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Disney's (evil) plans for Star Wars


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Some Disney CFO - whatever the hell that is - has recently said a few words on the future of Star Wars.


To quote the Hollywood Reporter:


Discussing key growth drivers for Disney, he said he expected growth contributions from all units in the coming years. After the recent box office successes of Marvel, Lucasfilm's Star Wars VII, set for a 2015 release, will be a key driver of Disney's studio performance, Rasulo said. He also said there will be much more in terms of Star Wars consumer products on offer around that release. Overall, he said investors should expect Lucasfilm to follow the successful Marvel path now that it is part of Disney as the company would look to push its content across various Disney and other platforms just like in the case of the Marvel acquisition.


With Rasulo saying that "You can substitute the word Marvel for LucasFilm," and that they plan to "take this treasure trove of content and deliver it through the Disney eco-system."


[insert pun here comparing Disney to the Galactic Empire]


I don't know about you but this has me worried, I'm not at all a fan of what Disney has done with Marvel i.e. milking it for all its worth at the expense of quality. What happened to the days when people were creative for the sake of creativity? Heck what am I saying I wasn't even born then... Thoughts?

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Ya I saw that somewhere else...tbh though really, I feel like it's gonna be weird if they go through with different solo movies and everything. I see it as weird because the 6 movies were focused on central/important characters for the most part, very rare did they ever make a tangent and followed some other guy.


Whereas the stuff outside the movies, you of course had comics/novels/games following a number of different characters to expand the Star Wars universe.


I guess to me I find it strange after all ths time, if they go through with it. We are gonna see on the movie screen, following some guy that no one has ever heard of.


Of course this happens with pretty much every movie, but after 6 movies following a close nich of characters, I'm gonna find it odd that they are gonna make new movies and so on for completely different characters.

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I have thoroughly enjoyed the Marvel Cinematic Universe, whilst Iron Man 2 & 3, Captain America and The Hulk weren't exactly amazing, I feel the Thor movies, the Avengers, Iron Man, etc... were top quality films and I watch them regularly.


I would much rather see them take the EU and transform it into a consistent cinematic timeline than just nuke the entire thing and start over.

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I have thoroughly enjoyed the Marvel Cinematic Universe, whilst Iron Man 2 & 3, Captain America and The Hulk weren't exactly amazing, I feel the Thor movies, the Avengers, Iron Man, etc... were top quality films and I watch them regularly.


I would much rather see them take the EU and transform it into a consistent cinematic timeline than just nuke the entire thing and start over.


That pretty much echoes my thoughts. I very much enjoyed some of the more recent Marvel movies, and I'm also enjoying Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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I don't know about you but this has me worried, I'm not at all a fan of what Disney has done with Marvel i.e. milking it for all its worth at the expense of quality. What happened to the days when people were creative for the sake of creativity? Heck what am I saying I wasn't even born then... Thoughts?


I actually like some of the more recent Marvel stuff (Thor, Thor 2, Avengers), but it had some recent screw-ups (Iron Man 2 and 3).


That being said, I really don't know what to think about this. I'm not concerned about the quality of the movies as much as I am concerned about the lore additions.

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I actually like some of the more recent Marvel stuff (Thor, Thor 2, Avengers), but it had some recent screw-ups (Iron Man 2 and 3).


That being said, I really don't know what to think about this. I'm not concerned about the quality of the movies as much as I am concerned about the lore additions.


Completely agree :p


Although I did enjoy Iron man 2 and 3, it was only because Robert Downey Jr is one of my favorite comedic actors...

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Some Disney CFO - whatever the hell that is [snip]

See because of that line I can't tell if this whole post is sincere or a parody of all the posts you see around that say "Oh my god, a company actually wants to make MONEY off of their entertainment product! EVIL-EVIL-EVIL-EVIL [rageface]!"


This quote was clearly from an Earnings Call or similar investor-focused communication, so of course it's going to be focused on the bottom line, that's what those calls are for.

If you want to know about the "creativity" aspect of the company, you listen to their panels at ComicCon or their Celebration events, or read interviews with the creative teams.


Personally, I love the SW EU, and I will be sorry to see it getting overwritten once the new Movies come out, but I am expecting that's exactly what will happen. Still, if that's what ends up happening, they could do a lot worse than following in Marvel's footprints - those movies are pretty good overall.

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See because of that line I can't tell if this whole post is sincere or a parody of all the posts you see around that say "Oh my god, a company actually wants to make MONEY off of their entertainment product! EVIL-EVIL-EVIL-EVIL [rageface]!"


This quote was clearly from an Earnings Call or similar investor-focused communication, so of course it's going to be focused on the bottom line, that's what those calls are for.

If you want to know about the "creativity" aspect of the company, you listen to their panels at ComicCon or their Celebration events, or read interviews with the creative teams.


