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Why did we leave?


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Clearly because you are a blind fanboy and a worshiper of EA and the Devil. Or at least that is what a /v/irgin would conclude to. :jawa_tongue:


Says the game still has issues but enjoys playing it makes them a blind fan-boy? Umm...no. An attitude like that does make you look like a hater.

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People keep going on and on about the engine...My computer is over three years old and I run the game on high settings and very rarely have any noticeable lag. Perhaps you need to complain to your internet provider?


Mine is a 2 year old pc from walmart with a used power supply and used nvidia graphics that I took outta my old computer. Game runs just fine on high-ultra settings just fine.

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I would not pretend that this game doesn't have performance issues. It does. They just aren't game breaking, or bad enough to override the fun of the game, at least on my end.


It's definitely worse for some people more than others for reasons that are hard to say offhand. For some strange rason, GW2 runs pretty bad on my comp. I have no idea why to this day, because it used to run really well when it was new. But I'm going to blame something with my settings there.

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Yeah, I dunno man. I've been here since day 1....I've seen tremendous improvements in pretty much every aspect of the game.

Is it still buggy? yeah. FPS issue? I don't really have them except every now and then when wierd stuff happens...but that happens to me in WoW and GW2 just as often.


FYI, they didn't just remove servers, they are mega servers that hold 3-4 times as many players as the old one did. And there are 17 servers.


There is always a lot of room for improvement, but I've been enjoying this game a lot for 2 years now, and I've seen many things get addressed over time, even if not everything I would like to see.


Have you ever asked, why did the people stay that stayed? Hint: it's not because we're masochists or don't have other things to play.


Same here , Been here since early access, and I only see the game getting stronger as time goes by. I also don't buy the servers getting quieter thing, on my server the pops gone through the roof. I agree there's more to be done but I think the devs are going in the right direction.

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Why I stayed...


I enjoy the stories.

I enjoy the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Era time frame (I'd rather have a film trilogy from this era than Episodes 7,8 & 9)

I'm more interested in collecting items for their look rather than their stats.


Been here since day 1 of early release fully subbed throughout and have only seen the aspects of the game I enjoy improve. But, then again I'm an altoholic who plays more to see the different quirks in the storylines rather than having the BiS gear available from NiM raiding or PvP.


One of the biggest mistakes Bioware made when including story into their MMO model was not to realise that it effectively gives a players a sense of completion. A point at which you can put down the game and feel you have finished. That is pretty much the antithesis of what you want in an MMO.


If I was only interested in getting one character to endgame as quickly as possible (xp boosts, and heavy use of spacebar) and getting the BiS I would have been done with it a long, long time ago.

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To all the people that stayed subscribed since the very beginning - I admire your patience/insanity.

Now, for a long post.


It took you a year to fix absolutely NOTHING.


I have no idea about you but we stay because we have our fun...


Most of time it is your PCs or the mess you made of them.

I am able to do (and we do, my wife plays on it) 16 man OPs on following desktop - Asus P5BE, Core duo 3.06 (running on 3.2), 6 GB RAM on 800, ATI 6750 1GB RAM (alt + tab on start at last patch), Windows 7 x64, SWTOR file - DiscCasheArena on Unleashed RAM drive... guess what - 30 FPS in them is not an issue (lower walue).

My Asus g75 was able to do same on Ultra, but now it needs some internal cleaning - so I had to lower some settings to avoid damaging hardware and with decent graphics (removed shadows, bloom and numbers of visible chars) I have above 50 FPS on 16m OPs ... without going above 80 Celsius.


There may be mmos with better quality or PvP or hardcore raiding... but only one I had seen to do better is old WoW, now WoW is 9 years old child crap, Eve is hardcore niche fest, GW is only about PvP again & so on.

On casual scale there is nothing better ... without even mention burning of "fantasy" games.

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I left because TOR was another hard targeting, trinity and hotbar based, "traditional" MMO - which is not a bad thing per se, it's just not the type of game I enjoy... And despite what I thought the class stories and voiced quests were not enough to keep me subbing. I am a fan of both story (which includes the games setting for me) and gameplay, and when I find one or the other lacking or not enjoyable I eventually get bored. For GW2 it was the setting, story and boring characters that did it for me, for TOR it was the gameplay which just isn't my style.


I came back because of GSF, I resubbed not so much for the early access but as a token of appreciation that BW listened to us and implemented free-flight space combat (and hopefully they won't give up on this pretty good foundation they have and expand it further). I know I could play for free in Feb... But for me it's all or nothing with TOR. Either I pay my sub, or don't play at all. And hopefully I'll desire to keep my sub up.


