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Make Light Side Jaesa Willsaam Romance-able


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when do you get Jaesa Willsaam anyway


i treated vette like garbage,so i couldnt romance her but i heard you can romance darkside Jaesa,figured i would of got her already i just got to alderaan


or would it be better to just use quinn til 50,im like almost lvl 28 right now but i figured id romance Jaesa cuz i treated vette like crap,oh yeah im a sith juggernaught

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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just want 2 say thanks 2 GrassyGnoll, bought Vette's new apperance, but still would be nc to have the Jaesa. Vette gets annoying after a while with her comments. You get Jaesa after u finish Alderaan main Story Line quests. U travel to Hutta to defeat her master and confront her. Once you get her you are amd Sith LordXD:D:cool::D Edited by Reapercaveman
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I've only begun as a light sided Sith Warrior, so my personal experience in romancing either Vette or Jaesa is pretty much non-existant. However, I have read the entire thread and would like to bring up a few points that were brought up before (I'm sorry to those who originally posted these thoughts/ideas but I don't have the time to quote everybody) and add my own views/thoughts to those.


The biggest point I saw that really tipped me in the favor of keeping the current romancing options is this: From what I gather, light-side Jaesa CHOOSES to join the Sith Warrior because she sees him as pure of heart, whereas her former Master/people she knew were allegedly "good" but were really just trying to manipulate her for their own ends (again, my apologies if this isn't exactly accurate). If this is the fundamental reason for her joining the warrior's cause, then I don't think the idea of her considering you as a romantic option is even logical. The light-side Sith Warrior is the beacon that has inspired her to continue along the light path and not submit to the darkness... And while she MAY (more on this later) have severed her ties to the Jedi and become a Sith apprentice, she needs to be able to hold you as that paragon in order to justify her decision. If she were to engage in a romance with the warrior, that romance would cloud her ability to judge you as that paragon. Like the original person mentioned, you are her rock and she needs to keep you that way in order for her to justify her own actions.


The second point I saw (and again, grain of salt, haven't done it myself) is that when she joins you as light side, her dialogue implies that she at least initially seems to retain the concepts of the Jedi Code. The rest of the galaxy thinks that she joined the Sith and is now a Sith apprentice, but she knows and you know that that isn't really the case. She joined you because she thought she could achieve a greater good by joining you than if she were to have stayed behind. If this is the case, regardless of how everyone may say she is no longer a Jedi, being a Jedi by name and being a Jedi at heart are two different things. To put it in a real world application, it's kind of like being gay but making the world think you're straight. Everyone thinks and believes you're not, but deep down in your heart you know where your true feelings lie. If she joined the warrior with this type of mentality, it would be highly improbable for her to engage in a romance with the character based on her belief structure that was established during her time as a Jedi. Since the light sided warrior isn't radically trying to change those ideas, it would only make sense that she would hold onto some notions (such as not to develop attachments).


In fact, I feel like the spoiler regarding her offer to have your children only proves that a little further, as from what was written made it seem like it was a calculated decision to have children that would continue to foster the light-side... Not because she has the hots for the warrior, but because she is more interested in the greater good. If that means sleeping with the warrior and having his children, so be it... So long as no attachment is made and it is for the greater good.


Some people may compare the Jedi Knight/Consular storylines by saying "Well those Jedi have relationships!"... But those are different characters in a different story. Frankly, they needed to have those options available to the Knight/Consular classes because how bad would that be if they didn't. Comparing romances between classes is a moot point... The topic of discussion is Jaesa and whether she should have a light-side romance option... It has nothing to do with the other classes as she is a different character in a different story.


