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Are assassins terrible ?


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I just dont understand the problems so many people post about on these forums. I can steamroll through mobs in pve as deception with khem tanking. Stopping every 3-4 packs or after an elite to heal a tiny bit (like 4-5 seconds of seethe).

You get your ranged stun, deception gets a 4 sec gouge, you got your 50% slow, stealth, vanish a couple small ranged attacks that can do some dmg with recklessness. it's not like you don't have the tools to do your job.


The only thing i don't like is the fact that Maul is very very situational in pvp and useless unless someone else is tanking the mob. If you have to face something yourself its just discharge thrash thrash shock (ignore exploit weakness) thrash thrash shock (ignore exploit weakness). BOOORING. But other then that, assassin is full pewpew.

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The Assassin isn't about standing toe to toe with your opponents. The rogue class is never meant to do this. You have to pick your battles and use your cd's to your advantage.


If you're more of a smash buttons and watch things die kind of guy, I'd suggest a Vengeance Jugg or a Marauder.


Im quoting Bioware here when people *****ed about the assassin and their broken stealth that "its not meant to be like a rogue". I dont remember where this was but i believe it dials back to beta.


So, by their standards what you said just doesnt make sense.

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im gonna put it this way.


do you remember the Shaman in WoW? Its the same only without heals and you're wearing light, not medium armor.


Yea...I'm in my 40's and hating my assassin. I loved it up until now. Just so darned squishy with so-so damage. I'm going to respec into Darkness and hope I do better. Also, as I mostly pvp...and there isn't yet a bracket for 50's, that could have a lot to do with my frustrations.

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i enjoy the pvp aspect of the class but solo leveling with one is just painful. my main grip with the class is a 1/3 of the abilities dont work in certain situations.


Ive noticed so many little bugs with the class i just choose to ignore them most of the time and find other ways to complete what i need to do.


this mornings bugs ive noticed while on holf is:


- blackout isnt working in the occupied power station. being spotted from <15 meters while blacked out is a beyond a joke.

- channel the force for what ever reason doesn't work when fighting the droids in the guarding the temple door in the class quest.


the class isnt terrible, but certainly does need to be closely looked at by the developers.

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If you play him like a rogue, you have to know how to select your battles as people have said, but as a tank you can just charge into battle with a healer behind you and destroy people, hitting aoe taunt everytime you can, ive gone multiple battles without ever being killed. Just hit 50 two days ago, only done one hardmode and im at 17.5k health unbuffed. So saying the class is broken is a misnomer, and AoE aggro is easy.
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im gonna put it this way.


do you remember the Shaman in WoW? Its the same only without heals and you're wearing light, not medium armor.


An enhancement shaman to be more specific... But be careful saying that. I got flamed for 2 days on these forums by rogue lovers for saying the same thing in another thread.

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Even as a dps they seem drastically inferior to maruader/operatives (the two "closet" classes too them). Maruaders have a ton of survival abilities/gap closing abilities on short cooldowns + better armor. Operatives have better armor + healing + comparable (+ imo better) offensive abilities.


Truthfully I think of the 8 major advanced classes this is by far the most underrepresented and most useless one out there, period.


Actually the Assassin has the ability to out armor the Marauders and Operatives. It's a base class ability that you get at level 14. It increases your AC by 150% and allows for small but not insubstantial heals for every melee strike you make. Dark charge. Look into it.

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Actually the Assassin has the ability to out armor the Marauders and Operatives. It's a base class ability that you get at level 14. It increases your AC by 150% and allows for small but not insubstantial heals for every melee strike you make. Dark charge. Look into it.


I guess force speed isn't considered a gap closer either... Especially when you spec far enough into darkness to get the snare removal talent.



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Assassins require a lot of gear. Once you have some good gear, you start to shine. However, I do feel like Operatives fill the "rogue" style better. They can burst more and have more utility. However, I see the Assassin as more of "Combat" rogue from WoW. Less about the stealth around and more of the actually combat. Operatives burst more but do not have as good of energy regen as Assassins do. Basically, we can carry the fight on longer and still be OK.
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I play an Assassin and I love it. It's a viable tank, and an impressive DPS machine. If you're having trouble, you just don't know how to play it.


Press C and mouse over your stats. It'll tell you what each one will do for you. Your major attribute is Willpower. You get damage bonuses from it as an Inquisitor. I met a shadow tank once that was trying to stack strength. He kept saying "I'M A TANK I USE STRENGTH AND END."


That's retarded.



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I play an Assassin and I love it. It's a viable tank, and an impressive DPS machine. If you're having trouble, you just don't know how to play it.


Press C and mouse over your stats. It'll tell you what each one will do for you. Your major attribute is Willpower. You get damage bonuses from it as an Inquisitor. I met a shadow tank once that was trying to stack strength. He kept saying "I'M A TANK I USE STRENGTH AND END."


That's retarded.





Where it may be a little confusing for some, I noticed the other day as I was looking at my melee damage bonuses from my character sheet and it does give a bonus to melee from what little bit of strength you have (a whopping 8.5 from strength on mine :D) also. So if they do look there they may get confused about what stats they really should be advancing in.

Edited by Hyfy
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Again though it seems like the operative fills that role much much better than the assassin does AND they can heal.


Where as the assassin is supposed to be some sort of tank/rogue/caster hybrid and just comes out awkward.


Maybe it was my mistake for being interested in the tanking side of this class (which is absolutely SUCKS at compared to my powertech/jugg), and it completely pales the operative for rogueability, and all casters for ranged dps.


This is it exactly.


