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*** this game is amazing!


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Hey guys. New player, just started playing today and subscribing today lol. Just coming on to say that this game is actually pretty damn amazing.


I mean, I play a LOT of mmos and by far the game I've played the longest is Runescape. However when I compare this game to what Runescape was, omg..... so much awesomeness. I really don't understand what is so bad about it? A couple a months ago I was planning on trying this game but was steered away by a large amounts of bad press on the game only to find today and yesterday as f2p that this game is not actually that bad of a game.


There seems to be no pay 2 win elements in this game. By pay 2 win I mean they directly sell the best weapon in the game and you can wield it at any level. They don't make it so that you have to pay money to compete in PVP which is awesome. I like the whole cosmetic shop and selling skins and stuff. Much like league of legends except in this game as a sub I get free cartel coins which no other mmo does.


But yeah, this is just a random post. My question is why are news sites reporting this as a bad game? I don't understand, there is nothing bad with this game. Many news stories claim pay to win options(which to me and many mmo players is an instant don't play that mmo) however when I am starting to play and scoured the cartel there seemed to be no elements of directly selling players levels or equipment that would make elements of the game unfair(PVP).


See you guys in game hopefully :)).

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Yes, TOR is awesome :) My only regrets are the times I have to spend eating, sleeping and going to work!


But, as you're new, quick warning - you're going to get lots of negative responses to this thread, because it's the internetz and that's how some people roll.


Ignore them and keep enjoying the game :) Good time to join too, with all the events.

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There are things that are wrong with this game, but what those things are is subjective.

However, the "news sites" that say this game is P2W are probably as trustworthy as F....oh well...I won't say it because I'll get reported again :D.


Have fun and a bit of advice from someone who's been playing the game for too long: if you want to continue enjoying the game, stay as far away from this forum as possible.


Good luck!

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Have fun and a bit of advice from someone who's been playing the game for too long: if you want to continue enjoying the game, stay as far away from this forum as possible.


Good luck!


No way, I love the forums! You just need a thick skin and the ability to shrug and not take things personally. Oh and maybe counting to 10 before posting is a good idea too :)

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I like the whole cosmetic shop and selling skins and stuff. Much like league of legends except in this game as a sub I get free cartel coins which no other mmo does.


There are actually several F2P MMO's that do this; SWTOR, TSW and DDO are some of the ones that I know of for sure - they all give monthly store credit stipeds if you are a subscriber instead of an F2Per. :)

Welcome onboard, glad to hear you're having fun!

Edited by Callaron
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There are things that are wrong with this game, but what those things are is subjective.

However, the "news sites" that say this game is P2W are probably as trustworthy as F....oh well...I won't say it because I'll get reported again :D.


Have fun and a bit of advice from someone who's been playing the game for too long: if you want to continue enjoying the game, stay as far away from this forum as possible.


Good luck!


Yeah, part of the problem is that many players like to define "P2W" as "whatever I don't like in a game."


As a result, the ability to sell cash shop items for credits and thus gain VERPINE gear (you don't even get a set bonus!) when Verpine gear has been obsolete since September, is considered "P2W" when it's nothing of the sort.

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I'm glad you are having fun and yes, it is an amazing game! It shouldn't get the flack it gets but that's just the internet sometimes. It has many things to do! Sit back, relax and watch the people talk to you in beautiful cutscenes for your pleasure.


Choose wisely ;)


Have fun!

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A positive post on these forums? Blasphemy! Burn the OP at the stake!!!!


But no, really, nice to see something that's just upbeat and positive. And welcome OP, have fun. :D


Was pretty much going to say a post like this, but was beat to it!


Sure there are problems with the game, but it's not a horrible game that is the worst game evar like many seem to make it out to be, glad you are enjoying it. Hope you continue to enjoy it :)

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Was pretty much going to say a post like this, but was beat to it!


Sure there are problems with the game, but it's not a horrible game that is the worst game evar like many seem to make it out to be, glad you are enjoying it. Hope you continue to enjoy it :)



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I'm glad you are having fun and yes, it is an amazing game! It shouldn't get the flack it gets but that's just the internet sometimes. It has many things to do! Sit back, relax and watch the people talk to you in beautiful cutscenes for your pleasure.


Choose wisely ;)


Have fun!


Before SWTOR came out hating on WoW was the "cool" thing to do on the internet (or at least the MMO section of it) - after doing that for over half a decade I guess the haters grew bored, and saw another big title that was still fresh to hate on.

That's not to say that Bioware didn't make some mistakes early on in SWTOR's history (due to being noobs in the MMO industry :p) - but yeah, they don't deserve that kind of hate for it, and they've done a lot to remedy many of the things they messed up at launch.

Edited by Callaron
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Welcome aboard! Happy to have ya!

My question is why are news sites reporting this as a bad game? I don't understand, there is nothing bad with this game.

This game has had its share of mistakes/problems, but I've actually been impressed with how good BioWare is about correcting most of them (latest example: thank god they moved the raid markers into the Legacy system instead of having them as one-time use (seriously, W.T. Fudge???) items in the Cartel Packs).


