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Starting after early access


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Ok so some good responses and I thank you for that, I half expected to be flamed for being a noob.


I have only used the scout ship so far with the first upgrade to my lasers, not much done at all. I only started it today.


I know early access is still going on, my title isn't particularly clear and I'm sorry about that, I meant as a player who starts now as opposed to those who jumped in on day one.


I know from reading other threads my ship will get shot up a lot and I'm ok with getting killed, it was mainly just that it seems quite a learning curve and not easily "pickupable" for a newbie to GSF. I mean even PvP gives a stat increase so everyone is roughly on the same level and means low levels can still compete.


I'm going to keep reading up and I will give it more time, it's just something I was curious about


Understandable that you are getting killed as a Scout ship, since the same thing happens to me when I fly one and get targeted by missiles and don't break the lock. Scouts don't survive long under a barrage of laser blasts and torpedoes. It takes practice to get good with them. If there was a ship I'd suggest to new players, its the Strike Fighter since it's a good balance between gunships and scouts. I've focused on getting good at just one starfighter for the time being and that helps your play a lot. So I suggest just keep at it with the scout and soon you'll get the kills and less deaths.

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Thanks to everyone for the tips and advice, I gave GSF another shot and switched to the strike fighter and got on much better. Even scored a few kills which was fun (still died a lot but not as much as I had before) and I'm going to continue to play it. I'm going to stick with the strike fighter for now and then maybe give scouts another go when I'm more comfortable with the way GSF works.


Thank you again for all the help, it is appreciated :D

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Anyone that tells you that upgrades aren't that important is setting you up for a fall.


If their weapons do more damage, shields regen quicker, have shorter lock ons and shorter cool downs you are at a big disadvantage. But equally if they have the upgrades they also have more experience that you and will beat you so much so you will likely pick up fewer points as your score will be reduced as you spend most of your time flying forward and back.


So far there has been a massive decrease in the number of people flying on my server so that it is really only 'Aces' that are really flying while anyone trying to get into it gets owned horribly. See them picking up no medals with no kills and lots of deaths come the end. Now unless you like being beaten thats not fun and I doubt they come back for a second shot and even if they do its not likely to improve for them.


So I suspect that GSF will prove to be a failure when all is said and done. Those that are good will enjoy it but the more they dominant the less causal players will find any reason to queue up for the battles only to be one shoted and owned.

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Anyone that tells you that upgrades aren't that important is setting you up for a fall.


If their weapons do more damage, shields regen quicker, have shorter lock ons and shorter cool downs you are at a big disadvantage. But equally if they have the upgrades they also have more experience that you and will beat you so much so you will likely pick up fewer points as your score will be reduced as you spend most of your time flying forward and back.


So far there has been a massive decrease in the number of people flying on my server so that it is really only 'Aces' that are really flying while anyone trying to get into it gets owned horribly. See them picking up no medals with no kills and lots of deaths come the end. Now unless you like being beaten thats not fun and I doubt they come back for a second shot and even if they do its not likely to improve for them.


So I suspect that GSF will prove to be a failure when all is said and done. Those that are good will enjoy it but the more they dominant the less causal players will find any reason to queue up for the battles only to be one shoted and owned.


It depends on the time of the day or night and I guess which server. There are certain times when the Aces come in and play, and they play on both sides - so if youre new your chances of winning and losing are equal, but youre still going to die often. You see the Aces get over 11 kills, mostly around 12-14 kills with a few 16 and even above 17 kills. In my server, last I checked the forums, the biggest kill was 27. Other servers got to 32 kills. Those results are both because of the Ace's mastery and because of how bad or inexperienced the enemy were.


And then there are times when the aces are not there. That's when I usually get the most kills, sometimes going up to 12 kills. The longer you play and the more you focus on a single Starfighter to upgrade, the better you get. At first I couldnt get over 4 kills, then it was 6, and I was at six for a long time. Now I can get 12, depending on whose playing but I still average off at 5 or 6 kills, when the enemy is evenly experienced with my team. The progression of the level of my kills has much to do with my upgrades, like you noted. When one enters GS for the first time they are going to get creamed over and over again until they slowly start upgrading, and hopefully learning some new tricks along the way.


This isnt a nerd vs noob situation. Its about how much you care about your Starfighter, the love you put into your ship.



That was an old WWI saying. Basically everyone that died in the air, mostly died because it was there first time. Pilots that did at least 5 missions vastly improved their chances of surviving. Most of the kills (about over 80% of the kills) were done by 1% of the pilots, the Aces. We currently have a very similar situation to that history.


