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Female Romance Options


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Agreed, Vasdenjas. I've frequently wondered if BioWare has any females working on the romance storylines. I was hoping SWTOR would break the trend set in ME1-2/DA1 of two-dimensional, male-ego-centered romance conversation options.


They had female writers for Dragon Age: Origins, and presumably they have female writers for the Mass Effect series. Wouldn't consider Morrigan a 'male-ego-centered' romance unless you're the hit it & leave it type. Alistair was just as much as a suck-up to female characters though.

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They had female writers for Dragon Age: Origins, and presumably they have female writers for the Mass Effect series. Wouldn't consider Morrigan a 'male-ego-centered' romance unless you're the hit it & leave it type. Alistair was just as much as a suck-up to female characters though.


One of the developers said that the Inquisitor's story was written by a woman, if nothing else.

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One of the developers said that the Inquisitor's story was written by a woman, if nothing else.


I think the smuggler story was written by a woman too, if I recall correctly.


I need to play my smuggler more. I love the one-liners she has. :jawa_smile:

Edited by LyriaFrost
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They had female writers for Dragon Age: Origins, and presumably they have female writers for the Mass Effect series. Wouldn't consider Morrigan a 'male-ego-centered' romance unless you're the hit it & leave it type. Alistair was just as much as a suck-up to female characters though.


Yeah, there's usually fanservice for everyone in BioWare games, male and female. Not necessarily the kind that everyone likes (here's looking at you, Jacob Taylor), but hey, you can't please all your customers.


In addition, the gender of the writer doesn't necessarily determine the popularity of the romance or the degree of connection among the fanbase. A lot of BioWare's most popular female romances were written by David Gaider; last I checked, he was a dude :p

Edited by SableRhapsody
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Not true.


Male smugglers get two romanceable companions.

So do male agents.

So do male sith warriors.


Female inquisitors have two romanceable companions.

So do female sith warriors.


Sith definitely got the better deal out of all the classes... :jawa_tongue:




Female SW get one romanceable companion, not two.



Pierce is a single one night stand whom asks you "Satisfied now?" after the fade to black. After that, it ends.


Edited by Rhaethe
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Female SW get one romanceable companion, not two.



Pierce is a single one night stand whom asks you "Satisfied now?" after the fade to black. After that, it ends.


Well bah, then. Like I said, I was going by the wiki, which lists two romanceable companions for both the inquis and warrior. That's pretty crazy, then, that male characters have three classes with multiple romance options, and females get no options?





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Well bah, then. Like I said, I was going by the wiki, which lists two romanceable companions for both the inquis and warrior. That's pretty crazy, then, that male characters have three classes with multiple romance options, and females get no options?






I find the whole thing curious; I wish I could pick the various writers brains on how the class stories (or from the male or female perspective) ended up so varied in terms of romance/ flirtatious content

Edited by grania
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I am surprised how many girls here said the like Malavai Quinn. I personally took that romance choice as an insult to women. For me it's like dating a protocol droid, worse actually. He is not a man by any means. The slave that greets you (as Warrior) in the spaceport first time you come to the capital has more character then Quinn. Even if you are all for domination and be the "the man in the house" - there is nothing to dominate here. Argh...


Honestly I begin to think all these talks about "adorable sweet Malavai Quinn" and "misogynist Tharan" is only a fear of public admitting that girls do like men with character rather then a slave for service.


But if it is true and all those girls are honest... guess we have to have 2 options for every class - one for "slave-lovers" and one for those who prefer equal relationship.


And to me, Quinn is the perfect example of an Imperial officer. This isn't a world where a military officer can truly be a Patton-esque figure. If these guys wise-cracked or otherwise smart-a**ed a Sith, they're at the very least ruined career-wise. More often, the Sith they shot their mouths off to would be the Sith who stuck a lightsaber in their stomach.


No, a truly successful Imperial officer is one who's capable, intelligent, political-minded, methodical and careful. He manuevers well, at all times, whether it's in a fight or in his personal relationships. Quinn succeeds. Even the action that saw him effectively grounded on Balmorra demonstrated his sheer capability to succeed. It was the pitiful failings of an incompetent superior that held him back, not anything he himself did.


Quinn is a perfect foil for a female Sith warrior. My warrior walked into a room to see Quinn berating a Soldier who'd failed at a task and was instantly attracted. She saw in him a worthy partner, someone who would help propel her forward, not hold her back, who's abilities would shine but not overwhelm her own. It's easy to dismiss Quinn as a weak-willed character, if you're only stopping at the most superficial. In fact, he was strong enough to fight for his place, to not let the intransience of a maddened admiral ruin him, to see the best possible chance of getting out from under that travail and ultimately succeed. That incredible strength of character and will and personality is what I think makes my warrior run to grab him for her own. And ultimately fall head over heels for him.


