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Austin Tx Community Cantina


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So I just got home from the recent SWTOR Developer Community Cantina hosted in Austin Tx and just wanted to say that it was AWESOME!. The SWTOR devs really know how to throw a get together. First I just personally wanted to thank every single Bioware employee who attended the event, they were extremely friendly, answered most questions and if they couldn't properly answer would give individuals a reason as to why they couldn't sufficiently answer etc. From Eric Musco and Courtney Woods, to all the other employees that were there I personally thank you so much. I'll say this, as a player who plays your game as frequently as "real life" will allow me to lol, its refreshing to meet the people behind the scenes who make the experience I enjoy playing, a possibility. I know its easy for us to get caught up in all this negativity that goes around these forums, but when you meet these people in real life, you see and hear how genuine they are and that they honestly do care about the game as much as we do. So again thank you guys again for all that you do and hope to get an opportunity to attend another one of these great events.


Ok so now on to the actual event itself, Let me start by saying that most of what was covered at the community cantina was information that we already know, I just wanted to overall share the experience with you guys and let you guys know what happened and some general questions that were asked and answered. So we started by walking into the Blackfinn Ameripub (restaurant) and walked towards the back area of the restaurant that had been isolated for the event. We were immediately greeted by Courtney Woods (who as im sure you guys are aware is one of the community managers here on the SWTOR website) and gave us our exclusive Tantaun Fawn mini-pet codes, a USB drive (filled with concept art etc) and a SWTOR Journal of Master GNOST-DURAL. There was free food, drinks etc and once we all were done eating and mingling amongst eachother the rest of the Bioware employees casually entered and talked with us etc. About 30 minutes later Eric Musco grabbed a microphone and did a formal Q&A, and then through some nice Star Wars trivia (mostly in-game related) gave out some free goodies (SWTOR T-shirts, Artbooks, etc). Then they closed with a nice Bioware employee Journal signing (that we originally received at the beginning).


So now on to the questions, (im only going to cover the questions that I specifically asked as I dont remember every single question asked by everyone, also understand that these are questions that I asked if you dont like the questions or answers there isn't a whole lot I can do to help you with that so sorry)


Q: Seeing as the team has been focusing alot on PVP content with arenas, season 1 and the new upcoming Galactic Starfighter expansion, are there any plans on implementing a system that allows players to challenge other players/groups in pvp warzones without queuing for a warzone and hoping you get paired together? (encouraging community PVP tournaments etc)

A: Thats something that has been talked about internally, however the biggest issue with that is how much it will affect queue times for pvp, its not something we would rule out, however nothing at this point is in the works for that.

Q: What was the marketing thought process behind making the Galactic Starfighter expansion free? Is there going to be continued support for Galactic Starfighter and how does Bioware plan on financially covering this expansion since it is free to all players?

A: Galactic Starfighter is free to all players and accessible at lvl 1, the dedicated team to Galactic Starfighter is for the time being, going to stay working on Galactic Starfighter, so yes there will definitely be continued support. The idea behind ensuring that it was free, was to ensure that anyone could hop in and play it without even touching the elements of the game that are already in place if you didn't want to. So the idea that a new influx of players would be coming to the game and aesthetic things that can be purchased in the cartel market (paintjobs, different ships with same core stats as the ones in-game etc).

Q: PVE space combat? Any chance we will see any "off rails" PVE space game to match the current PVP game getting ready to be released?

A: We are at a stage right now with Galactic Starfighter that we wont rule out most things, depending on if there is enough of a demand for it, then we can take a look at allocating resources to making that a possibility.

Q: Theres been alot of talks about, seeing as you can access Space PVP at lvl 1, how is story going to fit into why the space conflict between factions is taking place?

A: So we we arent in a position to fully answer this question, but what I can tell you is that there will be upcoming content that is going to offer, from a story aspect, an explanation as to what is going on.

Q: Galactic Starfighter joystick controls etc? any future planned support for anything like that?