In our case, fly for FIVE DAYS AND NIGHTS, and your chances of being an Ace are vastly improved.


Fly five, stay alive.

Edited by HiddenPalm
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Anyone that tells you that upgrades aren't that important is setting you up for a fall.


If their weapons do more damage, shields regen quicker, have shorter lock ons and shorter cool downs you are at a big disadvantage. But equally if they have the upgrades they also have more experience that you and will beat you so much so you will likely pick up fewer points as your score will be reduced as you spend most of your time flying forward and back.


So far there has been a massive decrease in the number of people flying on my server so that it is really only 'Aces' that are really flying while anyone trying to get into it gets owned horribly. See them picking up no medals with no kills and lots of deaths come the end. Now unless you like being beaten thats not fun and I doubt they come back for a second shot and even if they do its not likely to improve for them.


So I suspect that GSF will prove to be a failure when all is said and done. Those that are good will enjoy it but the more they dominant the less causal players will find any reason to queue up for the battles only to be one shoted and owned.



I agree that it is stupid for ppl to say upgrades are not that important, anyone that has played one game knows this is a falsehood. That being said, aiming is the most important part of GSF and that is something that is learned or naturally gifted with...not bought. (although there are a few unlockables that gently helps with that)


How can you imply it is/will be a failure when the full game has not been released?

How can you imply it is/will be a failure when only subs can play now, not prefs/f2p?



I just hope bioware removes the 5 per week limit on warzones for them, THAT factor will have the most impact on this becoming a failure in the long run.

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Full Upgrades are NOT important to be a contender. They only help.



Once you get Tier 2-3 upgrades you will do well enough. You will still be at a disadvantage, but with wise flying you won't be utter fodder.


My recommendations for Fighters:

1st - Barrel Roll 1 and 2. . . (Less energy and improved cooldown) = Total Req 3500

2nd - Missle tier 1 and 2 upgrades (Reduced lockon and shield pierce) = Total Req 3500

3rd - Laser tier 1 and 2. = Total Req 3500



I forgot the basic fighter doesn't have Barrel roll by default. . . Add 1000 Req to unlock

*End Edit*


You can be a contender in about 12k Req. If anyone doubts this I can get on an alt that has only these and prove it to you. I have an alt that rocks only these upgrades (Hit me up on Knickers - Ebon Hawk)



All other Secondary Abilities

Tier 1 upgrade (easy little boosts that require only 1k to unlock)


If you do these, you can at least contend imo. I rocked these for a long awhile while I was saving up req.

Edited by Cashal
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I agree that it is stupid for ppl to say upgrades are not that important, anyone that has played one game knows this is a falsehood. That being said, aiming is the most important part of GSF and that is something that is learned or naturally gifted with...not bought. (although there are a few unlockables that gently helps with that)


It is largely true actually. They help certainly, but people want to blame everything on upgrades. Look at what they actually do, you get 5% more damage, or 6% more turning etc. The reason people with upgrades(btw you can't tell when fighting them, there's no inspect button) would be winning is because it takes a good bit of time to get all that req. Thus they have put in a lot more practice time, and honed their skills much longer.


One of the ways to guarantee you lose a lot is to blame defeats on everything except you're own skill. When people do that they see no reason to improve their skills, instead trying to go after the wrong thing. And that just makes them even worse as others improve their skills.

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The Tier 2 ships come with only the basic, non-upgraded equipment. Nothing is unlocked on them.


There are only 3 reasons I can think of that someone would want to buy one of the Cartel ships:


1) It saves them 5,000 Fleet Requisition, compared to purchasing the Tier 2 ship in-game.

2) They like how it looks better.

3) They are completionists, and want to buy one of everything.


Quoted for truth on all three fronts. I like the scout alot more then I like the teir 2 version for 5000 requistion and it's already considered masted so I get a additional 10% when I fly it per match. It visual alot more appealing but paying 1.8 million for it was not bad verse spending 1800 cartels coins on it. And yes I am a completionist so I have to have all the items via the GTN when I see them. Still tho game bugs continue to keep me from having alot higher achievements and codex entrees.

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Apologise for bad design decisions all you want but entire MMO's have been rebooted because the population nosedived after long term players became able to kill new entrants too easily.


It's fun for the headstarters who tell themselves how skilled they are and like pulling teeth for anyone still finding their bearings.


Don't tell me BW's matchmaking will fix that when I can find myself in a ground 4v4 solo against 4 opponents of the same faction.

