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Levelled up gunships - nerf time!


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Strikers don't have 15k range and can't one-shot you (2 railguns hitting you instantly at the same time is literally "one-shot").


They've got 11.5k range, and a crit from a proton will one shot a scout. Also 2 shots isn't one shot. You've actually got a better chance of surviving against two gunships than two strikes.

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Strikers don't have 15k range and can't one-shot you (2 railguns hitting you instantly at the same time is literally "one-shot").




Where did i say something about "solo"?

You can engage them with a whole squad and they simply take you out one by one, before you can lock-on a single missile.

You'd need a very skilled and organized group yourself, to do them any harm. But how big are the chances to have one on your side with the current system in place?


As people said, an organized group of scouts and strikers can also be a devastating weapon, but that requires a lot of player skill.

However, to play an organized group of gunships requires hardly any skill. It's just aim -> press button -> release.


How often are you going to have Multiple SKILLED Gunships coordinating together the same fashion as the Scouts/Strikers? I think its about the same odds.


If you personally are having so much trouble with Gunships, perhaps you are approaching them wrong? I mean, plenty of people here have already mentioned how they are not a problem. How can something be OP when there is a decent split between people who say they are and people who say they aren't? These forums are full of people supporting and against Gunships as they currently are.


How does it make any sense that they are OP when a good majority of people have no issue with them? Like I keep saying, its all about learning how to counter them. There will always be a lucky shot, or a more skilled pilot than you, but in many cases, you see them, you can defend against them. Utilizing your teammates and communicating is important. Just because you're in a PuG doesn't mean everyone on the team is playing solo and doesn't want to coordinate with you to take out a group of pesky Gunships.

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I am definitely not part of the knee-jerk nerf crowd, but I can say that fighting Gunships that are supporting each other turns the game into an irritation rather than entertainment. The only games I have ever just decided that I didn't care if we lost are games where that happens. Particularly ones where they are staying very close to their capital ships. Part of the frustration of that comes from newly spawned gunships being able to kill you from their safe zone while you are trying to deal with the others.


I don't know how that would be fixed, but there it is.

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I've only seen it once where the opponents captured two satellites and quickly respawned into almost all gunships. They spread out around the two nodes and decimated anyone that got close enough to target one of the gunships.


Most of the time gunships aren't much of a problem as long as anyone who is not defending the node actually seeks them out first to kill. If I know that there is at least one person on the node keeping it from being capped, I will automatically seek out gunships first until they stop using them.

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The whole 'gunship running back to spawn' thing is getting very old. There's a couple people on Harbinger that do this all the time.


As a gunship pilot, part of the reason I run back to spawn is so that I can lap up the delicious tears of rage-chasers. Also it's because as a gunship I dogfight between the ranges of 10-15km, and if someone is dumb enough to engage me where I'm invulnerable, who am I to turn down the free kill?


Also it's fun to consistently score 20+ kills without ever dying.

Edited by Necriol
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Please suggest where else a gunship is supposed to run to? By design the gunship is simply not able to win vs. an equally skilled scout or strike fighter that has closed to blaster range; therefore, it has to flee and hope the other pilot breaks off pursuit.


The only alternative (at equal skill levels) to "gunships can flee to their capital ship" is "you get an automatic kill on a gunship if you get within 3km".


Note: I'm a gunship pilot who is frequently able to take on scouts or strike fighters that close to blaster range, but there are some pilots on my server who are good enough that I can't win against them that way. For most of those I could probably keep myself alive indefinitely, but I would not be able to do any damage. The only reasonable tactic in that situation is to force them to disengage, and the only way to do that is to flee to the capital ship or a node dominated by friendly fighters.

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As a gunship pilot, part of the reason I run back to spawn is so that I can lap up the delicious tears of rage-chasers. Also it's because as a gunship I dogfight between the ranges of 10-15km, and if someone is dumb enough to engage me where I'm invulnerable, who am I to turn down the free kill?


Also it's fun to consistently score 20+ kills without ever dying.


This entire post sums up the reasons gunships are lame.