Personally, I love the SW EU, and I will be sorry to see it getting overwritten once the new Movies come out, but I am expecting that's exactly what will happen. Still, if that's what ends up happening, they could do a lot worse than following in Marvel's footprints - those movies are pretty good overall.

Don't mind me, I'm just a young fearmongerer making his way in the world.


No but seriously, making money, that's all well and good but what I'm worried about here is that this confirms that Disney are indeed going to treat Star Wars like the Marvelverse. The Marvelverse that's churned out who knows how many films over the past few years and are just not stopping. I first got a hint of this when they confirmed spin offs which put a sour taste in my mouth, I mean spin offs? Really? And now I'm seriously beginning to wonder whether its going to stop with the Sequel Trilogy, do we really want Star Wars year in year out? Quality is bound to take a hit.


And really, if the new Star Wars films turned out as "good" as the Marvel films - I'd cry.


EDIT: If I want to know about the creativity aspect this is definitely the place to go, the bottom line is what will define the future of the Star Wars universe, just look at the gaming world, its controlled by the bottom line. The creative teams are just little puppets, doing a little dance - dooti dooti doo.

Edited by Beniboybling
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I don't know about you but this has me worried, I'm not at all a fan of what Disney has done with Marvel i.e. milking it for all its worth at the expense of quality. What happened to the days when people were creative for the sake of creativity? Heck what am I saying I wasn't even born then... Thoughts?


At the expense of quality? Are you serious? Since becoming involved Marvel has put out some of the best films ever. Even their crappiest films were at least watchable, which is saying a lot when it comes to crappy hollywood movies.

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At the expense of quality? Are you serious? Since becoming involved Marvel has put out some of the best films ever. Even their crappiest films were at least watchable, which is saying a lot when it comes to crappy hollywood movies.
Best films ever? I assume you mean best within the Marvel universe. And not actually ever?


Anyway I just relish a chance to attack some of their more terrible and disappointing productions, in reality what I'm really worried about is quantity. Ever since Disney bought Marvel they've turned it into a movie-making machine. And I don't feel that with Star Wars - being the delicate thing it is, would fare well if turned into a similar device.

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Best films ever? I assume you mean best within the Marvel universe. And not actually ever?


Anyway I just relish a chance to attack some of their more terrible and disappointing productions, in reality what I'm really worried about is quantity. Ever since Disney bought Marvel they've turned it into a movie-making machine. And I don't feel that with Star Wars - being the delicate thing it is, would fare well if turned into a similar device.


Taste in entertainment is definitely subjective, but I think Iron Man, Captain America, and the Avengers were all excellent films, not just in terms of Marvel films. I enjoyed the heck out of Thor as well, although overall I don't think it was quite as quality as those three, and Iron Man 2 and (to a lesser extent) 3 were both decent movies, even if they weren't anything amazing.


I get your point though, that Star Wars films being released should be head-and-shoulders above what we generally think of as a good movie - they should be events. If Episode VII is only as good as Iron Man, I'll probably be annoyed, if it is as good as The Avengers, I'll be perfectly happy.


Hopefully the Episode [_] movies will be up to the level of The Avengers and previous SW movies. I honestly won't mind the Spin-Offs being "only" as good as the Iron Man/Thor/Captain America movies - we've already had The Clone Wars released in theaters, so its not like the Star Wars name has really been treated as sacred thus far anyways.

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I actually think it could be a very fun ride if they tackle the EU. Much like the books, if done right, they can give more depth to the universe and make it that much more alive. That doesn't come without fear though. I think what Star Wars is to a lot of us is a very specific vision. To see it altered to much would be devastating. Often when companies see dollar signs they tend to deviate from that vision to cash in. Hopefully they don't do that.
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I actually like some of the more recent Marvel stuff (Thor, Thor 2, Avengers), but it had some recent screw-ups (Iron Man 2 and 3).


That being said, I really don't know what to think about this. I'm not concerned about the quality of the movies as much as I am concerned about the lore additions.


They cant get everything perfect. Its hard to follow up a huge success like the first Ironman. Sometimes they get too popular for their own good and next thing you know youve got a moron Producer screwing it up for everyone.


Personally Ive liked the Disney Live Action films besides one or two. Pirates was good, Marvels been good. Im under the impression Star Wars will be similarly treated well.


Disney knows that the the films, show, and toys have a huge following. If they screw it up theyre taking a huge loss.

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If Disney makes a successful movie they will make a sequel. And then a spin-off and another sequel and so on. (I mean Pirates of the Caribbean IV ?!) I don´t want to be offending and I liked most of the movies myself, but i am concerned. I´m afraid that they will milk SW dry or to say it in other words:


I find their lack of creativity disturbing. :csw_vader:

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Taste in entertainment is definitely subjective, but I think Iron Man, Captain America, and the Avengers were all excellent films, not just in terms of Marvel films. I enjoyed the heck out of Thor as well, although overall I don't think it was quite as quality as those three, and Iron Man 2 and (to a lesser extent) 3 were both decent movies, even if they weren't anything amazing.