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Apologise for bad design decisions all you want but entire MMO's have been rebooted because the population nosedived after long term players became able to kill new entrants too easily.


It's fun for the headstarters who tell themselves how skilled they are and like pulling teeth for anyone still finding their bearings.


Don't tell me BW's matchmaking will fix that when I can find myself in a ground 4v4 solo against 4 opponents of the same faction.



I keep seeing posts like this, are you guys from the future? The full game has not been released. Your experience with ground warzones is your experience. I get pops all the time with opposing factions AND same factions.


You can't blame bioware because good players that have prior experience with similar games wipes the floor with non experienced persons. I don't even think matchmaking is in full effect now because the player pool is not big enough because only subs can play atm.


tl;dr save your doom and gloom predictions until after full game is out


There are 2 minor problems that I can see IMO that can be easily addressed to make QoL better, everything else is learning.

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How can you imply it is/will be a failure when the full game has not been released?

How can you imply it is/will be a failure when only subs can play now, not prefs/f2p?



I just hope bioware removes the 5 per week limit on warzones for them, THAT factor will have the most impact on this becoming a failure in the long run.


It is because of how EAware decided to go about launching GSF and the system they have implemented that even in pre-launch its already losing players and becoming something that is only appealing to dedicated players.


By making it PvP only (with some options for CCs) anyone that comes late the party finds that they are at a distinct disadvantage and the only way to overcome the disadvantage of a worse ship is to grind out in PvP to get the necessary fleet requisition. Unlike the ground based PvP where you can go and do PvE get some good PvE gear and it helps (maybe not as much as good PvP gear but better than going in with basic recruit stuff) .


So the current setup is that in order to get on equal footing you have to grind against people in better ships than you, more experienced and probably (at least in my experience of late) in premade teams. This will make it a long and frustrating grind and for what. So that you can win the war for your faction? For some reward? No its a mini game that has no effect on the rest of the game .


Now I pvp to win. I can't imagine a great many pvpers go in to lose. There maybe some challenge and accomplishment in over coming the odds but since you don't know the lay out of other peoples ships who knows if you did overcome the odds.


The novelty has worn off and the number of matches being played has dropped off and when a match does fire it seems to be the same people. Preferred and free to play aren't likely to change that much get owned enough time when they finally do get to try it and it will only be the loser PvPers that don't care about winning that will want to keep on going back. Its not even as if it counts to anything in the bigger game. A limited frustrating PvP mini game. I just hope EAware didn't invest too much time or money into it. cause in its current state I fear it is already losing its appeal and it hasn't even been launched yet.

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This will make it a long and frustrating grind and for what. So that you can win the war for your faction? For some reward? No its a mini game that has no effect on the rest of the game.


Yet you were talking about how you PvP. How does that effect anything in the rest of the game and it is a grind as well, and guess what in ground PvP you cannot change your class is GSF you can change what ship/role you do.


Back to topic initally posted. It may take a while, but keep plugging away and you will get good at what you are doing. Do not give up after a few deaths. We all started there.

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So the current setup is that in order to get on equal footing you have to grind against people in better ships than you, more experienced and probably (at least in my experience of late) in premade teams. This will make it a long and frustrating grind and for what. So that you can win the war for your faction? For some reward? No its a mini game that has no effect on the rest of the game .





For now. Why cant people understand that GSF is in a very simplistic form to make sure it actually works? The devs have already said that it is going to be expanded to interact with the ground game over time, and theres a hueg amount of content that is coming in feb when it goes on general release.

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For now. Why cant people understand that GSF is in a very simplistic form to make sure it actually works? The devs have already said that it is going to be expanded to interact with the ground game over time, and theres a hueg amount of content that is coming in feb when it goes on general release.


I really, really hope that is not that case. I'm glad, at the moment, that I never have to bother with GSF in any way shape or form. I'd be slightly displeased if this was ever not the case.

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For now. Why cant people understand that GSF is in a very simplistic form to make sure it actually works? The devs have already said that it is going to be expanded to interact with the ground game over time, and theres a hueg amount of content that is coming in feb when it goes on general release.


True. The matchmaking that is currently going on is (supposedly) NOT how it's going to work once the full launch happens. I know how frustrating it must be...I've been in a couple matches where I'm suddenly speed-killing other players and realize that they must be brand new, and I actually feel kinda bad. But the devs have said that come full launch, there is going to be a matchmaking system that will try to put players against more balanced opponents. It is still "early", so try not to get too frustrated...we need players!

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