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Space PvP Shout-outs!


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Man, forgot to mention this one. Shout to Courtney and crew who were putting a severe beating on me the other day. I could barely get anywhere before being swarmed by missile locks. "Oh, it's Jon-ik? Screw the blasters, missile his a** out of the sky!" lol, I know I made mention it over General chat in that match (not intended in a bad way, and I hope I didn't come off in a bad way), because honestly, I was tickled that you bunch found my foil, and had your timing and positioning so damned good that there was literally nothing I could do.


And another shout to Highjinks for some great laughter early this morning!

Edited by RCSlyman
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Man, forgot to mention this one. Shout to Courtney and crew who were putting a severe beating on me the other day. I could barely get anywhere before being swarmed by missile locks. "Oh, it's Jon-ik? Screw the blasters, missile his a** out of the sky!" lol, I know I made mention it over General chat in that match (not intended in a bad way, and I hope I didn't come off in a bad way), because honestly, I was tickled that you bunch found my foil, and had your timing and positioning so damned good that there was literally nothing I could do.


And another shout to Highjinks for some great laughter early this morning!






Jon-ik the Unkillable

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Not sure if I should be happy or sad that no one has mentioned me.


You should be angry! Sorry I have forgotten to mention you. Yes, you indeed are a player who gives me a challenge on the field



Shout out to Highjinks too =p <3 I call think he is one of the fastest learning and upcoming MVPs on his side

Edited by Cashal
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Not sure if I should be happy or sad that no one has mentioned me.


I'll give you a shout out! Not sure if you remember, but there was one day last week we fought like 5 or 6 matches and you killed me more than i took you down....you're pretty quick with the double clusters (the bain of my sting...)


Makes me wish I could get a mastered ship...alas, not enough time to play more than a couple hours here and there.


Another shout-out to Jenette in a gunship: you're becoming a real PITA!


Lots of others who've been mentioned already....although on our side (imps) I haven't seen any props to redbarron whose a pretty could capper.



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You should be angry! Sorry I have forgotten to mention you. Yes, you indeed are a player who gives me a challenge on the field



Shout out to Highjinks too =p <3 I call think he is one of the fastest learning and upcoming MVPs on his side


Aww thanks!


Flying against you is definitely a challenge, Xeric too, and Viciousdrake can mess me up if I'm not careful, that's for sure.

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I know the feeling. As soon as I start flying a GS and start swatting Pubs (or Imps if I'm on Sennin), I suddenly get swarmed. Must be the Axe Effect, except with railguns of doom. :p


You aren't the only one.. though one match I was leading 4 pubs around a sat while my team mates picked them off. It was like "Oh *Bleep!* Zureen's here! get her!" And then cue Benny Hill music.

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You aren't the only one.. though one match I was leading 4 pubs around a sat while my team mates picked them off. It was like "Oh *Bleep!* Zureen's here! get her!" And then cue Benny Hill music.


I love when that happens, especially if I've got a gunship backing me up. It must be like a shooting gallery for them. :D

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I love when that happens, especially if I've got a gunship backing me up. It must be like a shooting gallery for them. :D


Its made extra funny in that I was flying around in a quell and leading them in a long eliptical orbit around the sat. XD TAKE THAT SCOUTS!

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Probably off-topic but i'm considering either going here or to Pot5 and was wondering a couple of things:

1. How are the queues (for republic)

2. Are the factions decently balanced?

3. Is there a decently sized community here?


Thanks all.


1. Queue times can vary, but most of time time in the days and evenings, you can get a pop within a couple minutes. Get a wingman to group up with, they can go faster for some reason.

2. Both sides have some great pilots and great teams. Republic has a bit more, though, and PUGs tend to favor Republic more with an ace or two tossed in the mix.

3. Community is expanding, obviously, and this will change as more players start getting into the mix. But there are names everyone is familiar with, and will be seen quite often over multiple matches. It is not unusual to see certain pilots get called out before match to be kept dead. That said, there's plenty of times I see, or am on, a team with very few names that I recognize. So yes, there's a decent sized community here.

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1. Queue times can vary, but most of time time in the days and evenings, you can get a pop within a couple minutes. Get a wingman to group up with, they can go faster for some reason.

2. Both sides have some great pilots and great teams. Republic has a bit more, though, and PUGs tend to favor Republic more with an ace or two tossed in the mix.

3. Community is expanding, obviously, and this will change as more players start getting into the mix. But there are names everyone is familiar with, and will be seen quite often over multiple matches. It is not unusual to see certain pilots get called out before match to be kept dead. That said, there's plenty of times I see, or am on, a team with very few names that I recognize. So yes, there's a decent sized community here.

Thanks! Are there more pub vs pub matches or pubs vs imps matches?

I may considering join Ebon Hawk since i'd rather not join a PvP exclusive server.

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Probably off-topic but i'm considering either going here or to Pot5 and was wondering a couple of things:


TEH is my main server, but I've played about 60 matches on Pot5 (Imperial) as well. From what I've seen, the Pot5 Imperial community is larger than either faction's on TEH. Queue pops seem to be a little bit quicker (again, this is Imp side with lots of Imp v. Imp games), but the average game seems to be noticeably less competitive than TEH. They have some really good guilds over there, but solo queuing is a lot more fun on TEH (as either faction).


The Imps seem to have at least a slight edge on Pot5, while the Pubs have an edge here.


With that said, I'd try out each server yourself since it's so easy to make an alt and jump in at level 1.

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Tip my hat to Phil, Hanak, and Jon-Ik and all the other pubs. You guys just crushed us. Grinding my teeth and clenching my cheeks cause I know I'm probably gonna face you some more tonight.


Extra tip of my hat to Phil. That guy can shoot with a gunship.

Edited by Caernos
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Shout out to Phil, Kym, Courtney from The Core. Been fun running with and against you guys (preferably with because you guys are great company). Also shout out to Gerrick who I've run with on occasion.


Shout out to my guildie Kali'endra. You have gotten a ton better and are starting to top the charts quite often. Well done!


Enemy shoutouts to Sevaerian and Ded'i. You guys are often on my tail and force me to run.


Finally, a shout out to all the gunboat pilots out there (Phil, Delphi, Jenette, many others I can't think of right now). I love the submarine type warfare we engage in. It is almost like a meta game trying to locate you guys before you find me and trying to get that first shot in. Because usually the gunship that strikes first wins.



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Probably off-topic but i'm considering either going here or to Pot5 and was wondering a couple of things:

1. How are the queues (for republic)

2. Are the factions decently balanced?

3. Is there a decently sized community here?


Thanks all.


If you decide to go Imperial on The Ebon Hawk, be sure to check out our guild http://EclipseSquadron.enjin.com or look for "Shayd" in game :)

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