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GS needs to lose or change the railgun...PERIOD


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Railguns negate armour and have shield bleedthrough. You have one shot to alert you, and by then the second is coming. sure you can target them by using r but by the time you have tracked off to find them they have the second shot lined up.


I call ******** on the effective range argument. Most of my kills using the railgun come within the 6km range and usually while i AM dogfighting.


They do not NEED the range, they have it, and it is too much. Hence the thread.


stop flying in a straight line. I have never been hit twice by the same gunship in the same engagement. Look at what a boosting ship looks like while sniping you can't track it. It doesn't take long to close the distance, specially true in a scout, and once you're in range they're screwed.


My strike currently has a 6.5km range on guns and that can be extended with upgrades to over 7km. Proton torpedoes have an engagement range over 11km and you want gunships to fight under 6km? That's insane.

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Snipers don't belong? Why not? I like my role playing games to, you know, offer different roles.


And I like my RPGs to offer roles appropriate to the setting. Unless you can conjure up any examples of Star Wars space combat which include a squadron of plucky fighter jocks getting torn to bits by completely stationary enemy ships sniping at them from far away? Go on, give it a shot, find an example of gunship-like vessels using sniper-style tactics in SW space warfare, you can even dip into the EU.

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gunships may do a lot of damage, but they are sitting ducks and the very definition of a glass cannon, they do a lot of damage, but the moment you find one they are very easy to take down and destroy, nerfing range would definitely ruin it and nerfing damage would ruin it simple as that, at range they are harder too, ever try to hit a constantly moving target from 14,000 meters, its frustrating that's what it is, then just when I get a good lock he moves forward, so yeah the range argument that "gunships got to much range wah wah wah" is also mute when it comes to targeting at that distance. I play gunship yes and I get killed a lot when they find me, even with my dampening they still find me, I do kill some though, but mainly I provide assists, hit them once, they speed away into an asteroid, hilarious to watch their "escape" backfire. Gunship isn't even the only one I play, I prefer scouts in some situations, mainly with sensor dampening and speed I can go in before the other team even realizes and destroy a few turrets, hilarious to watch them scramble and provides a good distraction to keep them off the nodes my team is defending, then I dodge shots from imps and waste their time trying to kill me.
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The railgun just needs to trigger an alert that you are being targeted and it will be fine.

You can charge your shot, target, and immediately fire.


Alternatively, I often target people from 20-30k away to see how fast they're traveling.


One shot? Really? I one shoted a guy once, scout. Pretty sure he was probably new player with no upgrades. So far, my dmage is around 1000 up to 1500 on full charge if it crits. That isn't one shoot.


I've gotten a few one shot kills. I've also had times where I've landed a fully charged shot four times in a row and the ship managed to limp out of my range.


But the worst is when I fire at someone in range, the target shows no obstacles, I hit them dead center and... nothing. I'm not sure if its lag or there's a chance to miss or there's something blocking me that the game isn't picking up.

Edited by MCaliban
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I am perfectly ok with a gunship having superior amount of firepower and defense against other ships but the railgun needs to be removed or changed in such a way to make a game more balanced. To the point where it eliminates camping. I wanted to play Galactic Starfighter to fly around and see how I fare against others in an actual dogfight.


If I want to play a game with camping snipers, I will go back to Call of Duty.


Seriously it honestly is not fair to me or other players that want to actually enjoy this and do objectives and win to be sniped by a bunch of cowards with little to no skill to be able to deal one shot kills with more than double or up to triple the range of any other weapon for any other starfighter.


Basically me and anyone else that likes to pilot strike or scout fighters has to get within 7000m and stay within that range to fire a single missile that deals 800-1000 damage.


But the gunship people can sit as far back as 15000m charge up and just pick us off with no way to really evade or dodge the shots or even know we are being locked on? It is not like the gunship has any real disadvantages to the other fighters, they can move just as well as a strike fighter as far as maneuvering but are a little slower.


My suggestions is to either force the ship to be moving, have a much longer recharge time based on charge up time, or reduce its power and or range.


The part that I made bold is the issue. I play Gunships so I'm not QQing about them. However I do agree that a lack of warning that you're about to get smoked does give the Gunships a serious advantage. However one quick turn with a little boost will throw me off even at 15000M.


They do need to make some changes, personally I don't think GSF was 100% ready to be out of testing.

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But the worst is when I fire at someone in range, the target shows no obstacles, I hit them dead center and... nothing. I'm not sure if its lag or there's a chance to miss or there's something blocking me that the game isn't picking up.

