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Space PvP Shout-outs!


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Had a really good late afternoon match against the imps.... some deadweight on both sides, but the match was a nail biter. Vosh was the only name I recall, but there were others who made me sweat.


Fun fighting!


Edit and semi-rant: Two good matches were followed by some blow-outs where imps didn't get a kill in. Gawd, I want them to introduce ranked queues so noobs can have a chance to develop themselves before they fight fully geared, experienced players

Edited by Seyahat
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Edit and semi-rant: Two good matches were followed by some blow-outs where imps didn't get a kill in. Gawd, I want them to introduce ranked queues so noobs can have a chance to develop themselves before they fight fully geared, experienced players


I look at it this way...not everybody's Baron Fel, not everybody's Wedge Antilles.


There are times when those guys got fresh recruits and easy kills. Some of them, they fried, some of them, they let go. But once they're out of the way...then Fel and Antilles face off.

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I look at it this way...not everybody's Baron Fel, not everybody's Wedge Antilles.


There are times when those guys got fresh recruits and easy kills. Some of them, they fried, some of them, they let go. But once they're out of the way...then Fel and Antilles face off.


I'm writing this as my fighter sits on one of the three satellites we Imperials have captured, against a group of entirely 2-ship Pubs. So it definitely goes both ways :(


I didn't even want to 3-cap... but they didn't even hold one in the initial sat rush.

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My beef is not with getting blown out of the sky. That happens. I just don't want to see potential players scared off of GSF because of the initial shock. In the end, a health community needs lots of strong players. A "training pool" for new players would be, in my opinion, good for all of us. Sorry for the thread hijacking. My last run of the day, the imps absolutely buried us and I was kept to 20K damage and 2 kills. Nicely played, my friends. Nicely played.
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I like to think we have that very healthy community.


Once somebody gets smoked really, really bad a couple times, they typically tend to reach out for help, advice and encouragement.


And something I'm glad of is that Ebon Hawk pilots are the decent sort of folk who will happily volunteer their words, knowledge and time to help newer pilots.


So, you know what, shout out to the whole Ebon Hawk GSF community. I like to think we're all doing something right.

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Could just be me, but I did notice when I was flying on my new characters during double XP that I would not get pops other guildies with tons more req would get into. The matches I ended up in seemed to have more lowbies and next to none of the better outfitted ships - rather than the super matches. I guess this is a testimony that the system tries to matchmake whenever possible.
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Great TDM against some of the better Imperial morning regulars today - that was a close match. Special shout-out to one of my all-time favorites, Ded'i. That is one sick Blackbolt. -bp


Thanks bro! So glad you came out of retirement. Just got a brand new vid card yesterday and I'm in heaven, no lag, everything smooth, makes flying through blown up ships a lot easier withought my frame rate dropping like a rock. Yah that was great match, I love those close ones, always good to have great competition.

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Thanks bro! So glad you came out of retirement. Just got a brand new vid card yesterday and I'm in heaven, no lag, everything smooth, makes flying through blown up ships a lot easier withought my frame rate dropping like a rock. Yah that was great match, I love those close ones, always good to have great competition.


Thanks! Moar props to you and Kaltur for keeping it real while your team literally self-destructed around you. I just can't bring myself to shoot you.


Well, maybe with an Ion Cannon. In good fun. ;) -bp

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Some amazing TDM's tonight. Kudos to Keens, Phil, Courtney, Rhint, Rshan and lots of others. Nailbiters to the end, and you guys definitely kept me (Shayd & Callem) on my toes! Edited by Nemarus
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Thanks! Moar props to you and Kaltur for keeping it real while your team literally self-destructed around you. I just can't bring myself to shoot you.


Well, maybe with an Ion Cannon. In good fun. ;) -bp


I remember Ion....how much I would love to forget him...

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Some amazing TDM's tonight. Kudos to Keens, Phil, Courtney, Rhint, Rshan and lots of others. Nailbiters to the end, and you guys definitely kept me (Shayd & Callem) on my toes!


MAN! That one Domination match, too!


You were a pain to peel off that satellite, and I bet you thought you had that match in the bag, too!


Until you hit 800 points...and then we pulled a hat-trick three-cap.


I was done for the night after that match, there was no way I was going to top that win!

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First off, lots of great matches lately. I've had a few where there were two or three total rookies on the team and we still managed to pull together and win (easier on Domination than TDM). So many fighters that I am relieved to see on my wing... or concerned when I see them on the other side.


Edit and semi-rant: Two good matches were followed by some blow-outs where imps didn't get a kill in. Gawd, I want them to introduce ranked queues so noobs can have a chance to develop themselves before they fight fully geared, experienced players


This would be a great addition! I hop around a lot between my eight alts. So, even though I play a lot, I have not mastered even a single ship yet. I have a few where the bottom four are mastered but that's about all. I love GSF but it can be a bit frustrating when you are in a (theoretically) heavy-duty factory-new Strike Fighter... and you get one-shot by a mastered Sting/Flashfire two seconds after spawning above your carrier.