Another reason I feel that BioWare shouldn't occupy their time working on something like this is for more practical reasons. Obviously right now they are working on a lot of bug-fixes and balance changes, and I am very glad and happy that they are spending their time working on those items and adding new PLAYABLE content rather than working on coding to add a whole new romance option to a class that already essentially gets two options. Most of the classes get a single option (I'm not interested in hearing the exceptions... As far as I've read, most classes seem to get a single romance option for each gender), and if your main character is a super evil dark side Sith Sorcerer like mine... Well, unfortunately you're S.O.L. because there is no way I could justifiably romance Ashara as a dark side Inquisitor (that is actually a topic that I feel deserves discussion, at least in regards to being able to convert her to the dark side as the Inquisitor is meant to be the manipulator of beings instead of the dominator like the Warrior... but I digress).


We are given the ability to mould our character's story to within our own decisions in the confines of the story that BioWare has presented us. As a Sith Warrior, I'm not able to start hunting down the ancient artifacts of Tulak Hord because that's not part of my story. It was made that way. We have flexibility within the options that have been given to us and that's just it, they GAVE us these options. They spent a lot of time working on their story for each class, and regardless of how we choose to play it, it is THEIR story not ours. We feel attached and close to the story because we get to experience it however we choose to play it, but ultimately they wrote the options and gave us the paths and choices and they crafted how each one ended. For us to simply say "I'm not happy with choosing Vette, I want a light side romance with Jaesa" is honestly a little insulting to the creators of this game. Yeah it would be cool, it would be great extra content if we had that choice... But ultimately, we don't always get everything we want. There are characters in the game that I think it would be very interesting to have the option to romance (such as Talos Drellik for instance), but it doesn't exist and we just have to live with that.


I feel like those that say that it should be allowed on the premise of it being "fair" since "other classes have companions that can be romanced by either alignment". Like I mentioned earlier, if you're a dark side male Inquisitor... You're pretty much screwed in the romance department... So in regards to it being "fair" you'll get no sympathy from me on that point.


Nevermind that it's a lot of work for BioWare to change something like this. The voice actress for Jaesa is Rachel Leigh Cook who appears to be an actress with a fairly extensive resume (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000337/filmoyear). I'm pretty sure they can't just call her up and say "Hey, we need you do read out some lines for us." and expect her to be free and drive down to the studio. I'm sure they have contracts for future expansions and projects, but for something to be patched in? It's quite likely not going to happen.


I guess at the end of the day my feeling is that I'm not in favor of them changing it, but I wouldn't be upset if they did. I do love having options in roleplaying games and adding content to me is always good. However, in Jaesa's case I feel like a light side romance just doesn't quite make sense. I respect those who believe that there should be an option and there have certainly been many convincing arguements on the flipside of the coin. However, at the end of the day the discussion regarding the supposed character of light-side Jaesa was better thought out and put together as opposed to the flood of people who want a romance simply because they don't want to romance Vette.


To those that say that opposing opinions shouldn't be voiced because "that's not what this thread is about"... If you're going to try and pitch to BioWare what is essentially a fundamental character change, it's not fair to say that only your voices should be heard. As shown from prior posters, there are light sided warriors who disagree with the idea of giving Jaesa a romance option, and if BioWare were to consider what is being proposed here, that voice needs to be heard as well so that BioWare can make up their own mind and gauge the amount of support on each side as well as the reasoning of both sides.


If you want your proposal to be treated seriously, please accept the oppositions view seriously as well. We're all here discussing this because clearly, we all have a lot of fun and possibly even love (I know I do) this game... And we all want to try and help and make it better. Even if you disagree entirely with a view doesn't mean it shouldn't be voiced.


This post ended up being a LOT longer than I intended... So my apologies to those who have read this post in it's entirety. I felt I had a lot to talk about and I've pretty much said my mind on the matter. I hope that this was at least somewhat insightful, and again apologies if some of my facts are off. I do feel that the message overall is clear though, and even if a few things are off, I don't feel like a few minor details being off would sway my opinion.




- CrAzEdMiKe

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My retort to the above points, well most of them, is Ashara. She does what Jaesa does and voluntarily joins up with the Inquisitor ( Voluntarily for me at least ) And from what I hear you can romance her. I don't understand why just about every class isn't restricted to alignment romances but the Sith Warrior has to be the odd one out. Everything else about the storyline is fantastic, but the center of an Act having rules? I don't quite understand.
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.....Lots of good stuff...


