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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP Wish-List


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What we're hoping for:

  • Higher ability responsiveness
  • Less lag
  • Rewarded world-PvP
  • Tweaked class-balance (?)
  • Brackets
  • Better system of acknowledging/punishing AFKers
  • Various bug fixes


Anything else?


1 - Dont have a problem, maybe try in your preferences menu to set your queue time lower or higher.

2 - I got no lag worth mentioning, and it might be directly related to your first complaint.

3 - Didnt do it yet, so no comment

4 - Didnt notice mut yet, but im only lvl 25

5 - No need for brackets, this is a very good option that works great.

6 - AFK is too fast for me. Sometimes im buffing inside the start zone and miss the block to enter the warzone. If you miss it once you get thrown out.

7 - I didnt see any bug yet, can you explain some more about which bugs you encounter ?

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1 - Dont have a problem, maybe try in your preferences menu to set your queue time lower or higher.

2 - I got no lag worth mentioning, and it might be directly related to your first complaint.

3 - Didnt do it yet, so no comment

4 - Didnt notice mut yet, but im only lvl 25

5 - No need for brackets, this is a very good option that works great.

6 - AFK is too fast for me. Sometimes im buffing inside the start zone and miss the block to enter the warzone. If you miss it once you get thrown out.

7 - I didnt see any bug yet, can you explain some more about which bugs you encounter ?


you are right perfect game needs no improvements whatsoever..............




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you are right perfect game needs no improvements whatsoever..............





I never said it was a perfect game right ?


But i ask you now, did you find that option in your preferences menu where you can queue commands ?? Did you even look at it ?


Also, i did not see you post any bugs ?

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warzone brackets are absolutely needed but you just need 2

from 10-30, and from 31-50 maybe when there are alot more diverse levels you can go into more specific brackets but this is really all that is needed


also ffs y does a little window saying "you are about to roll on a faction outnumbering 100 to 1" not come up on character creation?.. just the fact almost all servers are overpopulated on the imperial side affects all forms of pvp. starting with y they outlevel republic because of warzone Qs.

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My List:


  • Diminishing returns on stuns, knockbacks, Crowd Control, etc.
  • Bounty Hunter/Smuggler ability which ties you up and drags you to them needs a shorter range!!
  • PvP statistics that a player can track
  • Less lag -- Even typing messages feels sluggish and I'm on a new top-end computer!
  • Team Warzone rating system
  • No "arena" type gameplay -- Even if you were successful in arena, it was a frustrating, annoying debacle.
  • Punishments befitting of crime -- AFKers ruin games for people. Ban them from warzones. Let them PvE to their hearts content.

Edited by RevenanceSLC
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Punishment for AFKers? I understand a problem with people taking advantage of a group once in a while (I've not run into this problem in the games I've played, must be the community), the punishment for them should just be communal, don't group with them again, tell your guildees not to group with them, give them some crap via whisper, make them pay for your damaged goods if it was their fault, etc....but that is a lot less frequent I would think than say...."oh crap my kid is crying I have to go tend them." ....or "my cat just ran across my desk and spilled my juice and now I have to clean it up"...or "I've been playing this game for 8 hours straight, I need to take a !*%#"....or, or, or, or...


I suggest trying to nurture a community that cares about each other, where no one would WANT to go afk on you because they care about everyone doing well and keeping a nice community on the server. Of course WZs are anti this, all about greed and self-achievements.


Perhaps an option to not allow following should be implemented...you can choose whether you are allowed to be followed or not.

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I never said it was a perfect game right ?


But i ask you now, did you find that option in your preferences menu where you can queue commands ?? Did you even look at it ?


Also, i did not see you post any bugs ?


I haven't listed my gripes specifically.... not sure i ever wrote anything about command que or how it has negatively effected me. Command que isnt the fix needed.

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My one request for pvp on the balancing side of things is the damn stuns and knock backs.


In warzones im sure im not the only one to be a vitim to this..


stuned by more than one enemy, you cant break it due to the fact your on cool down. so your practically standing there on the spot unable to use skills until you die.


solution lower the cooldown or make it so the stuns have a long cool down or put some form

of protection once a stun is broken.


just hate the fact i have to stand there and be electrified several times in a row with out fighting.

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In regards to AFKers: People going AFK randomly to attend to their kid or their pizza in the oven isn't the problem, and players /following players isn't the problem (that wouldn't work). Warzone AFKers are there at the beginning of the game, run into a corner where the AFK-timer doesn't exist, and sit there. I think I speak on behalf of most people when I say, it's too much work and not effective enough when the community singles out and isolates these players.


In regards to bugs: they exist. If you haven't experienced them in Warzones yet, good for you. I have experienced numerous bugs, the most frustrating of which occured in the Voidstar where we were spawning in an incorrect location and would be insta-killed. One of my friends can't play Alderaan because if he dies and is sent back to our ship, he can't click on the bikes and the AFK-timer kicks him out.

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Can we get less knockbacks/cc or some control on it? Maybe by tuning down the CD on trinket? (I'm not sure if anyone else has one, i'm assuming they do... But snipers have a trinket-like ability..)


Also, for snipers.. Is there a way to make it so when you take cover in PVP it won't roll you to somewhere you don't want to go? It's really inconvenient >.>

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Better melee system.

-Swinging a lightsaber in a group you should hit more than one

-The one you are hitting jumps and suddenly you cant do anything even though there are loads of others there

Sum; base the damage done on a angle in front of the char and not on an "in control" calculation

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Targeting through target (target forwarding) would be a nice feature.


Back in LOTRO, if I'm targeting an ally in order to heal him and want to assist in killing his target, I don't need to switch back and forth between him and the enemy.

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pvp really sucks in this game, if BW spent even 5% of their time developing pve focused on pvp, it would be amazing. I'm pissed off with this joke pvp, its just half-assed and there to tick a box. Not only that its all instant cast skill spamming easyness. not one bit rewarding even winning 2v1 etc
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