It's not 100% twitch, ships have evade % and accuracy % ratings. So there's always a chance that you'll miss a shot even when the ship is lined up perfectly. On the other hand, there are also critical % ratings so there's also a chance your shot will randomly do more damage than usual.

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On the other hand, there are also critical % ratings so there's also a chance your shot will randomly do more damage than usual.

The default critical chance of all weapons seems to be 0% though.

And it would be nice if the game displayed some 'dodged' text where damage floaties should be in case your shot was correctly aimed but didn't hit because of accuracy/evasion. Too often I'm left wondering what I am doing wrong, why isn't anything registering. I think the accuracy penalty for not shooting straight is a pretty awful idea given you can't adjust your ship's direction and aim at the same time... Maybe if I could pilot the ship entirely with the keyboard and aim with the mouse, or if my guns were always pointing at the center of the screen, it would make more sense...

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I never survive for long when I'm using the gunship.

I'm really bad.

I should unsub ASAP:


Unless you are VERY apt at playing the GS, or have a wingman, you need to learn the layout of the maps. Easiest way to do this is screw around in a couple of matchs, or use the tutorial. Learn the layout of the map, all the hidden areas, and specifically very very small crevices where you can slot your ship in and take pot shots without much risk of being hit.


Just a hint, until you have a kitted GS, the best setup is a fully defensive layout, but with modded railguns, and the enhance crit chance for 6 secs skill. Slot yourself into the hidden areas, and have fun. Remember, you are NOT a dogfighter, so you need to do all you can to mitigate the chances of you getting hit or discovered.

Edited by renegadeimp
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I dont think, that gunships are "that much" owerpowered. Heres my reason.


I play Scout. Fast, able to outrun everything with its speed and manuverability plus Skybolt has a descent firepower. So before i charge in to fight, i first find out who is who. My priority targets are gunships, that are taking out my mates around ojectives. When i see one, i dont charge right away. Its important, that you attack from behind. If you do that correctly, gunship is dead. Another important thing: i usually stick to support role. While flying high above, im givving my mates info about enemy presence and what the enemy is flying. And then i play hit and run. Dive on to someone unnoticed, kill him, or atleast damage him, and then move away, before gunships can even charge theyre railguns and aim at me.


In the end, sure, they are powerfull. But single skilled scout or strike fighter will kill them with ease, if he attacks from behind.

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I was playing mostly in scout and gunship so far and while I admit, that a gunship can wreak havoc on unsuspecting victims, I also learned, that as a scout I can jump gunships and kill them with ease, before they got time to turn in my direction even.


GS does not need to lose railguns.


This. I've killed loads of gunships in my scout, most of them didn't know I was there until too late. Muhahahaha!

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If your silly enough to not be aware of your surroundings before entering a dog fight then your easy pickings and your only adding to a gun ships kills.


The gun ship is like a smuggler/sniper. If you leave them unchecked they will destroy your team in seconds. So, do you complain about them or ask for them to be nerfed? no, you ensure before you jump into a fight you scan for smugglers/snipers and take them out asap before they can do some real damage. Stalk a smuggler/sniper and there harmless, same for gunships

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I was playing mostly in scout and gunship so far and while I admit, that a gunship can wreak havoc on unsuspecting victims, I also learned, that as a scout I can jump gunships and kill them with ease, before they got time to turn in my direction even.


GS does not need to lose railguns.




Yeah they can be pretty bad but if you have two Player who know what the do i die i stil do a lot of dmg then but its harder^^ its like normal bg leave the Caster/healer alone and you will lose badly focus him he has a bad time.


The have less bost than a scout so if they close the gap you have no chance of escape. Ive played against some annoing scout if they get to 15k and then use their bost you have noch chance t hit them.


And you can do almost as mouch dmg with the other types of ships if you fly good

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I don't like Gunships. I don't like that they kill me whenever I'm engaged elsewhere.


Fortunately, there is an ingame solution for this problem already.


Gunship crusade!


Anytime I need a new target and there's no one thoughtfully flying through my targeting reticle, I cycle through the list of targets looking for Gunships. If I find one nearby, I go kill it. If it's at a different control point, I grumble a bit over the wasted travel time and then go kill it. If it's completely across the map and the match isn't in imminent danger of being lost, I'll probably go kill it.


For greater effect, enlist a friend to join the hunt.


