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The tactics of GSF


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Playing Galactic Starfighter, these are the most common tactics and names that I have given them:


1) The Tick. The tick likes to go hull down in a location that is really hard to get them out of. Usually a favored tactic of gunships, but every class likes to nuzzle up under a satellite.


2) The Sumo. When a fighter sits stationary on top of the satellite and dares anyone to knock him over. Almost always done with a gunship, but I have seen it done with a pike before as well. All the turrets are usually out and very similar to the *****, but they are pretty visible where the ***** just likes to hide behind something.


3) The Grover Dill. Perhaps I have watched “A Christmas Story” one too many times. Grover Dill was a bully that hung out with the biggest bully “Scut Farkis”. When someone fought back, the very last thing you see of him in that movie is him running off yelling “I’m going to get my Dad!” So, what I have termed “The Grover Dill” is when someone is getting smacked around, tucks their tail between their legs and runs to their base ship.


4) The Scut Farkis. See above for etymology of the name. The Scut Farkis isn’t really a tactic, but more of a situation when a gunship snipes the wrong guy, who then chases him around the board for the rest of the game.


5) The pr1ck. A gunship that hides behind a turret. They don’t want to play the game, they just want to shoot people.


6) The humming bird. The tactic of circling tightly around a satellite to get cover and make it nearly impossible to get a missle lock.


7) Gunship Bukkake. Yeah, I know the title is a bit gross… It’s when there are a total of 6 or more gunships on the playing field. That’s all the description I am going to give on that one. Everyone here can figure it out from there. Personally, when I see this happen, I stop GSF for at least 4 hours.


All of these are exploits that 90% are guilty of… Including myself with the humming bird… I found myself doing a Scut Farkis once though when a gunship was targeting me while I was trying to level up my Pike.

Any interesting tactics to add to the list?

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9) Miles Gloriosus This guy zooms all over the map in search of kills. Any help you receive capturing or defending an objective is merely coincidental with him happening to be in the same place at the right time. Doesn't care if his team wins or loses, so long as he can get his name at the top of the scoreboard, and be the "best" loser. Often flies Flashfire or Sting, but may also choose Blackbolt/Novadive.





Edited by Svarthrafn
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10) The Team Player: This is a very rare specimen, but when found, you'll have a high chance to win the game, as they are the pros of GSF. They know when to guard, when to chase and when to support. They care about their teammates, as they know that 2 pilots are usually better than one.


11) The AFK'er: The most dreaded of them all... Yep, it's the AFK'er. The player flies out to get 1 medal, and then flies back to his capital ship/suicides back there, and then sits there the entire game. And when their team inevitably loses due to having X amount of missing players (there might be more than 1 AFK'er on a team, mind you), he'll just queue up again to get his daily done.

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1) The Tick. The tick likes to go hull down in a location that is really hard to get them out of. Usually a favored tactic of gunships, but every class likes to nuzzle up under a satellite.

Not guilty. I find that sitting near a satellite makes you far too visible for my comfort.

2) The Sumo. When a fighter sits stationary on top of the satellite and dares anyone to knock him over. Almost always done with a gunship, but I have seen it done with a pike before as well. All the turrets are usually out and very similar to the *****, but they are pretty visible where the ***** just likes to hide behind something.

Not guilty.

3) The Grover Dill. Perhaps I have watched “A Christmas Story” one too many times. Grover Dill was a bully that hung out with the biggest bully “Scut Farkis”. When someone fought back, the very last thing you see of him in that movie is him running off yelling “I’m going to get my Dad!” So, what I have termed “The Grover Dill” is when someone is getting smacked around, tucks their tail between their legs and runs to their base ship.

Guilty. I like leading scouts into them when I can't be bothered turning around and blowing them up, or leading them around the map any more.

4) The Scut Farkis. See above for etymology of the name. The Scut Farkis isn’t really a tactic, but more of a situation when a gunship snipes the wrong guy, who then chases him around the board for the rest of the game.

I get people chasing me all the time. I once had 8 scouts chasing me at once. We won because half their team was off desperately trying to kill me.

5) The pr1ck. A gunship that hides behind a turret. They don’t want to play the game, they just want to shoot people.

