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Is It just me? Are Scouts a bit OP?


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The fighters are balanced. Period. Claiming one is more OP than the other the way they are right now is like saying a DPS is more OP than a tank or healer in a Warzone, when really it's simply about roles and player preference.


Certainly not. It would be HIGHLY unlikely and downright unrealistic to state that GSF is balanced.


This is simply because that, until now, nobody ever had fully upgraded ships. Only NOW are people pushing the envelope and stacking different systems to maximize their performance and exploit any flaws in the game balance. There is no way that GSF could have proper balance until the devs have time to observe "high level" gameplay in a live environment (the PTS was constantly reset and only on week-ends, so nobody really reached "high level" in testing).


You might as well say that TOR PvP was balanced on release, while you're at it.


So yes, expect to see balance fixes in the patches leading up to the full GSF release. What these fixes might be I don't know, but fixes there will be. Personally I'd at least want the ion railgun love tap fixed, and maybe something to the burst lasers (which dish out damage far out of proportion of their DPS due to their high-damage bursts, which is naturally favoured by the nature of GSF combat).


But regardless, the fighters are not balanced, that's practically impossible for any game to achieve, and certainly not on release.

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In my experience, if you're tailoring your strike fighter for a single role, you're going to be disappointed. The strike fighter is kinda like a hybrid in the ground game - jack of all trades, master of none. Once I started trying to minimize the weaknesses of my strikes instead of building towards a strength, I ended up having about the same success with them as I do with my scouts (maybe just slightly less).




There are all sorts of issues with the above statement, but I'll just say that I believe scouts (at least the Flashfire/Sting) are supposed to be better 1v1, close-range dogfighters than strikes, and I think that makes sense considering how strikes are more versatile.


Not that these articles should be taken as gospel, but read the last paragraph of the article linked below. It sure sounds like Flashfires/Stings are intended to beat strikes in dogfights.




Yeah I wrote too fast before work. The link you placed has come up in this thread and I've addressed it already.


The point isn't that strikers and scouts be an even fight. The point is they should be even mechanically, for example a striker draws a scout and being all burly and whatnot ties that Scott up while his friends attack target or said scout. The striker is not looking to solo kill the scout but simply control it.


A 2 second burst dps kill allows for none of these things. Just one scout blowing up other players as fast as it can approach them.

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The true factor right now in balance is player skill. Period. Yes, the fighters the way they are currently are balanced. I've played all three, and variations on two of them.


People saying that skill is 95% of success in GSF and 5% gear/upgrades are correct. A skilled pilot can go out in any craft and dominate... And they do. Conversely, no amount of upgrades on your ship are going to make a bad pilot good, on any fighter they choose. This is one facet of where GSF excels over the ground game. It's skill based, not gear upgrade based.


Scouts in the right hands do well... But so do the other fighters. Any craft should be able to take out any other craft by design. That's happening and it should be happening. Saying a scout should not be able to take out other fighters is silly, when really it's all about play style.


I've been noting that the most played fighter is the Strike Fighter. And there are some very, very good Strike Fighter pilots. Given equal skill, Strike Fighters work less to get their kills than a Scout. Sure Scouts can down a Strike Fighter, but it takes work even in the hands of a skilled Scout pilot.


Each type of fighter can down any other. This can and should be happening. More than anything else it's skilled pilots dominating rather than a ship style. Look who plays, note names, and watch that they can dominate on any craft they play.

Edited by LeonBraun
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Ahh but when you do see pilots of near equal skill that 5%(your ratio not mine) becomes very significant.


What I want know from you LeoBraun. Is are you actually of the belief that Bioware, got it right the first time and no adjustments are needed? It's how you sound all across these forums. Despite the fact that GSF had a super small beta, can you not fathom the possibility that some changes need be made.


When Swtor 1.0 hit there were many issues that needed to be addressed most of them were at higher level gameplay, and therefore not discovered during the betas. The same I believe to be true as advanced builds become available to GSF.


Bioware has shown time and time again how much they value balance for this game. It's one thing that sets it apart from other MMOs which are more focused on unique character abilities but balance suffers.

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Well, I can say that I've played several hundred matches and I'm fairly happy with it. I can say for certain that the balance seems to be better to me than the ground PvP game, on most MMOs.


