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HATE OR LIKE: the good, the bad, and the UGLY...and more…


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I'm with the OP on most of these points. GSF has its moments, but the dreadful control scheme *ESPECIALLY* the finger-cramping "throttle" keys and the far too twitchy mouse aim/steer setup makes it far less enjoyable than it could be. Not bothering to repeat the OP's points, they were all good. But here's another couple.


Where's the story, dude? Even little basic things like, why is there not a "hanger" area we can walk into. Launching from anywhere is nice, sure. But it would be VERY nice to ALSO be able to walk into a hangar somewhere, and walk around our starfighters. Maybe have some ground crew, or the new space only companions to give us parts of the story. I thought SWTOR was all about story, and GSF has none at all. Just an endless zergfest over two maps, introduced by an "admiral" voiceover which quickly becomes annoying. Yeah, budget, blah blah. Some of us have been paying subs loyally since launch, where's the beef, man?


Which conveniently leads to my next point. PVE. Yeah, PvP is cheaper to develop. Problem with that theory is there's a LOT of people who have no interest in PvP. And on top of that, as several other threads have taken time to point out, the learning curve for GSF is quite steep. Some of the dedicated XWing/Tie/JTL/Wing Commander junkies will stick around through the pain of that learning curve. I have direct evidence among some of my friends who've tried it that the less dedicated get dismayed quite quickly. Some PVE learning environments would help that process immensely. As well as giving you a prime place to put in some story.


My judgement after flying a combined total of 318 missions (so far, and counting both live & PTS) is that GSF in the current state is maddeningly close to being fun. I've come to the conclusion I can enjoy it enough to make it worth playing, but not enough to keep up a sub. I doubt very much that's the sort of reaction that Bioware really wants to see from a loyal customer and longtime starfighter game enthusiast, but they deserve the feedback.

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I suppose I can understand the complaints about the controls from those who prefer using a flight stick...I have a HoTaS, and would love to use it here, but I don't find the controls to be all that difficult to learn.


If you are having issues with the cursor going outside of the central area, or your ship dancing all over the place...this would be known as *ham-fisting* if you were using a flight stick. Stop doing it. You *veteran pilots* should know better.


Honestly, I think most of the *veteran pilots* would be a lot happier with the controls if they simply flip-flop the roll keys. I fly different than most, but that change alone was huge for me.



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Personally, I am very happy with the job they have done with GSF. I did spend a lot of my 90's playing the old flight sims and realize this is not in the same class...but I am still happy with their efforts with this and not rolling it out as an xpac to be purchased (though I am not happy with some ships being CM purchases only). It is a nice little break away from everything else and though the controls arent the best, with practice they become apart of the game. Complaining about the controls is like complaining about an MMO because their controls are different than a FPS.


If you dont like it, then break out those old games and go at it. Give the dev team constructive criticism and thank them for their efforts and tune back in if/when they bow down to your demands.

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I just had recently subcribed a couple of months ago and I'm glad I did. I love the new Star fighter PVP. I hope BW keeps on adding new maps and other game mechanics to this. I've never had any expereince in a fighter sim so this Starfighter combat was easy for me to adjust to coming at it from a new player to this format. Keep it up bioware! I would ignore the people also that say we need a joystick. C'mon! Do you honestly think bioware would tell everyone to buy a joystick to play their new FREE expansion? That isn't going to happen.
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I'm so sick of the negativity on these forums. You guys are never happy with anything BW does for the game. You screamed for a Tie-fighter like sim and now you got it! Now please stop complaining !!


Just wanna point out that you're complaining about their complaining...kinda ironic huh?


I gotta admit...I like it ALL! There's no "bad" with GS that I can think of...it's HIGHLY addictive and the perfect length matches.


I'd make a few tweaks (hit box size should be about 10-20% larger), but that's about it...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just wanna point out that you're complaining about their complaining...kinda ironic huh?

I'm complaining about the pervasive attitude that dominates many of these forum conversations, not the mechanics or features of the game. There is a big difference. I'm just sick and tired of my forum experience with this game constantly being hijacked by a bunch of narcissistic prats who think THEIR ideas are superior to anything the devs introduce. They have a right to their endless negativity but they should not have the right to take over the forums with baseless, poorly thought out arguments and veiled attempts to malign this great game at the expense of the other forum users.

Edited by shiatcgge
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I agree with this for most part. I just don't care for how they merged space combat with MMO mechanics. having to break off dogfighting to take objectives or hunt own camping snipers just breaks immersion so much.


It was fun, but it's getting repetitive fast.


The game is so dumbed down and catering to the lowest common denominator. Star Citizen just hit 34 million in funding. People do want non-dumbed down space simulators. It's just so depressing that X-Wing and TIE Fighter was some of the best space combat games ever made and they're 20 some years old, and we still can't get a game of that level in the Star Wars universe


First off I agree with the Op


and I agree with the person I am quoting as well, quiet and easy is not always better.


I remember X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Xwing vs Tie Fighter, Xwing Alliance, Starwars Galaxies Jump to light speed, each one of the games was complex in each its way, in a good way as it is.


First of all they supported sticks and recommended using them too, JTL had a system where the mouse could be used as a 'stick' too and it worked though most enthusiasts had sticks.


Good targetting (friendly, foe, closest, scrolling between targets and targetting the one you manually target and targetting of subsystems on the opponent vessel to take out eg. the engine), working radar systems, speed throttle control, sharp turns, hitting direct would actually hurt the person more instantly forcing one to be good at maneuvers and dodging.


To be honest they did not really spend alot of time on actually making this working well in SW:ToR more like a mix of stuff that never should had been, some good elements though, it is not like it is total horrible and it is still fun to fly in this game, but for those that want more including myself, it slowly get dull, very dull.


Maybe bioware in the first place never should had engaged themself in making an MMO whenever it get to it in general mostly because of their choice of engine, but yet we are here, it is not half bad or whatever, just need quite a bit more zass to it

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Personally, while I could do with controls being a bit less twitchy, what I really want is a proper 3D (or dual-hemisphere, in that old X-Wing/TIE-Fighter model) radar and _more targeting options_.


Target nearest enemy.

Target enemy _targeting you_ (not just that sad excuse of a 'last one to deal damage' button which is nearly useless)


And if I want to feel particularly fancy (though, okay, this might lead to button overload):


Target nearest scout.

Target nearest strike.

Target nearest gunship.

Target nearest turret.


I'd also like the option to set my directional shields to front/back/equalize with their own keybinds rather than just having a setting toggle.

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I'm complaining about the pervasive attitude that dominates many of these forum conversations, not the mechanics or features of the game. There is a big difference. I'm just sick and tired of my forum experience with this game constantly being hijacked by a bunch of narcissistic prats who think THEIR ideas are superior to anything the devs introduce. They have a right to their endless negativity but they should not have the right to take over the forums with baseless, poorly thought out arguments and veiled attempts to malign this great game at the expense of the other forum users.




I totally agree with everything you said here. It seems people a bunch of people are never happy.

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