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Non existing solo ranked matches ! Server pooling !!!


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Is my server Jar'Kai Sword the only server where Arena PvP nearly doesnt exist ?.


Time to wait ~ 30m on saturday evening primetime. Even if people ask in pvp channel to queue mostly

nothing happens.


And if someones lucky and a match starts there are most of the time the same enemies.


Thats no fun and anything but a contest of equal players.


Pool all servers for Arena Matches and we and you will be fine. Cant be so difficult. Nearly each other PvP online game is able to do so.


Cause of the fact you cant really chat in arenas who cares if someone flames after being defeated in english, french or german.

Edited by Haimdal
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Same thing on Begeren Colony.


When people queue ranked solo, they try in PVP chat to get others to join them in solo queue but partly because ranked doesn't count for dailies, partly because of class/faction balance (we...um have a lot of sorcs on our server :D) and partly because no one else wants to wait in queue for an undefined and possibly infinite amount of time, they give up.


The seven ranked solo games I did manage to play were Friday prime time, the week of release. I'd been busy during the week so couldn't get into the initial rush. I had a half hour between pops too, Saturday and Sunday...nothing.


Yet regular warzones pop just fine.


I think most of the PVPers who were really serious about ranked transferred to pot5/bastion when paid server transfers were allowed. A lot of us on BC were looking forward to solo/guild ranked but with no incentive to do it, we find ourselves pre-arranging ranked nights just to try to get enough for a pop...let alone rating-based matchmaking. Which leads to horrible skill mismatches, which leads to even more people giving up.



I considered transferring myself but didn't want to leave guildies behind. :(

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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IMO a big part of the problem is that removing the dual queue option actually provides a large DISincentive to queue ranked.


If you could soloqueue ranked and regs at the same time, literally the only two reasons not to queue ranked would be if you needed regs to get your daily done or if you hated arenas. Sure you might get rolled in ranked, but you run that risk because horrible mismatches occur in regs anyway. Most games are either roll or get rolled, with a few good fights in between, the format doesn't matter.


If Bioware can't or won't do cross server, restoring the ability to dual queue is the least they could do. Might get some people who are interested in competition but not in infinite queue times queuing for ranked again.

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Is my server Jar'Kai Sword the only server where Arena PvP nearly doesnt exist ?.


Time to wait ~ 30m on saturday evening primetime. Even if people ask in pvp channel to queue mostly

nothing happens.


And if someones lucky and a match starts there are most of the time the same enemies.


Thats no fun and anything but a contest of equal players.


Pool all servers for Arena Matches and we and you will be fine. Cant be so difficult. Nearly each other PvP online game is able to do so.


Cause of the fact you cant really chat in arenas who cares if someone flames after being defeated in english, french or german.


I don't think this will accomplish much. Arena suffers from a lot of problems:


1) A perception, real or imagined, that only certain classes have a chance to succeed.


2) The very real perception that the pecking order has already been established which means that you have no chance of breaking through to the top.


3) A preference for objective based warzones.


4) Playing a Sorcerer/Sage and being tired of being the go to person for the enemy team to focus. (See #2 :) )


5) Matchmaking that leaves a lot to be desired.


Fixing these problems, whether they are justified or not, is going to be necessary if the solo queue option is to be successful.

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Welcome to my world. I dont play rank, I dont play arenas period - like most of you, i waste hours jumping in and out of normal stupid arenas that pop.


Personally, I cant see the point of Arenas outside of ranked. Everyones chasing Ranked coms, so people may as well play an unbalanced ranked match than an unbalanced standard arena - makes zero sense.

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It occurred to me at one point that the ranked matches should only be available for 1 or 2 weeks every few months and call that a season. Keep the same q's available but call them all unranked for the rest of the time. Edited by Savej
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Welcome to my world. I dont play rank, I dont play arenas period -like most of you, i waste hours jumping in and out of normal stupid arenas that pop.

You spend every post you make in the forum ************ about Arenas and trying to recruit more quitters but the reality is MOST players don't run from a fight.

At the end of most any arena the scoreboard shows 8 players and one quitter. You're opinion is outnumbered by 75-95% of the player base. In fact I probably see more quitters on regular warzones in the first 2 minutes than in any arena.

You can keep you personal vendetta going but nobody really cares.


As for the OP (who is wanting to play ranked arenas but is frustrated they can't), I totally agree and have the same problem. Warzones are absolutely packed with players so it's not a PvP numbers issue. But we've all been there, nobody wants to queue 30mins when a reg will pop in 30 seconds.


Being able to dual queue would be a nice help. I also think making ranked games count towards the dailies would help. I still want to knock those out every night and would rather get them both than spend an hour in one and then hours in ranked. Both fixes have to be amazingly easy fixes BW can try out in a minor patch fix.


Long term changes that can help would be perhaps adding more variables to the ranking system so being an awesome player surrounded by bads wouldn't have their ranking hurt as bad. Better benefits to playing would be nice too. I can trade comms for ranked comms, make ranked arenas have benefits that ONLY come in ranked.


Longest term change is X-server play. But devs have said the cost in coding and work makes it a non-existant solution with the current incarnation of swtor. Better to come up with ideas that can be implemented in the 5+ years that it will take for a new code+game (wow is still on their original code aren't they?)

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Same thing on Begeren Colony.


When people queue ranked solo, they try in PVP chat to get others to join them in solo queue but partly because ranked doesn't count for dailies, partly because of class/faction balance (we...um have a lot of sorcs on our server :D) and partly because no one else wants to wait in queue for an undefined and possibly infinite amount of time, they give up.