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My problem is not so much with gunships (or anyone else) that run back to the capital ships, it is when you have one gunship that is very close to the range of the capital guns that is defending another gunship that is engaging the people around the B satellite. In order to deal with that, you need to be able to engage both gunships simultaneously. It is relatively easy for the gunner that is close to the capital ships to fall back into their protective range, eliminate anyone that is on him, then attack anyone pursuing the other gunship.


Tactically, that is very smart, and it is certainly effective.

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My problem is not so much with gunships (or anyone else) that run back to the capital ships, it is when you have one gunship that is very close to the range of the capital guns that is defending another gunship that is engaging the people around the B satellite. In order to deal with that, you need to be able to engage both gunships simultaneously. It is relatively easy for the gunner that is close to the capital ships to fall back into their protective range, eliminate anyone that is on him, then attack anyone pursuing the other gunship.


Tactically, that is very smart, and it is certainly effective.


I have seen variations on this (I don't think it was really intentional, the flow of battle just went that way). It's a decent strategy, but I think it's not too big of a deal except maybe at impside A on Lost Shipyards, which I think is the closest a satellite ever approaches to a capital ship. With B on Lost Shipyards this sort of works for repside, but only if the imps are allowing the whole battle to be pulled inefficiently far from the satellite. For both A and C on Kuat Mesas I think the distance is also a bit too long.

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Meh. Gunships are weaksauce. Glass cannons. I sometimes devote entire matches to hunting and destroying gunships. It's fun and helps the team: it's a lot easier to take a satellite if no one is blowing up the folks taking it.


Whenever I spend an entire match chasing gunships, the only time I lose the fight is if a) I get in range of another gunship or b) there are people protecting the gunship. Most of the time this isn't the case, and I just stomp them. Sometimes they run for spawn, but who cares? Situation awareness will save you there. When they run for spawn, I stop...and wait.


As soon as they try to leave spawn, I run right back after them. They can run for spawn again, but the don't have enough hull left for another round of blaster overcharge and bypass. And if you time it right, you'll catch them zooming back to the action with very little engine power left. That's the best part. :)


I'd also point out that strike fighters can be very good at taking out gunships as well. Sure, I have an easier time of it in my scout, but I still dominate gunships in my strike fighter all night long. Yes, sometimes they get me. But for every gunship that takes me down I take down at least 2 or 3, whether solo or as an assist.


Gunships are very powerful when left alone. But give them chase for a few minutes, they're toast. They lose engine power fast, then it's just missile missile pew pew dead gunship.


I view it as a fitting punishment for lazy snipers. :p

Edited by Eldrenath
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As a gunship pilot, part of the reason I run back to spawn is so that I can lap up the delicious tears of rage-chasers. Also it's because as a gunship I dogfight between the ranges of 10-15km, and if someone is dumb enough to engage me where I'm invulnerable, who am I to turn down the free kill?


That's why I'm hunting Gunships with my own Gunship.


But unfortunately I'm so often interrupted in that.

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Yes! We should identify every single player that calls for a NERF and then reset ALL of their toons to level 1 with wiped banks and none of their equipment, ships or fighters should EVER be able to be upgraded. ALWAYS nerf the Nerf-herders FIRST!


Nothing but a bunch of people that need to focus on learning to play nut are too lazy and expect kills and advancement to be handed to them.



Sage of Harbinger

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I didn't read ALL the pages in this thread, but I must ask:


What in the hell is wrong with all of you gunship haters calling for nerfs???


Whenever I play my gunship, it seems to take me 2-3 fully charged shots to take out an enemy, and as if they don't know where it's coming from.


The second I get a shot off I am being swarmed by fighters.


All they do is press the "who the heck just shot me button" and get straight in my face with their buddies, hence I get the lowest score of any of my ships while piloting the gunship.


Stop crying and try attacking the gunship after it shoots someone.


Its a giant glowing ball while charging and can't fight it's way out of a wet paper bag when not sniping, so sorry guys, but I got your box of tissues right here.

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I've been playing a gunship and got 24 kills in my last go and no deaths. I camped a node 1 or 2 shotting the ships involved in dogfights round it. They didn't know what hit them. Great trick is boost your sensor dampening you are effectively invisible!


