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Have the Devs mentioned a ranked Q for GSF coming??? Because I've had about enough.


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I have heard nothing other than the match making mechanic, and if that is anything like it currently is in PvP, it really will do nothing to solve the whole team picking off solo players problem.


I did not realize that a guild + headset service was required to play effectively in GSF.

I do not want to play like that, nor do many others.


If there is no separate queue on the way for grouped players, then I am going to cancel my sub, as having so many toons at 55, GSF is my only reason left to play SWTOR, but if I am going to have people on headsets coordinate which pug player they will gang up on next over and over again, then I am honestly not interested.

I don't want to pay for group headset gang fights, nor do I want to pay to be a gang's cannon fodder.


Call it crying, but at least other games that force a headset on the users have built in functionality and a disclaimer about how and why you will want and need to use a headset.


SWTOR has two options in GSF, queue solo, and queue as a group.

I had assumed it would be two separate queues, it is not, and if things are going to stay this way, I would like to know so I can decide what to do with my couple bucks.


Not hating on you guild squads on headsets, power to you, but I like solo pug action vs other solo pugs on equal footing, and I am happy to bow out unless someone can tell me news of a coming change, because as I have said in the heading, I have toughed it out hoping for something good around the bend, but I have had about enough.


So, any news from the devs at all out there?

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Well, keep in mind that it's still early access. Consensus indicates that most people feel that any matchmaking system at all would fail at this point in time due to a lack of players to support groups of varied skill levels.


Also, I'll be home tomorrow, shoot me a PM.

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Well, keep in mind that it's still early access. Consensus indicates that most people feel that any matchmaking system at all would fail at this point in time due to a lack of players to support groups of varied skill levels.


Also, I'll be home tomorrow, shoot me a PM.


Well that is fine, they certainly do not have to make the queues separate by any means, but if I don't hear any news of them planning to do so, then I would rather play something else than GSF in it's present state, and so I shall.


Also, I would come play with ya Armonddd, but Im on the B.Colony server, and I have far too much invested there to up and leave to POT5.


Just looking for Dev news that I may not know about.

As far as I know, the devs only plan to add some ships and a gametype or 2 with a couple new maps.


I have not heard anything about PUGS vs Teams, and I'd like to, if that news is out there, as after subbing for 2 years, I really have nothing left to do here otherwise.


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I have virtually all of my several hundred matches played as a solo queue, and the few I queued with a friend, we were not on voice control.


The only team work I have seen thus far has been people typing in ops at the staging window and at times during the match. So I haven't encountered any issues of this nature. Maybe Harbinger simply has a larger playing base to draw from.

Edited by LeonBraun
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I have virtually all of my several hundred matches played as a solo queue, and the few I queued with a friend, we were not on voice control.


The only team work I have seen thus far has been people typing in ops at the staging window and at times during the match. So I haven't encountered any issues of this nature. Maybe Harbinger simply has a larger playing base to draw from.


I wish that were the case leon, but I constantly get invited to these groups, and sometimes I join just to see what they are doing, and who the players are, before I jet out of principle.


I can tell you that on B colony, there is probably not a single match in play at any time that does not involve at a bare minimum 4 players on headsets on at least one side of the fight.


And the tactic is simple:

"Every one gang on this guy, now this guy, now that guy, back to the first guy again" rinse and repeat.


If these players had to stop and push shift+z and broadcast their intentions to everyone else, that would be fair, but obviously, that is not the case.


I for one want no part of that gameplay, on either end of the stick.

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What I'm saying is, while there hasn't been any dev news on introducing this sort of matchmaking, it's been implied that the tech is in place and simply isn't working with such a small population. Once preferred and f2p get access to GSF, things should be easier - the premades will be thrown into a higher tier than the solo players, so you shouldn't have to deal with them so much.


"Should be", of course, is the key phrase. Bugs and stuff happen.

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Well I will grant they need to sort out communication in game since the nature of GSF makes it kinda hard to coordinate during a match using current chat functions. I don't know if it's any easier in ground PvP but I would assume it is a tad bit easier due to the inability to kill yourself by flying into any wall.
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What I'm saying is, while there hasn't been any dev news on introducing this sort of matchmaking, it's been implied that the tech is in place and simply isn't working with such a small population. Once preferred and f2p get access to GSF, things should be easier - the premades will be thrown into a higher tier than the solo players, so you shouldn't have to deal with them so much.