Not guilty.

6) The humming bird. The tactic of circling tightly around a satellite to get cover and make it nearly impossible to get a missle lock.

Guilty, but I only do this when there are no enemies around and to cap the satellite faster.

7) Gunship Bukkake. Yeah, I know the title is a bit gross… It’s when there are a total of 6 or more gunships on the playing field. That’s all the description I am going to give on that one. Everyone here can figure it out from there. Personally, when I see this happen, I stop GSF for at least 4 hours.

Not guilty. I exclusively play gunship and I have yet to see more than 3 gunships on my team at once. We do tend to cover each other though.

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11) The AFK'er: The most dreaded of them all... Yep, it's the AFK'er. The player flies out to get 1 medal, and then flies back to his capital ship/suicides back there, and then sits there the entire game. And when their team inevitably loses due to having X amount of missing players (there might be more than 1 AFK'er on a team, mind you), he'll just queue up again to get his daily done.


I like to call this one The parasite or The Leach. Depending on if I have seen them before.

Edited by abercromb
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Playing Galactic Starfighter, these are the most common tactics and names that I have given them:


1) The Tick. The tick likes to go hull down in a location that is really hard to get them out of. Usually a favored tactic of gunships, but every class likes to nuzzle up under a satellite.


2) The Sumo. When a fighter sits stationary on top of the satellite and dares anyone to knock him over. Almost always done with a gunship, but I have seen it done with a pike before as well. All the turrets are usually out and very similar to the *****, but they are pretty visible where the ***** just likes to hide behind something.


3) The Grover Dill. Perhaps I have watched “A Christmas Story” one too many times. Grover Dill was a bully that hung out with the biggest bully “Scut Farkis”. When someone fought back, the very last thing you see of him in that movie is him running off yelling “I’m going to get my Dad!” So, what I have termed “The Grover Dill” is when someone is getting smacked around, tucks their tail between their legs and runs to their base ship.


4) The Scut Farkis. See above for etymology of the name. The Scut Farkis isn’t really a tactic, but more of a situation when a gunship snipes the wrong guy, who then chases him around the board for the rest of the game.


5) The pr1ck. A gunship that hides behind a turret. They don’t want to play the game, they just want to shoot people.


6) The humming bird. The tactic of circling tightly around a satellite to get cover and make it nearly impossible to get a missle lock.


7) Gunship Bukkake. Yeah, I know the title is a bit gross… It’s when there are a total of 6 or more gunships on the playing field. That’s all the description I am going to give on that one. Everyone here can figure it out from there. Personally, when I see this happen, I stop GSF for at least 4 hours.


All of these are exploits that 90% are guilty of… Including myself with the humming bird… I found myself doing a Scut Farkis once though when a gunship was targeting me while I was trying to level up my Pike.

Any interesting tactics to add to the list?

Definitely guilty of The Hummingbird, The Pr1ck, and The Scut Farkis.


Hummingbird is my main means of defending/denying the satellite when I'm outnumbered.


Pr1ck is when I need to max the daily fleet req with a gunship.


The Scut Farkis happens whenever I see a blue nebula - whether I'm shot down or not. Upgraded ion railguns need to die, or they need to be bullied enough to switch to something else. Although, I've been known to hunt down any gunship that shoots me down more than once repeatedly... Usually forcing them to either switch, or to go Grover Dill.

Edited by Helig
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14) The Faux Kevorkian This guy may appear to have suicided himself to deny someone else a kill. In reality, he is just not a very good pilot in tight spaces.


15) The Fat Finger This hapless fellow has a habit of accidentally hitting his barrel roll button while trying to activate something else. Usually this occurs at the most inopportune times, sending him careening into obstacles.

Edited by Svarthrafn
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14) The Faux Kevorkian This guy may appear to have suicided himself to deny someone else a kill. In reality, he is just not a very good pilot in tight spaces.


15) The Fat Finger This hapless fellow accidentally hit his barrel roll button while trying to activate something else, sending him careening into an obstacle.


This, and This. All me. :)


Might want to add the Evel Knievel to the list. Pilot who tries stupidly risky maneuvers and sometimes smacks in that girder he was sure he'd baaaaarely miss. :)

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6) The humming bird. The tactic of circling tightly around a satellite to get cover and make it nearly impossible to get a missle lock.