I'm in it for the stories, space and Star Wars setting :) The rest - raiding, WZ etc - leave me cold.

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well, I leaved year and half ago. Then I take a look when game went F2P and got really pissed by "benefits". I bought the game in january 2011 and I was unable to have more than 2 quickbars ! It pissed me that much, that I uninstaled the game and left it for more than a year. I started playing it again - a month ago. I had a lot of fun with my Agent, until recent patch and unable to play the game... But non of my friends playing it. But SWTOR is one of the game, that I can play and it looks good. Many games cant run smooth on my laptop. So, thats the reason, why I came back. To finish story and look at crafting - since crafting is most fun for me
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I would not pretend that this game doesn't have performance issues. It does. They just aren't game breaking, or bad enough to override the fun of the game, at least on my end.


It's definitely worse for some people more than others for reasons that are hard to say offhand. For some strange rason, GW2 runs pretty bad on my comp. I have no idea why to this day, because it used to run really well when it was new. But I'm going to blame something with my settings there.


GW2, around the first Christmas event they did, updated some of their code, which actually broke it horribly for those with NiVidia cards. There is also known "random LD" bug that's been present since the 1st Halloween event.


The irony that these bugs exist for AMD cards in TOR amuses me. TOR also has the ever lovely memory leak bug though that puts it's performance problems on the worse side of things.

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IMHO a MMOrpg to be successful needs to have something diferent. No game in the world will appeal to every player in the world, it is impossible...


For me Swtors greatest strenght is in the stories/voice acting. Its like 8 diferent Starwars movies (not counting with light or dark changes) put into a world that you can play with other players. And it is growing. Everyone compares to WoW, I get it, it is the greatest MMO ever but for me it is boring as hell. Having to read every single quest is just too too boring. But obviously its just me....


The mechanics are fun, flashpoints, heroics, operations... diferent, fun, lore friendly (for example putting revan in there.. great right?!...)


And eventually I will leave also... because at the end.. it is just a game

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ToR has many issues, and had many bugs in operations, but fps-problems and lags?

Never happened in Raids, and we finished the first three in HC multiple times before we stopped.

Besides Illum at the beginning I never had fps-issues anywhere.

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GW2, around the first Christmas event they did, updated some of their code, which actually broke it horribly for those with NiVidia cards. There is also known "random LD" bug that's been present since the 1st Halloween event.


The irony that these bugs exist for AMD cards in TOR amuses me. TOR also has the ever lovely memory leak bug though that puts it's performance problems on the worse side of things.


Game itself has no memory leak (leak would mean one of your game processes eats RAM without freeing it until crash due to try to index part of memory not allowed for 32 bit processes), never seen such issue on many configurations.

Stop messing game processes issues and OS/drivers/DirectX 9/VC++ or .Net issues.


SWTOR + AMD or ATI = bad idea ever... not that I am going to change my desktop ATI card just because of it.

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We had ability delays, most of my raid had 7 fps during the raids - and I can tell you that we had machines that were more than suited for this MMO. I won't go into specifications, because if you pretend the fps issue never existed, you've been lying to yourself for 1,5 years.

We played the 7fps game. After hours of raiding it felt like... imaging looking at a strobe light for 4 hours and then looking out the window. Damn! The world was so smooth...


What? Are you kidding us? I have a SIX YEARS OLD computer and i can run it well (not at all at max), with 40FPS... if you can run GW2, you can run this game. This is not true or you computer really sucks in something.


For ability delay it was solved, but reintroduced sometimes ago. But is very far less a problem, in PvE is never a problem, in PvP just sometimes.



Very often we felt like we were beta testing the game. We would complete a Hard Mode Raid and get ... a bugged chest, unlootable, or a boss disappearing, or something else...

But we pressed on.


And then we cleared it all, with last bits of patience left. We were hoping for some fixes, but those were nowhere in sight.


And one by one one of the best guilds on my server started to get smaller. From 16 man we went to 8.

I never blamed a SINGLE player that left. They had the right to do so, the game was so unfinished that Bioware should have been red from embarrassment.


Ehm this was fixed one years ago.


Now, to all of the "fanboys" that were shouting:

"It's a new MMO, Bioware's very first, give them time".

How much time, guys? I just came back after a year - I still get the same of FPS, I still have ability delay.


Just few features? Just for telling you in one year:

- 17 raid bosses in 3 level of difficulty

- 1 planet

- 2 daily zones

- 4 events

- 6 FP boss in two difficulty

- 5 reputation

- Space combat that is really a lot complex and it is a game in the game

- 4 arenas

- Ranked stat

- More


Just few things? :confused: mah



There are a few more features added and only 5 or so servers left, as opposed to tens of them at launch.


