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Breasts, Butts, Big Hair and Lightsabres?


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I have short hair so that means I'm ok. Except I have breasts. Guess I'm sleazy too then. :rolleyes:


I got breasts, butt, long hair and a plastic toy lightsaber somewhere hidden in my closet...

I know. I should be arrested right now.

Edited by Seireeni
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That was incredibly offensive? I suggest you grow some thicker skin it was just a joke.


Yes, women need to grow a thicker skin and not be offended by the nonstop sexist jokes that they have heard a million times before.


It's a joke to you because you aren't a woman and haven't had people online repeatedly accuse you of not being a woman/hit on you relentlessly/harass you/call you a whore/make sexist jokes in front of you nonstop. I have absolutely zero tolerance for this anymore and as a guild leader I now kick people for sexist behavior without remorse. I used to just suffer through it and "grow a thicker skin" til I realized how absolutely ludicrous that I should be forced to sit back and be uncomfortable because men find it just HILARIOUS to joke about sexism. It's not a joke to the people who live it.


I even said "I know you're joking" and was just attempting to point out why it isn't funny in the year 2014 where women use the internet just as much as men and female gamers are becoming increasingly common, especially in MMOs.


Racist, sexist, and bigoted jokes are only funny to the people not on the receiving end. Maybe instead of telling the victims of your humor to grow a thicker skin you should start being more considerate of your fellow humans.


I was actually super polite to you and didn't think anything badly of you until now... good job. ;)

Edited by Beltane
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I signed up to play Star Wars, not Sleaze Wars. You are appealing to the wrong customer base with the nearly-naked Sleaze avatars BioWare. You are going to lose a lot of good customers who dont want to see it. I know my girlfriend doesn't want me to see it. This may sound a bit coarse but I did not bring the coarseness into this game, you did BioWare. If I wanted to see that crap in an mmo, I would play an adult mmo where you could have your every sick, twisted fantasy fulfilled. I lead a family friendly guild. There is nothing family friendly about sleaze wars.


For the record, I dont have a problem with the following game content or features:


Same sex companion/master relationships.

Skimpy costume wearing club dancers or even club dancer costumes as long as those costumes look like star wars costumes from the star wars canon.


I do have a problem with sleazy elements from pop culture being injected into SWTOR including big hair, jog bras, tube tops, string bikinis etc. I am not interested in playing some cheezy, teasing adult MMO. Those elements just demean a great game and canon. I want EA/BW to show some respect for the game.


To make matters worse, I play on an RP server. I am a rolepolayer, I lead an rp guild. You are turning the game into a joke with this Sleaze wars crap. Half-naked club dancers I can understand but jog-bras on jedi and sith? Seriously? Please remove this crap from the game or at the very least RP servers. I am a star wars fanatic but I am no prude. I have read all of the novels and graphic novels on ToR. There is nothing canon about Breasts butts, big hair, string bikinis and lightsabres.


You are going to lose a lot of good paying customers over this BioWare, me and my guild for starters. Enough of this crap, do something about this BW. We have a profanity filter, how about a sleaze filter? Make it client only, allow us to freaking turn it off or something. And please, please remove sleaze-wars from RP servers.


For the record, I am not alone in these sentiments. I lead a multi-gaming community with over 2,000 members in WoW, Guild Wars 2, PlanetSide 2 and SWTOR. The leaders and officers of our guilds are in broad agreement with me on this. We have a lot of couples and families in our organization. Our organization is a family-friendly organization and we will not support any game that is not family-friendly.


I don't mind the sleaziness on humanoid female characters, I have issues with the Ewok companion! I don't agree with the fact that you can't put a bikini on HER, yes it's a she! I want my female companions to look very lore-friendly (as in princess Leia lore friendly see) and I am on the verge of demanding my money back I wasted on Treek! Just look at her, she's really nice-looking but overdressed and WAY too furry in my honest opinion! So please Bioware, allow us to have a visual effect of the bikini's on Treek or you'll loose a LOT of costumers! My guild has 10.000 people in it and we're all in a very broad agreement about this!


P.S.; can we have a pink tutu outfit for HK please? I don't like the current customisation options at all! Thank you!

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its nothing new. Plenty of games have enough violence to make you vomit, yet all that seems irrelevant if that same videogame shows an exposed breast somewhere.


Just think how that bare breast could scar children for life! they might start thinking all women have those things under their clothes!

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Gonna put it out from the beginning. I'm a guy. I'm heterosexual. Space babes with nontraditional skin tones (green, blue) are hot. I play both male and female toons, and have a mild fashion obsession regarding both genders.


That said, if anything regarding clothes warrants complaint, it's the lack of hawtpants.


I'm kidding. Sorta. I just think it's weird how unbalanced the clothes are in this game. Theres loads of heavy suits of armor and floor-length robes with hoods and such, and theres loads of hyperrevealing bikinis and such, but only a precious precious handful of pieces that fall in the middle somewhere and are only sorta-revealing. Like the unfettered trenchcoat. Very nice piece on men and women alike.