And there's just something about watching them run around together, to boot. My warrior is a dark-haired, dark-eyed human. They just look dang good standing close together.

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I dissagree. Being a Juggernaut, I'd break him.


Pierce. Pierce is a man you can sink your teeth into, and he'd probably really like it. He's like an Australian Vin Diesel. @_@


He looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger, with a beard. I can't stand body type 3, though. That's just me.

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He looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger, with a beard. I can't stand body type 3, though. That's just me.


And cornrows, makes me wonder if they clicked the random button once and said "Done!" I do like Pierce's personality and voice though.

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Quinn is a perfect foil for a female Sith warrior. My warrior walked into a room to see Quinn berating a Soldier who'd failed at a task and was instantly attracted.


I felt the exact opposite, personally.


My warrior walked in, saw him yelling at a subordinate, and thought "I wonder what stupidly suicidal order that guy managed to survive that got him in trouble". The phrase "Stop exploding, you cowards!" flashed through my mind. :jawa_wink:

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And to me, Quinn is the perfect example of an Imperial officer. This isn't a world where a military officer can truly be a Patton-esque figure. If these guys wise-cracked or otherwise smart-a**ed a Sith, they're at the very least ruined career-wise. More often, the Sith they shot their mouths off to would be the Sith who stuck a lightsaber in their stomach.


No, a truly successful Imperial officer is one who's capable, intelligent, political-minded, methodical and careful. He manuevers well, at all times, whether it's in a fight or in his personal relationships. Quinn succeeds. Even the action that saw him effectively grounded on Balmorra demonstrated his sheer capability to succeed. It was the pitiful failings of an incompetent superior that held him back, not anything he himself did.


Quinn is a perfect foil for a female Sith warrior. My warrior walked into a room to see Quinn berating a Soldier who'd failed at a task and was instantly attracted. She saw in him a worthy partner, someone who would help propel her forward, not hold her back, who's abilities would shine but not overwhelm her own. It's easy to dismiss Quinn as a weak-willed character, if you're only stopping at the most superficial. In fact, he was strong enough to fight for his place, to not let the intransience of a maddened admiral ruin him, to see the best possible chance of getting out from under that travail and ultimately succeed. That incredible strength of character and will and personality is what I think makes my warrior run to grab him for her own. And ultimately fall head over heels for him.


And there's just something about watching them run around together, to boot. My warrior is a dark-haired, dark-eyed human. They just look dang good standing close together.


Yup that is how I see Quinn too, and the fact he is cute does not help. I think he is stronger then people give him credit for. I like Pierce too, he appeals to my smart *** side and I do enjoy seeing him and Quinn snark at each other.

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I felt the exact opposite, personally.


My warrior walked in, saw him yelling at a subordinate, and thought "I wonder what stupidly suicidal order that guy managed to survive that got him in trouble". The phrase "Stop exploding, you cowards!" flashed through my mind. :jawa_wink:


But she's a SITH WARRIOR. Incompetence bugs the ever-living crap out of her, as it would any Sith warrior. This is an Empire that simply doesn't take "I tried" as any reason to applaud. I don't see the Sith as quick to hand out pats on the back in caring support nor respect those apt to provide them, is all.

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And cornrows, makes me wonder if they clicked the random button once and said "Done!" I do like Pierce's personality and voice though.


Yes! I overall liked Pierce's personality. He fit my warrior's crew very well. I just couldn't see her being overly attracted to him, either. She would've regarded him as a competent fighter, likeable at least. Maybe more a brother-in-arms sort of figure, I don't know. But a romance? Nah...

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But she's a SITH WARRIOR. Incompetence bugs the ever-living crap out of her, as it would any Sith warrior. This is an Empire that simply doesn't take "I tried" as any reason to applaud. I don't see the Sith as quick to hand out pats on the back in caring support nor respect those apt to provide them, is all.


Yep. And what kind of precedent would Quinn be setting, if he acted that way towards his subordinates? They have to realise that a Sith likely wouldn't stop at just threatening them; Quinn would be failing them if he sent them off thinking that whatever they did wasn't that big a deal, and they'll always have the chance to say they'll try to do better next time.

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But she's a SITH WARRIOR. Incompetence bugs the ever-living crap out of her, as it would any Sith warrior. This is an Empire that simply doesn't take "I tried" as any reason to applaud. I don't see the Sith as quick to hand out pats on the back in caring support nor respect those apt to provide them, is all.