I would also love it if there were some sort of "gear score" so we'd have some easier way of judging the completeness of our upgrades. Our characters' gear mods have numerical values, I'd like something similar for our ships.

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Shout out to Thon'dar, one of the better imp pilots, and also one of the handful of imps this morning who wasn't so terrifed at the sight of a pub team with 6 noobs on it as to quit out of the match without even trying!


TWICE, that happened. You guys'll never stop getting stomped by aces if you never TRY to fight them - especially when it's just one or two surrounded by 2-ship and 3-ship noobs! Not just that, when you quit out of a match like that, or refuse to respawn after a death, or self-destruct repeatedly "to deny them the kills" what you're REALLY doing is screwing over your teammates who are at least willing to try. You're not hurting the enemy at all, you're not "showing them", you're not doing anything except helping your side stay weak.


You only get better when you pick out an ace in a fight and make a run at them, get blown up, make another, get blown up ... and learn from what they do and what you tried each time. Your K/D ratio does not matter. Your deaths count does not matter. These things are the result of your skill, and a necessary cost of improving your skill, and if you are so terrified of trying to get better that you'll only accept fights against helpless noobs, well, you DESERVE to get stomped.


I've been playing mostly imperial side recently. Been going up against pilots I usually fly with - Coulette, Itkovian, Sriia, Irialle, Courtney, Kimberly, Mae'thon, Gyllwhateveridontrememberhowitsspelled - these guys are a challenge of the sort I like, and I've got 2 or 3 of them after me at any given time. I know they're good, now I'm seeing just how good - and measuring myself against them, and sharpening my skills a little bit each time. Little by little, I'm getting better - and yes, I'm running about 20% wins recently, and my KDR is all screwed up. It's worth it.


More of that attitude on impside, please, and less ego over losing instead of learning.


Rhodogast / Kelril

Edited by Rollory
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Shout out to the guy who took the time to send me a "Weak" tell because I had to quit out of a match and log off immediately to go clean up my daughter's vomit as she has a stomach flu, and threw up in her bed. Still caught that tell man...thanks! Of course I will not mention any names.


I have been on the fence as of late with my enjoyment while playing Starfighter, and this small comment is what finally made me decide to put this aspect of the game down. Surprising to me.


Starfighter does not have a large player base... be aware that for whatever reason, your comments, regardless of their gravity, may have a lasting impact on their target. Maybe with no intention to do so.


I played quite a bit of Starfighter... never claimed to be one of the server's best, but I was a solid pilot.


Check my signature, you may recognize a few characters on there besides Kimberly.



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Shout out to the guy who took the time to send me a "Weak" tell because I had to quit out of a match and log off immediately to go clean up my daughter's vomit as she has a stomach flu, and threw up in her bed. Still caught that tell man...thanks! Of course I will not mention any names.


I have been on the fence as of late with my enjoyment while playing Starfighter, and this small comment is what finally made me decide to put this aspect of the game down. Surprising to me.


Starfighter does not have a large player base... be aware that for whatever reason, your comments, regardless of their gravity, may have a lasting impact on their target. Maybe with no intention to do so.


I played quite a bit of Starfighter... never claimed to be one of the server's best, but I was a solid pilot.


Check my signature, you may recognize a few characters on there besides Kimberly.




Sorry to hear that. I do recognize a few of those names, and I think this GSF community will be poorer without you. All I can say is, as with anything pvp-related, gotta take the bad seeds along with the good stuffs. Been fun flying with you.

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Shout out to the guy who took the time to send me a "Weak" tell because I had to quit out of a match and log off immediately to go clean up my daughter's vomit as she has a stomach flu, and threw up in her bed. Still caught that tell man...thanks! Of course I will not mention any names.


I have been on the fence as of late with my enjoyment while playing Starfighter, and this small comment is what finally made me decide to put this aspect of the game down. Surprising to me.


Starfighter does not have a large player base... be aware that for whatever reason, your comments, regardless of their gravity, may have a lasting impact on their target. Maybe with no intention to do so.


I played quite a bit of Starfighter... never claimed to be one of the server's best, but I was a solid pilot.


Check my signature, you may recognize a few characters on there besides Kimberly.




I sent the tell. It was a quick lapse in judgment created by my own frustration. I am truly very sorry for adding more crap to your already unpleasant day :( :( :(


I really hope you do not quit GSF over that comment. I do not believe it is representative of our community (or even of me personally). And even if it were, I only fly on Republic occasionally--just enough to get my weekly done. So you shouldn't judge the pubisde GSF community based on me.


