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Death Penalty is Getting In The Way.


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Does anyone remember the death penelty from EQ1. Now anyone who can will agree with me when I say, no MMO today has anyting close to a "propper" penelty when you die :p

Oh, how many times did I fall down in LvL do to death :p


Even in EQ2 you could actually DELEVEL!


kids these days..

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Also. I'd like the state. The OP is making a very common mistake here. Hes confusing 'casual" with "horrible".


You see, to a CASUAL gamer, whos just as good as any other, the only difference is they dont have 15+ hours a day to spend grinding levels/gear. the death penalty isn't a problem because..Save for a few class missions being over tuned, this game is pretty easy and you shouldn't be dying that often.


This game has one of the most lax death penalties EVER. and you're STILL WHINING!? man this must be your first MMO.

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I am a casual gamer.


I don't have time to wait for some arbitrary countdown to play.


After a few times I just walk away from the game.


Devs, you don't want me to walk away.


It should be made an option for those who are seeking more realism and don't have as limited a time to play.


Die less.

Problem solved!

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I am a casual gamer.


I don't have time to wait for some arbitrary countdown to play.


After a few times I just walk away from the game.


Devs, you don't want me to walk away.


It should be made an option for those who are seeking more realism and don't have as limited a time to play.


A. don't die, do quests that are green to you. XP is still there the credits are still there

B. rez at the med center, you get no timer other than maybe the 8 seconds.

C. maybe your doing something wrong?


Then again I never really die and I'm on a PvP server, yes when I try to solo heroic areas once they are green i die a few times but then i spawn at a med center and go do a dif quest...


This guy has to be a troll but I thought i would give my 2 credits worth if hes not lol.

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I am dead serious.


This is the one bad thing in this game and I'm talking about the 2 minutes or more wait.


I actually don't have time for that and consider yourself lucky if you do.


I am one of the people that has to work the holidays so all you naysayers can have it off and play all that time.


I'll just play space battles and lower world repeats until I'm at least 5 levels over the opponents, that should make things flow better.


I am currently fighting a Sith with worthless Corso and a Jedi that I believe is taking a nap as well as the cover throwing me all over the place facing the opposite direction from my opponent.


I will assume you're not trolling (and if you are, congrats you trolled me, hope it makes you feel better).


I leave home before 9AM and return after 10PM every day, barring most weekends. And I'm not getting any leave this Christmas (though thankfully I don't need to work on Boxing day)... My time is limited as well and my playstyle is as casual as you can get, but even I find the death penalty to be light in this game.


My advice: If you die once in a difficult fight, try it again (switching your tactics, remembering your cooldowns which I often forget, etc etc). If you still can't succeed, do the specific mission later.

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I was unaware that there was a death penalty, seeing as it's damn near impossible to die while solo unless you're just not a good player.


Seriously, the only deaths I've had on my way to 47 were me being dumb and trying to speeder through multiple packs of mobs. There wasn't even a penalty for it really, I just spawned exactly where I died and stealthed away. If there was any less penalty for dying they may as well just make players invincible.

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The lack of any death penalty is already one thing helping me unsubscribe from this game. It is the most pathetic excuse for a death penalty I have ever witnessed in the history of ever. FIX IT BioWare before you become the new care bear design company on the block.


Incredibly abysmal game design. Who is responsible for that decision? Step forward please while I charge my jawa blaster of hurt.

Edited by SaltAU
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While I do understand most people saying "Do something else if you die", I also see the OPs problem. I did die three times a few days back on my last Class mission as a bounty hunter. In this specific position, I had no plans to go and farm around on the beginner planet just to have a higher level for the last available mission, I wanted to get done with it right there.


At this time, staring at a 2 Minute Timeout is just annoying. And the real problem is, what is the purpose? Train the players to never try anything challenging? The just remove the rebirth altogether. Or make the player use some ressource (Credits or whatever) to pay for these respawns. But don't force him to take a break.


My favourite would be though to just stick with the no-wait rebirth. Why not? It's not like this gives anybody an unfair advantage, or makes the game any easier (the MOB is back at full health now anyways). It just means that challenging quests can be as much fun as simple ones.


In my humble opinion, any part of the game where you spend more than a few seconds just staring at the screen, unable to do anything, is a waste of time and will just annoy everybody. I cannot imagine that anybody has ever stared at this 2-Minute (Or even the 10-Minute one) counter and thought "Hey, this is great. I'm glad I died."


No one ever thought "I love detours on my speeder rides, gives me time to enjoy the scenery" either, I assure you.


Really, timeouts may make sense in teamsports, or maybe in PvP, but when you solo a game, they are just a real bad design.

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Tbh i use death as a means of fast travel, or to get a much needed bio break :S


The timers can seem a bit excessive if you die a few times ( i had a major blonde moment and managed to clock up a 9 min one once myself by basically failing to turn on my brain) but as mentioned, if you start getting into "omg ouch" time out periods while waiting for rez, odds are you REALLY need to give up, return to med center and repair your gear anyway.

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While I do understand most people saying "Do something else if you die", I also see the OPs problem. I did die three times a few days back on my last Class mission as a bounty hunter. In this specific position, I had no plans to go and farm around on the beginner planet just to have a higher level for the last available mission, I wanted to get done with it right there.


At this time, staring at a 2 Minute Timeout is just annoying. And the real problem is, what is the purpose? Train the players to never try anything challenging? The just remove the rebirth altogether. Or make the player use some ressource (Credits or whatever) to pay for these respawns. But don't force him to take a break.


