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Scouts and Galactic StarFighter 101


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I've been playing MMOs since the late 90s and this is actually the first guide-type post I've ever made. So go easy on me! And if you see something wrong or such point it out and I'll fix it.


Galactic Starfighter Scout Edition:

I've seen many players, both here and in-game flying or talking about Scouts (tier 1&2). In both cases I've noticed a lot of false information and lack of understanding about the ship. While I'm by no means an self-proclaimed Master, I do pretty dang well and I always solo queue. I'm going to discuss the various loadouts, strengths and weaknesses and finally some basic flying tips that will help any pilot.


Tier 1: NovaDive/BlackBolt

The basic scout ship, that can perform its role fairly well. Its main strengths are in its speed, sensors and mobility. The speed and mobility allow the pilot to move across the battlefield quickly and almost constantly. It also has amazing sensor dampening allowing it to move around unseen where a Strike Fighter would show up to other ships, giving away your location. Its main weaknesses is it also has the weakest shields & hull, and doesn't carry the damage punch the other ships have.



Light Laser Cannon: The best all around Cannon choice. Same range as Rapid-Fire, more damage at the cost of slightly less tracking and more power consumption per shot.

Laser Cannon: Good for longer ranges. Better base Accuracy and lower power consumption than Light Lasers, but has the worst tracking of of three.

Rapid Fire Cannon: Default weapons. It'll get the job done, but unless you are playing a true scout setup (ignoring damage) then it gets outclasses by Light Lasers in every way that matters.


Missles: Rocket Pods vs Sabotage Probe

This is always debated between scouts, and I'll admit its one topic Im still on the fence about myself. Rocket provides more damage and can be used effectively to take out node turrets, it also has the benifit of not requring a missile lock to fire (gives targets no warning). Sabotage Probe can be great for dogfighting, throw one on a unsuspecting Strike or Scout and you can get 3 seconds to open up on them, since they can no longer pilot their ship, but the probe itself does pitiful damage and gives targets the notice they are under attack via missile lock tone.



Quick Charge: This is the default and not many Scouts use it. Due to the fact it has the lowest shield power and scouts already have weak shielding anyways. The active is nice, but again instant regen of 30% of almost nothing isn't very impressive.

Engine Power Converter: A nice tool for someone wanting to play a 'true' scout. Transfers shield power to Engine Power for more boosting. Solid choice if you are building a ship to zoom around the map focusing on objectives.

Distortion Field: Ah the source for many dogfighters anguish! Suffers from the -shield% that Quick Charge does, but compensates that with a passive 15% ship evasion. The active ability gives another 65% (75% upgraded) evasion for 3 seconds. With the active being use you can go head to head with a Strike and they'll be lucky to land one shot on you.



All the engines are basically the same, you are pretty much picking what type of active evasive ability you prefer. I will point out the Snap Turn has the advantage in a dogfight, you can go head-to-head and right before you pass their ship boost for 1-2 seconds then snap turn, you'll spin around faster than they will giving you a few seconds of shooting them.



Booster Recharge: GREAT ability to complement the scouts mobility and speed. Gives 30% engine power pool over 6 seconds.

Targeting Telemetry: Not a bad ability, and the only damage system this scout has access too. The crit chance is kinda small but the accuracy boost is nice. Currently the remove cloaking effect has no use.

Sensor Beacon: The SB is one of those "Hmmm" abilities. It has potential to be useful but it lacks something to make you think "I want that!". I have been interested by the final upgrade, mousing over it says SHIP DAMAGE REDUCTION 50%. At first I assumed it made destorying the beacon harder, but the fact that it says SHIP means it could be worth picking up for that alone. I dont know of anyone using these, but if you are please check into the final right-side upgrade, could be a game changer in dogfighting if it is 50% for the ships (imagine if it includes Ally ships as well!).



First up is Sensors. My personal favorite is the dampening. Enemies cant shoot what they can't find/see. The argument can be made for the default Range Sensors, seeing incoming ships from further away is always helpful.

Then we have Armor. I perfer the lightwieght myself. It works well with the scouts natural mobility. Deflection could see some use, but reinforced isn't worth it, and extra 8% (20% full upgrade) hull strength doesn't help when your hull is paper thin to begin with.