I do want to try to explain the context of when/why I sent the tell. Not to justify it or make excuses, but because, believe it or not, part of the reason I sent it was based on my respect for you.


It was a big mismatched TDM. I was having a good game, but the rest of my team were getting farmed by Gunships. Many were getting frustrated and spent more time complaining in chat than flying. There was a constant churn of people backfilling into and dropping out of the match. This was frustrating to me, because I was hoping for a win to finish off my Republic weekly.


When I saw you join the match, I thought to myself, "Kimberly is good! We can pull this out." You and I had flown together several times back when GSF first released, when Nemarus was my main. Unfortunately, right after I died and was waiting for respawn, I saw "Kimberly has left the ops group."


The thought that ran through my head was "Et tu, Brute?" I assumed you had quit after seeing the scores, just like the others who had. And we all know that assuming is a bad thing to do, and in this case it definitely made me an ***. And sending you a /tell was a quick way to see if you had crashed or quit. If you didn't get the /tell, then it would mean you crashed or logged out. If you got the /tell, it would (in my brief moment of frustrated, reptilian thinking) confirm you had quit. So the contents of the /tell were mean/accusatory/stupid, and there were any number of better things I could've said before my respawn timer ran out. Perhaps something like "Aw :(" would've better conveyed my disappointment without being an attack.


Anyway, I was pumped up with competitive adrenaline, frustrated with my team, and fighting a cold myself. Combine that with the sudden hope of victory you provided when you joined (because you ARE a good pilot!), and then the disappointment when you left (for a completely justified reason!)


None of that excuses what I did, but I hope you can at least understand that it was simply a bad moment for me, and you unfortunately ended up the target of it. I know you said you were already on the fence about GSF, but I implore you to not make the final call based on my in-the-moment stupidity. At least give 2.7 a chance. If you do quit, you would be missed by many, including me.


Once again, I sincerely apologize :(

Edited by Nemarus
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Nemarus I will say that it shows class by stepping up and taking ownership.


The point I was trying to make was not to single you out in a rage quit whine... far from it actually. I was trying to convey that for whatever the reason and whatever the context, your comment brought clarity on my outlook of GSF. Unfortunately for me it was for the negative. A bit of a back handed compliment to you. Perfect storm sort of thing. Had it been anyone other than a handful of EH starfighters of whom I respect (on and off the list ), I would have been like "Yeah, whatever guy. ". You are certainly not the first person I have received negative tells from. I did fly a T2 evasion scout pre-2.6.


Believe me, I am well used to getting all forms of abuse and bullying that comes standard to FPS games. Call of Duty, Battlefield, Team Fortress etc etc... I have played them all, and been exposed to all ugliness that comes with it. I get it. I am an adult. I can handle it. Anyone who commutes to work in the morning for longer than an hour each way is subject to far worse rage in my opinion.


The message I am trying to put forward is just a friendly warning as a result of my own experience. While we have community on Ebon Hawk, and certainly a solid community on GSF... (I only recently found out there was a /channel for it ), it still is a social based form of media. Everyone has a back story that we cannot possibly know about, and comments can and will resonate with players. It is all we have to go on. Had this been a football match, where you and I were standing face to face, the cause/effect might have played out *vastly* differently. We might be laughing about it now.


You did not *ruin* my experience of GSF...far from it. I will not be returning any time soon, however, as I am no longer interested in participating.

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Anyone who commutes to work in the morning for longer than an hour each way is subject to far worse rage in my opinion.


The message I am trying to put forward is just a friendly warning as a result of my own experience. While we have community on Ebon Hawk, and certainly a solid community on GSF... (I only recently found out there was a /channel for it ), it still is a social based form of media. Everyone has a back story that we cannot possibly know about, and comments can and will resonate with players. It is all we have to go on. Had this been a football match, where you and I were standing face to face, the cause/effect might have played out *vastly* differently. We might be laughing about it now.



I think you're spot on with your comparison to road-rage. Normally I am a pretty even-tempered, sensible guy, but my ability to filter knee-jerk emotional response is definitely lessened while driving or playing GSF. The car or username shield the real person who they represent, making it easy to let the anger and frustration flow.


You are right that we need to strive to always be mindful of the person--not 95% of the time, but 100% of the time, as best we can.


Somewhat ironically, I was actually the one who created and evangelized the Gsf channel on both sides. I did it about 3-4 weeks ago when I saw that GSFers were unable to talk shop in the [2 - PvP] channel without being trolled by non-GSFers.


And then I went and acted like a troll to one of our own. I has teh shame :(


I do hope you come back to GSF at some point! Either way, I intend that this unfortunate episode will help me keep my more competitive side in check.

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