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Levelled up gunships - nerf time!


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That's my point. I use voice chat with my guildies. But when its a solo queue there's hardly any time to communicate after the first 60s. Which is why I think they should add a way to type while in combat to communicate with pug groups otherwise those using voice chat will dominate pugs


If you can figure out a magical why to fly a ship while typing on a keyboard at the same time be my guest....but remember people only have two hands.

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If you can figure out a magical why to fly a ship while typing on a keyboard at the same time be my guest....but remember people only have two hands.


While typing would be impossible I think they could add some canned commands and maybe a few abilities to go along with them. If you had some canned chat on a hotkey like "attack objective A", "defend objective B", mark a target and say "attack my target", or set a way point and say "watch this position." Probably also a "enemy on me, help me out" and it maybe highlights your ship so allies can find you. Then you could bind those to keys and have some basic communication with allies in a pug.

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That's my point. I use voice chat with my guildies. But when its a solo queue there's hardly any time to communicate after the first 60s. Which is why I think they should add a way to type while in combat to communicate with pug groups otherwise those using voice chat will dominate pugs


I fully agree to that. Maybe a few stock command would be enough ? Something like ... pressing F11 = "Cover me !" or F12 = "Satellite is taken over !"


While typing would be impossible I think they could add some canned commands and maybe a few abilities to go along with them. If you had some canned chat on a hotkey like "attack objective A", "defend objective B", mark a target and say "attack my target", or set a way point and say "watch this position." Probably also a "enemy on me, help me out" and it maybe highlights your ship so allies can find you. Then you could bind those to keys and have some basic communication with allies in a pug.


Yes, that's the direction.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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There are a quite a few players who have high levelled up gunships now and it is getting ridiculous how overpowered they are.


On my server we are seeing these gunships getting 20-30 kills a match as they are able to 1 shot both scouts and fighters. To make it worse they can 1 shot without causing an alert noise (lock on).


To press 1 button and I win is ruining what could be great dog fights, sort it out!


Should read the tips for combating Gunships. They really are not that strong if you know how to fight them.

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Test these tips against a coordinated group of 3 gunships and then come back again and tell us how "easy" it was....


Are you combating them with a coordinated group of three scouts or strike fighters?


If you are, I think you will find they all still work. If you are charging in solo every time, then yes, you will lose every time. Fighting three on one will do that.


I saw a group of three last night take and hold a capture point the entire time with no help from the rest of us. They included a strike, a gunship and a scout, and called their point when they entered the match. "Team of three taking A. We will hold it once we have it, so you can all concentrate on the others." Or something along those lines.


Coordinated effort will beat an uncoordinated counter every time. That has nothing to do with which ships they pick.

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Tbh, I think gunships are severely underpowered. But I do think that anything that allows for an insta-kill is FUBAR. Even if it's something you can only do once a match. I don't care what cooldowns you pop, how big your crit is, or how much you paid your target to fly into that asteroid, NOTHING should allow a surprise 1-shot kill from max health. Nothing. Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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Situation 1 is easy as hell but.....what to do in situation 2?


To be fair, you could just as well replace the gunships with strikers and have the same problem. Being outnumbered 2 to 1 is never a good position to be in.


Though 2 scouts vs 2 skilled gunships would probably be hard to deal with, if the gunships know what they're doing.

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Tbh, I think gunships are severely underpowered. But I do think that anything that allows for an insta-kill is FUBAR. Even if it's something you can only do once a match. I don't care what cooldowns you pop, how big your crit is, or how much you paid your target to fly into that asteroid, NOTHING should allow a surprise 1-shot kill from max health. Nothing.



One-shotting should never be allowed on principal.


For starters it may force people to unsub so that they can save the money to fix all the holes they punched in the wall.

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To be fair, you could just as well replace the gunships with strikers and have the same problem. Being outnumbered 2 to 1 is never a good position to be in.


Though 2 scouts vs 2 skilled gunships would probably be hard to deal with, if the gunships know what they're doing.




I go up against 2 scouts or 2 strikes all day long


2 gunships = dead

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I go up against 2 scouts or 2 strikes all day long


2 gunships = dead


Clearly you're not going up against good scouts or strikes, then. Or perhaps your superhuman piloting skilz are too l33t for us mere mortals, but that hardly constitutes evidence that gunships are OP.