A: A popular request we have been getting since Galactic Starfighter was announced, again not something we would rule out, if there is a high enough demand for something like that then it could very well be something that is implemented in the future, as of now however no.

Q: Future new class's or class expansion story content? Any chance we will see any new additional classes added in-game or dedicated class story to add to each class in the future?

A: We wont ever say never, goes back to if there is enough demand for it however there are no plans at this point in time.


If you guys have sat through and read this in its entirety then I applaud you lol :D. Know this was a bit on the long side, however I just wanted to share my experience with everyone else who either hasn't had the opportunity to attend a SWTOR Cantina event, or missed out on this most recent one. Are you guys as excited about Galactic Starfighter as I am? Feel free to discuss anything mentioned above, please lets try to keep this positive or at the very least productive, we have enough negativity on these forums, Id like this to be one of the productive ones out there :)

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They need another one in Austin NOW!


I have been waiting forever for the cantina to come back here and guess what? It just happens to be on the same night as Alamo Drafthouse Hanks-Giving.


You can not imagine how upset I am that I missed this.

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"they have to see if there is enough demand for extending class stories and getting new classes and stories..."


Seriously, do they even *look* at the forums? What on earth do you have to do to them to get them to realize there is a demand for that? *shakes head* 'we'll never say never.' It sounds like they kinda did. -_-


Anyhow, thanks for posting up your questions and answers. Friendly staff or not, awesome boozefest or not, I look at this as a waste of money, that could be used on the game, that's how I feel. :/

Edited by Lunafox
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"they have to see if there is enough demand for extending class stories and getting new classes and stories..."


Seriously, do they even *look* at the forums? What on earth do you have to do to them to get them to realize there is a demand for that? *shakes head* 'we'll never say never.' It sounds like they kinda did. -_-


Anyhow, thanks for posting up your questions and answers. Friendly staff or not, awesome boozefest or not, I look at this as a waste of money, that could be used on the game, that's how I feel. :/


Of course they look at the forums, but it's not the only place they look. The forums here aren't necessarily a reflection of the entire community. Game forums tend to be places where people come to complain. So if 50 people here say they want class stories...well it doesn't mean that everybody in game is spending a lot of time on them in game.


Still, I will say I'd like to see more of it. I just leveled another toon to 55 and Makeb certainly is the least interesting place to level. I still have to defeat the archon but I don't even care. This is what happens when the story is the same for everyone...it gets boring more quickly.

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"they have to see if there is enough demand for extending class stories and getting new classes and stories..."


Seriously, do they even *look* at the forums? What on earth do you have to do to them to get them to realize there is a demand for that? *shakes head* 'we'll never say never.' It sounds like they kinda did. -_-


Anyhow, thanks for posting up your questions and answers. Friendly staff or not, awesome boozefest or not, I look at this as a waste of money, that could be used on the game, that's how I feel. :/


its just a standard answer, I wouldn't look to much into it. even if they were in the process of creating new class stories right now [i doubt they are] we would get the same answer every time asked until they are ready to announce them, but he didn't say a hard no


no offense to the op but did you really have to ask the same questions that have been asked a thousand times and answered over and over


I could have literally told you what the answer to each of those questions would be

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Of course they look at the forums, but it's not the only place they look. The forums here aren't necessarily a reflection of the entire community. Game forums tend to be places where people come to complain. So if 50 people here say they want class stories...well it doesn't mean that everybody in game is spending a lot of time on them in game.


Still, I will say I'd like to see more of it. I just leveled another toon to 55 and Makeb certainly is the least interesting place to level. I still have to defeat the archon but I don't even care. This is what happens when the story is the same for everyone...it gets boring more quickly.


Well, there was a poll recently that asked about what future content people would like and class story extensions received 1577 (only subs can vote) votes, so that's a lot more than just 50 people ( I understand you likely chose this as an example). I realize that not everyone who plays here frequents the boards, but that's a pretty good indication it would make people very happy to have class story extensions.

