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Low D Textures


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PLEASE HELP US! This bug is really game breaking.


Not just for our character, but for the whole world (but character is mostly afflicted).


Here's my pic. It's HORRID, really, i CANT play as it is now. Just thinking for a refund.




My specs are: i7 3,60 ghz, ati 5770 crossfire, 6gb ddr3 ram.

Drivers tested not to be working: cat 11.11, 11.12, 12.1 beta.

Options all set to HIGH.

Edited by xVarthx
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I reported this bug multiple times in the final beta phases.


It is a definitive bug with their rendering engine. All texture LOD and bump in the world environment is stripped, even on the highest graphics settings with no lag.


I'm running a i7 960 3.2ghz 16GB of RAM and a GTX 470 card with 1.5GB of video ram, the WORLD looks incredible, all armor and armor textures are running their texture LOD at around 50% detail with zero LOD pop until I enter a cut scene. At that point I have full textures LOD to 100% and full bump map is visible.


Other than that, outside of cutscenes, simply looking at my level 36 Juggernaut in Force Champion Armor, its a pretty blurry low rez mess and I'm a little annoyed by it as I reported the issue in beta.


I think they are bottle necking texture LOD and bump purposefully to attempt to reduce open world lag in heavily populated planet instances. Theres no way this is a "bug", this is intentional. Otherwise you wouldn't get full LOD in cutscenes.

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Here is what my Character looks on the player select screen. High Quality settings with GTX 295. And I actually sharpened it in photoshop...




I would post full screen shot but I'm on my netbook ATM.

Edited by Sokelial
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Here is what my Character looks on the player select screen. High Quality settings with GTX 295. And I actually sharpened it in photoshop...




I would post full screen shot but I'm on my netbook ATM.


Did you even read this thread?

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The game does not look bad by any means but there is definitely an issue. For people to think it looks good or great, you can tell that their Gaming exp is very limited and most likely came from WoW, meaning it was their "first" online game.
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Thread in my signature has some images that display the massive LOD bias between live world and scene areas.


If you look you can see that my armor in the character select is approximately about 75% Level of Detail, not bad, but not sharp either. - Definitely not 100% Level of Detail. Even at Character Select.


Here is me on my Fury, alone, same armor, five times less detail.


I'm on very high end equipment, my graphics card is only a GTX 470 but its more than capable of running BF3 and Skyrim at Ultra settings and beyond.


Everything else in TOR looks great, all the world textures are nice and sharp, but armor in general, tends to pan out to 50% Level of Detail or less in live world space, and about 75% Level of Detail in scene spaces.


I believe they have done this intentionally to try to reduce "lag" but I don't think its all that helpful since clamping mip maps completely ******* the reason you use mip maps at all.

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Go to your ati controller (catalyst) and revert the settings back to default, my brother had this problem with washed out player textures


He tried new drivers, old drivers nothing seemed to make it look like mine (on an nvidea card), he ended up uninstalling the driver, and booting the game up, and the textures were far better without the driver....


He then re-installed the ati driver and set it all to default settings, and he was able to see higher rez textures


hope this is of some help to some people (sorry i am not techy at all and is best advice i can give from his experience)

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the high resolution texture option doesnt work yet for some reason.

dont believe me?


then try switching between medium texture quality and high and try to find the difference between the 2.


I just switched from High to Medium, the client didn't even refresh, I then switched from Medium to Low and the client did refresh, and the armor looked exactly the same.


I switched from low to high, the client refreshed and the armor still looked the same.


As I stated I believe they have clamped mip map LOD purposefully, thats why its not being acknowledged as a bug. Cause its not a bug, its intentional.

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Thread in my signature has some images that display the massive LOD bias between live world and scene areas.


If you look you can see that my armor in the character select is approximately about 75% Level of Detail, not bad, but not sharp either. - Definitely not 100% Level of Detail. Even at Character Select.


Here is me on my Fury, alone, same armor, five times less detail.


I'm on very high end equipment, my graphics card is only a GTX 470 but its more than capable of running BF3 and Skyrim at Ultra settings and beyond.


Everything else in TOR looks great, all the world textures are nice and sharp, but armor in general, tends to pan out to 50% Level of Detail or less in live world space, and about 75% Level of Detail in scene spaces.


I believe they have done this intentionally to try to reduce "lag" but I don't think its all that helpful since clamping mip maps completely ******* the reason you use mip maps at all.


+10 for using Frak in your sig :D

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My graphics look good compared to the OP. I'm using a GTX 570.





And another:




Again another who obviously didnt read the whole thread... LARGE model textures :rolleyes:


You can see from my previous post its not a problem with drivers because all the rest of the textures look good its they took out the higher res textures for larger models...


From page 4


Both of these were taken with MAX settings and one looks good, while larger looks horrid, Im pretty sure given the information detailed in the rest of this thread that this is what EVERYONE sees, Im running better hardware then you are Coma so you can can it about that...


The good



The bad



Please Bioware show some much needed love for this game and at least aknowledge it in hopes it'll soon be fixed...

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They really need to fix this, the game looked better in beta. If they removed the high res textures because people cried about their crappy systems not being able to use them, then that's just ridiculus.


At the moment the game is only using low/medium detail and they even removed options like the draw distance and shadow detail sliders since beta :/

Edited by NasherUK
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I have a GTX 570. Looks a lot better than your images. I thought these graphics were "low" and they were going to get better... but after seeing yours... I'm sad.


Im sorry, but that still looks ****. It's pixelated like hell. You can get mods to minecraft with better resolution on the texture to armor than that

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It's not just larger bodies having the issue, I've noticed a couple pieces of armor that look absolutely horrendous on any body type. I picked up a belt from a quest yesterday that looks like it came out of a Nintendo 64 game; it's so bad that I often find myself thinking of vendoring it and downgrading back to my old one.


You could really see the difference in the dressing room before, the textures on the model would sharpen when previewing gear and you could swap back and forth between the two by control-clicking. They seem to have patched that now though so that you only get lower res textures in the preview window as well.

Edited by Rimbaldo
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1) There seems that for some armors, there aren't even "high res" AT ALL, even in cut scenes and char select


2) Some armors and pieces actually look great "in game"


3) Jedi robes are the perfect exemple of "not a single one of them looks decent", as the "cloth" fabric is a horribly blurried JPEG


4) Around 30% of players have a pretty huge problem with their system. That seems to be unable to run the game properly. That's been aknowledged, they're working on that. While for the lucky ones, PVE gets decent, BG is almsot unplayable. There's a HUGE problem with the game engine, I think that's why they take their time. Because people with the right systems are already having problems. (not people with 10 year old comps, but brand new ones)

Edited by Strayth
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I just wanted to chime in that this has been driving me insane as well on my Jedi Knight. Most of my armor has looked like it was made by slinging paint at a wall. I was even wearing trooper armor for awhile because the Jedi Knight heavy robes looked so bad. Though even with high res textures I probably won't really like them, though now having a chest that looks like melted wax will be nice.


I'm a body size 3 human btw. Running at max settings on a i5-2500k, 16gb of ram and a GTX 560TI. Only other problem I seem to have is in areas with lots of grass. For some reason my system just doesn't like grass.

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