Frankly, our burst damage should be much better than the Operative if we are in the Deception tree.


There is nothing we do that an Operative does not do better, they have better mitigation through medium armour, they deal more damage and it's Tech damage which bypasses armour, they have more range attacks and they have respectable heals.



This is not about people not knowing how to play a Rogue style Assassin, it's about how Bioware have balanced the classes, and it would seem that when compared to the Operative, they have made an error.


Further to that, the Marauder also gets a HIPS style stealth, more range closers, better mitigation through medium armour and damage shields and equivalent, if not better, damage.


We are entirely redundant unfortunately.

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This is it exactly.


Frankly, our burst damage should be much better than the Operative if we are in the Deception tree.


There is nothing we do that an Operative does not do better, they have better mitigation through medium armour, they deal more damage and it's Tech damage which bypasses armour, they have more range attacks and they have respectable heals.



This is not about people not knowing how to play a Rogue style Assassin, it's about how Bioware have balanced the classes, and it would seem that when compared to the Operative, they have made an error.


Further to that, the Marauder also gets a HIPS style stealth, more range closers, better mitigation through medium armour and damage shields and equivalent, if not better, damage.


We are entirely redundant unfortunately.



I'd put up the damage mitigation of my Darkness specc'd assassin in pajamas against that of an equal leveled Operative anyday. I can assure you I have more damage mitigation then they do. And while the Op may be able to do more burst damage I will out last him everytime. I get enough stuns and ability breakers to stop him in his tracks and I'll go out on a limb and say I'm probably running around with more hit points than he is.



The Assassin was not poorly put together, it just takes a more specialized handling of its abilities, one that I found works very well for my play style. I'm not some über player nor am I a min/maxer but I tend to play more strategically and set up my fights so I do have the upper hand. I play smarter not harder.

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I play an Assassin and I love it. It's a viable tank, and an impressive DPS machine. If you're having trouble, you just don't know how to play it.


Press C and mouse over your stats. It'll tell you what each one will do for you. Your major attribute is Willpower. You get damage bonuses from it as an Inquisitor. I met a shadow tank once that was trying to stack strength. He kept saying "I'M A TANK I USE STRENGTH AND END."


That's retarded.




It's kind of funny seeing a guy who doesn't bind C telling someone to learn to play.

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I guess force speed isn't considered a gap closer either... Especially when you spec far enough into darkness to get the snare removal talent.




I notice one of the biggest mistake people do as an Assassin is using Force Speed at the wrong time. You should always save it to counter a KB or root. This means the other guy wastes a cooldown, and Force Speed is likely to get you position, so it's basically a free maul on the enemy and this turns what's normally a huge advantage for the enemy (KB is bad for melee) into an advantage for you.

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I'd put up the damage mitigation of my Darkness specc'd assassin in pajamas against that of an equal leveled Operative anyday. I can assure you I have more damage mitigation then they do. And while the Op may be able to do more burst damage I will out last him everytime. I get enough stuns and ability breakers to stop him in his tracks and I'll go out on a limb and say I'm probably running around with more hit points than he is.



The Assassin was not poorly put together, it just takes a more specialized handling of its abilities, one that I found works very well for my play style. I'm not some über player nor am I a min/maxer but I tend to play more strategically and set up my fights so I do have the upper hand. I play smarter not harder.



If you go down the tank tree, then yes you will be more survivable than an Operative and likely more HP, however you are half the tank you could be as a Juggernaut or Powertech. How much DPS do you give up compared to an Operative? An incredibly large amount, the DPS difference between Darkness and Deception trees is very marked. You can obtain equivalent survivability as a DPS/hybrid juggernaut than you can as an Assassin.


If memory serves me, the Operative has 2 CC breaks and equivalent CC's and interrupts as we do, the juggernaut is a much more capable tank.


The area where your logic is falling down is that a stealth based Operative still retains its medium armour and healing whilst maximising it's DPS, giving it much more survivability and even team utility without a loss to DPS.


The point of my post is that there is no niche/area where an Assassin shines as much, never mind better, than one of the other classes.

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HAHA I thought the exact same thing. Another clicker and probably keyboard turner giving advice...


I've been playing MMOs for 8 years and I've never really bound C to anything else in any of the MMOs I've played. Q,W,R,T,F,G,Z,X and their shift/ctrl variants have always been more than enough for me, plus I've been using a Razer Naga now for over a year which has given me even more flexibility


If that's all you have to go on to insult someone you're really grasping for straws...

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I've been playing MMOs for 8 years and I've never really bound C to anything else in any of the MMOs I've played. Q,W,R,T,F,G,Z,X and their shift/ctrl variants have always been more than enough for me, plus I've been using a Razer Naga now for over a year which has given me even more flexibility


If that's all you have to go on to insult someone you're really grasping for straws...


You are not a special snowflake most everyone has been playing 8 plus years. Anyway and you skip C a key easier to hit than G? That makes little sense and shows you are talking out your *** so ****.

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You are not a special snowflake most everyone has been playing 8 plus years. Anyway and you skip C a key easier to hit than G? That makes little sense and shows you are talking out your *** so ****.


Depends on what's more natural for him. You're not him so how would you know? I tend to bind keys to what I use at work because I have ingrained muscle memory from doing it for years and years now. If I tried to explain them to you it would make no sense at all, but because its what I do repetitiously at work it works for me...

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If you go down the tank tree, then yes you will be more survivable than an Operative and likely more HP, however you are half the tank you could be as a Juggernaut or Powertech.


the juggernaut is a much more capable tank.

You have no idea at all what you're talking about.

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