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Thing that annoys you most about GSF?


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evasion stat and to a lesser extent accuracy. Now I get accuracy is even in twitch games like Battlefield but IMO accuracy as it currently stands take way too harsh a penalty for being even slightly off center. Considering that we FLY using our crosshairs this can make it very difficult to get your crosshairs dead center in a turning dogfight. In that regard I'd prefer to have my crosshair locked dead center and only have firing arc apply to missile locks.


Evasion is just a crutch for learning how to manually take evasive action. It serves NO other purpose than to allow players to not learn how to use their ships speed and maneuverability to manually become hard to hit. In other Star Wars starfighter games if I flew the scout class ships in a straight line as often as I do in GSF I'd spend most of my time watching the respawn screen, not shooting at enemies.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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I would say being one shot by gunships from time to time, but it's happened so comparatively rarely compared to me dying from my own stupidity that it's hard to complain.


What does bother me is the way that a single ship circling a satelite can prevent a cap by seemingly any number of other ships until destroyed. Which - with all the obstacles to duck around - can be a little frustrating.

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What does bother me is the way that a single ship circling a satelite can prevent a cap by seemingly any number of other ships until destroyed. Which - with all the obstacles to duck around - can be a little frustrating.


I will say I am puzzled why they don't make it based on number of ships in the area. If it's a ratio of 1:1 then yes it should block capping. Once the ratio is 3:1 you should be able to start capping, albeit at a slower rate than if there was no enemy ship present. But I can live with how it is for now, as my previous post suggests there is something I hate even more than the weird cap mechanics.

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Shoulda been there in beta when bombers camped the satellites dropping Velcro det mines like beer farts to supplement the turrets. A big reason why bombers were pulled for release.


In the current game ... while I don't really have any game-breaking issues, I am probably most annoyed at not being to fly from a cockpit view. As a flight sim enthusiast since Microprose designed the original wire-framed & untextured flight sim in the early 80s that Microsoft eventually acquired for their Flight Simulator franchise (showing my age ... sry about that) first person flight became second nature to me.


Having to dogfight in 3rd person is too much like sim racing from 3rd person ... the reaction time is delayed because the distance response is distorted. Plus, 1st person POV puts the player smack dab in the middle of the action perception-wise. Again, not a game breaker. Just more of an annoyance.


That was the worst! I'm so glad they pulled Bombers out for this release. Heheh.


My personal annoyance is that guy (You know the one) who you are about to kill (And have been killing the whole dogfight), and just Suicides into a wall on purpose to deny me the kill! ROAR lol. Just a minor annoyance though... Still get the assist!

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For me, it's satellite humping. A lot of players will get right up on a satellite and fly circles around it, preventing anyone from getting a lock on them. You wont be able to hit them from range as they keep dodging in and out of those solar arrays or structural bits, and up close you cant keep a bead on them for lasers. Also seems like even the friendly turrets cant do much about enemies that close to your satellites.


I also particularly hate the capture point on the space map that has force fields all around it. I guess the devs dont realize how clumsy ship handling is at super close range in confined areas like that.


I do fine in open space dogfighting, or even around larger objects, but man are those confined spots annoying =P


my problem with the game is the 'capture and defend' thing, it makes it pretty much like every warzone in existence, in space. i just want to blow up ships or maybe refineries, bases, etc. :hope_01:

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I'm pissed at the unlimited engine energy for Scouts. It lets them do whatever they want and go everywhere and use their evasion abilities as many times as they want. They can turn on a dime, they can two shot me on both my strike fighter and gunship, and I can never hit them.


i was two days late for my gunship, so i don't know what they are like. i do know that it takes a long time to blow them up unless they are sitting still. i can't get to them normally because when they are on my sensors i do not know if they are facing me, and if they do they destroy me very quickly. that is the thing with my mid-level scout (the imperial strike fighters are hideous) is that it destroyed in the first several shots. i have level-3 reinforced armor, but it doesn't do much. it is true that the strikes have overpowered engines, but the cool-down on the engines levels things out. the gunship's rail gun is also overpowered, same as the level 1 cluster missiles on strike fighters. it takes me a second to lock on and the cool down is tiny. i have to get close and it doesn't do much, but 25 shots is more than enough to last until my death.

