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Game is a GREAT KOTOR sequel but I won't be subscribing...


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I subscribed to WoW for nearly eight years and honestly I am burnt out on MMORPGs and the subscription model. I'd rather buy a game for $60 and then play it anytime, without having to pay more. I'm not here to rat on the game or to tell you to not subscribe. It's just something I had to vent a bit. Clearly, this subscription model won't change and EA/Bioware want to get WoW-like subscription numbers to rake in the $$$. This game is great, undoubtedly, with some bugs but hardly gamebreaking, but I would have preferred a KOTOR3 over SWTOR as I'd only pay $60 for 50+ hours of entertainment than subscribe to a MMORPG and waste hundreds of hours (or play for few hours every week and then you're really just wasting your $15) of my life on a single game that the gains you've made will eventually be lost when the servers turn off for good. All for what? Nothing in end except wasted hours of your life.
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I've always hated online subs...because it feels like you "HAVE" to play to get your moneys worth..


and when gaming feels forced..it doesnt feel fun...


That being said i like the way this game has incorporated a single player style of mmo...if that makes any sense...


with the storyline really connecting your character to the world.


I think this experience alone is worth my 60$.... I want to see how well they can make my single player style storyline mingle with the other players within the game.


Other MMOs just feel like your all doing fetch quests together without any meaning.


if this game fails to impress me after I've reached a good amount of content...then i will not be re subbing....but if it does...then i can say 15$ a month is worth my time. like buying a quality game everymonth for 15 bucks. wel c

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I subscribed to WoW for nearly eight years and honestly I am burnt out on MMORPGs and the subscription model. I'd rather buy a game for $60 and then play it anytime, without having to pay more. I'm not here to rat on the game or to tell you to not subscribe. It's just something I had to vent a bit. Clearly, this subscription model won't change and EA/Bioware want to get WoW-like subscription numbers to rake in the $$$. This game is great, undoubtedly, with some bugs but hardly gamebreaking, but I would have preferred a KOTOR3 over SWTOR as I'd only pay $60 for 50+ hours of entertainment than subscribe to a MMORPG and waste hundreds of hours (or play for few hours every week and then you're really just wasting your $15) of my life on a single game that the gains you've made will eventually be lost when the servers turn off for good. All for what? Nothing in end except wasted hours of your life.


The story line if done right is worth two hundred easy

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I've always hated online subs...because it feels like you "HAVE" to play to get your moneys worth..


and when gaming feels forced..it doesnt feel fun...


That being said i like the way this game has incorporated a single player style of mmo...if that makes any sense...


with the storyline really connecting your character to the world.


I think this experience alone is worth my 60$.... I want to see how well they can make my single player style storyline mingle with the other players within the game.


Other MMOs just feel like your all doing fetch quests together without any meaning.


if this game fails to impress me after I've reached a good amount of content...then i will not be re subbing....but if it does...then i can say 15$ a month is worth my time. like buying a quality game everymonth for 15 bucks. wel c


Exactly. I've had nearly 8 years of this feeling and I've had enough. I hate the feel where you need to play this MMORPG because you're paying $15 a month for this game. Why play other games? They're bought and paid for but this one isn't and I got to keep playing this game otherwise what am I paying $15 for? I like to play games and take a bit of a break inbetween and then again and so forth but the MMORPG genre doesn't really let me and F2P games most of the time aren't really F2P and to have fun? It's P2P all the way. I'm taking my leave from this genre gracefully as I have left WoW, LotRO, AoC, EVE, etc...

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Why the heck would you play video games if you feel that it's wasting your life? The time I'm spending enjoying myself is worth the experience to me. Interacting with people from all over the world on a fantastic journey from the safety of my home is worth it to me. If it's not worth it to you then don't play any games.
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Why the heck would you play video games if you feel that it's wasting your life? The time I'm spending enjoying myself is worth the experience to me. Interacting with people from all over the world on a fantastic journey from the safety of my home is worth it to me. If it's not worth it to you then don't play any games.


You need to sink hundreds of hours in a MMORPG to get your money's worth otherwise you're just wasting your money. I play other games like BF3 and I play for only few hours online and I feel I've gotten my money's worth and I can go back and play again anytime I want to. With MMORPGs? It's a whole different story.

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Exactly. I've had nearly 8 years of this feeling and I've had enough. I hate the feel where you need to play this MMORPG because you're paying $15 a month for this game. Why play other games? They're bought and paid for but this one isn't and I got to keep playing this game otherwise what am I paying $15 for? I like to play games and take a bit of a break inbetween and then again and so forth but the MMORPG genre doesn't really let me and F2P games most of the time aren't really F2P and to have fun? It's P2P all the way. I'm taking my leave from this genre gracefully as I have left WoW, LotRO, AoC, EVE, etc...


Have you noticed that successful P2P games are significantly higher quality than F2P games? If not, then play the "free" ones and have a blast.

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You need to sink hundreds of hours in a MMORPG to get your money's worth otherwise you're just wasting your money. I play other games like BF3 and I play for only few hours online and I feel I've gotten my money's worth and I can go back and play again anytime I want to. With MMORPGs? It's a whole different story.


Where do you live? $15 gets you into one lousy movie for maybe 2 hours of entertainment where I live. If I play SWTOR for 20 hours in a month I just got my money's worth. That'd be less than an hour per day.

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I wish MMO's would adopt some kind of pay system that rewarded players that played X amount of time... or completed X amount of achievements...


Example: John has completed 100 achievements


John is now rewarded by having his next payment reduced to 10$ instead of 15$ a month.


Something like this would actually encourage players to play more...


it would even give players a chance to kind of "earn some of their money back" after a break of inactivity in a way....