As far as changes, I wouldn't assume to be that much of an expert after only a few hundred matches that I could tell BioWare what exactly needs to be changed in terms of minimal changes. I certainly don't think any large changes need to be made. And if I did, I would certainly let them know. I'm not a fanboy by any means, but I certainly give credit where it is due, just as I will offer criticism where it is due as well. Credit to EAware, they did well on this one, I for one, would simply like to see more soon and semi regular updates (to both this and the PvE game).


Of the 3 types of fighters, I'm least effective on the Gunship. I don't really like being "one shot" by gunships, but I also don't know as much about them as the Scout or Strike Fighter. Does that mean I feel that Gunships should be nerfed? Nope, it just means I haven't had enough practice on them to know for certain yet.


I do find it laughable that people think Scouts need to be nerfed however, I've played both type of Scouts, both Imps and Republic and they're fine, if not much weaker than people seem to think they are. I get killed pretty easy while on a scout without warning by ships coming from behind, or in multiple fighter fights. They are paper thin and can't take many hits. CD's have to be played perfectly for them to be effective. A much greater skilled is required for them than for the Strike Fighter.


Also, Strike Fighters are much better than people give them credit for, but since half of any battle are Strike Fighters on any given match, it's clear it's a small minority of forum whiners with little skill that are complaining about them. They are easier to fly and easier to get a kill on than Scouts. On my server there are some amazing Strike Fighter pilots doing some ludicrous damage to other fighters. Strike fighters seem to be fine also. The biggest issue here is that pilots flying a "tougher" ship than a Scout, don't think they should be able to be killed by a Scout, when really it all boils down to the more skilled pilot, not the tougher ship.


Is it perfect? It's not bad, and I really can't see as much needs to change with it, as much of what needs to be changed and added to the ground game, both PvE and PvP. I would like to see more GSF, both in terms of maps and ships/designs/cosmetics. I would like to see a change to the co-pilot mechanic, being able to use more than just a droid to repair my ship, but I've made posts about that as well. I'd love to be able to use my favorite companion to be my co-pilot and talk to me during the match and still be able to repair my ship, but it's also not game breaking, and I'm sure most of our feedback will be looked at by the devs, and implemented if the suggestions have merit.

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I love this guy, if we don't agree with his utterly implausible claim then we're whiners with little skill =)


He comes across as an ego rager but he's not entirely wrong. I top score boards on a scout or a strike fighter. Pilot skill is the primary deciding factor, and few people care to admit they're not that good of a pilot. He claims 5% is gear/upgrades.. I'd probably leverage that closer to 15% with 85% being pilot ability.


That said, I disagree with him that they're all balanced. Certain combos should be toned down. No one should be able to one shot another player, and I feel strike fighters need a little bit of loving. All and all though, saying "I can't beat scouts in a strike fighter" just says you're not a very good pilot.

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I am exclusive Scout/Gunship pilot. I got over 200 games with each of those crafts. Only once I flew with a Strike Fighter before today and it was a fluke, because I hit "ready" before switching from the default starter craft. That 1 game with a Striker in my Legacy Achievements irked me a bit :D


So, I made a new character today and decided to play only Strike Fighter on it to get the Legacy Achievements for that craft. First game I did on a stock Strike Fighter craft with zero upgrades - top damage in the game for my team (around 28k), top medals (12 I believe), second highest kill score, top on assists and second highest Objective score of my team. We won with about 1000-750. After this experience I do believe its pilot skill that matters the most. And I don't consider myself a great pilot, but I do have a lot of space sims and Freelancer experience :)


Also, I think the Strike Fighter is much easier craft to master than the Scout. The numbers I did with a stock Striker - well, It took me quite a while to get them with a scout :rolleyes:

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Only once I flew with a Strike Fighter before today and it was a fluke, because I hit "ready" before switching from the default starter craft.


Did you know you can change the order of the ships so that the default ship is the one you want? Just drag and drop the ships in the hangar, in the list on the bottom of the screen. Default will be the leftmost ship in the list.

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All and all though, saying "I can't beat scouts in a strike fighter" just says you're not a very good pilot.


They would also be exaggerating. Given enough time, anyone can at least occasionally kill any ship in any other ship.


I also top the charts whether I fly scout or strike, but the scout is currently the only one worth flying.