People that talk without knowing anything. ANYTHING. Can you look ad you minimap? Are you able to switch istance for example? The server have been merged, simple. Now there are MORE player that start. In the evening we have, for example, 3 fleet instance instead of one, look at planet like hoth or tatooine, the have ALWAYS more than 2 or 3 istance. Kaas have more than 2 instance most of the time. Even without counting all the people that are doing raid.

Stop talking if you don't know what are you talking about.


Why did I subscribe? I missed it. I am not here for Warzones or Raids, I want to complete the stories, fly with my spaceship. This game has still got some fun factor, but this game is destined to fail completely with the development it currently has. Worlds still feel empty and lonely, most planets aren't that fun to play.


***?? No seriously, if you have just to level up and see stories YOU CAN DO IT WITHOUT PAYING. If you subscribe it is because you want to see and play the ENTIRE GAME, if you are not here for warzone, raid, or level up fast, space combat, than DO NOT SUBSCRIBE, if you subscribe for stories you are simply stupid. That is the fact.

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i started this game with the beta and bought the game when it came out, and joined a rather large guild. i quit after two months. i didn't feel like it was worth a subscription fee. i then came back when it became free to play and found out it was pointless to to play free because of the limitations they put on free players so i quit again. i got an email talking about their new content of open space flight, i got interested because i loved that part of SWG back in the day... i resubbed and waited... then i saw the ships and was disappointed they were not impressive at all and looked rather cheap, the only ones i kinda like the look of are the interceptors. finally the day comes and i log in and play this new space flight game and what do i see?? a cheap knock off version of Star Conflict (a MMO that i have been playing since day one and absolutely love!!!) i was shocked and very disappointed, mostly because how bad it was compared to Star Conflict (which is still in open beta by the way)


i came to this game in the beginning because it was Star Wars and because it was suppose to have a great story. well its Star Wars but it don't follow lore or cannon (how ever you wana say it) the stories are way too spread out and berried under meaningless filler quests, the voice acting is for the most part horrible and the meaningless jibber jabber from non basic speaking NPCs are enough to make you wana punch the screen or cut off the sound completely which brings me to the actual dialog of the NPCs they talk soooooo much when they really don't need to. how many times do i need them to tell me what to do for this quest?? im constantly wishing they would shut up and let me go do what i need to do. something that should only take a couple of seconds to say ends up taking one to two min. those are some of the main reasons i left before and the reason im leaving again. i really want to love this game but there are too many things about it that i absolutely hate.


and the guild i was apart of had at leas 50 players in it and i am the only one that has logged in in over a year.

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Just wanted to add to this. From launch up until 3 months ago I ran with this setup and only had FPS playability issues when doing Nightmare Pilgrim:

Core 2 DUO at 3.14 Ghz


Nvidia 285 video card


6 year old rig. Your FPS issues are due to Some bad settings. Still should not happen with today's games, but easily fixed.


As I have said in other threads, people need to jettison the out of date metric of number of servers. Concurrent users online and net cash flow is what determines a "successful" MMO these days. Do not use 2002 measuring sticks.


There, that's funny. I just checked the benchmarks. Your GPU is almost exactly as fast as mine.

I have 8 GB of RAM

And I don't know the exact model of your CPU, but mine's faster from what I checked.


And that's the main thing I am talking about. It runs ok on one machine, and it runs absolutely horribly on another.

And settings do not matter. I formatted my HD twice during my ToR gaming history, I played on low as well as high. Funny thing is - my game would run FASTER on High settings rather than low.


Please... do not tell me it's on my end, because it's just ridiculous. I should at least be able to change the settings to Low and enjoy much smoother gameplay, right? wrong!! Not in this game.



As for people focusing on my guild and the rading - what's wrong with you? Who the hell cares? We cleared the... so called "Nightmare", we were very focused on raiding. End of story.

The fact that I don't remember it's called "Nightmare" proves nothing, since I don't really give a frick how it's called. Drop it.

That's how politics work - focus on the crappiest thing and blow it out of proportion instead of focusing on the problems. I do not care what you think about my guild or the progress. I know what we did, I do not need to to tell me otherwise.

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What? Are you kidding us? I have a SIX YEARS OLD computer and i can run it well (not at all at max), with 40FPS... if you can run GW2, you can run this game. This is not true or you computer really sucks in something.