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On the opposing side? Good teamwork. Specifically, Gunships with buddies and Scouts that sucker away sat defenders.


On my side? BAD teamwork. Specifically, grabbing points then INSTANTLY running off to hunt the enemy...and then spending the rest of the (losing) match flying in circles wondering how all those points got taken away.

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For me, it's satellite humping. A lot of players will get right up on a satellite and fly circles around it, preventing anyone from getting a lock on them. You wont be able to hit them from range as they keep dodging in and out of those solar arrays or structural bits, and up close you cant keep a bead on them for lasers. Also seems like even the friendly turrets cant do much about enemies that close to your satellites.


I also particularly hate the capture point on the space map that has force fields all around it. I guess the devs dont realize how clumsy ship handling is at super close range in confined areas like that.


I do fine in open space dogfighting, or even around larger objects, but man are those confined spots annoying =P


i thought the same thing about flying circles so close to the satalites but i started to notice ppl were still getting missle locks on me, decided to convert some ship req and unlocked the flashfire and let me tell you its lock-on arc is huge and lock-on time is fast, i can follow ppl around satalites now getting missle locks on them easy.


ship handling takes some getting used to, i was running into stuff all the time, but now i can keep full thrust hold down A or D and spin through obsticals and see messages that blahblah just sell destructed trying to follow me lol.


what im hating (esp after reading the thread of the "confessed Gunship abuser") is that Gunships are basically super powered scouts, but im hoping when i increase my evasion some more they wont be as big of a problem. or maybe when bombers are released they will be their bane.

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I disagree with the first, but im right behind the second. Although its easy to drop right under the satellite and nuke them, since the idiots are pretty much always horizontal and never see you coming.


I admit to having been one of the annoying campers on occasion, although I try to get under the sat, squeeze up tight to the bottom and look DOWN, 'cause that's where they'll be coming from.

For the record, I only really do this if a point has changed hands more than twice from lack of defense. At that point I'm like "Okay, fine, if no one else is gonna defend this, then I guess I'll sit here". And I fly Scout, which means it's the only really effective way to hang at a point alone without getting my hard candies shot off fairly quickly.

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Armor pierce on slug-rail gun and burst cannons... Also Charged plating because of previously mentioned armor pierce. Either the armor pierce needs to go or charged plating needs redesigned. Other than that I really like GSF and think the balance is pretty good.
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The satellite camping really isn't that bad, it can be countered and is usually an easy kill. The gunships though, that's annoying. Ion railgun needs a serious nerf.


The people who just fly in a circle under the satellite are an easy kill, but the smart ones can be almost impossible to take out. When I absolutely need to hold onto a satellite (usually because my team is refusing to help w/ defense), bouncing back and forth between above and below, weaving around the panels, randomly reversing direction, and just highly erratic patterns in general can make it extremely difficult for even multiple enemies to bring me down. You almost need three people - one to stay close to the satellite while the other two go high and low at the same time to catch the hugger in a pincers (if you only go low, the hugger can just bounce around to the top of the satellite).


I've also been the guy trying to kill a satellite hugger who knows these tricks, and trying to get rid of them can be an infuriating experience.

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When I kill 2 or 3 Scouts/Strike Fighters, they get mad and switch to Gunships just to try snipe the crap out of me


This is when i normal switch from my star guard to novadive and pester the heck out of them makes me giggle every time.

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Gunships and people who sit in the crevice under a satellite.


Gunships have such bad survivability that it's almost necessary for a solo pilot to hide like that.



I hate getting two-shotted by max-lvl Scouts when I fly my gunship.

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