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Everything posted by jonthebrit

  1. Also kicked off three times this morning in the last 20 minutes.
  2. I really, really hope that is not that case. I'm glad, at the moment, that I never have to bother with GSF in any way shape or form. I'd be slightly displeased if this was ever not the case.
  3. The only thing killing this game for me is the lack of any population. Not happy about waiting till next week but obviously no choice. I can't be bothered to play an empty game meantime though so it's really not great news.
  4. You'll see commendation or 'speciality goods' vendors outside the main (temple area in starter area I think) areas that you can buy items from for commendations. They'll range in commendation cost and level. Ideally, take a peek what they offer and work towards the best rewards (usually towards the end of the leveling curve for the world you're on).
  5. Worry a little less about what everyone else thinks in my opinion. Especially on a forum such as this. This place is a toilet really. The class forums are very useful but general is just full of forum warriors arguing on the internetz about stuff.
  6. You just got better at being a forum warrior (2).
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