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Were plans to make "Same sex companion romances" canned?


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Same sex romance with current companions was never in the works.


They said years ago it would be too much work so they won't do it.


They said they will tack it on with things like Makeb but don't expect it for current companions, it's never going to happen.

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If I am reading this quote correctly, Jeff Hickman confirms that there will be same-gender romances with companions, but it will take a while longer... and if I am reading correctly the date on which this article was written, which is at the beginning of the last year... this means that they probably working on it... the question is... how much longer it will take...?


"First of all, I want to apologize that this is taking so long to get in the game. I realize that we promised [same Gender Romance] to you guys and that many of you believed that this would be with a companion character. Unfortunately, this will take a lot more work than we realized at the time and it (like some other pieces of content we talked about earlier in the year) has been delayed as we focused on the changes required to take the game Free-to-Play. As we have said in the past, allowing same gender romance is something we are very supportive of."


I should have said "left" the equation. The direction of the game pre- and post-F2P are quite different. Many, many story-centric plans were scrapped so that resources could be devoted elsewhere, this was one of those casualties. Along with class stories being scrapped (yes, even if they are currently being revisited with a token nod, there were indeed entire chapters mapped out, reportedly with voiceover work already complete), companion story arcs were dubbed to be "complete." Whatever plans there were to expand on companions with are gone, now.


I think a new gay companion would be a viable solution, but I don't see it happening given the recent focus we've seen with shared content romances. The bone has been thrown, so to speak.

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As far as I'm concerned SGR is non-existent in this game. Getting a "flirt" option added in a handful of cases is not "romance". The fact that you could work your way up to marriage with a companion is romance. And have people forgotten the slap in the face that was same-gender flirting with RotHC (which you had to *pay* to get) in which they limited the gender with which you were able to engage in same-gender flirting depending on faction -- because according to BW male-male is evil (male-male only on imperial side) and female-female is good (pub side). So after that we got a few more SG flirt options smattered about, but the game still remains essentially SGR-free.


The simple fact of the matter is that BW dug themselves in too deep having left it out and giving the issue too much attention by putting SGR in -- in a real and substantive way -- would be admitting a major wrong and bring them too much negative publicity. That's obvious especially given how easy changing companion conversation options almost certainly is: they simply have to take the gender checks out of the code. This rubbish about "oh it's too hard we'll have to re-write EVERYTHING" etc etc is pure malarkey. The conversation options exist already. The voice acting is already there. It literally is as simple as removing the gender checks and removing the associated dialog with the no-SGR-allowed convo options. BAM. Problem solved. The so-called same gender "romance" options in RotHC and beyond have been nothing but borderline-insulting red herrings. But EAware knows just how gullible the community at large is when it comes to their red herrings, because update after update is rife with them.



Edited by DimmuJanKaarl
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  • 2 weeks later...
As far as I'm concerned SGR is non-existent in this game. Getting a "flirt" option added in a handful of cases is not "romance". The fact that you could work your way up to marriage with a companion is romance. And have people forgotten the slap in the face that was same-gender flirting with RotHC (which you had to *pay* to get) in which they limited the gender with which you were able to engage in same-gender flirting depending on faction -- because according to BW male-male is evil (male-male only on imperial side) and female-female is good (pub side). So after that we got a few more SG flirt options smattered about, but the game still remains essentially SGR-free.


The simple fact of the matter is that BW dug themselves in too deep having left it out and giving the issue too much attention by putting SGR in -- in a real and substantive way -- would be admitting a major wrong and bring them too much negative publicity. That's obvious especially given how easy changing companion conversation options almost certainly is: they simply have to take the gender checks out of the code. This rubbish about "oh it's too hard we'll have to re-write EVERYTHING" etc etc is pure malarkey. The conversation options exist already. The voice acting is already there. It literally is as simple as removing the gender checks and removing the associated dialog with the no-SGR-allowed convo options. BAM. Problem solved. The so-called same gender "romance" options in RotHC and beyond have been nothing but borderline-insulting red herrings. But EAware knows just how gullible the community at large is when it comes to their red herrings, because update after update is rife with them.




It's not exactly all there... yes the options in conversations are there (which is pretty easy to change), but then again the voice acting, at certain places, yea sure they fit perfectly or more-here-and-there, but there is certain voiced lines which includes things like 'wife', or other feminine way to turn towards the companion which is strictly for females... and those lines need to be over voiced, from scratch or with minimum tweaks which takes small resources. I still have no clue why BW or EA haven't made SGR possible, everything is there, they need just few tweaks which can be made in 2 months top... they don't have to rewrite everything as they say... -.-

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As far as I'm concerned SGR is non-existent in this game. Getting a "flirt" option added in a handful of cases is not "romance". The fact that you could work your way up to marriage with a companion is romance. And have people forgotten the slap in the face

You keep using that phrase. I do not think it means what you think it means.


that was same-gender flirting with RotHC (which you had to *pay* to get)

Pay for a major expansion? Outrageous!


in which they limited the gender with which you were able to engage in same-gender flirting depending on faction -- because according to BW male-male is evil (male-male only on imperial side)

My Merc is Light V and still got to

kiss Cytharat(sp?).



So where's all this "evil" of which you speak?

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  • 1 month later...

Honestly, they're inserting more and more homosexual content into the game now, so, I'm not really sure why people are still complaining. You can flirt with Theron and Lana as same sex and they've put other references in too (some of which are completely forced and feel silly... like on the republic side on Oricon when the female soldier mentions something like "He almost killed his husband" ).


