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Will Galactic Starfighter ever be PVE?


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I think that title says it all. I was an early subscriber to SWTOR. Did Beta, leveled 3 toons to 50, got bored with the lack of endgame after doing the raids for a bit, guild broke up, went back to WOW to play with the pandas...the usual story. But I have only just re-subed and was eager to try the Galactic Starfighter. I was very disappointed to see that it was only PVP. I know that some people like it but, I personally HATE PVP in any form. But I tried it anyway.


I have to say that it was better than I had expected which, in some ways, was even more disappointing. I would think that this could easily translate to PVE. Is there any plan to do something like that that. The current PVE starfighter portion of SWTOR was always a disappointment to me. The Galactic Starfighter game seems to have a lot of potential for PVE content. Have the developers given any hints about this ever going PVE? As I said I have been away for a while.

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I think that title says it all. I was an early subscriber to SWTOR. Did Beta, leveled 3 toons to 50, got bored with the lack of endgame after doing the raids for a bit, guild broke up, went back to WOW to play with the pandas...the usual story. But I have only just re-subed and was eager to try the Galactic Starfighter. I was very disappointed to see that it was only PVP. I know that some people like it but, I personally HATE PVP in any form. But I tried it anyway.


I have to say that it was better than I had expected which, in some ways, was even more disappointing. I would think that this could easily translate to PVE. Is there any plan to do something like that that. The current PVE starfighter portion of SWTOR was always a disappointment to me. The Galactic Starfighter game seems to have a lot of potential for PVE content. Have the developers given any hints about this ever going PVE? As I said I have been away for a while.


The short answer is, not it will never be PVE. This expansion is PVP only.

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The short answer is, not it will never be PVE. This expansion is PVP only.


Shorter answer is yes. PvEers outnumber PvPers 10 to 1. Content will get guided to where the most money is at. All PvPers have right now is a timed exclusive, regardless of what the devs may *currently* indicate. They'll be busy adding more content to actually make Galactic Starfighter worth a PvEers time before announcing it, that's all. PvPers are easier to please in the short term ( you don't need "content", you only need another person to hit ), that's the only reason you have it aimed at you first.

Edited by Zorvan
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Shorter answer is yes. PvEers outnumber PvPers 10 to 1. Content will get guided to where the most money is at. All PvPers have right now is a timed exclusive, regardless of what the devs may *currently* indicate. They'll be busy adding more content to actually make Galactic Starfighter worth a PvEers time before announcing it, that's all. PvPers are easier to please in the short term ( you don't need "content", you only need another person to hit ), that's the only reason you have it aimed at you first.


Wheres your proof the devs have said this? Because as far as I have seen it IS a PvP only addition. Besides, how about I tell you that I am mainly a PvEr and I don't want starfiighter changed to PVE. So before you make some bogus claims show me some evidence. Oh one final thing who cares how many PvErs there are as opposed to PvPers that makes no baring on content whatsoever.


Oh and your passive aggressive insult towards people who play PvP is ridiculous. Grow up.

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Shorter answer is yes. PvEers outnumber PvPers 10 to 1. Content will get guided to where the most money is at. All PvPers have right now is a timed exclusive, regardless of what the devs may *currently* indicate. .


Complete BS, and I´m pretty sure that BW knows


Fact 1: Many, many, many people play BOTH


So you are outnumbered by the PvPvEer, cause here is the real majority


Fact 2: There is only a minority who hates on PvP like you do


Fact 3: This is why we get PvP content, it is popular

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Wheres your proof the devs have said this? Because as far as I have seen it IS a PvP only addition. Besides, how about I tell you that I am mainly a PvEr and I don't want starfiighter changed to PVE. So before you make some bogus claims show me some evidence. Oh one final thing who cares how many PvErs there are as opposed to PvPers that makes no baring on content whatsoever.


Oh and your passive aggressive insult towards people who play PvP is ridiculous. Grow up.


Well the devs have stated that there are no plans on making it PvE currently but if interest is large enough they might consider it.

So stop saying that it is set in stone and will never change...


And he is right, in a way, about it being easier to make PvP content instead of PvE content. It takes alot more to make GS PvE than it does to make it PvP.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Short Answer: Maybe


Long Answer: PvE requires programmers to code a crap-ton more than PvP. One of the great things about PvP is that it shares the same code without losing its predictability thus win-win scenario for both sides. If players are content with BW slapping a pub/imp destroyer and fill it with turrets that deals X damage in the middle of empty space then I can see them adding PvE.


Prepare to be dissapointed if you were expecting a Episode 6: Battle over Endor "Flashpoint" with boss fights and insane challenging AI as there would really have to be alot of players willing to spend money for them to dedicate resources to it.

Edited by Idunhavaname
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I believe they have a good foundation to make a JTL type expansion with the GSF addition. I have no idea of the complexities involved of course to make that type of expansion but with the flight model in place you would think the hard part is done. Now making a more "open space" type play area would be very nice and I could see pve and pvp just like in the ground game. Having areas that are Empire or Republic controlled, could be captured...etc etc.


Also just to throw it out there and wow how cool it would be to have guild capital ships!

Yes I know before anyone calls me a nut I fully realize I'm fully speculating and dreaming ! :D

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Why does every GS and PvE thread turn to "its too much to program an AI..."? There is zero AI in this game, every PvE encounter is run by scripts. The GS is no different.


You're right about ground pve. Simple scripts can work for single boss-based fights that happen in 2D environments, in a limited space. Switching to a 3D combat, with a faster pace and larger areas, is not trivial for the AI (if you don't want PVE space combat to be just a fight against a big ship with turrets)

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Also just to throw it out there and wow how cool it would be to have guild capital ships!