For me there is only 2 choices for Thrusters. Turning or Power. If you want to zoom around the map then grab Power, it would be a staple for any objective focused scout build. Turning thrusters are great for a fighting scout, but best used on the Tier2 version since its more about fighting than its Tier1 counterpart.

Finally Capacitors. Range vs Frequency vs Damage. For me Frequency is not a choice, maybe if you are using rapid-light lasers since their powerdraw is almost nothing. But using any other laser and Frequency just burns through the power too much unless you are some kinda scout-sniperGod. So that leaves Range vs Damage. Most people just ignore everything and go damage which is understandable, but dont discount Range so fast. Being able to Open up on your enemy first and unexpected can be a big different in the fight. Really consider this hard if you are using the longer range scout weapons.


Tier 2: FlashFire/Sting

The Flashfire is more of a cross between a Scout and a Fight in my opinion. Due to some different components available it can put out significantly more damage than the NovaDive. It trades some of the NovaDive's mobility for that, but its a fair trade-off to me.

*NOTE: I wont go over it as in-depth but I am going to mention the big differences/upgrades over the Novadive.*

Quad Cannons: Some pilots swear by these, but if you are a "spray-and-pray" shooter then I would advise against them. They have the worst tracking and highest power draw of all four choices. It doesn't mix well with spray-and-pray players.

Cluster Missiles: Commonly used for their solid damage and fast locking. A great all around choice for a dogfighting setup.

Blast OverCharge: The current "Its OP" topic. While I personally don't think its as bad as some pilots claim, I feel it will be nerfed at some point. If you active it (especially upgraded) then get a good bead on someone, they are going to respawn; its that simple.

Directional Shields: These are nice right now. But the mechanics are a little clunky to say the least. If you are using a FlashFire you'll debate between these and the good ol' Distortion Field.



Scout Flying:

This will likely be a rambling section but it is intended purpose is to point some things out.

Let me say this right now- a scout lives and dies by one thing and one thing only: Awareness! If you can be aware of whats around, whoes around and whats going on you'll rock in a scout. But if you have low awareness then you will GET rocked in a scout. Its that simple. If a Strike Pilot or GunShip gets jumped by surprise they have room to absorb some damage and react, a Scout does not have that luxury. So while awareness makes or breaks every pilot, it is more profound on a Scout.

Ship Building is also key. You are not a GunShip or a Strike Fighter, stop acting like one! You wouldn't buy a Ferrari to pull a Camper would you? No, while it could work it is not the optimal choice. Just because something can maybe work doesn't mean its effective. If you are simply out to have fun then of course build as you want, but if you are trying to maximize your ship potential then build to its strengths. Which is another point people sometimes make, build your ship to cover your weaknesses. No, build your ship to fit your playstyle and boost its strengths.

But, but you just said be optimal THEN said build to your playstyle!? Your playstyle is simply that, a playstyle. My style is mobile, elusive and mid-range scrapping. My ships reflect that. Find what ranges you like to engage at (short/medium/long) and start building around that.

Learn as much as you can as soon as you can. I see a lot of pilots that make the same rookie mistakes over and over, the worst thing you can be is predictable when flying. Also start paying attention to matches closely. See who is always kickin-butt. There are some pilots on my server I always watch for (/wave Na'bi!), if we are on oppisite teams then I know those pilots can inflict enough chaos to wreck groups of less skilled pilots. When you find those pilots, be watchful for them. Heck ask them some questions if you share a ship type. At worst they'll say No or just ignore you, you've lost nothing by asking.

Edited by Whitelightr
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Rapid Fire Cannon: Default weapons. It'll get the job done, but unless you are playing a true scout setup (ignoring damage) then it gets outclasses by Light Lasers in every way that matters.


I disagree here. One thing few players take into account is rate of fire - when I'm trying to hit an evading target, having a low fire rate (like you get with heavier laser types) makes it that much harder to connect with your shots. I can hit manuvering scouts all day long with rapid fire cannons or burst cannons, but if I try to put on light lasers or quads I wont even get a shot in.