The seven ranked solo games I did manage to play were Friday prime time, the week of release. I'd been busy during the week so couldn't get into the initial rush. I had a half hour between pops too, Saturday and Sunday...nothing.


Yet regular warzones pop just fine.


I think most of the PVPers who were really serious about ranked transferred to pot5/bastion when paid server transfers were allowed. A lot of us on BC were looking forward to solo/guild ranked but with no incentive to do it, we find ourselves pre-arranging ranked nights just to try to get enough for a pop...let alone rating-based matchmaking. Which leads to horrible skill mismatches, which leads to even more people giving up.



I considered transferring myself but didn't want to leave guildies behind. :(


Same boat i am in, I am too casual a player to level up a pure PVP toon on Bastion and BC doesn't pop enough when queuing for solo ranked, hell even grouped ranked barely pops unless you do late nights.

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Is my server Jar'Kai Sword the only server where Arena PvP nearly doesnt exist ?.


Time to wait ~ 30m on saturday evening primetime. Even if people ask in pvp channel to queue mostly

nothing happens.


And if someones lucky and a match starts there are most of the time the same enemies.


Thats no fun and anything but a contest of equal players.


Pool all servers for Arena Matches and we and you will be fine. Cant be so difficult. Nearly each other PvP online game is able to do so.


Cause of the fact you cant really chat in arenas who cares if someone flames after being defeated in english, french or german.


Don't worry, when space pvp is released it will be like this for all the servers and all the queues - regs included. Lol @ 12v12 separate queue after they already removed 8v8.


Kinda sad that a game with such promise is going so quickly down the toilet.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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You spend every post you make in the forum ************ about Arenas and trying to recruit more quitters but the reality is MOST players don't run from a fight.

At the end of most any arena the scoreboard shows 8 players and one quitter. You're opinion is outnumbered by 75-95% of the player base. In fact I probably see more quitters on regular warzones in the first 2 minutes than in any arena.

You can keep you personal vendetta going but nobody really cares.


You certainly OVER estimate your numbers. More people quit Arenas than you think, its just I am probably the only Sub left posting about it.


Arenas need their own Q - its as simple as that and has nothing to do about running from a fight - its about leaving a failed game mechanic. The fact that almost everyone here is having to wait hours just to play a ranked game, shows just how failed this mechanic is.

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Some of the frustration for me is not knowing if I am the only one queuing or if their are others queuing and we are just waiting to be matched.


What would really help is an information screen that showed how many players are currently queuing for Solo ranked and would only need something like the following :


Imperial players queuing for Solo ranked = 10

Imperial players currently in a Solo ranked match = 4

Empire players queuing for Solo ranked = 15

Empire players currently in a Solo ranked match = 12


At least if I could see this kind of information I could see if I am likely to get a match in the near future or if all the above are zero then I can go do something else.


This kind of info would also be useful for normal warzones and probably group finder also.

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Simple fix...


Transfer/Reroll on POT5.


Problem solved... seriously, we have one of the healthiest PvP communities left in the game with multitudes of 4v4 teams, 24/7 solo queue arena pops and reg warzones never have to wait more than a 1 or 2 for a pop.


That is for imperial side of course. If you're a republic player you're SOL, there are no good players that play on repub side as they've all rerolled imperial side.

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Fail PvP system will always be fail PvP system. BioWare don't know what to do nor do they have the skills to save the sinking ship. As a loyal SWTOR subscriber and a Star Wars fan it's hard to play this game at the moment. It's sad how many good old friends lost interest in the game. From around 20 active PvP'ers since release and for over a year we are now 3 left. :( Edited by SirMannii
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One of the most expensive games ever made... no cross server... ever.


I honestly think BW didn't realize this was a multiplayer game. They thought we would all just go through the class quests and talk about it after.


Imagine how different things would have been if they had cross server and ranked ready at launch.


I am getting closer to unsubbing as more time passes. GS is going to make ques even worse and BW is still focused on casuals. Can't really see myself lasting more than a few more months.

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I think it would be better if losses didn't count "for now". At least until they had some sort of minimum requirement for queing ranked.


Instead of RATED system, have a WIN system. Everyone starts at ZERO and each win earn 10 pts. Right now, losses hurt too much. If I get 3 games in a row with one or more players not having proper gear (gear with zero Augments and only using bolster), I STOP queing. Because these guys don't CARE about their rating and won't stop queing and ruining it for the rest of us. In addition, to keep people from just dropping a RANKED match, they will lose 20 pts if they quit.


If losses didn't count, then I would keep queing non stop to get that next win. The losses wouldn't be as frustrating when you get undergeared teamates, as the match would be over with quickly. As for rewards, make it something like each 10 or 20 wins earns you enough to get an improved RANKED gear item.



Once they get cross server ques AND minimum requirements for RANKED, then we can go back to this rated system.

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Simple fix...


Transfer/Reroll on POT5.


Problem solved... seriously, we have one of the healthiest PvP communities left in the game with multitudes of 4v4 teams, 24/7 solo queue arena pops and reg warzones never have to wait more than a 1 or 2 for a pop.


That is for imperial side of course. If you're a republic player you're SOL, there are no good players that play on repub side as they've all rerolled imperial side.


It isnt an option for us Europeans. I rolled a toon on POT5 but the pings, which arent too bad do jump around alot, and when you have a 5 second delay, you just can't play.


Shame, because I had a lot of fun, joined a great guild :(


It is weird though. When I had Star Wars Galaxies, I rolled on a US server( Eclipse) at launch and experienced very little lag or high pings. Maybe its the coding and this clunky game engine who knows.

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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