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Epic Sentinel Noob


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I just rolled a senti and having now got to fleet my quickbar is getting a little jammed. I have a razer naga, but i'm more comfortable using the forward two rows or the back two rows and never the two together. Are there any skills that i can immediately trim away from the quickbars?


I'm speccing watchman and if I could get rid of force sweep and blade storm that would spare my thumb some gymnastics.


Is this viable or will I be needing those two in either levelling or flashpoints?


Edit: Am I safe to get rid of slash as well? Or is this particularly vital to the combat effectiveness of the class?

Edited by theonetruebleed
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I just rolled a senti and having now got to fleet my quickbar is getting a little jammed. I have a razer naga, but i'm more comfortable using the forward two rows or the back two rows and never the two together. Are there any skills that i can immediately trim away from the quickbars?


I'm speccing watchman and if I could get rid of force sweep and blade storm that would spare my thumb some gymnastics.


Is this viable or will I be needing those two in either levelling or flashpoints?


Edit: Am I safe to get rid of slash as well? Or is this particularly vital to the combat effectiveness of the class?


Slash is your primary focus dump in Watchman, so you can't get rid of slash. Blade Storm is excessively situational: you only use it if you have focus to dump and are more than 4 meters away from your target AND Force Leap is on cooldown. Force Sweep is also situational, but you'll want to use it any time you're facing multiple mobs that need to die quickly, as it's better than single target attacking enemies. You *could* remove it, but it would hinder you in AOE situations.

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I had a long list of moves up that you should use as a watchman sent, but the list disappeared. So instead im gonna say which moves not to use:


Blade Storm.

Well sort of. Blade storm is perfectly fine to use while leveling up. However, at level 45 you obtain a superior move in Merciless Slash. So until level 45, feel free to use blade storm, and when you get there swap it with Merciless.


Force Stasis

It does worse damage than strike, and builds less focus over its duration. ITS A TRAP!

But seriously, the only time this move is good is when you are a tank guardian and have specced it to channel by itself.


Leg Slash

Uses a lot of focus to do about half the damage of strike. Nuff said


Crippling Throw

Uses a lot of focus to do about 5% more damage than strike. You can use slash, for less, which gives a chance to proc Cauterize, AND it does more!

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I had a long list of moves up that you should use as a watchman sent, but the list disappeared. So instead im gonna say which moves not to use:


Blade Storm.

Well sort of. Blade storm is perfectly fine to use while leveling up. However, at level 45 you obtain a superior move in Merciless Slash. So until level 45, feel free to use blade storm, and when you get there swap it with Merciless.


Force Stasis

It does worse damage than strike, and builds less focus over its duration. ITS A TRAP!

But seriously, the only time this move is good is when you are a tank guardian and have specced it to channel by itself.


Leg Slash

Uses a lot of focus to do about half the damage of strike. Nuff said


Crippling Throw

Uses a lot of focus to do about 5% more damage than strike. You can use slash, for less, which gives a chance to proc Cauterize, AND it does more!


Perfect, thanks.


I re-read my first post. I didn't mean slash, I meant strike. Although having taken the senti out for a spin, I find strike is actually a handy little filler so i've kept that on my front row of three for the time being, might move it back to 6 later if i find it breaks the flow of button presses too drastically by being there.


I always have my aoe on 5, but i have moved it back to 8 based on it being pretty situational and that i'm unlikely to be using it in FPs at the risk of annoying the tank.


I've moved blade storm back from 6 to 9, again due to it being kind of situational/focus dump. It's not so far back that it's too far out of the rotation to be a pain in the *** to use, but far enough away that i can prioritise other abilities.


I have cauterise now so i'm going to have to have another shuffle of the ability deck. being as it's a dot i'm thinking of putting it up near the beginning of the rotation, maybe second or fourth.


I'll try it out and see what I make of it, but so far the overall prognosis is not good, i've spent so much time as both sage and sorc that i'm struggling with this, both in terms of range and the flexibility of the rotation. I'm not giving up though, it's a cool class and i love how ****** the two sabers look, it's just a shame i spend so much time looking at my quickbar and not at the action. That being said, I don't work sequentially with abilities on my naga, I work in patterns - similar abilities are always adjacent to each other and those that follow one another are all in a tight group, similarly high priority and low priority abilities are in two separate 'groups' away from each other. For example, with my sorc, my healing abilities are at the back of the mouse's numpad so they're all near each other for running FPs, but bubble is bound to 8 because it's easy to slide my thumb forward from it after opening with it on khem whilst levelling, then my dps abilities are at the front end and all follow a set pattern, low priority abilities are on 6, 7 and 9 and utilities are all on a second quickbar and use the shift key modifier to access them, but follow in terms of logic from the main quickbar in terms of what they do being slightly similar to or related to what the abilities in the same slot on the main quickbar do.