Twice I got chased by a scout but I just used the standard trick of full engines and run away to our capital ship. Turned round 1 shotted the scout that had to retreat away from the capital ship. Was epic when he blew up I bet he cried lol.


Playing gunship involves a lot of skill in my view I think it must be very similar to that of a heart surgeon. You need a very steady hand to track an enemy ship from range, delicately moving my mouse 3 centimetres up on my mouse mat to 1 shot a scout.


Gunships cannot dogfight they can only fight at 15k range, I hope in future releases you can customise your ship more as it would be nice to remove my laser cannons and slot an extra shield or engine booster skill.

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Playing gunship involves a lot of skill in my view I think it must be very similar to that of a heart surgeon. You need a very steady hand to track an enemy ship from range, delicately moving my mouse 3 centimetres up on my mouse mat to 1 shot a scout.

Really that's skill? You should try doing a scout v scout dogfight sometime, where your trying to track a target while your both moving 1k km/s and turning while your at it.

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Really that's skill? You should try doing a scout v scout dogfight sometime, where your trying to track a target while your both moving 1k km/s and turning while your at it.


believe it or not, its harder then he makes it sound and even the tinest bit of lag can make a shot impossible.

after having read through the entirity of this *****ingfest, ima say this. and as a GS pilot, im speaking from Experience.

1, I can boil this thread down to "I CANT LRN TO BEAT A GS, SO IT MUST BE OP"

no, if you can see a GS, you can kill it. attempting to shoot you down or running away is basically the only thing they can do at that point, both are hard if the other pilot knows what they are doing, evidently, half of this forum doesnt.

the fact that you can shoot down **** without them seeing you is their biggest strength, 1 shot and thats gone.

GS pilots aren't Gods, we can miss and you can see the shots, as well as the ship itself GLOWING LIKE THE FRIGGIN SUN. I'm a GS player, and nothing annoys me more then that feeling of UTTER HELPLESSNESS against anything within 6K and a decent player behind the controls.

took me a while to lrn to dodge a missile lock, i thought missiles were OP, then found out it was easier then i thought.

2, yes huge damage at a huge distance can be absurd, but that's basically all the GSs can really do, its not hard to find them even before the aforementioned sun glow, GS pilots will typically be camped in a few general areas. if big damage is OP, both strikes and scouts can easily top GS. and yes, they will obliterate your entire team if you leave them alone. anything will do that.

the issue here isnt huge damage at a huge range, its huge damage you cant fight back against, get in close, its the other way around, YOU CANT FRIGGIN FIGHT BACK, YOU CAN ONLY RUN TO THE SPAWN, NODE OR HOPE SOMEONE SAVES YOU FROM THE BIG BAD SCOUT. you probably wont get far

3, if they run to the spawn....why are you even near the spawn, not the points? GS cant snipe any point from spawn and shouldn't be able to run away from their camp to spawn. if they make it there, then you suck.

4, solo attacking a group, SPOILER ALERT, THAT NEVER ENDS WELL. HAVE PROBLEMS WITH A GROUP, FIND A BIGGER ONE, zerg rush them, sneak up, or switch to something else. they can only fire so fast with decent aim and damage. cant really excuse yourself when you can just change to another ship more easily then changing your damn underwear. and how often do you come across a group of coordinated anything? dont even need to coordinate for it, someone sees 2+ GS wrecking ****, they go to the top of the "KILL ON SIGHT" list. it takes all of 2 seconds for scouts to close 15K, if that, and dont say "can see them coming from the radar a mile away" gonna need more then a mile head start to outrun anything with this, especially if you just boosted back after respawn.

LARGER/more skilled coordinated team tactics> coordinated team Tactics>everything else

if 2 GSs are giving you issues, send 4 scouts at them. if they get shot down, then either your tactics suck, you rushed down the sights like lemmings or the GS pilots were God.

perfect example from a few days ago. i was sittin ON the node and snipe whatever comes my way, most of the time, they forget i'm there and keep coming like lemmings. me and 1 scout were solo defending the whole game, til they figured out "RUSHING IS STUPID, LETS HAVE 4 PEOPLE KILL THE SCOUT OUT OF THE GSs RANGE, THEN RUSH HIM" it worked , they killed the scout, i ran after shooting 1 down, they capped the point....for like 5 seconds, then they choked on the idiot ball and let me get away and focused on the turrets, i just turned around and owned them while my scout friend respawned. for reference, this was point C on the Kuat mesas.