Well, my sith isn't quite like that. While incompetent people annoy her, failing in the face of ridiculous orders doesn't bother her. To her, it's not a problem with the "normals" (ie, non-sith) so much as the assinine demands put upon them by their sith leaders. She's friendly to the non-sith troopers and intelligence types. She doesn't WANT to be one of "those" sith who the troops feel terrified to be around lest she lash out at them for them sneezing or coughing at the wrong time.


Her girlfriend is a light-side sith inquisitor, so she helps to mellow my warrior out a lot. :jawa_biggrin:


Me: You incompetent moron! What the hell were you thinking?

NPC: Uh, my lord, I uh...

*behind him, her girlfriend is making mock-angry faces, mimicing my warrior's grumpy face*

Me: *trying not to laugh* Fine, get out of my face, I don't want to talk to you anymore.

*NPC hurries off*

Me: You are SO bad. *swats her on the rear*

Edited by LyriaFrost
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I am surprised how many girls here said the like Malavai Quinn. I personally took that romance choice as an insult to women. For me it's like dating a protocol droid, worse actually. He is not a man by any means. The slave that greets you (as Warrior) in the spaceport first time you come to the capital has more character then Quinn. Even if you are all for domination and be the "the man in the house" - there is nothing to dominate here. Argh...


Honestly I begin to think all these talks about "adorable sweet Malavai Quinn" and "misogynist Tharan" is only a fear of public admitting that girls do like men with character rather then a slave for service.


But if it is true and all those girls are honest... guess we have to have 2 options for every class - one for "slave-lovers" and one for those who prefer equal relationship.

While I can certainly see where you'd get that impression, I'm going to respectfully disagree. I can't speak for anyone other than myself, but I find him attractive because he's impressive. He's intelligent and exceptionally good at what he does (which is quite a bit considering he's a strategist, pilot, combatant, field medic, etc.). Baras pretty blatantly states that, were it not for the fact that there are higher-ups dedicated to keeping Quinn's career in check, he would be unstoppable in the Imperial military.


He's only really submissive to the extent that you (as a Sith lord) outrank him, and he is a thorough professional when it comes to his military duties. (Honestly, that's probably the best course of action given that Sith lords aren't exactly the most mild individuals to work with.) Apart from the fact that he behaves professionally I don't see him being very submissive at all. He still has his own ideals and goals, and he follows them. While other companions tend to ask to have you along when you do their companion storyline missions, Quinn is self-sufficient--he does it all himself and gets back in time for tea.



Not to mention that he actively stands against you when your interests come into conflict with his sense of duty.


"Overly submissive" to me (in terms of a romantic relationship) would be someone who gives up their own goals in favor of yours, and betrays their own ideals according to your will. Quinn doesn't do either of those things. He's dedicated to be sure, but that doesn't necessarily mean submissive.


And I'm just gonna admit it and get it over with: I can't claim that none of it has to do with features I find physically attractive in men. I'm a sucker for very dark hair coupled with blue eyes. The accent doesn't hurt either. Hellooo, Captain. ;)

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Honestly, I would like to romance Bowdaar. He's awesome and he doesn't talk very much.


Corso Riggs is a freaking noob, and the only other "flirt" males are old, condescending moneybags.


Don't get me wrong, I'm sure a female smuggler might be interested in that type for monetary gain, but they are pretty boring in the action-packed life of a smuggler.


I would definitely like to see various aliens as romance options.


Hehe! I quite liked Numen on Balmorra...I would swap him for Corso any day of the week and twice on Sundays. It helps that my smuggly is a Twi'lek too, but I really liked their banter. The other 'flirts', yeah, I always got the feeling the guys were just 'players' or saw her like a piece of alien meat.


I dunno that I'd like to romance Bowdaar (I'm not sure I want to think about the mating habits of Wookiies at all, to be honest) but I do like him best of all the smuggler's companions, he meshes the best with my (smuggler's) personality. Shame about his rather chaotic tanking style, though.


*hugs Blizz*


They'll never understand our love, lil guy.


LOL! I <3 Jawas...though possibly in a more platonic way. I think their society is meant to be pretty sexist, though I try to only think good things about the little cuties. My smuggler is going to retire by shipping ice from Hoth to the Jawas for all their water and cold-beverage needs.

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If you want to flirt with every female in sight, try Sith Warrior male.

Every female quest giver I've come across has given me some form of Flirting option.


And you get Vette and Jaesa. It's almost like the devs want everyone to be a male SW.


That, or Smuggler male. They get a ridiculous amount of flirt options, very early on, none of which are not within the crew they haven't assembled yet. Of course, they tend to get shot down a lot, too.

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