What it COULD mean I guess is that gunships don't need to be particularly skilled flyers to bring their weapons to bear on an incoming attacker (not to say that gunships don't require skill, more that it requires different skills), but the fact is you're still talking about being outnumbered.


Pointing out that 2 gunships will generally defeat a single scout trying to hunt them down is hardly evidence that they are overpowered. Now if two gunships prove to be able to consistently kill two equally skilled scouts trying to hunt them down, that is much better evidence that there might be a balance issue.

Edited by Itkovian
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Sitting still, waiting to get one shotted.. is rookie tactics. But people do it. If you assume there are Gunships out there waiting to one shot the predictable target.. then you will learn to be unpredictable.


Gunships rely on people being turtles. Don't be a turtle. Be the rabbit.


This. Gunships turning speed is pathetic (so is a Strike Fighters when not moving at full speed) and have you tried to find someone while zoomed for a snipe shot? Plenty of people sneak up on me, and while I'm not pro I'll say that sneaking up on gunships is incredibly easy...

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Gunships should have their range reduced to 11k and damage reduced by 40%. To compensate they have a boost to their other skills, ie most powerful laser cannons of all ships and higher hull for example.


They can still play sniper but they would have to employ some skill to fly their ship. Other than pressing a button to 1 shot people and pressing the other button, engine boost back to capital ship and protection of the turrets.

Edited by Kamikazeelotro
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Test these tips against a coordinated group of 3 gunships and then come back again and tell us how "easy" it was....


Never said they were for multiple Gunships. You should NEVER take on multiple fighters of any kind alone. What is this? A Solo game? That's what Wingmen are for!

Edited by SawneyRath
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Situation 1 is easy as hell but.....what to do in situation 2?


When I see this I go around to the side and approach from the end so that #1 is 30k away and #2 is 15k away, then, if possible, I sneak up on him.


Alternately I bring a second scout, and we each take one at t a time, so they cannot cover each other. Team work counters team work.

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Yep. Want Gunships to not drive a game... knock em out in the beginning.


Protip: tactics must be adjusted as players progress and explore the corners of what can be done in GS.


Please to stop with nerf demands on content less then a week old. :rolleyes:


And NO.. I do not roll in a Gunship.. so don't even go there.


Sorry i have to agree with the OP.... One hit kills do not belong in pvp... GSF is pvp...

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All I've heard is whinning about Gunships (Multiple or not) . . .Or whinning about Scouts (And their infinite boost power). . .


Please get it through your heads. . . This game is about teamwork and objectives.


Fly smart, be aware of your surroundings. Will you still get sniped occasional? Sure, I do. . . But I rarely have an issue with gunships. I rush them, force them to move before they have a chance to sneak up on me.


There is no one build that rules them all. If you are facing multiple gunships. . . Instruct your fighters/scouts to keep harassing them. A Gunship on the run is a gunship that isn't sniping.

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I dogfight them all the time. In fact, killing gunships is easy mode 90% of the time when I'm flying my gunship hunter. The only time it's difficult is when they have an escort close by. Otherwise I just roll up behind their cover, slide around it, and take them out as I come around the corner. If they boost away, they are dead, and if they stay put they are dead.




I love playing a gunship and can do more damage with it than any other ship, but if there's one ship on the other side dedicated to hunting gunships, I'm just feeding them kills.


Today I had a match where I got eight kills in the first thirty seconds because the other team was swarming a satellite attempting to capture it. After that, whenever I poked my nose out, I had scouts and strikers gunning for me. I spent the rest of the match running and dying.

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To be fair, you could just as well replace the gunships with strikers and have the same problem. Being outnumbered 2 to 1 is never a good position to be in.


Strikers don't have 15k range and can't one-shot you (2 railguns hitting you instantly at the same time is literally "one-shot").


Never said they were for multiple Gunships. You should NEVER take on multiple fighters of any kind alone. What is this? A Solo game? That's what Wingmen are for!


Where did i say something about "solo"?

You can engage them with a whole squad and they simply take you out one by one, before you can lock-on a single missile.

You'd need a very skilled and organized group yourself, to do them any harm. But how big are the chances to have one on your side with the current system in place?


As people said, an organized group of scouts and strikers can also be a devastating weapon, but that requires a lot of player skill.

However, to play an organized group of gunships requires hardly any skill. It's just aim -> press button -> release.

Edited by Sindariel
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