Quick Charge: This is the default and not many Scouts use it. Due to the fact it has the lowest shield power and scouts already have weak shielding anyways. The active is nice, but again instant regen of 30% of almost nothing isn't very impressive.


The real benefit to quick charge shields is that they get a passive bonus (third tier upgrade) of 60% shield regeneration while being shot at. That, combined with regenerative shielding, keeps your shields up and powered while you're circling with enemy fighters.

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Quick Charge Shield also has a passive engine power regen bonus...not sure it helps really, but I get tired of using the same components on different ships, so I use Quick Charge for my roamer.


So far, I prefer Rapid-fire Lasers over Light Lasers, but I plan on spending some more time with Light Lasers to make sure I'm not missing out. The main reason I'm using Rapid-fire for now is the larger firing arc and smaller tracking accuracy penalty.

Edited by Lymain
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How could you miss Burst-fire lasers?!?


Otherwise, very nice thread for those looking to get into the Scout playstyle.

The real benefit to quick charge shields is that they get a passive bonus (third tier upgrade) of 60% shield regeneration while being shot at. That, combined with regenerative shielding, keeps your shields up and powered while you're circling with enemy fighters.

To be honest, quick-charge is kind of meh. Got it fully upgraded, tried both, Large and Regeneration reactors. Nah. Sticking to Distortion. But it is kind of nice on a Strike fighter, for satellite-humping, I suppose. Doesn't even feel occasional glancing hits with power to shields.

Edited by Helig
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One thing few players take into account is rate of fire - when I'm trying to hit an evading target, having a low fire rate (like you get with heavier laser types) makes it that much harder to connect with your shots. I can hit manuvering scouts all day long with rapid fire cannons or burst cannons, but if I try to put on light lasers or quads I wont even get a shot in.


Statistically, you'll do the same damage with same dps guns with different rates of fire. There will be more variability on the slower guns because there will be fewer attack rolls on any given pass.

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Statistically, you'll do the same damage with same dps guns with different rates of fire. There will be more variability on the slower guns because there will be fewer attack rolls on any given pass.


You're assuming 100% accuracy, which no player has. This isnt ground combat where we lock on and every attack is done on a dice roll basis, there's player-controlled aiming and dodging involved.


When you're trying to hit an evading opponent, a faster refire weapon will typically net you more overall damage than a slow firing weapon. Part of that is attributed to the fact that you get a better feel for where your shots are going, because you've got a line of tracers to the target.

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I'm a mastered Flashfire pilot, and have put a significant amount of my flying time in this particular ship (obviously from being mastered Tuesday). Fair to say, I've got a decent grasp on this ship in particular. So for the Flashfire/Sting pilots out there, here's my take on it.


What it boils down to, like anything, is your particular flying style. You need to build your ship to your particular strengths, similar to any ship out there. That said, certain builds do lean in favor of the ship itself. For me, I'm an aggressive flier. I love dogfights, I especially love multiple ships on me, and in 2v1 situations can usually outlast and outgun them both. With that in mind, here's my build.


Burst Cannons - This primary weapon plays to the speed and agility of the scout. Being that it's a 4K max range weapon, you have to get close quick, be able to keep up with your enemy, and be able to keep them in your sights. It is definitely a weapon for a twitch and quick reacting player, but not so twitchy that you don't take the time to line up your shot. IT IS NOT A HOLD-THE-BUTTON WEAPON. Semi-auto that thing. Line your shot, press and release, repeat. This will improve your accuracy and keep you from wasting power. The only time you should hold the button is if you are directly behind, head-to-head, or firing on a stopped target (like that gunship you were stalking).


Multi-optional tier selection - Ignore Armor, Increased Hull Damage. This set-up does greater damage to enemy hulls and ignores damage resistance. It is also deadly against turrets. If you catch a fully protected enemy satellite, close to 1500m and open up. You will one-shot those turrets.


Cluster Missiles - Bread and butter secondary weapon. Quick lock-on time, decent range, decent damage.


