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People is suiciding all the time!


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A lot of them are accidental too. Barrel roll propels you a million light years forward, and straight into an asteroid if you aren't used to it yet. And the controls aren't exactly amazing for a lot of people.


That what happen to me u r in a dog fight u trying to locate bad guy and u see your ship is in major distress u do a barrel roll then u dont see the things around u and BAM! BOOM! i was toast. lol

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Most of these are caused by new players not fully understanding their evasion maneuvers, or not paying attention to where they are flying when trying to get someone off their tail. That said, if they actually are suiciding in an attempt to avoid giving up a kill, the joke is on them.


If you damage someone who then suicides, you still get an assist, which counts for rewards just as much as a kill. Secondly, when you die due to self inflicted damage, you suffer a respawn penalty which I believe increments the more often it happens.


So there is already a penalty in place, and anyone who thinks they are getting away with something is wrong.

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I've listened in vent while guildmates have said they crash into walls to not give the other side the satisfaction of a kill.


Yes, I told them the other person gets the same reward anyway, but they don't care because there is literally no downside. I would rather fight it out to the end.


Awarding the player with the most damage, or most recent damage the kill would be nice for the people who value e-peen above all I guess.

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Speaking for myself - it's not suicide, it's just that I can't steer. Even the tiniest correction of the mouse causes my ship to jump around uncontrollably.


Of course, if steering is nigh impossible, drawing a bead on any enemy is utterly impossible.


I really want to love this, but until I can figure out a way to adjust the mouse settings ( or EA offers some sort of fix ) this is simply an unplayable portion of the game.

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A lot of them are accidental too. Barrel roll propels you a million light years forward, and straight into an asteroid if you aren't used to it yet. And the controls aren't exactly amazing for a lot of people.


And here i thought that was a feature... The description should read Barrel Rolling into something solid for your suicidal needs.

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While it could be accidental or intended, I kinda agree with OP in my first round of GSF, I was chasing Republic Scout Ship for almost two minute and about to finish him, but the guy ramming himself into space station ruins my effort. This also happens over and over again in next round even it's not game exploit there should be penalty like other multiplayer games or at least award the last person who damage them. Otherwise you would see some people do that on purpose every time just to avoid getting killed. Edited by shamfurdispray
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While it could be accidental or intended, I kinda agree with OP in my first round of GSF, I was chasing Republic Scout Ship for almost two minute and about to finish him, but the guy ramming himself into space station ruins my effort. This also happens over and over again in next round even it's not game exploit there should be penalty like other multiplayer games or at least award the last person who damage them. Otherwise you would see some people do that on purpose every time just to avoid getting killed.


There is a penalty - if you suicide, you have to wait longer to respawn. I'm pretty sure the delay gets longer w/ each suicide as well (can't remember for sure though; been a while since my noob days on the PTS where I crashed all the time).

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but medals currently do absolutely nothing. So If rewards aren't actually affected, and objectives are obviously not, I can't really say I have much sympathy for arguments that basically boil down to , "I'm going to protect my e-peen by denying you the chance to inflate yours!" "No! You can't do that!" :p
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but medals currently do absolutely nothing. So If rewards aren't actually affected, and objectives are obviously not, I can't really say I have much sympathy for arguments that basically boil down to , "I'm going to protect my e-peen by denying you the chance to inflate yours!" "No! You can't do that!" :p


Hard to say. I think medals are used to help the game determine how much you helped your team out during a battle, and are used to determine your requisition reward at the end. So they seem to serve some purpose. Though raw numbers seem to be weighted a bit more than medals for final ranking.

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