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Hood up armor?


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They are probably saving the armor for newer operations or an xpac. They probably realized it's star wars, and so armor is really limited (design wise--look at the shaman assassin armor LOL) and decided to save the cool stuff for later; which sucks, but they want to keep us enticed.


I mean who am I kidding, if I got the armor from that pic/deceived trailer, I would never change sets again.

Edited by Anbokr
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On Dromund Kaas I found these BA red and black robes from the quest where you have the choice to kill the son and his mother or his father. I got it after killing the father, but they were green. :( After that it has been down hill with the gear. I don't want to wear a dress, a skin tight shirt, a shirt with a bunch of two foot long spikes coming out of it, and I don't want to wear a helmet that makes me look like I'm from the Roman Army. All I want is some plain robes with a hood and maybe a hood toggle feature, but I heard it's hard to implement that into the game according to Stephen Reid.
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That sounds like straight up bs right there. There are robes with the hood on and off. We even have the option to toggle headgear, so I luckily don't have to run around like Darth Malgus. I can't comprehend why toggling hoods would be somehow difficult to accomplish. I'm pretty sure they'll save that for later. Just like the match chest option that was taken out. Because it worked too good.
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When I was level 40-ish, I had armor that looked like a purple version of the Imperial Guard armor. I was happy, but mostly because the fact I've -ONLY SEEN SKIRTS SO *********** FAR AND NONE OF THEM MATCHED MY GOD DAMN CHEST PIECE- that this skirt finally matched my chest. Then as I continued to Corellia I got to thinking 'Alright, maybe some epic looking armor. Get a hood, some body armor, just look amazing!'


... I now am wearing Imperial Guard/Dark Honor Guard armor.


I am neither of these things. I am a Sith Lord. A Darth. The god damned Emperor's Wrath.


I don't wanna look like General Hesker. I don't wanna look like the guys who -bow to me-.


*Sighs* I'm working on the pvp gear, and I'm happy to see a hood is available. But I'd rather have a hood-up robe than anything. Yes it looks like the Jedi Sentinel... but isn't that kind of the point? Make the armor black or black and red, we're the darker version of the Sentinel. We stand for everything they stand against. We're the ruthless butchers, they're the zealous defenders.

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This just pisses me off beyond belief. I had a VERY clear picture in my head how I wanted my character to appear when I made him. a hood up cloak was integral to that look. I just do not get how the other two armor classes have so many hood up options, and medium has virtually none (other then those ridiculous looking ones with the comic book character capes)/


Least you arnt PINK, yeh you heard me.. I've turned pink from dark red.

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The smart way to handle these problems, at least for orange items, would be to move the armor limitations to the *mods*, and not the armor - make it a property of the mod itself. Like, you have an "universal" orange item, but if you put some high armor and absorption piece in it, it now requires heavy armor.
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The smart way to handle these problems, at least for orange items, would be to move the armor limitations to the *mods*, and not the armor - make it a property of the mod itself. Like, you have an "universal" orange item, but if you put some high armor and absorption piece in it, it now requires heavy armor.


That's actually not a bad idea. Cause that way my medium wearing *** won't be tempted to roll on your heavy armor just so I can rip out the mod.


Also, I have terrible news for anyone that was shredding it up on Taris last night looking for that elusive Black Robe that was rumored to be medium. I got the following reply last night from the person who discovered it.


Whats the name of the robe shown in the following pic.




And is it medium armor?


I got them from all the quests in Taris. Since I am a Sith Jug, it's called Juggernaught Elite (Green, Heavy Armour). Afterwards, once you do all the Heroics, you will get the better version of it and they are called Merciless Juggernaught Elite (Orange, Heavy).


WHAT. THE. ****. BIOWARE?!?!?!?

Edited by Yescek
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That's actually not a bad idea. Cause that way my medium wearing *** won't be tempted to roll on your heavy armor just so I can rip out the mod.


Also, I have terrible news for anyone that was shredding it up on Taris last night looking for that elusive Black Robe that was rumored to be medium. I got the following reply last night from the person who discovered it.




WHAT. THE. ****. BIOWARE?!?!?!?