Multi-option tier selection - Increased Range, Double Volley. I use the increased range because it's rare that I will run out of missiles before taking a death. Increased ammo capacity works, too, especially if you're using a companion with increased ammo capacity (putting your missile amount at 30). The double volley launches two sets of missiles per lock-on... one is almost guaranteed to hit the target. Both will likely kill an opponent already softened by your blasters (to about 50% hull). Still try to be selective with your targets, though. You have 10, 15 shots at the most.


Targeting Telemtry - Here's the big divergence on the "overpowered" discussion. I use this component because of the increased accuracy. At mastered levels, it is deadly. With Targeting Prediction and Precise Targeting multi-tier options, the target's evasion goes down, your critical chance goes up, and your critical magnitude goes up. For the duration of that ability, you will blast whatever you're shooting at to pieces... as long as your aim is good. Burst Cannons in particular are deadly with this setup.


Distortion Field - Another base component that I use, because with all the evasion bonuses I use from other components, my base evasion sits at 41% after the 30% increase from this ability (sacrificing a small amount of shield power). Hit this ability, and it pushes me up to 106% evasion. I will go head-to-head with a gunship that's aiming right at me, and they will not even touch my shields before I've blown them out of the stars. Also good when facing multiple opponents. Typically one will try to lead you in a straight line while the other draws a bead on you. With this, the wingman will not be able to touch you while you vaporize his buddy.


Multi-tier selection - Increased duration. Doubles the time Distortion Field is active, from 3 seconds to 6. Purely survivability.


Koiogran's Turn - Obviously all options have the lock-on break. I use the base component because there are many times you will overshoot your target, especially gunships. K-Turn lets you double back quickly, and usually have the target right in front of you again, or at least near to it.


Multi-tier selection - Increased Speed. Increases your speed by 10%. I'll explain this reason later.


Lightweight Armor - Maxed increases your evasion by 16%. Not subject to Ignore Armor effects.


Damage Capacitor - Increases your blaster damage. Deadly with Burst Cannons.


Turbo Generator - Maxed decreases your regeneration delay by 96%. Unless you are constantly taking damage, your shields begin to recharge almost instantly.


Turning Thrusters - Maxed increases your turn rate by 16%. The reason I use the Turning Thrusters with the Increased Speed from Koiogran's Turn is because the Speed Thrusters and Increased Speed give the same bonus (10% to speed), while the Turning Thrusters give a maxed 16% increase to turn rate, compared to Increased Turn's 10% bonus. If you're looking to have a balance of both, this setup gives you extra bang for the buck.


With this setup, I'm able to survive 3v1 engagements with some fancy flying skill, my blasters will tear through ships with ease (assuming my aim is on), missiles will finish the job if they start accelerating away, and I can take enemy-held satellites very quickly after the first turret destroyed message displays to them. Like I said, this is a build for aggressive pilots that like to get down and dirty with their scout ships. It's meant to end a fight before it even really begins. If you've got a great reaction time, steady aim, and quick to hit the trigger when you're lined up, this build might just be for you.

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I'm a mastered Flashfire pilot, and have put a significant amount of my flying time in this particular ship (obviously from being mastered Tuesday). Fair to say, I've got a decent grasp on this ship in particular. So for the Flashfire/Sting pilots out there, here's my take on it.


What it boils down to, like anything, is your particular flying style. You need to build your ship to your particular strengths, similar to any ship out there. That said, certain builds do lean in favor of the ship itself. For me, I'm an aggressive flier. I love dogfights, I especially love multiple ships on me, and in 2v1 situations can usually outlast and outgun them both. With that in mind, here's my build.


Burst Cannons - This primary weapon plays to the speed and agility of the scout. Being that it's a 4K max range weapon, you have to get close quick, be able to keep up with your enemy, and be able to keep them in your sights. It is definitely a weapon for a twitch and quick reacting player, but not so twitchy that you don't take the time to line up your shot. IT IS NOT A HOLD-THE-BUTTON WEAPON. Semi-auto that thing. Line your shot, press and release, repeat. This will improve your accuracy and keep you from wasting power. The only time you should hold the button is if you are directly behind, head-to-head, or firing on a stopped target (like that gunship you were stalking).


