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Breasts, Butts, Big Hair and Lightsabres?


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@The OP


There are no sleazy outfits, as you define them, in the Star Wars canon?


Darth Talon


Aayla Secura


Princess Leia


Shaak Ti


It's been posted before but the OP just ignores them and acts like they don't exist. You can't really have a sensible discussion with a guy who simply ignores actual evidence....



Cause this is totally not canon either http://www.photowall.com/images/products/620x420/42417/star-wars-padme-amidala-sunset.jpg

Edited by Tsillah
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It's been posted before but the OP just ignores them and acts like they don't exist. You can't really have a sensible discussion with a guy who simply ignores actual evidence....


This. He's clearly in his own world. He did not quote a single one of the posts either giving clear examples of how this style of clothing is part of canon, why the heck big hair is a problem, or why he's up in arms about this but has no problem with the wide spread war, slavery, and murder that is inherent in this fictional universe. Now he calls for the thread to be closed because he is in the minority of minorities when it comes to what needs to be changed in this game.


Nothing to see here folks =p

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sadly, to the Jaded Old School Purists anything not from the original trilogy is not Star Warsy and the EU is an abomination... i actually had someone tell me that Knights of the Old Republic was not canon because it was part of the EU and not part of the original trilogy, back when it first came out on the original XBox and i was trying to convince him to play it... so the only image they will ever actually acknowledge as canon is the one of Princess Leia... you may as well beat your head against a brick wall for all the good it will do to try to get a Jaded Old School Purist to even acknowledge part of the EU as canon... Aayla Secura has always been one of my Favorite Jedi in the EU... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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He speaks for me on this occasion. So not arrogant, just in touch with his community, unlike you, captain crusade.


Bull...he created a post and even though there are more people who feel the way he does, like yourself, the OP is the one who came here crusading to take options away from other players. Because that's what it would mean if he got his way.


Furthermore, time and again, examples have been posted how SW does have more sexy outfits and he completely ignores them. Ignoring counter evidence doesn't make your point valid.


If he had a point and actual arguments, then fair enough, but you guys are just moral crusaders with your own set of morals about clothing but as we have seen the OP easily lowers his own standards to lash out at other people...or in other words he's no better than anyone else here. And that totally discredits his moral stance.


The reality is this: It is in line with Star Wars to have these outfits. That has been proven with pictures already. Deny it all you want.


That leaves only your personal sense of morality which has nothing to do with Star Wars. So keep the issues separated. Don't hide your personal moral stance behind "the Star Wars feeling".


You think it's too skimpy? Well, obviously not that many people here agree with that stance. People asked for more skimpy outfits and got them. They would've never done that if it was just a couple of people who wanted that. That makes no business sense at all.


Again the pictures prove that skimpy outfits do exist in the Star Wars universe, so stop imposing your morality in Star Wars.

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That's what I was assuming as well but it's literally the most backwards thing I've ever seen...


Hair is to be hidden or kept short or else it's a sign of being "easy"? That's never something I've heard of in western civilization. In fact, many of the super religious/conservative groups believe(d) long hair was a "woman's glory" and a sign of being pure and feminine.


So... I just can't put two and two together. I mean I have long hair IRL, I never knew it was sleazy. :rolleyes:


I also have long hair irl, and I haven't heard of this before either. Could women with long hair be similiar to men in uniforms: not really "adult entertainment"-stuff, but something people at least stereotypically find "hot"?

If so, you have to ban imperial uniforms too. Too many pixel guys look way too hot in those.


I also have to agree that the OP seems to be pretty sexist. He can't take "sports bras" (by these I guess he means chestpieces like the adaptive aspiring knight's vest), but men wearing absolutely nothing as a chestpiece is completely fine, apparently. Men showing skin in a video game = completely okay. Women showing skin in a video game = adult entertainment.

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Bull...he created a post and even though there are more people who feel the way he does, like yourself, the OP is the one who came here crusading to take options away from other players. Because that's what it would mean if he got his way.


Furthermore, time and again, examples have been posted how SW does have more sexy outfits and he completely ignores them. Ignoring counter evidence doesn't make your point valid.


If he had a point and actual arguments, then fair enough, but you guys are just moral crusaders with your own set of morals about clothing but as we have seen the OP easily lowers his own standards to lash out at other people...or in other words he's no better than anyone else here. And that totally discredits his moral stance.


The reality is this: It is in line with Star Wars to have these outfits. That has been proven with pictures already. Deny it all you want.


That leaves only your personal sense of morality which has nothing to do with Star Wars. So keep the issues separated. Don't hide your personal moral stance behind "the Star Wars feeling".


You think it's too skimpy? Well, obviously not that many people here agree with that stance. People asked for more skimpy outfits and got them. They would've never done that if it was just a couple of people who wanted that. That makes no business sense at all.


Again the pictures prove that skimpy outfits do exist in the Star Wars universe, so stop imposing your morality in Star Wars.


Just so we're on the same page, I was strongly (and somewhat rudely) disagreeing with the OP.


Sorry if that was unclear.

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Bull...he created a post and even though there are more people who feel the way he does, like yourself, the OP is the one who came here crusading to take options away from other players. Because that's what it would mean if he got his way.


Furthermore, time and again, examples have been posted how SW does have more sexy outfits and he completely ignores them. Ignoring counter evidence doesn't make your point valid.