Yes I know before anyone calls me a nut I fully realize I'm fully speculating and dreaming ! :D


what´s up with these guild capital ships, I don´t get it.


So you want another marker on the star map, you go there and you find the same stuff like on your ship or on fleet, with the only difference that your guild can go there? Yawn...

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I've been a subscriber since day 1 of early access. I've never liked PVP. The few times a tried a warzone, i don't know if it was intended that way or I'm just really unlucky but I always ended up in the Huttball, which suck big time in my opinion. Never saw the other warzones and I hope they're better. All my characters are on PVE server and I'm a PVE player.


But I love GS and it wouldn't be the same in PVE. It HAS to be PVP to work. I have two ship that I'm currently playing with and upgrading (one on each side, Imp and Rep) and I love it! Bioware has no choice now but to add more and more GS warzones.


For the PVE space content, I think they should focus on the character ships which are already upgraded for PVE. They should add explorable space area, with nebulas and asteroid field, etc. but it's a whole new game in space, so it won't happen so soon in my opinion cause it's a lot of work. I'm sure they have a team working on content like that as I write this.


To conclude, even if you don't like PVP, i suggest to everyone to try GS anyways you'll be surprised I'm sure!


Take care everybody!

Edited by DarthZwicky
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I'm guessing the people saying space PvP wouldn't work\would be boring\etc. never played JTL in Galaxies. Or the old space sims like TIE Fighter and X-Wing. Or heck, even the more limited games like Rogue Squadron and Battlefront. Space PvE works perfectly fine if done right, and those games were quite popular in their hayday, so I doubt they'd have been considered "boring".


Someone was laughing about the idea of a Battle of Endor-style space Flashpoint. That's a damn good idea, actually. I'd love to see not only space Flashpoints, but missions and storylines from the ground game that send you up into space. This is STAR Wars after all, and space combat was a large part of the series. Why limit it to just short little skirmishes between a few players when so much more could be done with it!?

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Complete BS, and I´m pretty sure that BW knows


Fact 1: Many, many, many people play BOTH


So you are outnumbered by the PvPvEer, cause here is the real majority


Fact 2: There is only a minority who hates on PvP like you do


Fact 3: This is why we get PvP content, it is popular




I hope they expand on both. Im not sure if they are skilled enough to implement AI though.

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I really hope that at some point they will consider making it pve. I may give it another try then. I mean I'd still suck at it (and btw, people who think pve in 3d flight would be boring and too easy, never played Descent 2 or was it 3 or both, back in a day.)


and btw, i don't hate pvp. I engage in it on regular basis in more then one game. ground based pvp that is. my personal problem with Galactic starfighter is not the pvp component specifically, but rather how stressful it makes controls for me.


I hate being bad at something. galactic starfighter is far too easy to be bad at, and becasue its pvp, there is no controlled, relaxed environment to learn to be better. after very short tutorial, you are just thrown into the deep end, pitted against people for whom you are basically easy prey - good luuuck >_>

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"Will Galactic Starfighter ever be PVE?" is a bit vague.


I don't have fond memories of single player dog-fighting games. I'm having a hard time imagining how GSF would work for PvE, it would have to be completely separate game-play segments that borrow elements from the flight model of GSF.


If all people want are bots to fight against, then no, I don't think that would add any value to the game.

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Although initially, I was extremely annoyed about why they didn't add PvE and PvP sides to GSF, I can see why that might be hard. For PvP, they only have to get balance, map mechanics, and flying right. The actual flying is done by a real person on the other end, who can think with far more complexity than any video game AI.


It would take a *lot* of time to program the game AI. Before someone says the AI is already there with the current space missions, remember that we're flying on-rails in them. AI is as simple as when player is within range *and* in front of you, attack. Otherwise, start dodging.


In case of PvE they would have to make something smarter. A LOT smarter. It would have to try and outmaneuver you, just like any other player would.


Someone might ask, there are other games that have it already. So Bioware can do it. Keep in mind though, that when a Space Sim single player game is released, they have their entire team working on it because it's not been released yet. On the other hand, Bioware cannot just redirect all their PvE team to make a PvE GSF, because that would mean no Ops, FPs, Single-plyaer missions until that is done. So they split up the team, which delays the GSF, without having a huge effect on ground PvE.


We have no guarantee they are working on a PvE side, but I'm assuming they are.

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After playing GS I am fine with it being PvP only, if they add PvE I won't complain. What GS showed me more than anything was that SWTOR needs to have many different game modes. I spent the last two years running dailies and operations week in week out and it is getting stale. Multiple different game mode, that look, feel and play differently will help avoid this occuring.


I am not sure that PvE GS will do the job. I played every version of Rogue Squadron, which feels pretty close to GS in the controls and they never held my attention for more than a few weeks, then it was "what's next?". I feel like PvE GS will go much the same way. The content will be played to death and any kind of daily area will become just as monotonous as it is in ground PvE. Then what? Bioware will be dealing with demands for expansion for both Space and Ground PvE...


Unless this game becomes a lot more successful and can hire two full teams to keep up, people will just be disappointed.


PvP (in an form, Sabacc even) allows for more game modes without having to constant churn out new content. New maps and ships are more cost efficient that new areas, FPs and Ops.


Not saying that it wouldn't be fun or that I would be unhappy if they tried, but I think that additional modes of play need to be within the teams resources to improve, fix bugs and add new content.


I light of this I would ask people posting, would you rather see new features added like, card games, swoop racing, maybe event pet battles (why this interests me I don't know) that are pvp oriented or a massive investment in Space PvE?

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