You get a medium version, Its called Dread Marauder I believe, gonna start ripping the planet up now to see if i can find it. post back laters :)



Right now though, I stole a smugglers duster and am using that. Really wish there were cowbot or gunslinger hats for the empire so i can give it to Vette. Empire hats are so but ugly!

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The Dread Marauder from heroics is a red chest piece with a cape(there's a higher strength, lower endurance one called Dread Corsair). Its from Blackout, its a Heroic 2+ at Crater Command. So no, I don't think there's a hooded chest piece for Marauder other than the PvE and PvP level 50 sets.
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You get a medium version, Its called Dread Marauder I believe, gonna start ripping the planet up now to see if i can find it. post back laters :)



Right now though, I stole a smugglers duster and am using that. Really wish there were cowbot or gunslinger hats for the empire so i can give it to Vette. Empire hats are so but ugly!


Are you forizzle? Please in the name of all that is holy tell me you're NOT *********** with me. I was beyond disappointed when I got that reply this morning. I would really hate it if you renewed my hope only to smash it against a rock again.



The Dread Marauder from heroics is a red chest piece with a cape(there's a higher strength, lower endurance one called Dread Corsair). Its from Blackout, its a Heroic 2+ at Crater Command. So no, I don't think there's a hooded chest piece for Marauder other than the PvE and PvP level 50 sets.


GOD *********** DAMNIT

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I saw on the republic trade kiosk a robe called Inspiration Vest. It's a jedi robe, customizable, medium armor, requires level 19. Doesn't require any class so marauders could use that, if they can put their hands on it, and if they don't mind wearing jedi colors. Edited by Vetril
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Wearing jedi colours would be sweet. Sky blue, fuchsia, and whatever the **** color I want would be nice, too.


That said, I could've sworn I've seen one hood-up customizable marauder armor before. I'll have to look for it and get back to you about it.


Can this type of body armor even be found in the game? I think it's basically what the Jedi Knights are wearing, but do the Sith get them too? I know there's at least a similar robe in the game.


If that exists in-game and wasn't extremely rare, everyone and his brother would be wearing it.

Edited by memoriesofprey
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I saw on the republic trade kiosk a robe called Inspiration Vest. It's a jedi robe, customizable, medium armor, requires level 19. Doesn't require any class so marauders could use that, if they can put their hands on it, and if they don't mind wearing jedi colors.


I just found that vest. It is wearable by any class but it's neither a hood up chest nor does it have any kind of cape or anything else. It's a quite ugly vest.

It requires level 18.

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I just found that vest. It is wearable by any class but it's neither a hood up chest nor does it have any kind of cape or anything else. It's a quite ugly vest.

It requires level 18.


Impossible, it clearly showed the hood in the preview, and it required level 19 - I believe it's not the same vest.


If it hides the class requirements as long as you satisfy them, I wouldn't know. They do not show up in the item description though, for my scoundrel.

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when i got to 50 and was let down by the lack of armor choices to replace my skirt, I just bought BoE agent gear and switched out the mods. now I am a marauder with a trench coat, night vision goggles, skinny jeans and a pair of heavy armored PvP boots, not what i envisioned for my class, but it sure beats the shark fin and dress combo. also a side note, when i cntrol click the 50 PvP chest armor, it shows hood up with the night vision goggles still on, which i think looks BA.
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If that exists in-game and wasn't extremely rare, everyone and his brother would be wearing it.


At least that would make more sense than everyone being able to look like Darth Malgus. What the Sith wear in the trailer, seems like standard warrior gear and it's something that a whole army would wear.

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At least that would make more sense than everyone being able to look like Darth Malgus. What the Sith wear in the trailer, seems like standard warrior gear and it's something that a whole army would wear.


QFE dudes

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The smart way to handle these problems, at least for orange items, would be to move the armor limitations to the *mods*, and not the armor - make it a property of the mod itself. Like, you have an "universal" orange item, but if you put some high armor and absorption piece in it, it now requires heavy armor.


THIS THIS THIS!!! Im bout to rock light armor just so I can look a least some what cool!


BW needs to add another 1000 pieces of gear of some cool looking sith!!!

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