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Make Light Side Jaesa Willsaam Romance-able


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The big thing for my LS-SW, is he's a man of Justice. Right or wrong have everything to do with what he does. He has a strong code of honor, but isn't above being underhanded if it means he accomplishes his goals. To summerize, he's flexible. He believes in Freedom and seeking power and knowledge wherever it can be found. He sees the wisdom in the jedi's teaching, but believes that their denial of passions is weak and does not prepare Force users for the power that emotions can give. Not only that, but he's a true believer in the philosophy of Revan.


DS Jaesa does not appeal to him. He's more likely to have her sucked out of the airlock than allow her to run rampant like a Star Wars version of Frakenstein's Monster.

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Lights Side Jaesa is a Jedi that follows Jedi Code strictly , its logical she isnt romancable and tbh it would ruin her story.


We dont need BioWare catering to people whining over something small to please them...


I agree. It's stuff like this that makes this game great! (Unlike that "other game".) Your decisions in the game affect the outcome of the story, therefore adding replay value. Just like life you deal with the ramifications of your decisions.

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I agree. It's stuff like this that makes this game great! (Unlike that "other game".) Your decisions in the game affect the outcome of the story, therefore adding replay value. Just like life you deal with the ramifications of your decisions.

She is serving a Sith Lord. Being LS does not make you a Jedi, same goes for Jaesa. She sees her master killing and destroying everyday so...

Secondly, what replay value? One companion's storyline does not define an entire new story. It's not like your decisions had real consequences. In the end you still have to confront Baras, regardless of how you had recruited Jaesa.

The fact is there are people who want to see a LS Jaesa romance-able, and could not care less about any argument of justification that is highly contestable and not unanimously agreed.

Edited by Ethern
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Lights Side Jaesa is a Jedi that follows Jedi Code strictly , its logical she isnt romancable and tbh it would ruin her story.


We dont need BioWare catering to people whining over something small to please them...


*cough cough...Kira Carsen<--Jedi.....Technically Jaesa isn't a jedi anymore since her master is a LS sith who never was a part of the Jedi Order...cough cough*

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The "she's a Jedi, so DUH no romance" argument falls apart pretty quickly when you take a look at the game as a whole. Knights get to romance Kira Carsen (a Jedi). Consulars can romance Nadia (another Jedi) without any problem at all. Notice all four of these are still in the Republic and bound by the official Jedi rules, which include no relationships. Jaesa is now a Sith apprentice, doesn't report to anybody who plays by those rules, and still won't actually have a relationship with you? That makes very little sense in the context of this game, and is needlessly restrictive.
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The idea here gentlemen (and ladies) is that these characters are three dimensional people with personalities, likes, and dislikes much like a real lady you might try to romance. I cannot romance Vette if I want to keep her Shock collar on and maintain our relationship as Master > Slave. Similarly, when I inevitably do release her from servitude, she might enjoy me talking back to Darth TubbieMcFatso but doesn't really enjoy most of the other choices I make. I could petition BW to make Vette like me regardless of my choices, but that would remove that whole three dimensional angle they are going for.


You choose to make Jaesa LS or DS, and her personality is fundamentally affected by that change. As a Light Sided Sith she has an agenda, a belief system, and is not attracted to you. As a Dark Sided Sith her agenda and beliefs are different, and she is very attracted to you... That's her personality. I've been attracted to women who, despite my winning smile and charming personality, just weren't into me. That's a fact of life, I had to move on and find one who was. Now I'm married. It worked out.


I will give this one concession. The game could offer a warning before making the choice in some way. A line showing that Jaesa is attracted to the darker side of you and/or will not be into you for being light. I will also add that I am aware, despite my past abuses and frequently poor decision making, that I can shower Vette with gifts and sort of 'trick' her into romancing me. I would sooner ask BW to take that option OUT before adding a LS Romance.


Choices matter, welcome to SWTOR



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The "she's a Jedi, so DUH no romance" argument falls apart pretty quickly when you take a look at the game as a whole. Knights get to romance Kira Carsen (a Jedi). Consulars can romance Nadia (another Jedi) without any problem at all. Notice all four of these are still in the Republic and bound by the official Jedi rules, which include no relationships. Jaesa is now a Sith apprentice, doesn't report to anybody who plays by those rules, and still won't actually have a relationship with you? That makes very little sense in the context of this game, and is needlessly restrictive.


Yeah and I'm still not sure at what point in the game her affiliation is decided.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I dont think there is this LS / DS dicotimy on any other companion


I believe the love interest for male sith inquisitors (Ashara) are only romancable by light sided characters. And they don't have an alternative, so dark side male inquisitors get nobody. I'm not 100% sure on this though :D

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I will give this one concession. The game could offer a warning before making the choice in some way. A line showing that Jaesa is attracted to the darker side of you and/or will not be into you for being light.


Bioware has to go back to the drawing board and think to add this ^

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I am a light side Sith Marauder, and I endorse this message /signed



I'm torqued for a couple of reasons with Jaesa, this not being romance-able for light side being just the turd on top of the **** pie.


For me, other than 68 points of affection when I got her, I've gotten ZERO affection, either positive or negative in the many hours I tried adventuring with her, and have an "ongoing" ticket in with Customer Service for this. Just as bad, as she and I are light side, nothing can explain the vile dark side stuff she spouts when we're in combat about how our enemies "..pain is exquisite" and other such tripe.


My marauder is light side. I leave the vile dark side stuff to my sorcerer.

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Yea, I'm kind of disappointed too... I'm only about half-way in and thinking about not finishing because of it. The way the story was leading it sounded like you and Jaesa Willsaam are gonna change how the galaxy views force users... but I guess I'm wrong (no spoilers if im not)


First time I'm really disappointed in a storyline that Bioware has made.... I mean common I can romance almost anyone I want in Mass Effect, but when it comes to SW they say NO you cant haz....

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Just as bad, as she and I are light side, nothing can explain the vile dark side stuff she spouts when we're in combat about how our enemies "..pain is exquisite" and other such tripe.


Its not a bug.

She says that is because she is trying to have a 'front/facade' that she is an evil bloodthirsty sith. Not really a spoiler, but in the first convo you have with her (at 1000 or 2000 affection, I forget which) you can tell her that is OK to talk "as long as you keep your voice down" or something like that because she wants to talk about 'reforming the sith'.

She just trys to look like she is evil.

Edited by Belarrasus
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For those who haven't read the OP, Erickson did mention to light-Jaesa fans in Beta that the writing team did not think that light-Jaesa would be so popular and would look into adding her as a romance option. Of course, this was a couple months before release, so they could not add it last minute. Therefore, they will most likely add it in the future. Personally, I'm not romancing Vette and going with light-Jaesa to prepare for this.


Is there a link that highlights what Erickson said? If it is, I'm really hoping they do this asap, but it will probably be with an expansion...

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I just acquired her as a companion and even though I chose every dark side chat option during the whole ordeal, she is still light side.


Like other people have pointed out, it just doesn't make any sense that we can't romance her as light side. How come full light sided jedi can have romances (even though it goes directly against the jedi code) but a light sided sith cannot? After all, that is what she is.


I should be able to romance whoever I want regardless of 1 misclicked chat option. This is ******** and seems like lazy story writing/plot holes. Either make her romanceable or don't hide the fact that you won't be able to if she is light side.




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