When I posted my petition for 'more individual class stories'....it went into several pages, the majority supporting it.

It's just frustrating that the devs seem to not see or get the importance of continuing the class stories, and sad that they don't seem to care.

I feel for you, having to level in makeb, it was a dull slog, I've done it a few times for both sides...and urgh. It's too generic, because like you say its the same for all and boring as hell because of that.


I just wish I knew what has to be done to get them to see that the indi. class stories are important to continue. :/

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its just a standard answer, I wouldn't look to much into it. even if they were in the process of creating new class stories right now [i doubt they are] we would get the same answer every time asked until they are ready to announce them, but he didn't say a hard no


no offense to the op but did you really have to ask the same questions that have been asked a thousand times and answered over and over


I could have literally told you what the answer to each of those questions would be


Well, I suppose you could be right, that it's a standard answer, but so frustrating to someone like me who loves the ind. class stories, wants more, and has tried really hard to get them to see that it would be a good thing. :/

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There are plenty of swedish players in Europe. Why not come to Stockholm at some point with a Community Cantina? I feel that a lot of swedish SWTOR-players are now leaving for DOTA 2 after The Alliance became world champions in DOTA 2. BioWare did a good job in Sweden pre-launch at Dreamhack and also invited swedish guilds to the guild summit. EA and Dice has an HQ in Sweden so why not take advantage of those Battlefield-developers and arrange a trip over here! I can tell before hand that it would be hundreds of swedish players who would want to come. :)
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At this point, "news" from Cantinas are pretty disappointing and I blame both Bioware and the people that go to them.


Can those of you that will visit the next Cantina ask questions that haven't been asked a million times already?

That way we might learn something new and we won't have to complain that they never make any big announcements in them.

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Well, there was a poll recently that asked about what future content people would like and class story extensions received 1577 (only subs can vote) votes, so that's a lot more than just 50 people ( I understand you likely chose this as an example). I realize that not everyone who plays here frequents the boards, but that's a pretty good indication it would make people very happy to have class story extensions.

When I posted my petition for 'more individual class stories'....it went into several pages, the majority supporting it.

It's just frustrating that the devs seem to not see or get the importance of continuing the class stories, and sad that they don't seem to care.

I feel for you, having to level in makeb, it was a dull slog, I've done it a few times for both sides...and urgh. It's too generic, because like you say its the same for all and boring as hell because of that.


I just wish I knew what has to be done to get them to see that the indi. class stories are important to continue. :/


Your responses are exactly why they don't do polls. Eric specifically explained away your comments about "LOOK AT ALL THESE PEOPLE WHO WANT X."


At this point in the game, it's not doing so great. They don't have the money to make 8 new story lines all at the same exact time. Let's be frank for a second, the massive QQ that would happen if, say, Trooper, got a storyline before Sorcerer would be insane.

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Well, I suppose you could be right, that it's a standard answer, but so frustrating to someone like me who loves the ind. class stories, wants more, and has tried really hard to get them to see that it would be a good thing. :/

Luna, I went last night and got to talk a good bit to Charles Boyd, as well as Courtney, and I asked about the class stories, about companion stories, and about faction-based stories. It's a standard answer because they're not making any more. Maybe sometime far in the future, but there's none in development - no class-based stories, no companion stories. What you'll see is class snippets buried in the faction-based stories.


It's one of the big reasons that I've largely stopped playing. It's like when you start reading a good book and then realize that the author stopped before the end. Just makes you want to put it down and walk away. No point in getting attached to characters or wondering what will happen with this or that, cause they won't ever tell you, and given the number of hanging threads in the class and companion storylines...yeah, I walked away for the most part. My swtor gaming is now limited to raiding one night a week with friends.