Multi-optional tier selection - Ignore Armor, Increased Hull Damage. This set-up does greater damage to enemy hulls and ignores damage resistance. It is also deadly against turrets. If you catch a fully protected enemy satellite, close to 1500m and open up. You will one-shot those turrets.


Cluster Missiles - Bread and butter secondary weapon. Quick lock-on time, decent range, decent damage.


Multi-option tier selection - Increased Range, Double Volley. I use the increased range because it's rare that I will run out of missiles before taking a death. Increased ammo capacity works, too, especially if you're using a companion with increased ammo capacity (putting your missile amount at 30). The double volley launches two sets of missiles per lock-on... one is almost guaranteed to hit the target. Both will likely kill an opponent already softened by your blasters (to about 50% hull). Still try to be selective with your targets, though. You have 10, 15 shots at the most.


Targeting Telemtry - Here's the big divergence on the "overpowered" discussion. I use this component because of the increased accuracy. At mastered levels, it is deadly. With Targeting Prediction and Precise Targeting multi-tier options, the target's evasion goes down, your critical chance goes up, and your critical magnitude goes up. For the duration of that ability, you will blast whatever you're shooting at to pieces... as long as your aim is good. Burst Cannons in particular are deadly with this setup.


Distortion Field - Another base component that I use, because with all the evasion bonuses I use from other components, my base evasion sits at 41% after the 30% increase from this ability (sacrificing a small amount of shield power). Hit this ability, and it pushes me up to 106% evasion. I will go head-to-head with a gunship that's aiming right at me, and they will not even touch my shields before I've blown them out of the stars. Also good when facing multiple opponents. Typically one will try to lead you in a straight line while the other draws a bead on you. With this, the wingman will not be able to touch you while you vaporize his buddy.


Multi-tier selection - Increased duration. Doubles the time Distortion Field is active, from 3 seconds to 6. Purely survivability.


Koiogran's Turn - Obviously all options have the lock-on break. I use the base component because there are many times you will overshoot your target, especially gunships. K-Turn lets you double back quickly, and usually have the target right in front of you again, or at least near to it.


Multi-tier selection - Increased Speed. Increases your speed by 10%. I'll explain this reason later.


Lightweight Armor - Maxed increases your evasion by 16%. Not subject to Ignore Armor effects.


Damage Capacitor - Increases your blaster damage. Deadly with Burst Cannons.


Turbo Generator - Maxed decreases your regeneration delay by 96%. Unless you are constantly taking damage, your shields begin to recharge almost instantly.


Turning Thrusters - Maxed increases your turn rate by 16%. The reason I use the Turning Thrusters with the Increased Speed from Koiogran's Turn is because the Speed Thrusters and Increased Speed give the same bonus (10% to speed), while the Turning Thrusters give a maxed 16% increase to turn rate, compared to Increased Turn's 10% bonus. If you're looking to have a balance of both, this setup gives you extra bang for the buck.


With this setup, I'm able to survive 3v1 engagements with some fancy flying skill, my blasters will tear through ships with ease (assuming my aim is on), missiles will finish the job if they start accelerating away, and I can take enemy-held satellites very quickly after the first turret destroyed message displays to them. Like I said, this is a build for aggressive pilots that like to get down and dirty with their scout ships. It's meant to end a fight before it even really begins. If you've got a great reaction time, steady aim, and quick to hit the trigger when you're lined up, this build might just be for you.


nice setup i do somethings different like i don't use a evasion build because when i die it's usually i'm out numbered, didn't notice a gunship or i just got shot down with missiles just doesn't feel like i get shot down by blasters to often though i'm thinking about giving the evasion setup a try after i'm mastered

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nice setup i do somethings different like i don't use a evasion build because when i die it's usually i'm out numbered, didn't notice a gunship or i just got shot down with missiles just doesn't feel like i get shot down by blasters to often though i'm thinking about giving the evasion setup a try after i'm mastered


Everyone's going to take a few deaths to the gunship they didn't notice, heh. But yeah, there's a ton of ways to build that ship that are equally effective, depending what kind of pilot you are. Mine is built with aggressive tactics, turn-chasing, and minimal targeting time in mind. It is also built take take enemy-held satellites, especially undefended ones, in a very short time. Outnumbered doesn't really bother me, though. I'll usually keep 3 people tied up chasing my tail around a sat, flip over, draw a bead and dust one of them. Or I'll smack a solar panel and die. I'm certainly not perfect, heh.

