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Need to do smth with the Capital Ships.


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You could simply play the battle as intended and leave them to run off. Your focus should be on objectives. Not afterburning 35k away to chase 1 player.


Precisely. Anyone hiding out by their spawn point is not contributing to the fight... or rather the only way they contribute is by luring people to their death (been there, done that). Just ignore them, they're basically taking themselves out of the fight by doing this anyway.


Meanwhile, go cap some sats, or kill enemies actually playing the game. :)

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You could simply play the battle as intended and leave them to run off. Your focus should be on objectives. Not afterburning 35k away to chase 1 player.


This. If you've run off the gunship then it's not destroying ships, claiming objectives, or drawing fire away from other objectives. No different than if it was destroyed and respawned really. So mission accomplished and get back to the fight. Eventually it will return to the fight and you can run it off again or destroy it.

Edited by Benfynyn
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You could simply play the battle as intended and leave them to run off. Your focus should be on objectives. Not afterburning 35k away to chase 1 player.


A gunship you leave to run off is a gunship that gains distance on you.

A gunship that has distance on you is a gunship that will kill you.

Thus letting it go is not an option.

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Precisely. Anyone hiding out by their spawn point is not contributing to the fight... or rather the only way they contribute is by luring people to their death (been there, done that). Just ignore them, they're basically taking themselves out of the fight by doing this anyway.


Meanwhile, go cap some sats, or kill enemies actually playing the game. :)

Meh, at least they could create REAL turrets without OVER9000% accuracy.

Edited by freedoms
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Some players, especially on gunships, use the capital ships as a hideout:jawa_evil: Can you please to do smth to prevent that? Destroyable turrets, invisible wall etc.


if a gunship is firing from a capital ship, then they are not close enough to the node to do much, its a tradoff, they can hide and not be useful, or they can go into combat and actually risk their lives for a win.

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You miss the point the gunshiop is camping the node. A scout chases it off and he retreats to capital ship.


Scout either dies from capital ship turrets or if he pulls out gets shot by the gunship that has turned around laughing as he snips the scout with no engine power left :)


Best fix is to reduce a gunships engine outpost by 50%.

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How exactly are these gunships so dangerous? I keep hearing of one and two shotting people, dropping scouts to 10% with one hit, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to do that on mine. I am getting hits of 60-100 yellow damage and I blow up rather easily.
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How exactly are these gunships so dangerous? I keep hearing of one and two shotting people, dropping scouts to 10% with one hit, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to do that on mine. I am getting hits of 60-100 yellow damage and I blow up rather easily.


Hold down the button for several seconds and it charges the rail gun. Easy 1 shot kill from 15k range on a scout or sometimes a fighter.

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Hold down the button for several seconds and it charges the rail gun. Easy 1 shot kill from 15k range on a scout or sometimes a fighter.


FYI - One shot kill on a full health scout takes a lot of upgrades. You can't 1 shot a full health strike fighter with anything.

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Get and upgrade sabotage probe = problem solved :rolleyes:


Nothing solved!

By the time you try to get a lock on of the sabotage probe, they already made a 180° turn and boost towerd their capital ship. Even if you manage to get a lock on, they simply continue to travel in a straight line, luring you into the turrets.


This is especially an issue on the shipyard map, where rep players have free line of sight to their capital ship with zero obstacles blocking their route of withdrawal.

Edited by Sindariel
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Nothing solved!

By the time you try to get a lock on of the sabotage probe, they already made a 180° turn and boost towerd their capital ship. Even if you manage to get a lock on, they simply continue to travel in a straight line, luring you into the turrets.


This is especially an issue on the shipyard map, where rep players have free line of sight to their capital ship with zero obstacles blocking their route of withdrawal.


Thats why you dont use probe at max range. To be able to continue traveling in a straight line to capital ship they should already be facing towards their own ship.

You start locking on them and if they use lock breaker then you keep them in firing arc & range and when the effect of lock breaker ends you probe them again and they are helpless sitting ducks if you upgraded probe to disable their engine ability when they are being probed.

Final tier upgrades ensure that even if they are facing the ship they can not just boost speed there before you toast them.

That way if they manage to get away you will still have enough engine pool to break away instead of using all boost to chase them to ship and having none left to get away.

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You could simply play the battle as intended and leave them to run off. Your focus should be on objectives. Not afterburning 35k away to chase 1 player.


This! If you're near their ship, you've gone too far. Go back and contribute to your team.

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Hold down the button for several seconds and it charges the rail gun. Easy 1 shot kill from 15k range on a scout or sometimes a fighter.


The only way that happens is if the scout has power to weapons or engine - in which case it's the trade off they accept. If they are balanced, there shouldn't be any 1-shot kills.

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This. If you've run off the gunship then it's not destroying ships, claiming objectives, or drawing fire away from other objectives. No different than if it was destroyed and respawned really. So mission accomplished and get back to the fight. Eventually it will return to the fight and you can run it off again or destroy it.


And you run him off, feel good about yourself for neutralizing him and you turn back to the real fight...


15 seconds later your looking at the respawn screen.


The only time a gunship is neutralized is when its dead or taking shots up its engine nozzles. The second you abandon chase is the second it becomes a threat again.

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Nothing solved!

By the time you try to get a lock on of the sabotage probe, they already made a 180° turn and boost towerd their capital ship. Even if you manage to get a lock on, they simply continue to travel in a straight line, luring you into the turrets.


This is especially an issue on the shipyard map, where rep players have free line of sight to their capital ship with zero obstacles blocking their route of withdrawal.


operative word "luring". If you just scare them into running and don't actually chase them, you are fine, its not like the gunship is forcing you to chase them until you get blown up by the enemy ships turrets. If someone is dumb enough to fall for that then they deserve to be blown up

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And you run him off, feel good about yourself for neutralizing him and you turn back to the real fight...


15 seconds later your looking at the respawn screen.


The only time a gunship is neutralized is when its dead or taking shots up its engine nozzles. The second you abandon chase is the second it becomes a threat again.


No different than if it was destroyed and respawned really.

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No different than if it was destroyed and respawned really.


What did you not read at all? You quit chasing he comes right back with almost no delay. And since you didn't kill him you saved him the trouble of waiting on the respawn timer and flying all the back.

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No different than if it was destroyed and respawned really.


Exactly. Either way it's coming back into the fight from it's spawn location. I had a match last night like that where I would chase the gunship off and it would go hide there hoping I'd follow. End of the match we won, they lost. I had 8 kills, a bunch of assists and a couple of deaths and the gunship had only 2 kills (neither me) a few assists and 0 deaths.


That's all win. Who cares if he didn't die he wasn't much of a help to his team and it doesn't matter to me if he felt like he got the better of me by running away. He was too busy being clever to be smart and we ultimately won.

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