I agree with you on allot of points mike. My issue is that even when you choose her light side option (which i did...I looove the idea of the 'rebel' sith using the empire to help those in need on the dark side), that seems to be the furthest you can actually get in that direction.


Every conversation i had with her from that point on i kept getting negative affection when I would pick the "nice guy" option. I was surprised initially...I thought that her accepting the idea that I was preferred over her other master because i was really seeking the truth and just wanted to help people, she would support that. But nope. Even on conversations where I would get +20 or +30 with quinn (about as empire as you can get), i would get -1, -2 with jaesa. And these are light side points.


the only way I've even been able to keep her in the positive is to lavish her with gifts. ironically, she responds well to the snarky quips, or the demeaning rude remarks I make. not what I really thought it would be when I won her over to the "light side of the dark".


What I think they should do is really create two separate companions for jaessa. you only get one and the choice is made with that conversation you had in the legendary chain. so if you choose the light side jaesa, you get the goody two shoes who chuckles at some of the stories you throw at the sith lords to hide all the good works your "really" doing in the background. And those that choose to corrupt her to the dark side can get the freak.


Both sides will be happy, and i wont have to sit there scratching my head because i told someone I'd help them (after telling her I'm really here to help people), and she's like, "woah, talk to the hand bud!"

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My retort to the above points, well most of them, is Ashara. She does what Jaesa does and voluntarily joins up with the Inquisitor ( Voluntarily for me at least ) And from what I hear you can romance her. I don't understand why just about every class isn't restricted to alignment romances but the Sith Warrior has to be the odd one out. Everything else about the storyline is fantastic, but the center of an Act having rules? I don't quite understand.


As I mentioned in one of my paragraphs, Ashara is a different character in a different storyline. The ability to romance Ashara has nothing to do with the ability to romance Jaesa. But that being said....


You do have an option that doesn't care about your alignment: And that option is Vette. It's silly to say that the Sith Warrior is the "odd man out" when you get MULTIPLE options. What other choice than Ashara does a male Inquisitor have to romance? None.


The argument of it "not being fair" is silly, you already get extra options that some classes don't even get to begin with.

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the only way I've even been able to keep her in the positive is to lavish her with gifts. ironically, she responds well to the snarky quips, or the demeaning rude remarks I make. not what I really thought it would be when I won her over to the "light side of the dark".


Both sides will be happy, and i wont have to sit there scratching my head because i told someone I'd help them (after telling her I'm really here to help people), and she's like, "woah, talk to the hand bud!"


This is odd...I've been taking her on missions through Hoth now, and she gives positive affection when I'm helpful and nice to those in need. And thus far I've found that she and Vette agree with me when I mock Lord Baras.


In short, I haven't experienced what you describe in this first paragraph.

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This is odd...I've been taking her on missions through Hoth now, and she gives positive affection when I'm helpful and nice to those in need. And thus far I've found that she and Vette agree with me when I mock Lord Baras.


In short, I haven't experienced what you describe in this first paragraph.


Indeed odd.


I'm light side and Jaesa is the companion with the biggest affection value among all my companions. I managed to get affection points from her on several conversations since then. Also, I'm using her as companion since I got her (I summon one of the others from time to time for some fights but they aren't as well geared as her).