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What is the best crew loadout for a scout? 'Cause I tried nearly twelve games each with Pierce, Vette, and Jaesa as my copilots, and I got near lowest score every time. I ended up rolling a gunship, and my crew is much better suited to that.
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What is the best crew loadout for a scout? 'Cause I tried nearly twelve games each with Pierce, Vette, and Jaesa as my copilots, and I got near lowest score every time. I ended up rolling a gunship, and my crew is much better suited to that.


I find that I do best with either the hydrospanner (self hull heal) or bypass (shield penetration). The +36% critical ability works fairly well too.


The abilities that increase evasion over 20 seconds or reduce enemy evasion dont really seem to have a huge effect. The one that reduces enemy engine power by 40% might be worth it but I havent tried it yet, and most people that rely on engine power are running the engine power regeneration ability anyways which would counter it. I get the feeling, though, that the engine power removal ability would be great if you rely on missiles, since it could put the target too low on engine power to use an evasive manuver.

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What is the best crew loadout for a scout? 'Cause I tried nearly twelve games each with Pierce, Vette, and Jaesa as my copilots, and I got near lowest score every time. I ended up rolling a gunship, and my crew is much better suited to that.


I know Pub side, Smugs have the best suited companions to a scout build like mine. Active ability just depends on what you favor. I personally go with Akaavi Spar for my copilot, her active ability increases my accuracy by 20%, and two other friendlies within 1000m of me (Wingman). That second part doesn't usually come into play much, but that first part's nice. But yeah, certain classes have certain companions that are better suited to a particular ship. Here's the fun thing... you can buy other class companions with fleet req. This is useful as some of a class' crew are suited to one type of ship, some to a different type. For pubs that run blaster-heavy (quad lasers), picking up T7-01 from the JK's crew is probably a good idea. For scouts, Qyzen Fess from the Consular crew is probably a good choice to take (increased firing arc by 2 degrees, +6% weapon accuracy).


But you're absolutely right. Some crew is just better suited to some ship types. And it will show.

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All the engines are basically the same, you are pretty much picking what type of active evasive ability you prefer.


They aren't all the same, at least not for the Flashfire/Sting.


Its easy to overlook, but the Retro Thruster engine has one 3rd tier option different than the rest of the engines: it offers the choice of 20% increased engine power pool (other engines have 10% increased engine speed there)

Edited by Sharee
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They aren't all the same, at least not for the Flashfire/Sting.


Its easy to overlook, but the Retro Thruster engine has one 3rd tier option different than the rest of the engines: it offers the choice of 20% increased engine power pool (other engines have 10% increased engine speed there)


Also, Interdiction Drive and Power Shunt engines have pretty good effects on a Gunship.

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I agree with your statement about the Smuggler. They do make for a pretty good Scout run. However, the best runs I've had were with my Inquisitor, and even those were pretty bad. I just wanted to ask before I gave up on doing Scout on my mains.


I have a thread for Crew and loadout suggestions here i'd be really happy for any help you guys can give.

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I'm a mastered Flashfire pilot, and have put a significant amount of my flying time in this particular ship (obviously from being mastered Tuesday). Fair to say, I've got a decent grasp on this ship in particular. So for the Flashfire/Sting pilots out there, here's my take on it.


What it boils down to, like anything, is your particular flying style. You need to build your ship to your particular strengths, similar to any ship out there. That said, certain builds do lean in favor of the ship itself. For me, I'm an aggressive flier. I love dogfights, I especially love multiple ships on me, and in 2v1 situations can usually outlast and outgun them both. With that in mind, here's my build.


Burst Cannons - This primary weapon plays to the speed and agility of the scout. Being that it's a 4K max range weapon, you have to get close quick, be able to keep up with your enemy, and be able to keep them in your sights. It is definitely a weapon for a twitch and quick reacting player, but not so twitchy that you don't take the time to line up your shot. IT IS NOT A HOLD-THE-BUTTON WEAPON. Semi-auto that thing. Line your shot, press and release, repeat. This will improve your accuracy and keep you from wasting power. The only time you should hold the button is if you are directly behind, head-to-head, or firing on a stopped target (like that gunship you were stalking).