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Also, I think the Strike Fighter is much easier craft to master than the Scout. The numbers I did with a stock Striker - well, It took me quite a while to get them with a scout :rolleyes:


You know, most of the skills you picked up learning to fly a scout directly apply to flying Strikes as well. I'm mostly a Strike pilot myself, but I do well in scouts too. This is not indicative of Strikes somehow being EZ Mode, but rather that you are a good pilot.


In fact, I don't think there is such a thing as a role that is easier to master than the other, even gunships require their own skillsets, and flying skills are useful no matter which role you pick.

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Well, I can say that I've played several hundred matches and I'm fairly happy with it. I can say for certain that the balance seems to be better to me than the ground PvP game, on most MMOs.


As far as changes, I wouldn't assume to be that much of an expert after only a few hundred matches that I could tell BioWare what exactly needs to be changed in terms of minimal changes. I certainly don't think any large changes need to be made. And if I did, I would certainly let them know. I'm not a fanboy by any means, but I certainly give credit where it is due, just as I will offer criticism where it is due as well. Credit to EAware, they did well on this one, I for one, would simply like to see more soon and semi regular updates (to both this and the PvE game).


Of the 3 types of fighters, I'm least effective on the Gunship. I don't really like being "one shot" by gunships, but I also don't know as much about them as the Scout or Strike Fighter. Does that mean I feel that Gunships should be nerfed? Nope, it just means I haven't had enough practice on them to know for certain yet.


I do find it laughable that people think Scouts need to be nerfed however, I've played both type of Scouts, both Imps and Republic and they're fine, if not much weaker than people seem to think they are. I get killed pretty easy while on a scout without warning by ships coming from behind, or in multiple fighter fights. They are paper thin and can't take many hits. CD's have to be played perfectly for them to be effective. A much greater skilled is required for them than for the Strike Fighter.


Also, Strike Fighters are much better than people give them credit for, but since half of any battle are Strike Fighters on any given match, it's clear it's a small minority of forum whiners with little skill that are complaining about them. They are easier to fly and easier to get a kill on than Scouts. On my server there are some amazing Strike Fighter pilots doing some ludicrous damage to other fighters. Strike fighters seem to be fine also. The biggest issue here is that pilots flying a "tougher" ship than a Scout, don't think they should be able to be killed by a Scout, when really it all boils down to the more skilled pilot, not the tougher ship.


Is it perfect? It's not bad, and I really can't see as much needs to change with it, as much of what needs to be changed and added to the ground game, both PvE and PvP. I would like to see more GSF, both in terms of maps and ships/designs/cosmetics. I would like to see a change to the co-pilot mechanic, being able to use more than just a droid to repair my ship, but I've made posts about that as well. I'd love to be able to use my favorite companion to be my co-pilot and talk to me during the match and still be able to repair my ship, but it's also not game breaking, and I'm sure most of our feedback will be looked at by the devs, and implemented if the suggestions have merit.


You know I started this thread a before Flashfire/stings really hit the Ques.

the title of the thread really says what I was asking, I was not looking to nerf scouts per says but had some observations.


My original concerns stemmed from 3 fronts


1. Scouts were making a mad rush to the lot of the boards after every match when flown by dedicated scout pilots. Not that they were owning the top but simply that kills(especially) were happening with scout at an expanded rate vs strike fighter. Which is where the second front begins

2. Strike fighter Role was and is still poorly defined. I am in a guild that has more and more people choosing scout. not sure if this is coincidence but it has provided a very good pool of scout numbers to reference. I was failing to discuss anything with them that didn't come out "my scout does that, no problems" and I really couldn't see why there was a Striker. I know that I'm a striker pilot, I knew I would not be a paper tube jokey(scout) even before GSF was released.

3. the few time I got myself into a scout(misguided attempt to build fleet requisition via the 2x) I learned 2 things. I was correct believing I wasn't a scout pilot. But more importantly I learned "Damn these Rapid fire Lasers don't seem to miss do they, why doesn't my striker shoot like that"


and so the great Scout - Striker debate began because I needed to get my head together to air some of my assumptions.