***?? No seriously, if you have just to level up and see stories YOU CAN DO IT WITHOUT PAYING. If you subscribe it is because you want to see and play the ENTIRE GAME, if you are not here for warzone, raid, or level up fast, space combat, than DO NOT SUBSCRIBE, if you subscribe for stories you are simply stupid. That is the fact.


Yep, my PC can in fact run GW2 fine. But ToR? Nope.


the only noticable things added were:

- extra questing to 55

- extra boring planets

- Space Combat


And I was also talking mainly about the fact that most bugs in the game are still there.

Maybe because I have an AMD GPU.

I did not subscribe just for the story, don't be silly. I love space battles, and I occasionally like to lose 5 battles in a row a day on the republic side. Losing's fun after all.

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Took you a lot of words to say "I subscribed to get F2P material! And so I can complain on the forums!"


Funny, since I never said such a thing. Maybe you should re-read the whole thing to understand?

Where did I complain about subs and f2p?


Please do not contribute to this thread anymore, since you clearly aren't able to.



It's very funny actually. I expected this.

Minor complain about something - the Devs don't even have to move their fingers. They have an army of you guys, protecting your most precious game that has never had any issues, that is so perfect that nobody can even attempt and say what is wrong with it because you will eat this person alive.


Keep it going, your superior constructive criticism is absolutely helpful.

It's because of fanboys like you guys this game hasn't changed, because all you do is pretend that nothing's wrong and that nothing needs to be fixed.


While people without blindfolds can see that there are a lot of issues.

Do you seriously think that people that complain about this game want to hurt it?

We bought it for a freaking reason! We wanted it to be the best MMO in the world. We still do. And we complain, because something is very wrong. Why do you not understand that wanting something to improve is actually a good thing? You, as fanboys, should constantly ask for more!!


Most of us tried to make threads about it during the beginning and even in beta when we saw that things were very bad and needed very urgent attention, but we had fanboys coming over and dismissing any issues.


If you were a true fanboy you would HELP MAKE THE GAME BETTER, and therefore would also give constructive criticism to the game developers, push them to do something better, remind them what is wrong with the game.


But no..


"hey, I am having fps issues, my friends with worse machines do not".

Fanboy - "check your ISP, it's also your machine, you suck, not the game"


"But many people with better machines than mine also have this problem"

fanboy - "yeah? Maybe they're just lying about their specs? Liars, all of them"


"But listen, this game is really bad for AMD users"

fanboy - "shut up already!! I do not want you talking bad about the most precious thing in the world. My... preciousssss"


"Listen guys, I've asked the support, but they won't help me. Maybe if you could let people with issues talk in this thread instead of trolling us?"

fanboy - "No, we must protect it. We do not have issues, therefore YOU do not have issues! No need to bother holy support, we will silence you. You must not ask for improved graphic engine. It's your machine! Spend 1000 dollars on a new one. Yes, spend it so you can play just THIS game. Even if other games run smooth on your machine, it still sucks since ToR is superior in every way".





"ok, how about ability delay?"

fanboy - "sdadsah, it was... there, but it's not an issue!!! Wait for a fix and be quiet!!"


"Ok, I waited 1,5 years, issue is still there"

fanboy "It's barely noticable!! be quiet".



"Hm... I feel kinda bored, maybe if they changed the planet layouts a little, changed a few things around"

fanboy - "no! Nothing can be changed, how dare you speak of this game this way? Leave it! We do not want you !!"



Fanboys a year later...

"hm... it's kinda empty here, what's with all the server merges? Maybe all these people that we told to leave actually left and it hurts OUR gameplay now? Naaaah... game is absolutely perfect".

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Funny, since I never said such a thing. Maybe you should re-read the whole thing to understand?

Where did I complain about subs and f2p?


Please do not contribute to this thread anymore, since you clearly aren't able to.


You said very plainly that you only subbed again to get the story content. That's something you can get without subbing.


So, in essence, you subbed up so you could access the forums and make silly threads like this one.

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Aaaand, ignored.

I do not need your useless comments here.

You must have missed the part where I said "...and to fly with my spaceship".

It's funny how this was in the same sentence and yet you completely missed it, claiming that I came back just for the story.


I needed eskrow money, I needed unlimited space battles, I need more than 4 warzones a week (even though I rarely do them), I need to be able to wear epics, I need to be able to play the new space expansion, I want to be able to get to level 55, I want faster XP, I want to be able to use my mount faster, I want to have a more comfortable gameplay.


And finally, I thought that it would be a show of good faith to subscribe.

Also the fact that I can whine on the forums now - that's absolutely the best.

Should I go on? Idiot...

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