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Everything posted by CrazyMadness

  1. It would be awesome if they at least put that first part in the game because it actually makes a lot of sense.
  2. On Dromund Kaas I found these BA red and black robes from the quest where you have the choice to kill the son and his mother or his father. I got it after killing the father, but they were green. After that it has been down hill with the gear. I don't want to wear a dress, a skin tight shirt, a shirt with a bunch of two foot long spikes coming out of it, and I don't want to wear a helmet that makes me look like I'm from the Roman Army. All I want is some plain robes with a hood and maybe a hood toggle feature, but I heard it's hard to implement that into the game according to Stephen Reid.
  3. The UPS website says that it's coming tomorrow by 3:00 for me
  4. My cousin ordered one yesterday and it shipped right now so you should be good
  5. They shipped my order and I'm getting my CE tomorrow
  6. Do you have the client already and did you put you out in your pre order whenever you pre ordered? If yes just log on to the client and you can start playing.
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