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Make Light Side Jaesa Willsaam Romance-able


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I dont mean to be offensive so dont take it the wrong way.


I loved the movies as a youngster but never became a lore fan, but this Starkiller would have been an anomoly? If born on Corellia or Alderaan he probably would have been Jedi given what people have said about him. So he's a Jedi trapped in a Sith body in other words.


It does truly sound as though the entire relationship mechanic with Jaesa as LS really is a bummer, but it sounds like you want your cake and want to eat it to.


DS Jaesa is a lean mean killing machine, at one stage she even hears of the existance of LS Sith and it enrages her to the point where she goes off on covert missions to assasinate them.


Sometimes when placed in various environments characters blossom, obviously Jaesa is one of them when brought over to the dark side.


But hey, if BW want to redevelop Jaesa in regards to the LS story line more power to you. Afterall the game is about entertainment and you all deserve to be entertained.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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All arguments to the contrary are simply knee jerk reactions to fan suggestions. I'm honestly under the impression that some on this forum take fan suggestions as heresy with the venom they spew. It's sad really so I expect the same visceral reaction should any of them be able to get all the way through this post. :)


Now here is one way I see it progressing and it makes for a pretty good story if I do say so;


First post expansion conversation - SW and Vette (Married)


Vette: I need to be honest with you. I feel a bit jealous about all the time you're spending with Jaesa. I know she's your apprentice but is there anything I should be worried about?

1 - Lie: You're imagining things (negative affection with Vette; a wife knows these things)

2 - I'm sorry but my feelings are conflicted (less negative affection with Vette)

3 - My heart will always belong to you (terminating Jaesa romance option)


Second conversation - SW and Jaesa


Jaesa: Master, I promised I would never use my power on you but Vette's emotions are overwelming. Is everything alright between you?

1 - Lie: Just a little misunderstanding (Negative affection Jaesa, she's empathic afterall)

2 - She's jealous of us, but my devotion to her is unwavering (terminates Jaesa romance again)

3 - My feelings for you have grown and I don't know what to do.


First post expasion conversation - SW and Vette (Unmarried)


Vette: I've been giving our little family some thought here. Jaesa; you love her don't you?

1: She's just my apprentice

2: I think I do.

3: You're the only one for me. (Marry Vette - Terminate Jaesa romance option)


Second conversation - SW with Vette and Jaesa

SW: Am I interrupting something?

Vette: Just some girl talk. I'll leave you two now. *Whispers* By the way, I approve.

SW to Jaesa: Girl talk, huh? You said you wanted to speak to me.

Jaesa: Master, Vette has told me you might have feelings for me and I'm concerned. My Jedi training and my desire to follow the light have forced me to deny what's in my heart. I've watched you draw power from your passion and I feel that being honest with you may give me the same strength.

1 - You are wise to deny these feelings.

2 - My feelings for you have grown too...

3 - Passion is a great source of power but it must be guided by honor.


A questline would then take place in which Vette is kidnapped and you must use Jaesa to rescue her. Maybe the next time you send Vette on a Skill Mission just to explain how they got her off the ship


If married: In the course of this quest more conversations would arise between you and Jaesa exploring your feelings. The SW would always have the option to "do the honorable thing." The dis-honorable thing would always stop short of any unfaithfulness. Not even a kiss. If these dishonorable options are taken though, Vette will not be saved or she decides to leave SW and go live with her family. Sorry: can't keep the Ex onboard after all this. (Maybe the smuggler whose vessel takes you to the location she's being held captive loses their ship and joins your crew)


If unmarried: Again, conversations exploring feelings and the power of passion and a code of honor to maintain control. Vette would be saved and start referring to Jaesa as her sister and even look forward to rearing your children.


There would of course always be the asexual option for those who prefer neither


If married and faithfull: Same conversations exploring the power of passion but no flirtation options ending with saving Vette and Jaesa's commitment to your offspring.


Maybe in a twist it's Pierce or Quinn that ochestrates the kidnapping because you've turned your back on their ideal of the Empire. This could be based upon responses to previous conversations and since we're talking light side here, we'd always be able to forgive and welcome them back to the crew. Refer back to the smuggler option for replacement crew should you not be forgiving.

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I'll throw in my 2 cents and simply say if you are going light side sith warrior you should be ashamed ;) and second of all if the story arc is essentially blagging her to join dark side, why the hell would you contradict yourself and choose light options?


I will tell you, its cos she is sexy.

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I dont mean to be offensive so dont take it the wrong way.