I just need to train my brain to pick up completely new patterns and get used to the idea of not being so rigid in it's execution. I'm worried that this might cause problems for me going back to my 'caster' type toons at a later date though, but then, the patterns i use for them are very easy to pick up, so i guess we'll see.

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Yeah, i've figured out i've got a dose of 'classfamiliarityitis', i'm too used to knowing what everything does and having a rotation that i know where everything is and when to use it. I've slowed my roll and started to pay attention to visual cues for procs, health bars of enemies (if an trash mob is on 1/16th health don't go wasting a slash or a cauterise, use strike) and being more situationally aware - as a result I now see the appeal, holy god this thing melts face.
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Maybe you should think about remapping some of your buttons?

You will probably need 10-15 skills available to click on.

What I found works best is to start using the modifiers so SHIFT + w/e/r/q/1/2/etc

these can be really easy to hit and once you get used to it you can have a ton of skills mapped and be able to hit them quickly.

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I have a razer naga...


Just out of curiosity, why don't you use the Naga? I have the Mad Catz MMO7 (won't ever buy anything from Razer again after their 2.0 Synapse software bricked my keyboard and they tried to refuse to tell me how to fix it since it was a month past warranty), and have at least a third of my abilities on the mouse. Took a while to get it down, but well worth the effort. I would think you could do something similar with the Naga, and a Shift+mouse button option would (I would think) work well enough.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I had a long list of moves up that you should use as a watchman sent, but the list disappeared. So instead im gonna say which moves not to use:


Blade Storm.

Well sort of. Blade storm is perfectly fine to use while leveling up. However, at level 45 you obtain a superior move in Merciless Slash. So until level 45, feel free to use blade storm, and when you get there swap it with Merciless.


Force Stasis

It does worse damage than strike, and builds less focus over its duration. ITS A TRAP!

But seriously, the only time this move is good is when you are a tank guardian and have specced it to channel by itself.


Leg Slash

Uses a lot of focus to do about half the damage of strike. Nuff said


Crippling Throw

Uses a lot of focus to do about 5% more damage than strike. You can use slash, for less, which gives a chance to proc Cauterize, AND it does more!


Let's say those are rarely advisable to use. Considering Endgame PvE I'd still keep them at hand, with the exception of Leg Slash.


Alle the other three have one thing in common that can come in quite handy: They work from 10m as opposed to most standard attacks of your rotation which only range 4m.


<- Often enough you have to avoid AoE-circles that appear near to the MOB you're supposed to be fighting. You don't want to be the average noob Sent / Melee DPS who just still runs to fight the MOB and dies ;-) Instead you stay at safe distance and dump any focus you might have left using Blade Storm and Crippling Throw. Force Stasis will help you build focus for that from a distance, but you can also use it as a 10m attack for itself. (Of course you would always use Twin Saber Throw first in those situations).


All those attacks are not part of your core rotation (apart from TST) but if the other option is standing around doing nothing, you will want to use them...


One simple example: Dash'roode pull in S&V: Position yourself on the very edge of the activated sandstorm shield, facing the direction where the boss will appear. As soon as you can target him, do TST. Then spam your Force Stasis Key, so it will start channeling, the moment the boss gets inside the 10m range. Once Stasis has finished chanelling, the boss will be in range for Zealous Strike and under the shield so you can start your standard Watchman rotation.

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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I had a long list of moves up that you should use as a watchman sent, but the list disappeared. So instead im gonna say which moves not to use:


Blade Storm.

Well sort of. Blade storm is perfectly fine to use while leveling up. However, at level 45 you obtain a superior move in Merciless Slash. So until level 45, feel free to use blade storm, and when you get there swap it with Merciless.


Force Stasis

It does worse damage than strike, and builds less focus over its duration. ITS A TRAP!

But seriously, the only time this move is good is when you are a tank guardian and have specced it to channel by itself.


Leg Slash

Uses a lot of focus to do about half the damage of strike. Nuff said


Crippling Throw

Uses a lot of focus to do about 5% more damage than strike. You can use slash, for less, which gives a chance to proc Cauterize, AND it does more!


While this is all true for PvE, note that Force stasis is a stun and can be used to interrupt casts by some mobs/bosses. Leg slash is a snare, and crippling throw is a heal debuff. All three are very useful in PvP if you know when to pull them out, so none of the three are really about damage.