I'm sure you'll get a CM companion soon that you can black screen a few times like the rest of us do with our CGRs.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

This argument has been going in circles for an entire year, just like BW intended the SGR issue to. Why is no one questioning why it wasn't implemented in the first place? Is it the simple issue that it never occurred to the team/occurred too late? Did they not want to do the extra work? And I don't want to be "that guy," but was it because they were being homophobic?

And before I get the whole "there's flirting options between M/M and F/F!" Shut the **** up. Flirting with a stranger and full on marrying a companion are two vastly different things.

It just pisses me off that the media's buying the whole 'BW fixed the SGR issue by implementing a few lines of flirtations! Yay!' I'm also pissed because my main's a lesbian and I want her to be happily married to her lovely twi'lek, but I'm forced to sit here and sulk because, let's face it, it's an issue that will never be resolved. *sigh*

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Well, one of my characters is straight and I want her to progress beyond friendship with a lovely Twi'lek on her crew, and I can't make that happen either. It is still for me the head-canon relationship of my entire Legacy.


In the original game, the romantic options were limited for any female toon, compared to a male toon. In the expansion, all options are the same, and from the look of it, BioWARE is stirring away from the committed relationships simulation to the 'girl/boy in every port' scheme.


Within this paradigm, BioWARE finally made things even. In SoR, they did better than on Makeb, where the female toon could not avail herself of a romantic relationship on the Empire side (and one of the best ones in the game too imo), for example, and was only given an SGR choice on the Republic side.


There is advantages to the 'boy/girl in every port' as it makes for an interesting and entertaining subplot and is far easier for them to produce.


Not everyone would like it - and many players still will not have a digital relationship with a companion of their choice - but at least now we are all in the same boat and offered exactly the same choices, and the story is just as interesting on either gender and sexual preference, without leaning strongly to playing a male toon like a Knight's or Warrior's story is.


I am glad they finally did it, because it is designed to be fair to a female toon. I like it. I do not expect them to do retroactive companion pack (unfortunately), but I hope they continue to do the same thing they did in SoR (rather than what they did on Makeb) going forward.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I kinda wish they'd implement it like in Dragon Age Inquisition. Beautifully done that one. But yeah, it would mean it could be banned for play in some countries, like India. That would probably hurt their sales pretty badly as india covers like what, 15-20% of the entire world population? :p Perhaps a bit simple of an argument, but I could definitely see why they keep things... modest because of that.
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I kinda wish they'd implement it like in Dragon Age Inquisition. Beautifully done that one. But yeah, it would mean it could be banned for play in some countries, like India. That would probably hurt their sales pretty badly as india covers like what, 15-20% of the entire world population? :p Perhaps a bit simple of an argument, but I could definitely see why they keep things... modest because of that.


Yeah, and maybe 10% of those can afford a computer that can run SWTOR.


It's a stupid, nonsense argument based on nothing but thin air, spouted by people so insecure about their own sexuality that they need to enforce everyone elses.



Edited by Jandi
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
To those saying they'd only said they had no intentions of existing companions being SGR, go back to some of the earlier comments about them not just wanting to change gender pronouns , but they wanted to do it RIGHT. Then they didn't do it at all. It's very frustrating that after all this time after their initial promises and the long wait, they still haven't gotten around to doing this. Existing companions could be made SGR options but they apparently don't want to do the extra work involved. And the Makeb 'flirt' options are a joke compared to an actual romance with a companion. Not to mention, they also segregated it so m-m only on Imp side, and f-f only on Pub side.
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To those saying they'd only said they had no intentions of existing companions being SGR, go back to some of the earlier comments about them not just wanting to change gender pronouns , but they wanted to do it RIGHT. Then they didn't do it at all. It's very frustrating that after all this time after their initial promises and the long wait, they still haven't gotten around to doing this. Existing companions could be made SGR options but they apparently don't want to do the extra work involved. And the Makeb 'flirt' options are a joke compared to an actual romance with a companion. Not to mention, they also segregated it so m-m only on Imp side, and f-f only on Pub side.


They can't even manage to give all the companions voices in the new content. I think your chances of them ever going back and changing old companion content are pretty much non-existent at this point.


The best you can hope for is that they'll release a new companion that's romanceable by everyone (and I don't see them ever adding an optional companion that's romanceable whatsoever, let alone one that swings both ways) or you can settle for a romance with recurring characters like Lana and Theron. Along with some flings along the way.


Edit: Also, Lemda Avista isn't just F-F, unlike the Empire guy she's also interested in guys, so she goes both ways. Pubs got the better deal there! :p

Edited by Callaron
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To those saying they'd only said they had no intentions of existing companions being SGR, go back to some of the earlier comments about them not just wanting to change gender pronouns , but they wanted to do it RIGHT.


If you engage in critical rather than wishful thinking they were saying "we are not going to do it because we want to do more than change gender pronouns."


They never... ANYWHERE... said that they were going to go back through the COMPANION stories and change any of them to same gender. They simply said they were going to allow for same gender romances. There is a difference. Why do you think there is now an option for player characters to "cheat" on their spouses? Because this is how they are doing it, new romance options with new NPCs.

Edited by Ghisallo
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If you engage in critical rather than wishful thinking they were saying "we are not going to do it because we want to do more than change gender pronouns."


They never... ANYWHERE... said that they were going to go back through the COMPANION stories and change any of them to same gender. They simply said they were going to allow for same gender romances. There is a difference. Why do you think there is now an option for player characters to "cheat" on their spouses? Because this is how they are doing it, new romance options with new NPCs.


I think you're probably right there. :)

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