Edited by BrunoLogan
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I'm split on this subject...part of me wants the option to romance light-side Jaesa just for the sake of having the option (ie. just having the option is what's important), but at the same time, part of me thinks it just makes so much more sense for her not to be interested in the Warrior in that way. I dunno...
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I'm not sure what the appeal of playing a light side sith is to begin with. I realize the idea of trying to change an evil empire from within is out there, but as a sith it just doesn't seem right. I mean, everyone who plays sith knows that they embrace their emotions, but the idea that a sith can be "light side" is pretty ridiculous, just like an "evil jedi" is. You just CAN'T be evil and a jedi... the two ideas are diametrically opposed. And if you tried, every jedi would feel your darkness and hunt you down. They would certainly not allow you to run amok in their ranks while you try to bring the republic down from within. And doing the same in the empire is just as silly. Just like the way the two opposing sides view emotion is pretty black and white, their connection to the force is opposite also. Sith are evil, jedi are good. The sith do more than just embrace emotion, they embrace dark emotions. Fear, hate and anger are the emotions they embrace. Love and joy are emotions too, but not sith emotions. The idea that you can be strong in the light side and also a sith is just ludicrous because the two are diametrically opposed ideas. You don't need to take my word for it, watch the movies, the cartoon. Sith are evil, jedi are good. It's like people are trying to play a "kindhearted Nazi". It just doesn't make sense. I think, and this is just my opinion, that the vast majority of light side sith players out there really just can't stomach playing a truely evil character. You do some pretty heinous things as an imperial. If you can't stomach that, you've been playing on the wrong side. Don't try to make the evil sith more palatable by stripping away what makes them sith - either embrace the sith way, or play a jedi. You're having trouble adjusting and thinking that light side sith ootions are weak, while I feel that light side sith options are just wrong to begin with. Just my opinion. Edited by CutterVanZhero
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I'm not sure what the appeal of playing a light side sith is to begin with. I realize the idea of trying to change an evil empire from within is out there, but as a sith it just doesn't seem right. I mean, everyone who plays sith knows that they embrace their emotions, but the idea that a sith can be "light side" is pretty ridiculous, just like an "evil jedi" is. You just CAN'T be evil and a jedi... the two ideas are diametrically opposed. And if you tried, every jedi would feel your darkness and hunt you down. They would certainly not allow you to run amok in their ranks while you try to bring the republic down from within. And doing the same in the empire is just as silly. Just like the way the two opposing sides view emotion is pretty black and white, their connection to the force is opposite also. Sith are evil, jedi are good. The sith do more than just embrace emotion, they embrace dark emotions. Fear, hate and anger are the emotions they embrace. Love and joy are emotions too, but not sith emotions. The idea that you can be strong in the light side and also a sith is just ludicrous because the two are diametrically opposed ideas. You don't need to take my word for it, watch the movies, the cartoon. Sith are evil, jedi are good. It's like people are trying to play a "kindhearted Nazi". It just doesn't make sense. I think, and this is just my opinion, that the vast majority of light side sith players out there really just can't stomach playing a truely evil character. You do some pretty heinous things as an imperial. If you can't stomach that, you've been playing on the wrong side. Don't try to make the evil sith more palatable by stripping away what makes them sith - either embrace the sith way, or play a jedi. You're having trouble adjusting and thinking that light side sith ootions are weak, while I feel that light side sith options are just wrong to begin with. Just my opinion.



To that I just have to say life is not white or black. Even a Jedi has to kill and a Sith doesn't always have to kill. If the Sith follow their emotions, emotions are not all bad things. There are good emotions also, fortunately!

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I'm not sure what the appeal of playing a light side sith is to begin with. I realize the idea of trying to change an evil empire from within is out there, but as a sith it just doesn't seem right. I mean, everyone who plays sith knows that they embrace their emotions, but the idea that a sith can be "light side" is pretty ridiculous, just like an "evil jedi" is. You just CAN'T be evil and a jedi... the two ideas are diametrically opposed. And if you tried, every jedi would feel your darkness and hunt you down. They would certainly not allow you to run amok in their ranks while you try to bring the republic down from within. And doing the same in the empire is just as silly. Just like the way the two opposing sides view emotion is pretty black and white, their connection to the force is opposite also. Sith are evil, jedi are good. The sith do more than just embrace emotion, they embrace dark emotions. Fear, hate and anger are the emotions they embrace. Love and joy are emotions too, but not sith emotions. The idea that you can be strong in the light side and also a sith is just ludicrous because the two are diametrically opposed ideas. You don't need to take my word for it, watch the movies, the cartoon. Sith are evil, jedi are good. It's like people are trying to play a "kindhearted Nazi". It just doesn't make sense. I think, and this is just my opinion, that the vast majority of light side sith players out there really just can't stomach playing a truely evil character. You do some pretty heinous things as an imperial. If you can't stomach that, you've been playing on the wrong side. Don't try to make the evil sith more palatable by stripping away what makes them sith - either embrace the sith way, or play a jedi. You're having trouble adjusting and thinking that light side sith ootions are weak, while I feel that light side sith options are just wrong to begin with. Just my opinion.


