long as they keep at it, don't quit, then yes they will get better, they will obtain better gear to go with their always improving skill... it's sad how some people wanna convince others that the best thing to do if you get beat is to give up and not even try again... this misconception that no amount of practice will ever help needs to go in the trash where it belongs... quit trying to bring people down and instead try to boost them, help them, give them tips and tricks to stay alive longer, don't just say "it's hopeless, may as well give up"... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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majority of your issues are in terms of learning and adjusting settings.


one issue some had with gaming mouse's was they were to responsive this can be adjusted on ya own computer.


As for learning, this is a trial and error, to help I suggest you go through a lot of these threads, theres many helpful guides on how to set up different ships, how to fight etc.


When I 1st started I thought GSF was crap and every game finished in bottom 3 normally the bottom, after time and learning I now finish top 3 most matches and love GSF.


If you spend the time getting used to controls, mechanics, tactics etc its well worth the while.

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Controls in Space sims are definately not mouse + keyboard. You probably not played much of them.


Anyway, to the OP, don't worry about the L2P, it's not about L2P it's about getting gear. It'll take some times to earn enough points to buy distorsion field, upgade burst lasers, and stuff.


Already told it many times, it's going to get ugly when F2P will be in.


I have to respectfully disagree on two of your points. While hear can improve your qol, it doesn't make or break the game. I've jumped onto several alts without any ship upgrades and been in the top three for kills/assists/objectives/etc. Buying gear makes this easier to do, perhaps, but this game is a lot more balanced than people give it credit for being.


You also don't think matchmaking will be implemented. I'd be fascinated to learn how you already know this, since there have been several high level discussions about the matter that have determined attitudes like the ones you are expressing are unfounded for gsf. You may turn out to be right about the matchmaking system in a short while, but for now, how can anyone know?

Edited by Lyet
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I have to respectfully disagree on two of your points. While hear can improve your qol, it doesn't make or break the game. I've jumped onto several alts without any ship upgrades and been in the top three for kills/assists/objectives/etc. Buying gear makes this easier to do, perhaps, but this game is a lot more balanced than people give it credit for being.


Yeah, being able to OS people doesn't help you, I know. I read it all the time here, but I'm having a hard time seeing translating this into the game. Not that I have a problem handling myself with that kind of guy, but many just can't and fights shortly are one sided, and there's not so much interest to really respawn.


You also don't think matchmaking will be implemented. I'd be fascinated to learn how you already know this, since there have been several high level discussions about the matter that have determined attitudes like the ones you are expressing are unfounded for gsf. You may turn out to be right about the matchmaking system in a short while, but for now, how can anyone know?


It is already supposed to be IG in fact. Doesn't seem to be working.

I keep reading that it's because the pool isn't large enough, which I doubt. Still, that seems to be IG and not working right now.


But, if there's any kind of matchmaking build-in, and gear doesn't make or brake the thing, then how can you matchmake pilot skills. You do this on gear level and stuff. Thus acknowledging that it's the most important part of the balance of the system.


And, since it's already showing games where teams are really equal. I'm talking about Rep vs Rep where one side as only 2 people with improved ships, while the opposing team have 8 or 9 people with upgraded ships.

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Anyway, to the OP, don't worry about the L2P, it's not about L2P it's about getting gear. It'll take some times to earn enough points to buy distorsion field, upgade burst lasers, and stuff.


Well that's just ignorant by a hilarious degree. I'm surprised you didn't just up and recommend he park at spawn and AFK.


Seriously you can't gear out without L2P anyways. Top tier Gear takes an extremely long time to get, I personally have only fully upgraded 1 Major component each on my Rycer and my Quell, though I have lots of full unlocks on many minor components. I still have a long road on gearing, partially because I'm camping out on my fleet req for the moment so I have it when 2.6 drops. But I've defiantly already climbed the steep part of the learning curve and can perform my share in a match.


PS. I think your signature needs an update.

Mantle of the Force // Héritage: Rhetak 47

Nal Spécialiste 50 // Kythyn Sorcière 50 // Rykes Tireur Elite 50 // Melzeroth Ravageur 50

Myriath Ombre 50 // Quetzal Sentinelle 50 // Lirria Commando 50 // Fenster Malfrat 50

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As elitist as it sounds, your issues really are almost 100% "learn to play" problems and have very little to do with the actual game. Controls in GS are very similar to most space sims and there is nothing inherently unresponsive about them


pretty much this. the early access has been out for a while now to where there are good forum guides and youtube vids to assist your learning.

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