I get your point though, that Star Wars films being released should be head-and-shoulders above what we generally think of as a good movie - they should be events. If Episode VII is only as good as Iron Man, I'll probably be annoyed, if it is as good as The Avengers, I'll be perfectly happy.


Hopefully the Episode [_] movies will be up to the level of The Avengers and previous SW movies. I honestly won't mind the Spin-Offs being "only" as good as the Iron Man/Thor/Captain America movies - we've already had The Clone Wars released in theaters, so its not like the Star Wars name has really been treated as sacred thus far anyways.

I guess that's true, however there seems to be a level of consensus that with Marvel its been hit and miss. So while the movies may be good, the spin-offs may be sub-standard. And really call me a purist but I'd rather Star Wars to be nothing short of excellent, and then leave it at that. But if they keep making movies one of them will suck.


And just look at the Prequel fall out, and they weren't even that bad.


And really TCW film wasn't bad, it just didn't have the gravitas needed to make a movie.


That said I wasn't very impressed with the Avengers, it just seemed like fan service recycling over used tropes and hoping that action, visuals and charisma would hold it afloat, but it still had no substance. Iron Man 2 was even worse, and I refused to watch Iron Man 3 after seeing this - basically Disney's approach to Marvel in a nutshell.

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My thoughts...


I never worry about stuff I can't control. Once part seven is released, I'll go see it, and either enjoy it or not. That goes for anything related to Star Wars. If I don't enjoy it, I won't partake in it. :)


I'm sure Disney will do a good job.

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I never worry about stuff I can't control. Once part seven is released, I'll go see it, and either enjoy it or not. That goes for anything related to Star Wars. If I don't enjoy it, I won't partake in it. :)



Well, that´s quite true. If you don´t like it ignore it, makes life much easier. :cool:


There is still enough time for apocalyptic fanrage if they screw it up.

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I don't get why so many people claim the EU needs to be changed or even totally ignored for the new movies, because it would force them to explain too much or damage their plot


While a lot has happened between Episode 6 and 7, most of it does not even need to brought up and won't play a huge part in the movies. Okay, the Yuuhzan Vong attacked. Not relevant in the movies though, and doesn't need to be brought up or changed.


So at first there were three Solo children. The normal viewer probably doesn't know and doesn't care that instead of three, there is only Jaina in the movie. If it really does need explaining, you can just lose a few lines about both Anakin and Jacen being dead.


So there is the Galactic Alliance and the Imperial Remnant. Just like in Episode 4-6. No explaining or changing needed. The fact that the New Republic got obliterated really does not matter nor will it concern the ordinary viewer or the Star Wars fan who doesn't need it explained either.


Then there is Ben Skywalker. I doubt the casual viewer will give it much thought as to who his mother was, and again one or two words about that she is dead will probably settle it.


Chewbacca is probably the only thing that needs a bit of explaining since he was a rather popular figure and because he actually appeared in the previous movies.


Anything else is not really important since it will have no affect whatsoever on the movies. Unless of course they decide to make the new movies specifically around dead characters, (Such as if they make it about Jacen and Jaina or something) but otherwise I don't see what would be so wrong with the EU that it will need drastic changing or removal.

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I don't know, I think all those off hand remarks would probably confuse the viewer. They want to know who Jaina's brothers are, why x and y and dead, where this Galactic Alliance came from and altogether what the hell is going on. You can't just dump them in a fleshed out exposition and say a couple of words to make it all better.


The fans will be alienated too, given that I doubt they'll agree with the interpretation of characters etc. and altogether it will be in the back of the their mind, working out how this all fits in to the puzzle.


Honestly, I think we just need new characters and a new setting. Its the only real option unfortunately.

Edited by Beniboybling
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I don't know, I think all those off hand remarks would probably confuse the viewer. They want to know who Jaina's brothers are, why x and y and dead, where this Galactic Alliance came from and altogether what the hell is going on. You can't just dump them in a fleshed out exposition and say a couple of words to make it all better.


The fans will be alienated too, given that I doubt they'll agree with the interpretation of characters etc. and altogether it will be in the back of the their mind, working out how this all fits in to the puzzle.


Honestly, I think we just need new characters and a new setting. Its the only real option unfortunately.


Most of them don't even need to be made or brought up. I doubt the ordinary viewer would even get that the Galactic Alliance isn't quite the same as the Rebel Alliance from Episode 4-6.


Nor will the normal viewer even know Jaina had two brothers. And unless they choose to ignore the EU and bring either of them back to live, it does not really matter since they'll hardly play a significant part in the movies.

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