Multi-optional tier selection - Ignore Armor, Increased Hull Damage. This set-up does greater damage to enemy hulls and ignores damage resistance. It is also deadly against turrets. If you catch a fully protected enemy satellite, close to 1500m and open up. You will one-shot those turrets.


Cluster Missiles - Bread and butter secondary weapon. Quick lock-on time, decent range, decent damage.


Multi-option tier selection - Increased Range, Double Volley. I use the increased range because it's rare that I will run out of missiles before taking a death. Increased ammo capacity works, too, especially if you're using a companion with increased ammo capacity (putting your missile amount at 30). The double volley launches two sets of missiles per lock-on... one is almost guaranteed to hit the target. Both will likely kill an opponent already softened by your blasters (to about 50% hull). Still try to be selective with your targets, though. You have 10, 15 shots at the most.


Targeting Telemtry - Here's the big divergence on the "overpowered" discussion. I use this component because of the increased accuracy. At mastered levels, it is deadly. With Targeting Prediction and Precise Targeting multi-tier options, the target's evasion goes down, your critical chance goes up, and your critical magnitude goes up. For the duration of that ability, you will blast whatever you're shooting at to pieces... as long as your aim is good. Burst Cannons in particular are deadly with this setup.


Distortion Field - Another base component that I use, because with all the evasion bonuses I use from other components, my base evasion sits at 41% after the 30% increase from this ability (sacrificing a small amount of shield power). Hit this ability, and it pushes me up to 106% evasion. I will go head-to-head with a gunship that's aiming right at me, and they will not even touch my shields before I've blown them out of the stars. Also good when facing multiple opponents. Typically one will try to lead you in a straight line while the other draws a bead on you. With this, the wingman will not be able to touch you while you vaporize his buddy.


Multi-tier selection - Increased duration. Doubles the time Distortion Field is active, from 3 seconds to 6. Purely survivability.


Koiogran's Turn - Obviously all options have the lock-on break. I use the base component because there are many times you will overshoot your target, especially gunships. K-Turn lets you double back quickly, and usually have the target right in front of you again, or at least near to it.


Multi-tier selection - Increased Speed. Increases your speed by 10%. I'll explain this reason later.


Lightweight Armor - Maxed increases your evasion by 16%. Not subject to Ignore Armor effects.


Damage Capacitor - Increases your blaster damage. Deadly with Burst Cannons.


Turbo Generator - Maxed decreases your regeneration delay by 96%. Unless you are constantly taking damage, your shields begin to recharge almost instantly.


Turning Thrusters - Maxed increases your turn rate by 16%. The reason I use the Turning Thrusters with the Increased Speed from Koiogran's Turn is because the Speed Thrusters and Increased Speed give the same bonus (10% to speed), while the Turning Thrusters give a maxed 16% increase to turn rate, compared to Increased Turn's 10% bonus. If you're looking to have a balance of both, this setup gives you extra bang for the buck.


With this setup, I'm able to survive 3v1 engagements with some fancy flying skill, my blasters will tear through ships with ease (assuming my aim is on), missiles will finish the job if they start accelerating away, and I can take enemy-held satellites very quickly after the first turret destroyed message displays to them. Like I said, this is a build for aggressive pilots that like to get down and dirty with their scout ships. It's meant to end a fight before it even really begins. If you've got a great reaction time, steady aim, and quick to hit the trigger when you're lined up, this build might just be for you.


Pretty much this, just with the difference that I'm actually using Blaster Overcharge, Retro Thrusters and Shielddmg-Upgrades on Burst Laser Cannons. I'm a mastered FlashFire pilot too and can easily go for 2-4vs1 unless there's a gunship in range.

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I fly a fully upgraded NovaDive, well over 200 games including the PTS and I do quite well usually.