Guilty of doing this one, but sadly I'm forced because on my server, most pilots only know how to use lock-on missiles (apparently ships dont have lasers at all, and rocket pods require a bit of accuracy), also helps when enemy team is trying to do Gunship Bukkake (another tactic that is common against me).


I must say, this is a really funny... I have seen them all at least 5 times (Although The Afk'er is kinda hard to notice sometimes).


Edit: Also

The Copycat: After this kind of player dies against you, immedately picks the mirror ship you used (like Sting/Flashfire), and does every single move you did against him thinking that it will be a success, which usually ends up as a backfire.

Edited by AAntan
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This, and This. All me. :)


Might want to add the Evel Knievel to the list. Pilot who tries stupidly risky maneuvers and sometimes smacks in that girder he was sure he'd baaaaarely miss. :)

Guilty of Evel Knievel - I often fly right between the two glowy panels on satellites, and between antennae on the top/bottom. I do sometimes bump into them in the heat of battle.

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Pack Animal - This player only follows the heard. He'll never stay at an objective, never seek enemy targets and is oblivious to what the 3 dots represent. He's not a wing man nor an asset, as his only job seems to be following the largest group of green dots around the map.


The sightseer - This type of player is often found wandering off by himself, flying low or high, taking in the beauty of his surroundings, oblivious to both enemies and objectives.

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The *****hole: a variant of the tick. He hides his scout all the way in a corner of a satellite, but additionally puts a sensor beacon in front of him. You can only approach him facing directly into his guns, and you have to destroy his beacon first before you can damage him.
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The Ronin goes off to try to single cap the furthest away enemy held sat without any friendly support, you know, the one with three turrets up. Could perhaps also be called the Don Quixote.


Results variable depending on how well friendly/opposing teams react.

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14) The Faux Kevorkian This guy may appear to have suicided himself to deny someone else a kill. In reality, he is just not a very good pilot in tight spaces.


15) The Fat Finger This hapless fellow has a habit of accidentally hitting his barrel roll button while trying to activate something else. Usually this occurs at the most inopportune times, sending him careening into obstacles.


Bwah ha ha... definitely fat fingered.... and sometimes a faux. I was about to add another to the list about the faux and call it "Mr. Toads wild ride".

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How's about the "Spinney Susan"? Where a scout pilot is often lost due to constantly out-running/maneuvering missile locks that he looses all orientation of where the hell went. He lives to fight on but it takes him a minute to find the satellite he was attacking/defending....
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The updated list (12/27)


1) The Tick. The tick likes to go hull down in a location that is really hard to get them out of. Usually a favored tactic of gunships, but every class likes to nuzzle up under a satellite.


2) The Sumo. When a fighter sits stationary on top of the satellite and dares anyone to knock him over. Almost always done with a gunship, but I have seen it done with a pike before as well. All the turrets are usually out and very similar to the pr1ck, but they are pretty visible where the pr1ck just likes to hide behind something.


3) The Grover Dill. Perhaps I have watched “A Christmas Story” one too many times. Grover Dill was a bully that hung out with the biggest bully “Scut Farkis”. When someone fought back, the very last thing you see of him in that movie is him running off yelling “I’m going to get my Dad!” So, what I have termed “The Grover Dill” is when someone is getting smacked around, tucks their tail between their legs and runs to their base ship.


4) The Scut Farkis. See above for etymology of the name. The Scut Farkis isn’t really a tactic, but more of a situation when a gunship snipes the wrong guy, who then chases him around the board for the rest of the game.


5) The pr1ck. A gunship that hides behind a turret. They don’t want to play the game, they just want to shoot people.


6) The humming bird. The tactic of circling tightly around a satellite to get cover and make it nearly impossible to get a missle lock.


7) Gunship Bukkake. Yeah, I know the title is a bit gross… It’s when there are a total of 6 or more gunships on the playing field. That’s all the description I am going to give on that one. Everyone here can figure it out from there. Personally, when I see this happen, I stop GSF for at least 4 hours.