Edited by Vodrin
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I know what you mean, OP. Sometimes I feel like I have to be an octopus in order to play my sentinel and marauder to the absolute best of my abilities. The buttons on a Razer Naga are too small and too close together for me and I see nothing but a high probability of miskeys; a Razer Tartarus is left-handed, which feels awkward, and has about a half second delay between when you key an ability and it actually performs/animates. I prefer keying abilities with both hands for maximum dps and because it feels like more of a "fighting rhythm", if that makes sense. What this means though is that I don't always do well in fights where there's a lot of movement. Strangely, and somehow, I'm actually pretty good in PvP and consistently finish in the top 3 in damage and kills with a top score in probably one out of every 3 or 4 war zones. It can feel a little awkward at times, hectic most of the time, but unequivocally fun when done well.


As a carnage marauder and combat sentinel, I have almost 30 key binds that I use at some point or another in almost every ops run (including defensive cool downs, relics, adrenals, medpacs, targeting, interrupts -- which includes force stasis, so don't get rid of that one -- and the impairing abilities). Like I said: octopus. Your life as a watchman sentinel is easier, but really, the only abilities I can think of that I never use are riposte and slash. For combat spec, slash is replaced by blade rush and riposte has no usefulness to me outside of war zones. Even in war zones I rarely use it because there are other, better abilities that can be used in its stead.


Bottom line here is (and some of that was just a rant, really, because even I get frustrated at times by only having two arms with two measly hands at the end of them for all of this): don't start removing abilities from your quickbars because you will get used to it in time and if for some reason you don't? Then yeah, probably a good idea to play a different class because all of this doesn't get any easier in HM and NiM Ops.

Edited by Lord_Garrex
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As someone who has played watchman main from the beginning, has cleared everything except Nim TfB and Nim S&V, and with a Naga from about 3 months after release, I feel like I know this issue really well. I use all 12 keys on the Naga for abilities, but only 9 see regular use, as the bottom three are for defensive CDs.


1-3 are as follows; TST, Force Leap, Overload sabers. This lets me just roll my thumb over those three keys to start a fight, and then move down a row.

4-6, Zealous Strike, Cauterize, Merciless Slash. Again, just roll over those three keys. After this things get a little different because of the chance to proc Cauterize.

7-9, Strike, MS, Slash. I'll come back to these in a minnute

10-12, Rebuke, Saber Ward, Force Camo.


After Merciless Slash, I usually drop down to Force Camo for the threat dump. I've had it happen a few times in FP where a lucky crit on Merciless Slash, followed by a lucky crit or two on the MS channel without threat dumping pulls aggro from the tank. After Force Camo it's up to MS, followed by Cauterize if it procs, Strike if not. Then into watchman priority system. (I'll skip that for now. There are dozens of threads with watchman guides, both on this site and others) For the most part I'm on the second and third rows of keys, with a few exceptions, namely hitting Overload Sabers, interrupt, MS, and defensive CDs.


I have quick access to other abilities by use of modifier keys, notably shift, but in some case control.

S1-S3; Force Sweep, Force Kick (interrupt), Dispatch (sub 30% execute). Force Sweep rarely gets used, pretty much only in the few instances where I need some AOE damage. Force Kick, only whenever interrupts are needed, Dispatch pretty on CD once it's available, partly for the massive damage, partly for the chance to proc Cauterize.

S4-S6; Blade Storm, Riposte, Leg Slash. I literally almost never use these in endgame content. Blade Storm is very underwhelming in terms of cost/effect in watchman. Every other knight has something to either make Blade Storm better (more damage or auto crits) and/or cheaper to use. Watchman get nothing. I use it once in the fight against Brontes for some free damage on the hand while I'm waiting for the fingers to come up, that's hit. Riposte, again, never used for watchman endgame; cost/effect is out of whack and if you and your tank are working together correctly, you'll never get it proced. Even in solo play, there are better things to spend the focus on, I guarantee it. Leg Slash is also never used in endgame PvE. Bosses are immune to movement impairing effects, which is the only thing Leg Slash is good for. Trash dies too quickly for the root to be any use.

S7-S9; Stasis, Guarded by the Force, Sweeping Slash. Stasis is very situational. Pretty much the only time I use it is for interrupting things that can only be interrupted via stun. Guarded by the Force is an awesome CD if used correctly. It's use I could probably write a paragraph on, so I'll skip it. Sweeping Slash is used for AOE when I need more than Force Sweep.

S10-S12; Pacify, Awe, Stun Droid. Pacify I use on mobs that hit like a truck, it can't be used on Op bosses. Awe is used pretty much only when I'm getting swarmed in solo play, Stun Droid is so situational I almost never use it.


Control Keys are pretty much Centering, and legacy related, with a space for op specific things (Shield for Dashroode) and medpac.


If an ability isn't up there somewhere, I usually don't use it. I hope this helps you out, let me know if anything is unclear, and best if luck.

Edited by ShadowTech
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