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Hood up armor?


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Saw another orange today on a jedi sentinel. Name's [sith Blademaster's Vest], it's like a jedi robe but black / dark grey, very similar to that trailer screenshot posted a few pages ago, very cool; no visible reqs in the description, medium armor. The guy said he got it from the 1st boss of Maelstrom Prison. If anyone has a republic character and feels like farming one, he can trade it to an empire player and then we can see if it's usable :D Edited by Vetril
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Saw another orange today on a jedi sentinel. Name's [sith Blademaster's Vest], it's like a jedi robe but black / dark grey, very similar to that trailer screenshot posted a few pages ago, very cool; no visible reqs in the description, medium armor. The guy said he got it from the 1st boss of Maelstrom Prison. If anyone has a republic character and feels like farming one, he can trade it to an empire player and then we can see if it's usable :D


Well I have gotten the Sith Bladesmaster gloves from the foundry, And I have been soloing the place like 10 times a day cause I assumed it dropped the rest of the Sith gear. But you say a republic has gotten the chest from Maelstrom which is their equivalent to The Foundry. So I am wondering if BW has the loot tables screwed up and republics getting all our gear while we get screwed. And I keep getting Sentinels Maelstrom leggings from Boarding party, which further makes me believe loot tables are not right in these flashpoints.

Edited by xxxNazgulxxx
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Ladies and gentlemen, I just aquired a hooded robe for my marauder - not black but brown/grey, but hey, it's a robe. And it has a hood. :D

It's currently in possession of my scoundrel, tomorrow I'll smuggle it on the other side of the fence XD

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i have to say something as well, i actually started of with a jugg, but realized how much i desired a revan-type look..

was so happy when i found out i could use a purple/red combo, and look like the progression video mara.

in fact, that's nearly dead on to what i had in mind, the only thing that may have been missing is a revan-type mask (which i would have been prepared to deal with if i would have to "hide" it)

i was quite disappointed when i found out that my mara. would only slightly relieve himself of his PoS cross-dressing,tight shirt, shytty look until lvl 50... LEVEL 50.

So basically, i have to wait until endgame to look decent, i can tolerate that if i knew i would look something similar to the progression video, something sinister and evil..but no, i have been in PvP for a while now, observing what other players wear at lvl 50, and for the most part..ALL the level 50 marauders have this sort of "age of empires/transformers" like get-up..

Now, I have been paying attention to what most of you have been saying, and some of the evidence may actually point to BW making a mistake here. It seems they have either made a slight mix-up in their loots/gear setup, or it's being saved for a future expansion pack, which chances are it will not be released for a little while considering the game is fairly new.

Hopefully, all of us marauders who are anxious to hear what will come about of this situation will be satisfied, or else BW is likely to continue to receive a lot of negative responses within this field.

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I just traded over the clothes on Nar Shaddaa. What was a jedi styled hooded vest has now become a normal, unhooded shirt, and the pants that came with it are now a skirt. Their appearance changes with the faction. Even the icons are different. I bet that all the medium armor BDSM **** that we have would "jedify" if we passed it to the republic players. If you don't believe me, I can provide screens.


Now... Seriously? What's the reasoning behind this, uh, questionable mechanic? Maybe we should flood em with tickets?

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What I don't get:


I read a lot of replys that the pvp armor has a hood up mode. But if I preview the whole armor I've got another ugly set.

Which PvP set has the hood up chest? I imagine I have to hide my head slot to get a hood but which of the sets do have this hood?

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What I don't get:


I read a lot of replys that the pvp armor has a hood up mode. But if I preview the whole armor I've got another ugly set.

Which PvP set has the hood up chest? I imagine I have to hide my head slot to get a hood but which of the sets do have this hood?


I think all the PvP sets have the hood up option, I know at least the Champion and Centurion does. When previewing, don't just hide your helm slot but remove it from it's slot as well, then you can be sure to see the hood up look.

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This is disheartening. I'm playing an agent and I've frankly been looking for a marauder robe with a hood to mod out. But it seems you have are doing that very thing to my stuff, just to look semi-sith, which is just silly.


Personally im still running around in my black talon operative robes at lvl 32 because everything else looks horrid for the agent aswell.