Some people can get bikinis and such to look classy and tasteful, others make it look like skankwear, and largely thats exactly what they were going for. And I'm okay with that. I'd just like more options along the entire spectrum, rather than being all covered or mostly naked.


For a bit of validity, my main is a female chiss operative at maximum level with ~grade 72 mods in all gear. The shells i use for chest and legs are the Cademimu Sharpshooter's Jacket and the RD-03A Recon Leggings. And she looks amazing.

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Im scared of them. They bites.


>.> They're everywhere outside don't go out there or you might just get kidnapped lol


The OP has gone quiet. Either he's quietly conceded defeat, or he and his 2000 guild mates are plotting...


Don't be shocked if his Jedi guild is trying to outlaw, Women wearing skimpy dancer clothes XD LMAO!

Edited by Corolie
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Theres loads of heavy suits of armor and floor-length robes with hoods and such, and theres loads of hyperrevealing bikinis and such, but only a precious precious handful of pieces that fall in the middle somewhere and are only sorta-revealing. Like the unfettered trenchcoat. Very nice piece on men and women alike.

Yes, it would be nice to have more "teasing" clothes, rather than the two extremes. Maybe shirts unbuttoned half way to the waist, or long skirts with long slits.

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So far in this thread I have seen the OP compare various elements of TOR to "sleaze wars", "adult entertainment", "Vegas stage (strippers)", "adults-only MMOs", so on and so forth. Seriously? These inane comparisons and exaggerations have long crossed the line into the realm of unadulterated obtuseness.


Yeah.... whatever you say Todd Akin.


Personally I think BW should introduce even more skimpy outfits and "making out" or "dry humping" emotes just to troll ridiculous moral sermonizers such as the OP.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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I quote elvis " one for the "money", two for the "show", 3 for the "go" / as keywords said


if ur girl friend don't want u to see it, then don't play. other wise subject ea to install a filter option in option section of of game to filter it out, boosting ur gameplay without the adult stuff.


read the legal rights of ea , if u did not agree, then don't play. bottom line

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"By using EA Services, you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age (or have reached the age of majority if that is not 18 years of age where you live) or that you have reviewed this Agreement with your parent or guardian and he or she assents to these Terms of Service on your behalf and takes full responsibility for your compliance with them. "
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Yes, it would be nice to have more "teasing" clothes, rather than the two extremes. Maybe shirts unbuttoned half way to the waist, or long skirts with long slits.


Yep, like Mira's Jacket, I gave Vette this and she looks awesome in it :p


... and I gave Mako the Unfettered Trenchcoat which fits her perfectly too :rolleyes:

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For the record, I am not alone in these sentiments. I lead a multi-gaming community with over 2,000 members in WoW, Guild Wars 2, PlanetSide 2 and SWTOR. .


For the people who checked the membership #'s on his guild page and found that it was like, less than 20 or whatever, I interpreted it to mean he had over 2000 members spread out between his guilds between SWTOR, WoW, GW2, etc, not that they were all in his SWTOR guild. Of course, the opinion of all those other people he supposedly knows from other games is so totally, totally relevant to our game. :rolleyes: I'm surprised he didn't add his Facebook friends count to pad his #'s of people who agree with him, lol.


The fact the OP is so insistent on dictating what his fellow players wear in his avatar's presence almost makes me want to create a skimpily-dressed steatlher character and just randomly de-cloak in front of him. "Surprise!" :eek:

Edited by HeatRacer
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Back to the hair.... I decided on wearing a swimmers cap. Got it all tucked in nice neat. The only problem now is.. that it is a flesh colored cap with a big brown dot in the middle. It sort of looks like a huge breast. ;)



For my toons I got that new Thermal Jacket. Covers up just about everything and has a huge hood to hide the hair. Sure it looks a little out of place in places like Tat, but no one will take offense. :rolleyes:

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Did anyone else ever play City of Heroes/ City of Villians?


What would the OP have done about the clothing options in that game?


"That girl is wearing nothing but lingerie, thigh high boots and trenchcoat and she's cavorting with gangsters, the hussy!"


And if you did play and visited the forums regularly, then you know and I know that this thread has gone to the Americans! :D

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Your girlfriend is broken. Take her back and get a new one. Whilst you're there you might want to get a manhood MOT too.



thats the problem with our all to material modern society other humans are regarded only as objects that can be used and abonded how one sees fit ...


I am an attractive male specimen and I have a real problem being recognized only as an sexobject

by females and not as the deep intelectual being I am really are ...


but in our male dominated society its the wemen who suffer most and in collective from being

seen only as objects and not as beings


as our entertainment is a reflection of the real society you cant take that sexism out of here and you cant

do anything about its appearence ... because if you really have a problem with it, you should

adress other personalities and authorities with your concernes



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