I loved the movies as a youngster but never became a lore fan, but this Starkiller would have been an anomoly? If born on Corellia or Alderaan he probably would have been Jedi given what people have said about him. So he's a Jedi trapped in a Sith body in other words.





Nope He was a bonifide Sith trained by Darth Vader himself xD Even had the hatred thing going on but it was Juno who turned him to LS again. Why does this have to be a rare occurrence?



After all Jaesa says so herself that she can sense other LS sith.


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...second of all if the story arc is essentially blagging her to join dark side, why the hell would you contradict yourself and choose light options?


I'm not sure where this idea that intimate relations are necessarily evil comes from. Why should teaching someone to draw strength from emotion lead only to being able to draw upon hatred and dominance?


Heck, go watch the Galactic Timeline and you'll notice at least one entry regarding a "fourth generation Jedi." Leaving obvious and tasteless jokes aside, when did the Jedi become Catholic Priests?


I will tell you, its cos she is sexy.


Exactly! But she's less so as Dark Side IMO. And promiscuity is a VERY narrow minded view of drawing strength from intimate relations. In essence she's committing assault and is only in it for the power (At least that's how it would be characterized for a man). Not my cup of tea.

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Took Light Side Jaesa and had no idea she was unromancable as same sex hasn't been added anyway. This cheers me up -very slightly- since I no longer need to imagine a bunch of missing [flirt] dialogie options that were removed.
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I was previously signed onto this bandwagon but I think I'm going to have to get off. As I mentioned before, I'd been expecting to have Jaesa as a romance option and was disappointed to find out my LS SW would be locked out. I hadn't actually yet gotten to the part where they'd met though and had decided to hold off on progressing the character on the possibility the option might be added in later.


However, last night someone was complaining about Jaesa's line delivery in general chat so I took it upon myself to watch some youtube videos from her scenes to actually get a feel for her character. And I found out that while she may look hot in that top running around as everyone's companion, OH MY GOD she's dull. And that voice totally grates on me. I'm personally no longer interested in her as a romance option. Even if I'd gone dark side I think I'd still have to stick with Vette. There's not enough companion customization kits in the world to make me interested in her. Boring.


That's just my personal opinion though. I still think players who do like the character should have the option seeing as how every other companion of the opposite sex who's remotely "mate-able" is available somehow regardless of alignment. But as for me personally, I no longer care. And I'm taking my Sith Warrior back off the shelf.

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Lol. When I got the second convo w/ her on the ship I was like "what the...f**n pyscho wants to reform the sith??" But now I figure: what the heck, let her think that.


My LS warrior wants to reform the Sith but he's not really light, he's just not evil. The dark side of the force is fueled by passion rather than serenity but love is the ultimate passion. I was hoping I could teach that to LS Jaesa :(

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Do we have any BW feedback on this ?


No as a lot of things.... They're too busy fixing bugs right now and OP classes which is kewl, but I still think they need to hire a "press" person of sort to let us know what they have planned so we know they have something or nothing planned at lest.

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No as a lot of things.... They're too busy fixing bugs right now and OP classes which is kewl, but I still think they need to hire a "press" person of sort to let us know what they have planned so we know they have something or nothing planned at lest.


WOuld be cool to add it to an exapnsion.. ah well. she is dumped as my companion.. come back Vette all is forgiven

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what about us poor inquisitors who can only get stupid ashara:(


My inq is only lvl 10 and a female, but i hear yall are in the same boat but only switched to where you have to be LS to get ashara. I do agree this should be changed too if this is the case.

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Companions are great but more consequences for interractions, more choices on who you keep and more options for relations are needed.


At the moment affection, much like the story quests are still mostly on rails. I understand it would be hard to have too many potential branches in storyline but the only changes at the moment are what happens in the next scene of the story as opposed to the next planet. The only other changes are a present or credits in the mail as a 'this was the outcome of this decision.' There needs to be 2 or 3 different branches and outcomes in stories to maintain that individual feel not just some arbitrary dialogue options.

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Sorry for double-post but....



You didn't kill her master on tatooine or her parents, did you?


Either that or you are just reading her lame, un-updated codex

Oh, I did kill them both violently and without remorse. Can it be that just the Codex is broken?

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My inq is only lvl 10 and a female, but i hear yall are in the same boat but only switched to where you have to be LS to get ashara. I do agree this should be changed too if this is the case.


yeah, i'm rolling a female inquisitor too.

i fear my girl will meet her destiny all alone :(

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