And of course because I don't like enemy gunships and am irked that they are being used by the enemy at all instead of engaging in glorious honorable combat, I will vigorously defend our own (quality) Gunships to give 'em a taste.


^^ LOL! Yep!

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That doesn't always work. I don't play the gunship much (feels like I am cheating), but I don't care if the target is moving, stationary, or weaving through objects I will still hit them. The problem being that you do not have to lead with the railgun, makes aiming way too easy.


I am mixed about the railgun though, on one hand it's cool and fun. On the other, it's like using the main Death Star cannon on an X-Wing; unnecessary overkill.


im wondering how many easy targets you have had i always have to lead the targets unless they are dumb

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im wondering how many easy targets you have had i always have to lead the targets unless they are dumb


The rail gun travels at near the speed of light so you don't have to lead them in the same way blasters do for example. However, since this game already has a lead indicator it wouldn't change railgun controls one bit if you did have to lead them. You'd still be aiming at the same circle whether it's on the ship itself or 1" in front of it.

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Unless you are VERY apt at playing the GS, or have a wingman, you need to learn the layout of the maps. Easiest way to do this is screw around in a couple of matchs, or use the tutorial. Learn the layout of the map, all the hidden areas, and specifically very very small crevices where you can slot your ship in and take pot shots without much risk of being hit.


Just a hint, until you have a kitted GS, the best setup is a fully defensive layout, but with modded railguns, and the enhance crit chance for 6 secs skill. Slot yourself into the hidden areas, and have fun. Remember, you are NOT a dogfighter, so you need to do all you can to mitigate the chances of you getting hit or discovered.


Thank you. Highly appreciated.

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What the gunship needs is to turn slower when stationary. Just that.


The gunship is fine the way it is, you have a small window of time to get your shot off, and any scout or fighter class ship that gets within range of you, which is easy, will have you on the run forever, basically negating your Rail gun all together.

You may have fought a gunship with rotational booster engines or whatever they are called, I thought of buying them to quickly spin aka the Last Starfighter, but I like my escape speed I can muster if anyone starts shooting at me so I can try to relocate or kite to turrets or allies.

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I don't like Gunships. I don't like that they kill me whenever I'm engaged elsewhere.


Fortunately, there is an ingame solution for this problem already.


Gunship crusade!


Anytime I need a new target and there's no one thoughtfully flying through my targeting reticle, I cycle through the list of targets looking for Gunships. If I find one nearby, I go kill it. If it's at a different control point, I grumble a bit over the wasted travel time and then go kill it. If it's completely across the map and the match isn't in imminent danger of being lost, I'll probably go kill it.


For greater effect, enlist a friend to join the hunt.


And of course because I don't like enemy gunships and am irked that they are being used by the enemy at all instead of engaging in glorious honorable combat, I will vigorously defend our own (quality) Gunships to give 'em a taste.


:: Dons the crusader's cross ::


Well said, brother! Let us hie onward towards the death of all gunships! :)




P.S. So if we kill enough gunships, all our sins are forgiven, right? :p

Edited by Itkovian
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i think we are talking about 2 different types of leading the target, i am talking about if a person is going across the screeen in font of you you lead them so your charge and release will happend when your cursors and them are together

It's not really necessary, you can do that if you want but what I do is just move my mouse so that my crosshairs are over their ship target. I just follow where they go. And when I'm fully charged I release. Since literally all you're doing is holding down on the left mouse button and moving the mouse it's not complicated.


I also fire a non-charged blast in certain situations. For example, if someone is being evasive, I'd rather hit them with a barely-charged blast than to charge it up while they escape. Or, if someone has no shields and their hull is almost gone it's overkill and a waste of time to charge up your blast. There are also times when your blaster power is almost depleted and you can't afford to charge your blast, and if you wait for your blaster power to come back you'll lose the opportunity to strike. With enough experience you can make the judgement call about when and how to use the rail gun, it can be situational.

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I don't like Gunships. I don't like that they kill me whenever I'm engaged elsewhere.


Fortunately, there is an ingame solution for this problem already.


Gunship crusade!


Anytime I need a new target and there's no one thoughtfully flying through my targeting reticle, I cycle through the list of targets looking for Gunships. If I find one nearby, I go kill it. If it's at a different control point, I grumble a bit over the wasted travel time and then go kill it. If it's completely across the map and the match isn't in imminent danger of being lost, I'll probably go kill it.


For greater effect, enlist a friend to join the hunt.

As someone who flies a gunship most of the time, you scare the crap out of me. :eek:

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