If he had a point and actual arguments, then fair enough, but you guys are just moral crusaders with your own set of morals about clothing but as we have seen the OP easily lowers his own standards to lash out at other people...or in other words he's no better than anyone else here. And that totally discredits his moral stance.


The reality is this: It is in line with Star Wars to have these outfits. That has been proven with pictures already. Deny it all you want.


That leaves only your personal sense of morality which has nothing to do with Star Wars. So keep the issues separated. Don't hide your personal moral stance behind "the Star Wars feeling".


You think it's too skimpy? Well, obviously not that many people here agree with that stance. People asked for more skimpy outfits and got them. They would've never done that if it was just a couple of people who wanted that. That makes no business sense at all.


Again the pictures prove that skimpy outfits do exist in the Star Wars universe, so stop imposing your morality in Star Wars.


Theonetruebleed was replying to the OP with that, not saying the OP spoke for him :p

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For the record, I am not alone in these sentiments.


Yes, yes you are. You might have a couple of people that agree with you but for the most part you are alone.


I lead a multi-gaming community with over 2,000 members in WoW, Guild Wars 2, PlanetSide 2 and SWTOR.


Really "2000 members", to bad your guild web site only shows about 500. And only 42 members here.


The leaders and officers of our guilds are in broad agreement with me on this. We have a lot of couples and families in our organization. Our organization is a family-friendly organization and we will not support any game that is not family-friendly.


Please just leave already, oh and can I have all your stuff on your way out. Dont let the door hit ya.

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It's fine, it's fine. Proud to be part of the majority.


lol...ah well majority or not, I tend to prefer to be on the side that has the actual arguments ;)


Also I prefer to be on the side that doesn't think sexy is worse than torture and murder.

Edited by Tsillah
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You don't speak for everyone guy. So what if we lose the hardcore religious fanatics? Be a better place.


Family friendly? LOLOLOLOL


Yeah stabbing people with lightsabers is family friendly alright.

Edited by Jaick
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For the record, I am not alone in these sentiments. I lead a multi-gaming community with over 2,000 members in WoW, Guild Wars 2, PlanetSide 2 and SWTOR. The leaders and officers of our guilds are in broad agreement with me on this. We have a lot of couples and families in our organization. Our organization is a family-friendly organization and we will not support any game that is not family-friendly.


Okay, so following the link provided in the OPs sig, I looked up his guild of 2000. 13 characters in his RP Guild for this game according to his guilds on webpage on guildlaunch.


Guild Summary

Phoenix Battalion

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Jung Ma

13 Characters


16 on Planetside 2 and none listed for WoW. Falls slightly short of the 2000 strong quoted above. Ah, thanks for the fun diversion this thread provided. By the way, OP, if you do play WoW with your 2000 strong army, none of which came to support you in this thread, do you not allow female Paladins? Because their heavy armor in WoW covers about what the dancer/slave outfit does in TOR. :D

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Breasts, Butts, and Lightsabers?


I think its time I made a female Jedi Knight.


And yes, all I read was the title and came to post my response :D


On an unrelated note, Merry Christmas to all, hope you all had a fantastic day with your loved ones, stay safe, and don't eat too much chocolate!

Edited by OwnerJord
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Hey OP :)


Let's try this one last time....


Big hair - Princess Amidala

Provocative attire - Princess Leia / Darth Talan plus many other examples

Lightsabers - Pretty obvious


Now please, don't be that guy....don't just ignore the overwhelming weight of evidence presented in this thread as if anything that disproves your assertion doesn't exist.


Let's have your comments on why all of the above does not fit in with SW canon:)



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You know, in my minds eye, I have this image of the OP. Just this skinny, pasty, unassuming looking white guy sat at his keyboard getting totally irate at all the disagreement with his opinions. I can see him sitting there, practically shaking from the sheer volume of adrenaline hitting his bloodstream, the all consuming nerd rage and the righteous indignation that anyone should have the audacity to disagree with him. Furiously typing away, only stopping every so often to literally wave his finger in the air to release some of his fervor and pent up agitation as if he's telling us all off, staring on wide eyed and talking to himself, repeating over and over the sentence that he is currently typing like a mantra, desperately trying to appear like a reasonable human being, yet sending forth such great gouts of saliva that he is practically foaming at the mouth.


Realistically, probably not the case (although I gotta be honest, i'm quietly hoping that i'm bang on the money, just for the sheer comedy of it). But I can't help but picture him like that because, that's pretty much the way he's very publicly portraying himself. Now every time he replies I just see him there, with is bible next to the keyboard, in between raging on the keyboard and wagging his finger at nothing, he every-so-often gives it a reassuring pat and mutters "Don't worry O Lord, I'm telling them, I'm telling them." And I laugh to myself, part in the absurdity of it all, and part in how proud I am of my own joke.


Y'know that old adage if you're going to a meeting and you're nervous, just picture everyone naked and it takes the edge off the situation? Well, right now, the OP is naked, the subject matter is silly and i'm grinning my *** off, because I know it will wind the poor sod up even more.


OP, if you're still here, and your head hasn't exploded from all that latent rage you're carrying about, I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, it wasn't the subject of your original post that caused you to become the subject of so much ridicule. It was your attitude.

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