"Should be", of course, is the key phrase. Bugs and stuff happen.


That does seem like a little ray of sunshine, and thank you for answering my question :)


Without any solid plans for a feature from the devs, I will cancel my subscription and maybe check back in Feb. to see which changes have been made and re-evaluate the situation at that time then.


Thanks for the replies!

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Well, if you've decided to leave, I won't try to stop you. But, at the same time, you've heard my story (or at least part of it). I wanted to have a little in-game chat, maybe convince you to queue for a game with me, something like that. If you're still interested in that, like I said above, drop me a forum PM and we'll figure out time zones and such.
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And the tactic is simple:

"Every one gang on this guy, now this guy, now that guy, back to the first guy again" rinse and repeat.


If these players had to stop and push shift+z and broadcast their intentions to everyone else, that would be fair, but obviously, that is not the case.


I for one want no part of that gameplay, on either end of the stick.

Deathcide this tactic is simple and you can do it without a head set or pinging in game. Pick some on your side that you know has experience. Stay with them and attack their target. Teamwork is not nearly as hard as people make it out to be.
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Well, if you've decided to leave, I won't try to stop you. But, at the same time, you've heard my story (or at least part of it). I wanted to have a little in-game chat, maybe convince you to queue for a game with me, something like that. If you're still interested in that, like I said above, drop me a forum PM and we'll figure out time zones and such.


I have Unsubscribed, my sub's remaining days expire on the 3rd.


I will probably play those couple days just to grab the GSF daily since they are paid for, but other than that, I don't think spanking noobs while in a group myself is any fun so, we will see who gets all my loot and 5 grand worth of cartel coins in Feb if this situation has not changed ;)

Paying some of those coins to transfer and try another server does not remedy the game balance in a way that I would enjoy, it would just put me in an environment that is more balanced in a team vs team form, which is not what I am looking for.

I am interested in pug VS pug.


Thanks again though, and happy fragging!

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I hope they never do ranked GSF with how dominion is now.


It will go out in similar way 8v8 ranked did except rather than everyone beat agianst healers they will never kill it will just be hordes of burst laser scouts all circling satillites that they will never cap.

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I wish that were the case leon, but I constantly get invited to these groups, and sometimes I join just to see what they are doing, and who the players are, before I jet out of principle.


I can tell you that on B colony, there is probably not a single match in play at any time that does not involve at a bare minimum 4 players on headsets on at least one side of the fight.


And the tactic is simple:

"Every one gang on this guy, now this guy, now that guy, back to the first guy again" rinse and repeat.


If these players had to stop and push shift+z and broadcast their intentions to everyone else, that would be fair, but obviously, that is not the case.


I for one want no part of that gameplay, on either end of the stick.


Interesting. I haven't noticed anything of the sort on Harbinger; I could be wrong, but there it just seems like a lot of random good pilots, but no large pre-built groups from what I've been noting, and I have been looking for it.


I've played just shy of 400 matches there, and while I do recognize a lot of names in each match they all seem to be randomly matched and in fact solo queued. Many times I'll see several good pilots on one group, and then the next match see the same players split between the two teams (during the same faction fights).


While I've noted many good players there, I've also noticed these great players appearing quite randomly in combinations, which suggests to me that there are no large groups queuing there like your B Colony.


Perhaps make a toon over on Harbinger and see how you find the community there. I really like pilots there, it seems there is some nice mutual respect between the good players there. And as you can make a pilot there from level 1, might be worth checking out.


On Harbinger these best pilots are on Republic side, winning probably 70%+ of all matches, but there are also many great Imp pilots as well, and some have good pilots on both sides.

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I hope they never do ranked GSF with how dominion is now.


It will go out in similar way 8v8 ranked did except rather than everyone beat agianst healers they will never kill it will just be hordes of burst laser scouts all circling satillites that they will never cap.


I must just be on a really good server, but this Scout imbalance I see people posting about here, I simply don't see. Maybe Harbinger is just a really amazing server.


In a typical fight there, the majority of the fighters are Strike Fighters, and the rest are split between Scouts and Gunships. In fact, I will often play a Scout, even if I go in wanting to play a Striker, because Scouts are under-represented and we would need a certain amount (at least 2), to cap a couple objectives from the start.