Rapid Fire Canon for an number of reasons. At first glance its inferior to Light Laser Canons because of ‘less damage’ but that’s not the whole story. Light Lasers are really strong in close range fights, the difference becomes smaller when we are looking at mid or max ranges. Btu more importantly, rate of fire and power consumption. Its basically impossible to run dry on weapons energy when using rapid canons. Weapon Energy becomes a complete non factor and allows you to bury your opponent in a constant wall of fire, which has some psychological advantages too. Its also allows you to be more liberal with your aiming since its always possible to zero in on an opponent while firing. And as other have said, with the much higher rate of fire its so much easier to hit your opponent at some point. It doesn’t matter, that the individual hit does less damage if I’m hitting fast moving target three or four times as much.

I’m kinda torn between the +10% crit chance and the tracking bonus, but most of the time I use the increased crit chance together with the Shield Damage Multiplier ability.



Rocket Pods, not question. You lack firepower as a Scout, so take any help you can get. Rocket pods are great against slow moving / immobile targets and a true life saver at head on engagements. I cannot count the number of times I have blown unsuspecting Gunships skyhigh within seconds. Their high damage and instant use makes them on of the few useable secondary weapons in the game IMO.



Personally I use Koiogran Turn Engines (vertical 180). Its easily manageable and a great asset for dogfighting other scouts. As upgrade bonus I chose the increased turn rate, my ship Is already fast enough.



Quick Charge for me. As a Scout, beyond my speed and agility my shield are the only insurance. Once they go down I’m dead. With Quick Charge they will regenerate much faster and on active I can eat massive damage spikes without losing them. And I don’t have to worry about waiting for shields regenerating before the next engagement. As Scout I want to highly mobile and always ready for combat, so why my engine power is already great and weapons power is easily managle with Rapid Fire Canons, Quick Charge takes care of my shields. As a results I can have a much higher attack runs per match rating (if there is such a thing) than any other type of ship.

I chose the +60% regen while taking damage on active as bonus since the abilities cooldown is already kinda low.



Booster Recharge. No brainer for scouts IMO, makes them the highly mobile platform they are supposed to be. But sensor Beacon too looks interesting, because of the damage reduction part, I try it once more ships and game modes are implemented.

I took +10% Engine Regen over the +10% total power since you already have a large engine power pool as a scout and when you burn it, quicker regen is always better than a 1 sec longer flight time. Also I chose the +20% instant refill for the pool since shields and weapon power are rarely and issue when you recharge your drives.



Dampening. I’m easy to kill when someone sees me. So my first line of defense is not to be seen. Kinda fun to surprise those gunships, burning through their engagement envelope on maxpower with dampening giving them only a second or two to do something about it.



Lightweighth Armor, is there anything else? It gives you the best return, Deflection is useless on any ships and your health pool is low to begin with, so a health boost wont give you much.



Personally I think my turnrate is fine as it is, I never have issues with a scout outturning me. So my choice actually is Regen Thrusters, since ultralong boosts that cannot be compensated with Booster Recharge practically never happen.


Capacitor: Damage. As a scout I need everything I can get in that department. Frequency would work too, but with Rapid Canons, the RPM number is already extremely high, I don’t see much use in upgrading it even further.

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I fly a fully upgraded NovaDive, well over 200 games including the PTS and I do quite well usually.





am very interested about your crew setup can u post it plz :)

Edit: just saw that nova dive = blackbolt, how come you dont use flashfire=sting , i thought flashfire>novadive in term of dmg dealing and health


Pretty much this, just with the difference that I'm actually using Blaster Overcharge, Retro Thrusters and Shielddmg-Upgrades on Burst Laser Cannons. I'm a mastered FlashFire pilot too and can easily go for 2-4vs1 unless there's a gunship in range.


you too


iv seen RCSlyman's setup in a different post



Edited by alkhattabi
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Capacitor: Damage. As a scout I need everything I can get in that department. Frequency would work too, but with Rapid Canons, the RPM number is already extremely high, I don’t see much use in upgrading it even further.


if you dont have problems with your weapon energy i highly recomment frequency over damage capacitator, frequency increase your dps more than damage does(5% more), as a downside it increase your power consumption too, but this should not be a problem with rapid fire

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