A lot of the initial wave of bad press came because it was being heralded as a WoW-killer level game, but then launched really light on End Game and without some pretty basic MMO features like a Group Finder and UI Editor (probably from being rushed to get to stores by X-mas). Those problems have been corrected over time, but they say first impressions are the most important, and a lot of the damage was already done.


Beyond that I think a lot of the shade that gets cast on this game comes from people wanting it to be something it just is not, whether that's a super sandbox-focused MMO, an E-Sports level PVP game, a super-hardcore difficult game, or *cough*Star Wars Galaxies*cough*, etc.


Not every complaint it unreasonable, to be sure, but this game is a lot easier to love if you take it for what it is at its core: a casual-friendly themepark MMO that takes a lot of cues from WoW's gameplay style, has a heavy story element (for an MMO), is financially supported by putting everything that can reasonably be called "cosmetic" into the cash shop, and favors frequent, small content updates.


If that's not your cup of tea, that's cool, but you'd probably be happier finding a different MMO or Star Wars game that's a better fit.

Sounds like in your case, though, this game is a good fit - so again, welcome to the community! Enjoy the ride. :D

Edited by DarthDymond
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2 pages and still no haters?


Reminds me of this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CPlF-IEkXQ


Welcome to the game OP, and since you say you have played a LOT of mmo's, I'm just going to assume that I don't need to tell you to wear a flame retardant suit when going on the forums :)


EDIT: Also, these two vids are pretty much mandatory if you play the game :)



Edited by OddballEasyEight
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All I can say is; Spread the word! Don't let some crappy biased and/or uninformed news site spread all this false information. SWToR is great!


Sure, the game isn't perfect. But the moment a perfect MMO makes it's appearance, there'd be no use for any other game. :p

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But the moment a perfect MMO makes it's appearance, there'd be no use for any other game. :p


It is true that there's no perfect MMO yet and let's hope there will never be one. A lot of games have elements that are improved versions from other MMOs: SWTOR has easily the most enjoyable leveling, EVE has best skill system by far, Tera was the first MMO with enjoyable fighting system...


I was away a very long time before I decided to return to SWTOR. I played for few days as preferred status but even that has some limitations I don't like so I had to sub. Don't know anyone in-game so I have to play solo.


Welcome aboard OP. Have fun in this awesome game. Ignore all people/news sites that will tell you otherwise.

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The truth has set you free OP. Yes, it is a fun game with a lot of potential and well worth some time and a sub IMO. I do love playing it which is why I'm here. But... I warn you OP. The haters are lurking out there and soon, they will pounce on this thread. But, it sounds like you have already been inoculated against their viral angst. Welcome aboard! Edited by Rafaman
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There seems to be no pay 2 win elements in this game. By pay 2 win I mean they directly sell the best weapon in the game and you can wield it at any level


There is no pay 2 win in terms of gear, but the cartel market technically allows you to pay for credits.


But yeah, this is just a random post. My question is why are news sites reporting this as a bad game? I don't understand, there is nothing bad with this game


-Overhyped game

-No end game content, therefore loss of subs in the months after release

-Generally a theme park game from 1 to 55

-Free to play option under a year

-Cartel market becoming one of the main income for the game

-The game engine itself


But my message to you is to enjoy the story, because this is a story based mmo

Edited by Rileysoph
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There is no pay 2 win in terms of gear, but the cartel market technically allows you to pay for credits.




-Overhyped game

-No end game content, therefore loss of subs in the months after release

-Generally a theme park game from 1 to 55

-Free to play option under a year

-Cartel market becoming one of the main income for the game

-The game engine itself


But my message to you is to enjoy the story, because this is a story based mmo


That list sounds pretty spot on to me, as does the suggestion.

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It's a nice game indeed :)


I'm not much of an MMO guy, especially when they're "traditional" hard targeting, trinity based WoW-style games like this one... so I did stop playing for a long time. The story and setting were there but the gameplay - no fault of the game itself in my case - was just not for me. Until GSF came along. Now I'm enjoying a certain aspect of the game play just as much - if not more - than the story aspect! Bioware added much wanted free flight space, they listened to us, hence they got my sub back at least for now!


It feels so good to be back. I may only enjoy leveling and doing the stories when it comes to the ground game, but the Star Wars setting combined with GSF (space combat is my niche it seems) give me a lot of enjoyment and hopefully it will persist, even when Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen's dogfighting module are out. I know that the aspects of the game I enjoy are available for f2p (GSF later though) - but it's all or nothing for me. Either I sub or I don't play.


I'm a happy camper :D

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This game is very nice but there are a lot of critical aspects:

- No open PvP;

- No sandbox aspects (it's all linear and the player has to follow what devs have builded),

- Strong limitations (no swimming; no cycle day - day/night - weather etc-)

- no social aspects (cantina etc.)

but it's a beautiful game because it has an epic history and wonderful questes.

Edited by VanderII
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