I guess Operation Valkyrie means nothing to you? Or any number of Germans who fought secretly within the Nazi ranks to bring down a heinous ruler.


Yes, the Jedi follow a strict, monastic code where emotion is quelled. So where's the passionate, emotional force user to go who doesn't follow evil? Or the Revanite who embraces the best of both the light and the dark? Or the pragmatist who sees killing evil beings as necessary (whereas a Jedi offers mercy)?


Anyway, this is incredibly OT, so I won't continue. Suffice to say that there is indeed a place for LS Sith within the story of the Empire.

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eer not really if the sith find out that your light side you will die. They will destroy you. If you finish dark jaesa conversations the dark council gives her a job in killing those in the order who are not "pure". The dark side sith warrior also approves of light side sith witch hunts.


Cause to the sith if you go light side you are a heretic that needs to be destroyed. At least the jedi will give you therapy and try and bring you back to the light. The sith will simply kill you.


Plus I find the whole thing with being both dark and light stupid cause in canon that does not actually work the so called "grey" jedi are light side even jolee is still light if you look at his alignment meter. Oh and kriea? she is dark side she is just hiding it since if you ever agree with her in conversations you get smacked with dark side points. Not once during my several playthroughs of kotor 2 with the restore content mod has agreeing with kriea given me light points.


Revan said he had balance but at the end of the day he fell to the dark side again.

Edited by lokdron
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eer not really if the sith find out that your light side you will die. They will destroy you. If you finish dark jaesa conversations the dark council gives her a job in killing those in the order who are not "pure". The dark side sith warrior also approves of light side sith witch hunts.


Cause to the sith if you go light side you are a heretic that needs to be destroyed. At least the jedi will give you therapy and try and bring you back to the light. The sith will simply kill you.



That's what I mean by 'there's a place for LS Sith in the story.' Of course DS Sith would hunt me down! I'd expect nothing less. But to say, as the poster I quoted advocates, that one shouldn't even TRY to be LS Sith, that LS Sith have no place in the story of the Empire, is a bogus claim. Even the most casual reading of historical Tyrannies shows that there were always opposition movements from within.

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Title more or less says it all, would just like to get the general communities feedback on this, to relay it to BioWare.


I, like many other SWs(who have leveled up as Light) I've spoken with, were disappointed to finally get Jaesa only to find out we are unable to romance her as Light Side. I know I could have made her dark to romance, but her character and mine would lose all their compelling story elements and features for LS players. I loved the going against the norm feel of playing a LS SW up until end of act 1, when It just felt like I had been playing a storyline that was added as an afterthought. So much story emphasis has been placed on Jaesa, much more than any other making her an increasing intersting and compelling companion. I don't fully understand why the option isn't available. She is no longer a Jedi, part of the reason she joined is because I showed her the folly of sticking to close to a rigorous jedi code was.


BioWare, I would really love to see her added as a romantic option, either in a future patch, or if the story expands further for each class.





No, this is simply not true. Her Master fell to the dark side trying to defeat you, thereby giving her the impression she´s been lied to during her studies. But if you chose to keep her on the light side, the Jedi teachings still have a meaning for her. And as Jedi, romance isn´t.


If you want to go against the norm and play light side, you should respect that.

What you are trying to do with your post is a post-corruption of Jaesa.


Jaesa on the dark side wants to explore everything the Jedi Codex prohibited.


You made your choice with keeping her on the light side. So live with it.

Good luck trying to get a nun into a romance...