My favourite would be though to just stick with the no-wait rebirth. Why not? It's not like this gives anybody an unfair advantage, or makes the game any easier (the MOB is back at full health now anyways). It just means that challenging quests can be as much fun as simple ones.


In my humble opinion, any part of the game where you spend more than a few seconds just staring at the screen, unable to do anything, is a waste of time and will just annoy everybody. I cannot imagine that anybody has ever stared at this 2-Minute (Or even the 10-Minute one) counter and thought "Hey, this is great. I'm glad I died."


No one ever thought "I love detours on my speeder rides, gives me time to enjoy the scenery" either, I assure you.


Really, timeouts may make sense in teamsports, or maybe in PvP, but when you solo a game, they are just a real bad design.


You don't HAVE to spawn on your body you know. They have a med center, and it ALWAYS has a 4 second timer. And resets your other one.


Edit: Also, there IS a purpose of the death penalty. It says "hey idiot, you messed up. Look around and figure out what went wrong."


Also, I LOVE some of the speeder rides, especially between ships on the fleet.

Edited by JediIorith
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I am a casual gamer.


I don't have time to wait for some arbitrary countdown to play.


After a few times I just walk away from the game.


Devs, you don't want me to walk away.


It should be made an option for those who are seeking more realism and don't have as limited a time to play.


Wait.. wait...


Most games I've played, you lose EXP, Damage, or other things.


Others make you have to run from half a continent away.


This one makes you wait a few seconds, rezzes you right where you are, and then stealths you so you can walk away from the guy who killed you, and heal up.


I never use the term "carebear", but this is about as carebear as you can get.


Stop complaining.

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I'm sorry, but as a person who vociferously argues against harsh death penalities in a lot of games (in some they are entirely justified, however), you have got to be kidding me. This game's DP is absolutely unequivocably trivial.


The medcenter is always a short delay. Also, consider stopping dying so much!

Incredibly abysmal game design.

Harsh DP isn't good game design. Please actually spend time at some game developers' conventions and discussions about this before continuing to spread this myth. It was a questionable design decision back in the day of hardcore MMO players with populations that knew each other and server totals in the thousands. Not today; times have changed.


Before you retort 'oh but it forces players to get better', no, no it doesn't. Statistics are against you. Most people just do the same thing over and over and then get bored & do something else that doesn't have a terrible DP. Negative reinforcement is bad, mkay? Better players are better players; there is no technical assistance required.


Edit: If you're trying to make your game accessible & retain the bulk of players, the last thing you want to do is provide disincentives. The OP is an extreme example, one that I find astonishing, but nevertheless proves the point.

Edited by Grammarye
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  • 2 weeks later...

Death penalty is a mechanism to create tension and excitement while playing a game. The problem with modern MMOs, IMHO, is the game itself is simple leveling and acquisition of better items (ala Diablo). Granted, technical issues sometimes crop up and you die by reasons other than your actions...a scaled death penalty is a good way to mitigate this problem.


I prefer stiffer death penalties...they promote social gaming (teaming up for protection), balancing of groups (bring a healer because they can rez), and many other benefits lost to modern gamers.


The same group of gamers that don't like death penalties are the ones that scour forums and help web sites to find the location of datacrons. I mean, what is the point of playing the game if it isn't to challenge yourself?


Current MMO design is the side effect of the me/now generation....lazy, uninspired people and the companies that need them to make money.

Edited by scottbed
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The lack of any death penalty is already one thing helping me unsubscribe from this game. It is the most pathetic excuse for a death penalty I have ever witnessed in the history of ever. FIX IT BioWare before you become the new care bear design company on the block.


Incredibly abysmal game design. Who is responsible for that decision? Step forward please while I charge my jawa blaster of hurt.


My favorite! The "FIX IT NOW" in all caps.


+1 for common usage. Your Forum Legacy has advanced 1100 points.


In all seriousness, OP, you should use the Med Bay. It's usually not that far away and you're going to need the Med Droid to repair your gear at that point. 4 second delay + travel time.

Edited by pjskull
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OP, don't mind people making fun of you. You have a job and responsibilites unlike forum kids. That being said, I suggest checking out EVE Online. It is also a space MMO and death penalities there are far less stupid.


this is just mean.

shame on you!

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Harsh DP isn't good game design. Please actually spend time at some game developers' conventions and discussions about this before continuing to spread this myth. It was a questionable design decision back in the day of hardcore MMO players with populations that knew each other and server totals in the thousands. Not today; times have changed.


Before you retort 'oh but it forces players to get better', no, no it doesn't. Statistics are against you. Most people just do the same thing over and over and then get bored & do something else that doesn't have a terrible DP. Negative reinforcement is bad, mkay? Better players are better players; there is no technical assistance required.


Obviously you haven't played Eve Online. They have a rabid fan base and death can be very harsh. Statistics are against you is a stupid response...as a player you may need to find other ways to overcome things...that is what makes you a better player or not. You are probably from the generation where your sports teams didn't keep score or have winners and losers. I mean, *** is that?


I raced motorcycles and if there was no 'death penalty' I don't think it would have been quite as much fun. And I didn't slow down to let other people cross the finish line at the same time.

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This has to be a joke. It HAS to.




get right back up in a few seconds




get right back up now and have to do a little walking


OP, if you aren't joking, let me recommend Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. They have no penalty for death at all. I promise.

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you need to rez at med center after the 2min timer, each med center rez resets the rez timer so you should take your gear off and do it often (i know i do), i wont even walk into an instance without resetting my death penalty, fortunately there are usually med centers at each quest area.
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