My evolution has been:

- Make scouts even more squishy. I think it's the natural first thought everybody has" they can't get so many kills if they have to spawn more often." I got over this pretty quick though(before I started this thread), I do maintain that Evasion and/or shield recovery on scouts may still need a bit of a nerf. Don't call it a "Scout" if it doesn't need to constantly need to be avoiding damage.

- Then as I started this thread it became "cut down scout dps" this was when star ship roles were still mostly undefined, and I followed the name thinking that the scout was a scout i.e. fast responder and powerful sensors but not the space superiority fighter(which we now know is what the flashfire/sting is supposed to be).

- next I gave up all assumptions and delved into what role did each ship have. I now see it like this.


>Nova Dive/Black Bolt are the "True Scouts"

>Flashfire/Sting/Cartel Scout are the "Space Superority Fighters"


>Rycer/Star Guard/Cartel Striker are the "Multiple Threat Response Platform"

>Pike/Quell Is the "Fighter Bomber"


- once I figured up my role I started to play to it, enjoying more success for a while.

-Till we hit the Present. Perhaps I'm at a mile stone I'm now at the point where only super expensive upgrades are left to be bought, and I see much clearer what each class is doing. This is how each class responds to My strike fighters then opponents are well piloted.


>Novadive defense: Hard to lock in on but dies in a reasonable amount of time when it does happen.

>Novadive offense: an endless stream of hits but still I have a practical amount of time to consider evasion and activate cool downs but attempted escape is my only option to avoid dying.


>Flashfire Defense: It can get ridiculous I've put as many missiles into strike fighters as some Flashfires out there, of course getting those locks don't come easy either. The Delay between locks allows significant shield recovery.

>Flashfire offense: Sense of dread bout says it. I've been in far too many situations where at the moment I realize there is one painting me I'm also almost dead. Or 2 seconds into a head to head also dead.


>all strike fighters defense: takes about 3 decent hits(barrage of lasers = hit, or 1 missile) or 2 really good hits if delivered in series. Strikers are all about shield recovery as a vital survival mechanic.


>all strike fighters offense: I've basically already described this.


>Gunships defense: they can take the first round of hits but if they don't high tail it they are dead, even in a head to head if the striker can maintain dps the gunship dies in one pass. only way gunship survives is if it can deliver only charged blasts without ever a miss.

>Gunship Offense: I've never been one shot out of my striker before unless I've had prior hull damage, Strikers are good GS lures as they can survive those "out of the Blue" power shots and tell the story, 2 charged blasts can wreck a striker though.


I think you can kind of see my perspective, strikers play nice together and nice with GS too. Even the Novadive is tolerable though I still think they pack in a little too much accuracy for no logical reason, Novadive isn't OP but it is Easymode.


Then there is the flashfire, this is not a game worth playing if I run into too many BurstFires, if you meet a BurstFire you need at least 2 to take it down and even then your going to lose one of you. well what happens if there are 4 BurstFires you might need your whole team to take those 4 alone out, only your whole team has other stuff to do as well.(BTW of course this is all true for the Sting and the Cartel Scout as well but I kill republic for a living)

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The first scout you get at the begining is fine it has a role and it has drawbacks, and so does the strike fighter... the problem arises with the sting/flashfire... the missiles there are just over board and kills totatly the strike fighter purpose.


"The true factor right now in balance is player skill. Period. Yes, the fighters the way they are currently are balanced. I've played all three, and variations on two of them." - so skill now is ... spam missiles at the target with a flashfire/sting. Seems even more legit then calling smash "balanced"

Edited by xxIncubixx
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The first scout you get at the begining is fine it has a role, and so does the strike fighter... the problem arises with the sting/flashfire... the missiles there are just over board and kills totatly the strike fighter purpose.


I doubt that we'll ever get the missiles off the Sting/Flashfire but a massively small magazine would be the proper fix, really:


Giant cannons(burst lasers) + missiles(same capacity as a striker, ***?) + big engines(it is still a scout) + shield(large system See: SW lore) + armor(optional but has not negative effect) = how does this ship have as much maneuverability as "a Scout."


role back the stings burst damage and cut the magazine and the sting/flashfire would be very close to the balanced role it should be, the role is Space Superiority Fighter BTW.

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One more time here mr-sim... Scouts are not OP. They are different. They have a different playstyle. They have a different role. They are not OP.