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No, this is simply not true. Her Master fell to the dark side trying to defeat you, thereby giving her the impression she´s been lied to during her studies. But if you chose to keep her on the light side, the Jedi teachings still have a meaning for her. And as Jedi, romance isn´t.


If you want to go against the norm and play light side, you should respect that.

What you are trying to do with your post is a post-corruption of Jaesa.


Jaesa on the dark side wants to explore everything the Jedi Codex prohibited.


You made your choice with keeping her on the light side. So live with it.

Good luck trying to get a nun into a romance...


Actually, this is a pretty good argument.

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It's a good argument... until you go and think about other classes that have pretty light-sided Jedi companions that you can romance, like Kira (JK) or Ashara (SI).


What is even more annoying is that LS Jaesa is the only female companion -aside from Scorpio, lol- in the whole game who isn't romanceable (by a character of the opposite gender).

Edited by Khyle
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It's a good argument... until you go and think about other classes that have pretty light-sided Jedi companions that you can romance, like Kira (JK) or Ashara (SI).


What is even more annoying is that LS Jaesa is the only female companion -aside from Scorpio, lol- in the whole game who isn't romanceable (by a character of the opposite gender).


Who cares what other classes have and have not in this regard? This isn't some exercise in playing the victim.


I'm convinced now that LS Jaesa shouldn't be romance-able. It sets her apart from the DS option, and it also emulates what the Jedi Code is supposed to be. But the person I quoted said it much better, so I'll not continue.

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It's a good argument... until you go and think about other classes that have pretty light-sided Jedi companions that you can romance, like Kira (JK) or Ashara (SI).


What is even more annoying is that LS Jaesa is the only female companion -aside from Scorpio, lol- in the whole game who isn't romanceable (by a character of the opposite gender).


Sorry, but it´s the only true argument.

IF LS Jaesa were to be romance-able, a very large portion of my dark-side Sith game-experience would suffer, because I really enjoyed my decision to corrupt her to the dark side with all the drawbacks and benefits it may bring. I really like to see how DS Jaesa violates every aspect of her former teachings during our dark relationship.


I would feel betrayed and spit upon my dark path if the LS choice-Siths would gain the same corrupted Jaesa, which she would be, if she were romanceable.


I take great gaming-pleasure in corrupting Jaesa in every possible way, starting with her mind and not even ending with her body. This is a great gaming experience for the followers of the dark path. You LSiders tread a different path.



-> Light side: "I am nicer than you, I am more honorable than you. I still want everything you dark evil guys have and do."

-> Dark side: "Come on, grow some balls, admit that you are of dark evil in your heart and start wearing it like a nice shirt, then you get it all we got."



*with the beginning of virtual reality, consequence of choice became obsolete*


Start to accept the consequences of your choices, and maybe next time start to think about the implications of a choice before you make a choice. This advice is for free and will greatly benefit you in the real world, as well.

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I would feel betrayed and spit upon my dark path if the LS choice-Siths would gain the same corrupted Jaesa, which she would be, if she were romanceable.


I take great gaming-pleasure in corrupting Jaesa in every possible way, starting with her mind and not even ending with her body. This is a great gaming experience for the followers of the dark path. You LSiders tread a different path.



You have a very limited view in what 'romance' entails if you think that. No one is asking to have the exact same relationship as the Dark Path. Obviously such a relationship would be substantially different.


The Light Side Sith Warrior isn't a Jedi. Taking a Light Sided Jaesa down their view of the universe could be an equally great, yet very different gaming experience. Not all passion is dark and corrupting.


I'm a little neutral on the option myself, but its addition wouldn't diminish the Dark choice in the slightest. She's a completely different character at that point, and that player choice is reflected in every aspect of her, right down to her abilities.

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You have a very limited view in what 'romance' entails if you think that. No one is asking to have the exact same relationship as the Dark Path. Obviously such a relationship would be substantially different.


The Light Side Sith Warrior isn't a Jedi. Taking a Light Sided Jaesa down their view of the universe could be an equally great, yet very different gaming experience. Not all passion is dark and corrupting.