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Money its self has no intrinsic value, so value is subjective. if you value this game at $15 a month then there is nothing wrong with that, and visa versa.


Personally i have tonssssssss of games sitting in my game library that i have yet to beat. Those games plus SWTOR has made me vow to not buy another game until i either


1. cancel my sub with SWTOR




2. beat all the games i own.

Edited by Teilo
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Where do you live? $15 gets you into one lousy movie for maybe 2 hours of entertainment where I live. If I play SWTOR for 20 hours in a month I just got my money's worth. That'd be less than an hour per day.


That's if you play from level 1 to 50 and then stop playing then yes, you've gotten your money's worth. However, if you intend to continue playing the game and then you will be always chasing the carrot on a stick and you won't get your money's worth until you've gotten the latest armor from this new operation/raid and then the next... all the same time as they're draining you of your $15/month making their pocketbooks even bigger and yours smaller. I'd rather pay $60 for KOTOR3 and play the game on and off until I've defeated it and then start a second game to go through all the things I've not done or missed. That's a game where you will feel like you've gotten your money's worth.

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@OP, think about it this way:

Which other hobby that you can jump in for 30 or 300 minutes at any time you have the time for it will only cost you $15 a month? :p


I used to think like you and it got me nowhere. Then I thought about it a little, and came up with this.

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I am playing this as if it is 4 different versions of KOTOR 3* (I'm running 4 alts). I will be following the main storylines while sometimes doing side quests to level up to what's required for continuing a main questline. I don't plan on touching crafting but ship battles and improvements sound like fun. Once I reach the end of the main stories I will be stopping though, with only same gender romance and continuation of main stories being the two things I'd resub for.


If the main stories end up requiring teaming or raiding I'll just stop at the point before all that becomes necessary.


* - except for my Trooper, who is playing through "Mass Effect 2.5" lol :)

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I subscribed to WoW for nearly eight years and honestly I am burnt out on MMORPGs and the subscription model. I'd rather buy a game for $60 and then play it anytime, without having to pay more. I'm not here to rat on the game or to tell you to not subscribe. It's just something I had to vent a bit. Clearly, this subscription model won't change and EA/Bioware want to get WoW-like subscription numbers to rake in the $$$. This game is great, undoubtedly, with some bugs but hardly gamebreaking, but I would have preferred a KOTOR3 over SWTOR as I'd only pay $60 for 50+ hours of entertainment than subscribe to a MMORPG and waste hundreds of hours (or play for few hours every week and then you're really just wasting your $15) of my life on a single game that the gains you've made will eventually be lost when the servers turn off for good. All for what? Nothing in end except wasted hours of your life.


$60 + $15/mo for 12 months = $240 first year investment.


If you bought 4 new PS3/Xbox 360 games you would pay...$240.


At an average of 50 hours per game (for an RPG, less for an FPS) you get 200 hours of game play out of your four games and $240.


If you played TOR 1 hour per day during the week. and 2 hours/day on the weekend, that's 9 hours per week (well below the MMO average.) 9 * 52 = 468 hours of gameplay.


Not to mention TOR contains 8 class stories.


I'm sorry, TOR is a MUCH BETTER value for the money.


Also, "Nothing in end except wasted hours of your life."


Nothing, eh? No memories of playing with friends? No funny stories told over vent. No good times at all? Guess what, what you said could be said about any hobby.

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You need to sink hundreds of hours in a MMORPG to get your money's worth otherwise you're just wasting your money. I play other games like BF3 and I play for only few hours online and I feel I've gotten my money's worth and I can go back and play again anytime I want to. With MMORPGs? It's a whole different story.


The way I look at it I'm dissapointed in short games. To me a game should have enough for 1$ an hour. If I buy a game for 60$ it's because I feel I can get at least 60 hours out of it. If I can get 100's of hours out of an mmo. It's worth 100's of dollars. Usually I end up with far more hours invested than dollars so it's actually a steal. This is how I look at it. So far I've invested 95 hours on one character. That's 95$ of value and I'm only level 38.. on one character. By the time I complete all the end game content, level another character, do the same on that one, etc. I'll be looking at hundreds of hours. Possibly thousands in the future. That's quite a bit of value.

Edited by Rhyltran
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People complaining about $15 a month is hilarious. I make that in an hour and a half at my crappy food service job. $15 is nothing. You can hardly get a decent meal for $15 at most places. I just don't get it. Also, you shouldn't be playing video games if you only play them because you feel like you "have to." They're a hobby, something you do for fun.
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I subscribed to WoW for nearly eight years and honestly I am burnt out on MMORPGs and the subscription model. I'd rather buy a game for $60 and then play it anytime, without having to pay more. I'm not here to rat on the game or to tell you to not subscribe. It's just something I had to vent a bit. Clearly, this subscription model won't change and EA/Bioware want to get WoW-like subscription numbers to rake in the $$$. This game is great, undoubtedly, with some bugs but hardly gamebreaking, but I would have preferred a KOTOR3 over SWTOR as I'd only pay $60 for 50+ hours of entertainment than subscribe to a MMORPG and waste hundreds of hours (or play for few hours every week and then you're really just wasting your $15) of my life on a single game that the gains you've made will eventually be lost when the servers turn off for good. All for what? Nothing in end except wasted hours of your life.


It took you 8 years of subscribig and playing wow to learn that? See you online tomorrow!

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wait, how was this guy able to post this today? i thought BW said only those with an active game sub can post on the forums after the 19th.


soooo, did he subscribe and he's canceling?


anyone else wonder this?


Sub then cancel. Which means we are stuck with pandas until January 20th.

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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