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2.5 is out. How about those Class Reps!?


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Pray they fix merc/lolmando healing for pvp. DPS is imo fine. But i miss healing in pvp. Keep up the good work and keep on reading our brainstorming post.

My post is here to assist the "angry" guy who asked about merc/commando fix. I agree with him if it is about the healing issue.


This. I realize what I'm sticking my head into, considering the frenzied outburst I started the last time I claimed merc DPS was good... but in reality, it is good. Not the best, but good.


Unfortunately, heals is... lacking. I'd love to say that they should just add heat management (venting heat on rapid shot heal crits) but honestly the entire setup is bland and boring. I'd consider redesigning it entirely, but that's probably best left to 3.0. For now, just give some heat management.

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Whoa cool down buddy. Mercs/Mandos are OP in the first place - unless your begging for those questions to nerf them, I would quiet down a bit


Um I agree they tend too top charts by 200K compared to the next class in dps on my server in wz .What exactly are you wanting?

Edited by Jiminison
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Um I agree they tend too top charts by 200K compared to the next class in dps on my server in wz .What exactly are you wanting?


Tweaks to healing. Right now, in PvE healing we're in a decent spot (could use some love in the utility area), but in PvP, we're freaking awful.

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Disappointed with my class rep he/She cow tailed too the pve community while giving the pvp community the proverbial middle finger with new shadow tank changes. Still on the fence on what to do with my play/pay timeI would prefer there be a passive talent that we can choose to take self heals instead of DR I really dislike the new change
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Tweaks to healing. Right now, in PvE healing we're in a decent spot (could use some love in the utility area), but in PvP, we're freaking awful.


If I didn't see the numbers with my own eyes atleast with topping dps by far I might believe the awful part.


Let them completely take your healing away like they did too us battle readiness is on a giant cooldown and too be honest shadow tank has too already balance a def and a damage rotation and depending on battle readiness more than ever sucks.

Edited by Jiminison
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Would some of you like some Cheese to go with that Whine? All jokes aside, Honestly I play many of the classes mentioned and I don't see any of the problems you whine about. I love my Jug and Merc, do I think they need Buffs or tweaks? Nope. My Sorc performs exactly the way I expect. My Jedi Sent. and Guard., superb. My Sage gets compliments on his healing (so no their healing is fine), my Shadow rocks, even with the tweaks, would I prefer the minor healing my Shadow Tank and Sin Tank had, sure, but he still does fine, though I would like the heal back.


You'll note I left out the IA and Smuggler though... Though on the DPS side they're both great.. I never use them as heals (Which is what my Operative started out to be), Gave up on healing with him as he couldn't keep up with other healing classes, same prob with my Smuggler really. So if anything needs a little love.. fix the heals on IA's and Smugglers

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Vigilance Guard and Vengance Jugg need to be up...


We are one of the only class' spec which doesnt get critical damage bonus, something on master strike or blade storm would be good, the dot from blade storm is ridiculous, gameplay is kinda slow and chances to get master strike is too low... maybe when we got a critical dot or we undergo damages, the chance to get zen strike gets to +3%, stack up to 4/5 times, and reset when we got zen strike proc.


Thank you, and look at top guard/jugg scores on dummies for more..

Edited by holmeskywalkr
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You seriously think bioware people will response to your query? Not in this game as far as game development is concerned. Not in this game.


I expect people to follow-through on what they say, and Cashology's question has nothing to do with game development. I just would like to hear the status of class reps as it seems the system isn't moving anywhere, which is a community question.

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