Once again, I've played probably 400 matches now, between all fighters, And my numbers on each are similar, save the Gunship, which I'm still getting practice on.


The Scout is no where near OP. The Strike Fighter get kills at an absurdly easy rate compared to the Scout, and the Scouts are already beyond squishy and don't need a nerf there. Pilots who fly Scouts need to be rocking their CD's to be good pilots, and as said previous, I'm not sure what server you play on, but Scouts do not dominate the charts any more than any other fighters do. In fact, it's the same pilots dominating regardless of the fighters they fly.


Also to suggest that that Scouts dominate the GSF population is also absurd. I've noted that in every fight, it's pretty typical to see half the fighters or more made up of Strike fighters, and the remaining to be sprinkled between Scouts and Gunships.


Strike Fighters are easier to fly, they are easier to get kills on. Most people that enjoy playing Scouts clearly do so, because they are better objective fighters, and that is their role. Strikers are better defenders and better at clearing hostiles from satellites. Where Scouts can easily grab satellites, they need the protection of Strikers while they stick to the satellites. That is the striker's role. They are much better at quickly clearing trash. Period.


Clearly some play these roles wrong perhaps. If Scouts are merely kill chasing, they are loosing battles by not performing their role. They are far from OP in terms of being able to get kills, nor is that their primary role.

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One more time here mr-sim... Scouts are not OP. They are different. They have a different playstyle. They have a different role. They are not OP.


Once again, I've played probably 400 matches now, between all fighters, And my numbers on each are similar, save the Gunship, which I'm still getting practice on.


The Scout is no where near OP. The Strike Fighter get kills at an absurdly easy rate compared to the Scout, and the Scouts are already beyond squishy and don't need a nerf there. Pilots who fly Scouts need to be rocking their CD's to be good pilots, and as said previous, I'm not sure what server you play on, but Scouts do not dominate the charts any more than any other fighters do. In fact, it's the same pilots dominating regardless of the fighters they fly.


Also to suggest that that Scouts dominate the GSF population is also absurd. I've noted that in every fight, it's pretty typical to see half the fighters or more made up of Strike fighters, and the remaining to be sprinkled between Scouts and Gunships.


Strike Fighters are easier to fly, they are easier to get kills on. Most people that enjoy playing Scouts clearly do so, because they are better objective fighters, and that is their role. Strikers are better defenders and better at clearing hostiles from satellites. Where Scouts can easily grab satellites, they need the protection of Strikers while they stick to the satellites. That is the striker's role. They are much better at quickly clearing trash. Period.


Clearly some play these roles wrong perhaps. If Scouts are merely kill chasing, they are loosing battles by not performing their role. They are far from OP in terms of being able to get kills, nor is that their primary role.


Apparently the words OP really bother you, If you were reading and not skimming you would notice I say some mechanics are outside off balance. I'm not implying that OP scouts are killing ship in droves soon as look at them.


Furthermore I'm defending the balance of every other class in this forum. The time to adjust things is before the player base is expanded, which is why it's important to air these things now.


The Uber Burst build on the flashfire is very much an over stacked build same as the operative once had and it was adjusted for and Pvp was better for it.


For the record I've not said Scout population was rampant only in my guild, I have however cautioned that any class that is seen as OP will explode in population and play experience will suffer, and play experience is why we are here.


Oh and Jedi Covenant is my server, my toons names are not so close to my forum handle though.

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Furthermore I'm defending the balance of every other class in this forum. The time to adjust things is before the player base is expanded, which is why it's important to air these things now.


The Uber Burst build on the flashfire is very much an over stacked build same as the operative once had and it was adjusted for and Pvp was better for it.


Agreed. Tweaks need to be made and soon. Alienate too many people when the player base broadens and GSF becomes marginalized or dies out entirely. Like everything else in this game it needs people to play it for it to be successful. I really enjoy it, but some combinations of weapons, upgrades and skills are making some things WAY OP. There simply is no way around it.

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Alienate too many people when the player base broadens and GSF becomes marginalized or dies out entirely. Like everything else in this game it needs people to play it for it to be successful.




Simple fact, if players come in and are utterly blasted apart they are going to write GSF off and not pursue it. There are threads here of servers that have such large GSF population imbalances per faction, these servers are in desperate need of an expanded player base.