Edited by LeonBraun
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I can tell you that on B colony, there is probably not a single match in play at any time that does not involve at a bare minimum 4 players on headsets on at least one side of the fight..


I've only seen this when the Imps try to run a premade. They run 4mans then. The repubs I've only seen 2 mans with a 3man once in a while. Sorry, on our server premades are NOT running rampart destroying everything in their path.

Edited by Whitelightr
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I hope they never do ranked GSF with how dominion is now.


It will go out in similar way 8v8 ranked did except rather than everyone beat agianst healers they will never kill it will just be hordes of burst laser scouts all circling satillites that they will never cap.


as a member of one group that would be in ranked, I can safely say that in a world with 8 enemy scouts against 7 scouts and a gunship, assuming skill levels of everyone being equal, the team with the gunship would win. Simple fact is that hovering around a node just makes you fodder for any decent strike fighter or GS. My guess would be, with the 3 classes we have now, 2 strikes, 2 gunships, 4 scouts in an 8 man, proportioning correctly for 12.


Despite what people say, all the classes are necessary in this game when all the pilots on both sides know what they're doing (rare, but it happens when you coordinate with the enemy)





also, about the headsets. There is not a single flight sim where headsets don't help you. The whole point of having a team is to work with them, and killing enemies one by one is the most effective way sometimes. It may seem militant, or elitist, but at the end of the day, in any game, the people who are willing to go out of their way to communicate better will be better off.

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I understand exactly where the OP is coming from. The 4 man teams on headsets mop up the random pugs almost every time. I've been on teams with them, where you feel useless or get relegated to sitting on a satellite guarding the entire match no matter what ship you're flying. (They never sit and guard they just boost all over the place looking for kills and then recap if someone takes a satellite.)


IMO, matching needs to match groups with groups, even if it puts 4 on one team and 4 on the other and the rest random (of about equivalent loadouts). But putting 1 or 2 4 man premades up against an 8 man pug isn't any fun and isn't going to encourage more people to play. This problem becomes worse when you look at the capability of the really tricked out ships v the basic ones and there is nothing to make new players want to continue playing.

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What amazes me is that Bioware either didn't see this as a problem or simply didn't care.


There latest expansion is PvP only though I find it hard to call it an expansion 2 maps and a couple of options with ships isn't in the same level as a real expansion. But that aside the experience quickly becomes dull and very casual unfriendly and by casual I don't mean people that play 4 to 8 matches a day I mean people that may play that a week.


Add into that the long que times which leads people to do other things which they then can't get out of when it starts so you are men down or even get the match called off cause of sides imbalance. We have 2 weeks before more players are introduced and over a month till it gets rolled out live. By then there will be very little in the way of opportunity for new players to advance as they will just get ganked.


As such the 2nd digital expansion is for a select few. No wonder bioware didn't charge for it. They probably would have found it a hard sell.

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Interesting. I haven't noticed anything of the sort on Harbinger; I could be wrong, but there it just seems like a lot of random good pilots, but no large pre-built groups from what I've been noting, and I have been looking for it.


I've played just shy of 400 matches there, and while I do recognize a lot of names in each match they all seem to be randomly matched and in fact solo queued. Many times I'll see several good pilots on one group, and then the next match see the same players split between the two teams (during the same faction fights).


While I've noted many good players there, I've also noticed these great players appearing quite randomly in combinations, which suggests to me that there are no large groups queuing there like your B Colony.


I am playing GSF on Progenitor, and my experience is the same as quoted above.


There are many very good republic pilots, and few good imperial pilots, but i can see they are mostly queueing solo. I only noticed one premade(obvious names M-p, M-a, M-b etc.) but even they are not always playing together.

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I've only seen this when the Imps try to run a premade. They run 4mans then. The repubs I've only seen 2 mans with a 3man once in a while. Sorry, on our server premades are NOT running rampart destroying everything in their path.


I see you play on a toon with the same name as your forum name, because I recognize you, and have you in my brain as one of the good random puggers I like being teamed with, because you are never part of the gang groups, much like myself, and a few others of course, but sorry to say, half the matches you are in, those players are on headsets, they just haven't invited you to join them as of yet.