8) The Vulture: A player, usually in a scout, who zooms around the map finishing off wounded enemies and stealing everyone else's kills.


9) Miles Gloriosus This guy zooms all over the map in search of kills. Any help you receive capturing or defending an objective is merely coincidental with him happening to be in the same place at the right time. Doesn't care if his team wins or loses, so long as he can get his name at the top of the scoreboard, and be the "best" loser. Often flies Flashfire or Sting, but may also choose Blackbolt/Novadive.


10) The Team Player: This is a very rare specimen, but when found, you'll have a high chance to win the game, as they are the pros of GSF. They know when to guard, when to chase and when to support. They care about their teammates, as they know that 2 pilots are usually better than one.


11) The AFK'er: The most dreaded of them all... Yep, it's the AFK'er. The player flies out to get 1 medal, and then flies back to his capital ship/suicides back there, and then sits there the entire game. And when their team inevitably loses due to having X amount of missing players (there might be more than 1 AFK'er on a team, mind you), he'll just queue up again to get his daily done.


12) Dr. Kevorkian The Dr. likes to intentionally suicide to either rob someone of a kill, esp. when being focused by a Swarm or in order to reload missiles.


13) The Swarm That cluster of 3-5 scouts seemingly always on your 6.


14) The Faux Kevorkian This guy may appear to have suicided himself to deny someone else a kill. In reality, he is just not a very good pilot in tight spaces.


15) The Fat Finger This hapless fellow has a habit of accidentally hitting his barrel roll button while trying to activate something else. Usually this occurs at the most inopportune times, sending him careening into obstacles.


16) The Copycat: After this kind of player dies against you, immedately picks the mirror ship you used (like Sting/Flashfire), and does every single move you did against him thinking that it will be a success, which usually ends up as a backfire.


17) The Evel Knievel. Pilot who tries stupidly risky maneuvers and sometimes smacks in that girder he was sure he'd baaaaarely miss.


18) Pack Animal - This player only follows the heard. He'll never stay at an objective, never seek enemy targets and is oblivious to what the 3 dots represent. He's not a wing man nor an asset, as his only job seems to be following the largest group of green dots around the map.


19) The sightseer - This type of player is often found wandering off by himself, flying low or high, taking in the beauty of his surroundings, oblivious to both enemies and objectives.


20) The *****hole: a variant of the tick. He hides his scout all the way in a corner of a satellite, but additionally puts a sensor beacon in front of him. You can only approach him facing directly into his guns, and you have to destroy his beacon first before you can damage him.


21) The Ronin/ Don Quixote - goes off to try to single cap the furthest away enemy held sat without any friendly support, you know, the one with three turrets up.


22) Spinney Susan- Where a scout pilot is often lost due to constantly out-running/maneuvering missile locks that he looses all orientation of where the hell went. He lives to fight on but it takes him a minute to find the satellite he was attacking/defending....


23) The attack dog – Someone who gets so focused on one particular enemy, they start doing stupid things… like standing still while they are obviously getting 3 or 4 lock ons. Going nose to nose, at range, with a gunship because its less than 20% health.


24) The deer - One who is instantly spooked by a lock on tone, hits their thrust, and runs into a rock or unintentionally runs into traffic.


25) The Homer - Similar to the deer, the fat fingered and the faux Kavorkian, but just gets so caught up in a fight they accidentally self destruct to the surprise of the pilot who often yells out "Doh!"

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Actually, a Scout armed with a 100% ArPen weapon (be it burst-fire, or rocket pods) can be a *very* effective at Don Quixoting. With just 1 Distortion, he can clear all 3 turrets VERY quickly and capture the turret, if nobody's watching it. Done that many times, and this is a very efficient strategy - not a comical fayl archetype.
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26) Bait Fish - complex version of The Grover Dill with a twist (and a twisted smile if well executed). Charge into a heavily defended enemy satellite and let them damage at least half of your hull. When they can smell your blood make your escape to your base ship but not too fast, keep them just a little bit out of range all the time. Often 2-3 hostiles will be too greedy to notice what's going on before it's too late (since they already almost got you). Works best with a Gunship.


Not to mention your teammates can try to take the weakly defended satellite in the meantime.

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