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Everything posted by SolKirmit

  1. As a healer i use it all the time. Target tank - hit ToT - dps tanks target hit ToT - heal who evers his targetting. Especially useful if tank loses aggro etc
  2. One test which could help to clarrify this question, would be to QoS your connection and compare fps. Would suggest trying in zoned locations which youve never been to before, to reduce the chances of caching. Which also raises the question. Are they being cached per session or on-the-fly. But as i've been playing since the official release, this information doesnt change the game and BW have already implied they are looking into performance issues. So I, like probably most people will continue to play until further 'official' information is available. And if you dont want to wait for a fix then see my tag line.
  3. I have already created all 8 characters. Currently levelling Sith INQ. Once I get to 50 I will level a Republic Trooper. The aim to alternate as much as possible. As for doing the same side quest 4 or 8 times. LOL - I had 10 characters in "That other MMO" - and did the same quests as well as re-rolls. While the dynamics of combat between classes may not differ a massive amount, the characters themselves and their responses do. As well as going Light / Dark / Grey.
  4. I don't pay much attention to the quest level, just enjoy the show. But I have all 8 classes and do every quest I can find as well as getting the zone discovered reward. As for repeating the same quests on different classes, cool with me, as each character plays and responds differently. I also played wow from vanilla with multiple characters, but the difference was once you cleared the starting zones it was all pretty much the same. Lastly, regarding being over-powered due to grey quest issues, I just accept that it's my destiny to be awesome, and I don't like being killed *lol* But I can understand the OP and others concerns, but this is a new mmo and ignoring the 'but wow did it this way & its 2011/2012", I believe BW will improve the game / fix issues - and some will like the change and others will hate it.
  5. Disappointed with the graphics. Love the game. Hope its for a valid reason.
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