You aren't on as often as many, and I don't want to call any individual players out, so I won't name names, but let's just say that just because people don't personally top the board, doesn't mean they haven't joined forces to gain an advantage.


Hard to rack up piles of kills on your lonesome when you have to share each one with a bunch of others in a gang stomp right?


You know many of these players, but are unaware, as I see you often, which can only mean one thing, you do in fact encounter them. (we were in more than one match together today with people who were on headsets at the time, I was working on my gunship mostly today, and am a fellow chart topper beside yourself)


Next time you find players you normally stomp into dust blowing you up, look around the sky at whats really going on, it's not random luck, im sorry to say.


Some of the groups praise me for beating them all at once, and since your scores rival my own, may be that you just haven't noticed that they are ganging you, but trust me, they are when not on your side.

I can of course only speak for the Republic side, as I have no idea what the imps think of us, but when you start watching for headset players, you learn to smell em, and the imps have their share for sure.


Forgive any incoherence, im drunk on new years juice and for some reason am in the swtor forum?

Oh gawd :s

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I must just be on a really good server, but this Scout imbalance I see people posting about here, I simply don't see. Maybe Harbinger is just a really amazing server.


In a typical fight there, the majority of the fighters are Strike Fighters, and the rest are split between Scouts and Gunships. In fact, I will often play a Scout, even if I go in wanting to play a Striker, because Scouts are under-represented and we would need a certain amount (at least 2), to cap a couple objectives from the start.


This, I think I have to see.


A GSF pug heavy server with no premade issues?


I will be giving your server a test tomorrow!

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I am playing GSF on Progenitor, and my experience is the same as quoted above.


There are many very good republic pilots, and few good imperial pilots, but i can see they are mostly queueing solo. I only noticed one premade(obvious names M-p, M-a, M-b etc.) but even they are not always playing together.


I'll disagree here. The Progenitor has a bunch of very good rep pilots and the Empire has a bunch of headless chickens :D


I've seen a few rep premades ganking people with gunships tough.

Edited by jankiel
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I'll disagree here. The Progenitor has a bunch of very good rep pilots and the Empire has a bunch of headless chickens :D


I've seen a few rep premades ganking people with gunships tough.


Some of the pilots are playing both republic and empire tho.


Like, me :D (Kilrath on rep, Morphose on imp)

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My Sub is up today, though I had managed to get on the Harbinger for a few matches yesterday, and I must say, I was actually impressed with the difference.


It seems more subscribers must be there than B.colony, and in the short time I was there, the GSF queues were much more frequent, and best of all, the activity of HS-premades ruining the experience for everyone else seemed to be much lower.

Not to say that there weren't some elite players or one sided victories, I just did not get that gang warfare headset cheap victory vibe from what I did see.

It all looked like random players in random engagements throughout the match.

No 4 players constantly diving on the same targets, no singling out certain players, no group camping, from what I could see at least. The matches seemed to play like true PUG matches.

The question for me is, was this just luck of the draw for the very few matches I was able to squeeze in?


I am still not sold on Harbinger yet, as I really did not play enough games to determine weather or not team unfair advantage was just out for the afternoon or not, but I am seriously considering re-subbing another month to find out.


My main worry is that the HS-premade garbage is just going to hit Harbinger with a vengeance right after I pay for a character transfer from B. Colony, and then regret my decision VS simply waiting until non-subscriber GSF access goes live, and checking the scene out then, because at that point, maybe I'd want my GSF character back on my original server with the rest of my 55s for all I know???


I am torn, sitting here staring at my credit card wondering if I should click the "My swtor" button or not....


I really wish 3rd party voice wasn't an issue :(


Text macros = ban, but a superior form of communication to gain an unfair advantage = encouraged, this sort of contradiction drives me mad.


I hate being on the winning team with headsets, and I hate being on the losing team because either way, the gameplay is focus fire garbage by bad players who couldn't hold their own and it drives me bat-****!


I really am torn, I have never gone a month without subbing since launch, and I feel like a used and abused meat-bag sitting in this situation...


Any kind or, unkind advice on this one?


Do I wait???

Am I being fooled by the Harbinger's apparent headset-premade free game experience?

Are there really more subscribers on the Harbinger???


If I re-sub just to find out that all servers are dominated by team headset, then I may get so put off, I stop giving a damn about February.



My brain hurts!


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