5, SENSORS ARE ********

I dont use sensor dampening, at all. i still kick *** with my GS.

i find it makes little difference, once im in anyones radar, everyone sees me. and since im usually playing spare turret for the node when not attacking another one, they are gonna go straight to me anyway, why bother. if anyone is hunting GSs, then that means i need to start moving every few shots, and while im moving, im not sniping. and if i get tracked anyway or run into another ship.....its faster to just high five an astroid at mach 5 then to just try to run away and die.

6, to those who complain about kill stealing, KILL COUNT=/=SKILL, THAT GS GOT THE LAST HIT IN, GET OVER IT.

i get 7 kills, highest kill count that match is 15, i get 13 assists and top that guys damage by over 10K, he has 3 assists

Who's better?

Who cares?


killing people with a GS is easier then the other ships, i'd admit that. the hard part of GS piloting is SURVIVING another ship in close range, if you dont react in time, you explode on the spot, a good GS pilot can at least get away....sometimes, you know if you dont panic and kiss that mesa at terminal velocity first. if GSs were really as OP as everyone seems to think, we'd see them more often.

you cant deal with it doesn't mean its OP, it means you cant learn and/or play. if NO ONE could deal with it, thats another story. but from my own experience and half this forums comments, thats not the case, you just suck.




TL;DR version, lrn to play better, everything can be beaten rather easily if your halfway competent

Edited by DreadzKaiser
forgot a spot
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Sorry, but it's pretty obvious Gunships are OP. All the of suggestions on fighting them are dependent on you having more skill than your GS opponent. If, when suggesting ways to overcome them, you put the same expectations on gunships that you do on those fighting them, Gunships win. Both players oblivious: Gunship wins, one shotting from a distance. Both players watching for who might try and kill them: Gunship wins, shooting them before they get close or running towards capital ships and coming out to one shot them as soon as they turn to leave. Both players experienced handling their ships: Gunship wins, having good enough aim to overcome a player flying erratically towards him.


Rail guns need to have all armor penetration removed, and damaged lowered. Shield penetration companion skill needs to only apply to primary weapons. And acceleration from full stop when using boost or engine skill needs to be changed so you aren't just almost instantly at full speed, to include more time spent getting going where you are more vulnerable. Give gunships more inherent damage reduction to keep the ships balanced.

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Something has to be done. An army of 7 gunships in a game covering each other can pretty much only be countered by another army of gunships. Everything else dies before it can get within 10km of any of them. That's bad design.


Personal experience, from 5 mins ago.

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I've been playing a gunship and got 24 kills in my last go and no deaths.


In my Gunship, I'm dying any time. Sums up into at least 5-7 or so deaths. Until I switch over to something else.


An army of 7 gunships in a game covering each other can pretty much only be countered by another army of gunships. Everything else dies before it can get within 10km of any of them. That's bad design.


Personal experience, from 5 mins ago.


Okay, acknowledged, but I rather see armies of Scouts on my server ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I didn't read ALL the pages in this thread, but I must ask:


What in the hell is wrong with all of you gunship haters calling for nerfs???


Whenever I play my gunship, it seems to take me 2-3 fully charged shots to take out an enemy, and as if they don't know where it's coming from.


The second I get a shot off I am being swarmed by fighters.


All they do is press the "who the heck just shot me button" and get straight in my face with their buddies, hence I get the lowest score of any of my ships while piloting the gunship.


Stop crying and try attacking the gunship after it shoots someone.


Its a giant glowing ball while charging and can't fight it's way out of a wet paper bag when not sniping, so sorry guys, but I got your box of tissues right here.



They're complaining of a specific combination which 1 shots scouts on a hit, and one shots strikes on a crit using shield bypass. I've never supported the idea of an auto-win button vs another player under any circumstances, but it is what it is.

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