A player who looses a fight but feels they fought a good fight is happy to try again. A player who gets knocked down is far less eager to try again. I've said it before, the greatest match I've ever played was almost exclusively Strikers vs strikers it was awesome because it was so balanced, and we lost the match by a couple points. Yup best match ever and we lost, Imagine how good it would feel if you won a balanced match such as that.


I hate to call somebody an Elitest but you Leon-braun are ringing that tone, saying "learn to play" so much. Are you correct that people need to L2P, absolutely you are. but it doesn't need to be so painful a learning experience. rebalancing the Scout will not render the striker OP, it will merely make the scout less "easymode" because it really is easymode.

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Apparently the words OP really bother you, If you were reading and not skimming you would notice I say some mechanics are outside off balance. I'm not implying that OP scouts are killing ship in droves soon as look at them.


Furthermore I'm defending the balance of every other class in this forum. The time to adjust things is before the player base is expanded, which is why it's important to air these things now.


The Uber Burst build on the flashfire is very much an over stacked build same as the operative once had and it was adjusted for and Pvp was better for it.


For the record I've not said Scout population was rampant only in my guild, I have however cautioned that any class that is seen as OP will explode in population and play experience will suffer, and play experience is why we are here.


Oh and Jedi Covenant is my server, my toons names are not so close to my forum handle though.


This is pretty ridiculous. Seriously.


First of all, you've been talking about all scouts, not just the Flashfire/Sting. And for the record, the Flashfire is no more OP than the NovaDive is. Again, Scouts have a role.


And realistically, if you really feel that Scouts are this OP, than go ahead and play one and stop whining about them. You will see you will still get blown away by "good" pilots that are good whatever ship they happen to be in.


Scouts are not OP.



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Simple fact, if players come in and are utterly blasted apart they are going to write GSF off and not pursue it.


That's more a problem with matchmaking than of ships being overpowered.


If newbies face other newbies it doesn't matter what ships they will be flying. No ones gonna get blasted apart.


If newbies face veterans then again it won't matter what ships anyone is flying. Newbies will be blasted apart regardless of what ships are being flown.


And as a side note, if any ship is going to make newbies quit in disgust, it will be a gunship that will kill them in one shot out of nowhere, not the scout they can see coming and fight it.

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Simple fact, if players come in and are utterly blasted apart they are going to write GSF off and not pursue it. There are threads here of servers that have such large GSF population imbalances per faction, these servers are in desperate need of an expanded player base.


A player who looses a fight but feels they fought a good fight is happy to try again. A player who gets knocked down is far less eager to try again. I've said it before, the greatest match I've ever played was almost exclusively Strikers vs strikers it was awesome because it was so balanced, and we lost the match by a couple points. Yup best match ever and we lost, Imagine how good it would feel if you won a balanced match such as that.


I hate to call somebody an Elitest but you Leon-braun are ringing that tone, saying "learn to play" so much. Are you correct that people need to L2P, absolutely you are. but it doesn't need to be so painful a learning experience. rebalancing the Scout will not render the striker OP, it will merely make the scout less "easymode" because it really is easymode.


You are certainly correct in that you should not be calling me an elitist. That is a pretty large step to even be implying, not knowing anything about another person.


For starters, my replies here are to address and put to rest an issue that doesn't exist. I never was a beta tester for GSF, I entered the first day of early access like most people with a large learning curve. I'm not a regular MMO PvP player as I don't like that atmosphere and balance of most toon based PvP systems. I gave GSF a shot and have discovered it is massively different from the ground PvP and is in fact quite balanced. I'm replying to this thread passionately because there is no issue here with the Scout. Period.


In fact if people believe it to be OP than that's the fighter they should be using. Clearly it is more suited to their personal play style. But OP? No, simply isn't.

Edited by LeonBraun
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That's more a problem with matchmaking than of ships being overpowered.


If newbies face other newbies it doesn't matter what ships they will be flying. No ones gonna get blasted apart.


If newbies face veterans then again it won't matter what ships anyone is flying. Newbies will be blasted apart regardless of what ships are being flown.


And as a side note, if any ship is going to make newbies quit in disgust, it will be a gunship that will kill them in one shot out of nowhere, not the scout they can see coming and fight it.


^ Also this. This is correct.

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