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PvP Wish-List


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What we're hoping for:

  • Higher ability responsiveness
  • Less lag, higher framerate
  • Rewarded world-PvP
  • Tweaked class-balance
  • Brackets
  • Better system of acknowledging/punishing AFKers
  • Various bug fixes


Some additional ones from you guys:

  • Ability to select specific Warzones
  • Personal-PvP tracker
  • Diminishing Returns (or something of the sort - CC length reduction)
  • Competative (pre-made or PUG) Warzone play
  • Remove the cap on Mercanary and Warzone commendations (and all commendations, for that matter)
  • Target of target option
  • Replace pre-made players back into their groups after the Warzone ends

Edited by Herculieas
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I am pretty pleased with the PvP so far. Not satisfied or content, but just pleased. I am srure that in a month from now I will be downright irritated, but we will see.


My suggestions/Complaints


- There are way too many CCs in this game and they last way too long. Not every class should have them and not every class should have 2-3. Dumb. Make battles about skill, not whose CC isnt on CD.


- Range is overpowered/ The advantage of playing a ranged class is that you can deal damage from distance which provides you with safety. So, where is the incentive to play melee if Ranged classes are better at dealing Damage in a damage based game? Bounty Hunters/SMugglers/Agents/Troopers should be gadget players... not prime damage dealers.


- Huttball sucks. Huttball is to SWTOR as JarJar Binks is to the StarWars movies. You have this very serious, intense game, then you jump into a gimmick arena to play some crappy version of rugby. The other two levels are great, stop making Huttba'' so common.


- Macro's please. I know I am gonna get slayed for this, but I really dont wanna press 20 buttons. Especially since most of them just do the same thing. Please make 2-3 line macro options.


THats it. What u guys think?

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What we're hoping for:

  • Higher ability responsiveness
  • Less lag
  • Rewarded world-PvP
  • Tweaked class-balance (?)
  • Brackets
  • Better system of acknowledging/punishing AFKers
  • Various bug fixes


Anything else?


* Target of Target

* Fix the camera pivot when you move

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  • higher player position and ability responsiveness
  • higher player position and ability responsiveness
  • higher player position and ability responsiveness
  • higher player position and ability responsiveness
  • higher player position and ability responsiveness
  • higher player position and ability responsiveness
  • higher player position and ability responsiveness
  • higher player position and ability responsiveness
  • higher player position and ability responsiveness
  • higher player position and ability responsiveness


That's my top 10.

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Agree with the ability response.


To add:


- BG selector.

- Some type of BG bracket. I know it scales, but when person A is level 30 tehy have 50 stuns/roots and abilities while player < level 20 is completely screwed. This also makes it really frustrating when your a higher level and all u fight is people much weaker than you.

My suggestions:

level 10-19 one bracket.

20-29 another brack

30-49 another bracket

and level 50 its own bracket(i dont know if this is the case now or not). Max level's should only fighit other max levels. Not jut for sake of balance but also because when im level 50 i want the gear i have to matter and all that jazz. Eventually something like that is going to have to be done.

- I dont know what class it is, but i have seen an imperial ranged class 1 shot people over and over. I think it was the bounty hunter, but im not sure. Whatever that was, it needs to be checked.

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Not a total over arching emphasis on CC. It's ridiculous at this point.


EDIT: Diminishing returns would do dandy; the resolve bar is near worthless because the only time it kicks in is when I've already died and waiting to join the battle again(it takes forever and a second to fill up).

Edited by Theninjafuzz
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