I'm a little neutral on the option myself, but its addition wouldn't diminish the Dark choice in the slightest. She's a completely different character at that point, and that player choice is reflected in every aspect of her, right down to her abilities.


You got it 50% right.

"The Light Side Sith Warrior isn't a Jedi." That´s absolutly true. No arguing.

BUT you forget the other 50% of the equation, and that is Jaesa. LS Sith with LS Jaesa chose to let her stay on the LS, therefore she honors the teachings of the Jedi and will act accordingly.


And as such, as a Jedi, not the LS-Sith, but Jaesa, romance isn`t. You may try and wish with a LS Sith for a romance as much as you like towards Jaesa, but if she stays true to the LS in which you let her so cruelly dwell in, she has to refuse. You should have been mercifull and led her to the dark path, without any imposed boundaries.


Like I said before: Good Luck getting a nun into a romance.



Out of romance....came a Vader

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You got it 50% right.

"The Light Side Sith Warrior isn't a Jedi." That´s absolutly true. No arguing.

BUT you forget the other 50% of the equation, and that is Jaesa. LS Sith with LS Jaesa chose to let her stay on the LS, therefore she honors the teachings of the Jedi and will act accordingly.


And as such, as a Jedi, not the LS-Sith, but Jaesa, romance isn`t.


Out of romance....came a Vader


Not quite correct. Jaesa Light or Dark leaves the Jedi order either way, questions the Jedi teachings and becomes an apprentice to the player. She's actually kicked out of the order if you let Karr live on the light path.


As her Master you certainly get to teach her the force as you see things. Thats rather the point of why she goes along with you, light or dark. You have the ability to 'bring out the true nature in others.'


Either route she's no longer a jedi.

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I find it amusing that so many Sith players go Light side just to be "different" and so they can "change the Empire from within", yet refuse to have anything romantic to do with Vette. I mean, wouldn't romancing an alien in the Empire (especially as a human or Sith Pureblood) be the ultimate in deviant behavior in a society that prides itself on xenophobia? It just has so many fun possibilities roleplay wise.


On the subject of Jaesa, a Light sided romance with her would be nice, but not an absolute necessity for my enjoyment of the game. I can see the arguments for the option: characters like Ashara, Nadia, and Kira are romancable and more-or-less Light-sided, why shouldn't Jaesa be? On the other hand, sometimes you've gotta play the hand you're dealt in a RPG. You're not always going to know what happens ahead of time and you're not always going to get things your way. Gotta learn to adapt, either way.


Then again, I already have my Imperial Light-side romance with Mako on my BH, so maybe a purely Dark-sided romance full of murder and mayhem is just what I need to balance things out. :p

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All of the super RPers can say what they want about liking that their option is unique, but the fact of the matter is, it's not balanced with the rest of the game. Like most other people said, there are very few opposite sex companions that are not romanceable.


Anyone who says that she's still a Jedi didn't play through the light side story with her, or didn't really pay attention. She's not a Jedi. She's a follower of YOU, who also happens to follow the light side. If your character is light side, you're not a jedi. So, why would she be?


Even if people refuse to believe that she's not a Jedi, it doesn't matter. All of the other Jedi companions are romanceable, so there shouldn't be a difference. I can only assume she'd have different dialogue and whanot, for a light side romance. So, no one needs to get all disappointed about them losing their choice's uniqueness.


As far as I see it, people that want it are people that are playing light side and want to romance her, or are otherwise people that just don't mind letting others enjoy their own game. The people that don't want it, are people that want their dark side way to be completely unique to them, disregarding the fact that a lot of things are not unique in this game. The fact of the matter is, it's really not going to affect people that aren't light side sith warriors. So, there shouldn't really be a big debate about it.


At the very least, I'd rather them not have added the choice to make her light. And instead, just made you have to make dark side dialogue choices to romance her. At least then it's based on changing yourself and not making one decision and damning yourself.

Edited by MaleficusX
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