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By the Emperor. This. When I created my Sith Warrior, I was hoping that I'll eventually be able to look like this. Someone please tell me that gear is somewhere in the game. After all, we can look close to freaking Darth Malgus.


yup me too...


this is horsecrap.. and yes it's making me want to almost change classes.. as looks are super important to me.. that was the only reason I rolled mar over Jugg..

was the style and the 2 sabers..


And yes that look existed in beta.. here in final they have given it to Juggs.

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Are you forizzle? Please in the name of all that is holy tell me you're NOT *********** with me. I was beyond disappointed when I got that reply this morning. I would really hate it if you renewed my hope only to smash it against a rock again.




GOD *********** DAMNIT


Completely cleared Taris, even took all the heroics all over again, and didn't get anything at the end, certainly not a hooded robe. One of the 2 man heroics gave a moddable chest, but its a cape and shoulders, no hood.


Seems like this rumour is complete BS unless I'm missing something :(

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God I'm regretting getting rid of my hood down robes from Black Talon.


I could have modded and kept it.


Now like all others I'm going around in a dress and a Malgus style chest piece. Annoyed does not come close to it.


Just go and farm the flash point again. It seems that if you are the only one there, you have a higher chance of it dropping again. I went back to farm it and got it on my second attempt.

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Just go and farm the flash point again. It seems that if you are the only one there, you have a higher chance of it dropping again. I went back to farm it and got it on my second attempt.


Do you know if you're still able to put in high level enhancements?


If so I'll keep farming it, so far I've come up empty handed.

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Completely cleared Taris, even took all the heroics all over again, and didn't get anything at the end, certainly not a hooded robe. One of the 2 man heroics gave a moddable chest, but its a cape and shoulders, no hood.


Seems like this rumour is complete BS unless I'm missing something :(


It IS total BS, and I posted as much that day.


As for decent looking armor, the Agent trench coat lookin thing from Corellia is pretty bawse. Looks really good actually, if you pair it with the Ardent Blade Gloves and boots from Voss. Almost any actual PANTS will do, iI'm still using my Bladestorm Greaves from forever ago.


But if you take that outfit and go replace the coat with the Primeval Paragon robe..............actually don't do that as it will make you want to smash your monitor out of rage at Bioware's utter failure to provide THEIR PROMISED AESTHETIC.

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Well I come bearing news, and I'm afraid it's quite grim.


I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with how the mod system was in beta and the changes it went through the last couple builds.


It started off that all of the prototype (blue) and artifact (purple) gear was fully moddable. If you found a nice blue cloak - with a hood, of course - you could get a raid drop, extract the mods and pop them in that cloak and voila, raid gear.


This is no longer the case, and I have extreme doubts that it will be the case in the foreseeable future:


1) It is no longer possible to extract the hilts/barrels/armoring from Raid gear, meaning that unless there are dropped schematics to make said hilts/barrels/armoring custom gear will come nowhere near raid drops in terms of min-max damage or armor count.


2) Raid/PvP sets have bonuses. Apparently the tool-tips are bugged in the vendors, however upon inspection of players with said loot I can confirm that there are, indeed, set bonuses.


2.5) One large caveat, if my memory serves me right, is that I remember reading the set bonus was for 5 pieces. If they include bracers, implants, the earpiece and even relics in the set bonus it may be possible to have custom gear be viable, but only if my first point is brought into fruition.


3) Set bonuses are not tied to the gear, but the armoring mod. For instance, you need 5 pieces of custom gear each with the "Armoring of the Vicious Sith" (my naming is amazing, I know) in order to get the bonus. The armoring is not extractable, though, so the schematic would need to drop from a boss.



Keep any items you like and push for more hoods for us Marauders (our Sentinal cousin has too many, apparently, which is sad) and hope they allow for custom gear to be viable so we all don't look like Shredder in end-game.


/Signed and agreed. I'm extremely annoyed by the whole not being able to extract armoring/hilts etc out of endgame gear(With the way it looks, it should be a gosh darn right).

There is no way in HELL im gonna be wearring the current Tier set for Marauder, as it looks purely like a stupid heavy armored expresso sith machine *drink here or to go?*, and no way near what was advertised for this class! I've even gone so far and pulled out all the mods/enhancements from my Columi/Rakata that i could, bought the low 126 daily armoring/hilt parts, nerfing myself more than i ought to be, but there is no way around their piece of s*** armor choices atm :mad:


Hopefully BW will take notice, on the lots of threads about this problem, and do something about it.

Edited by LexiCazam
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