That said, the event was a lot of fun, and the BioWare employees and developers are genuinely nice people. It's pretty clear that the writers would like to continue those class and companion storylines, but well...anyway. The group, as a whole, is pretty excited about the galactic starfighter expansion, so for those who are interested in space pvp - congrats! Not my cup of tea, but I'm glad some people are getting new content. If you guys ever get a chance to go to a cantina tour, do. If nothing else, it's good to know the developers are real people rather than some faceless maniacal code-monster out to destroy you ;)

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Speaking with Eric and Amber at the Chicago Cantina Crawl put a face to the game that, for me, didn't exist.


We as players often fail to realize that the people that work on this game are just as enthusiastic about it as we as "just players" are. When the discussion with Amber turned towards the Seeker droids she explained how passionate the lead designer for the Seeker/Macrobinocular was for his creation in a way that made me realize that every single part of this game has someone behind it with a vested interest in how well it works and how it is received.


The lament of many MMO players is "not enough communication" but this isn't as easy as it sounds. I have the same issues in my career but it is important to realize that it just isn't communication but the right communication at the right time. And it is also important to understand that this communication works both ways. "You guys suck, you screwed this up" isn't communication, it is a rant, and it doesn't allow the person you are addressing any room to reply...especially since it might encourage more of this type of non-communication. If you have an issue, treat your discussion of the issue as if you were addressing your own boss or supervisor (or your parents) and be concise and don't skimp on the detail. And you also have to realize that creating this game isn't voodoo but an involved process that goes through many stages from start to completion and each step takes time. Corporations and bureaucracies work in a methodical manner that takes much more into account than just the customer, since costs have to be minimized and various constraints have to be dealt with.


We've all had those moments of frustration with an aspect of this game, moments where we wonder what the heck these people are thinking and rail at the powers that be that they don't seem to "get it". But they do get it and care just as much as the players that it gets done and gets done right.

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At this point, "news" from Cantinas are pretty disappointing and I blame both Bioware and the people that go to them.


Can those of you that will visit the next Cantina ask questions that haven't been asked a million times already?

That way we might learn something new and we won't have to complain that they never make any big announcements in them.


So other questions were asked, and its very easy for you who isnt there to "backseat critique" questions that were asked however, Bioware same as any other company has a marketed dept who is in charge of ensuring that certain details about the game they are working on, isnt released until the development of content is done etc. Its the way marketing works, build hype and excitement for content so consumers are more willing to make a purchase or participate in the new content. So other people were asking questions such as capital guild ships and a bunch of other things that I didnt include in the Q&A portion because they just answered with the same standard response as they did when talking about the SSSP (super secret space project) when people asked before details came up. So if you wanted all the Q&A portion to contain responses to in YOUR opinion "more valid" questions then sure you would have been reading more responses containing "yea we know there is alot of demand for something like that but we have nothing to talk about at this time". So go back to my original post talking about how 1) I dont remember every questions that was asked so not every question asked I personally posted, and 2) read how i stated if you dont like the questions or answers then theres nothing I can do for you. Nobody there can wave there hand in front of BIoware employees and magically "use the force" to get them to give answers you "want" to be sufficient etc. Think your missing the reason i made this post and it was to thank the Bioware employees for a good time and interacting with the community publicly, and to share the experience with others. Like I said please keep this positive and productive, if you feel you could have done a better job somehow in getting your "sufficient" answers to questions others asked and didn't then more power to you, go to an event yourself and do that.

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Luna, I went last night and got to talk a good bit to Charles Boyd, as well as Courtney, and I asked about the class stories, about companion stories, and about faction-based stories. It's a standard answer because they're not making any more. Maybe sometime far in the future, but there's none in development - no class-based stories, no companion stories. What you'll see is class snippets buried in the faction-based stories.


It's one of the big reasons that I've largely stopped playing. It's like when you start reading a good book and then realize that the author stopped before the end. Just makes you want to put it down and walk away. No point in getting attached to characters or wondering what will happen with this or that, cause they won't ever tell you, and given the number of hanging threads in the class and companion storylines...yeah, I walked away for the most part. My swtor gaming is now limited to raiding one night a week with friends.


That said, the event was a lot of fun, and the BioWare employees and developers are genuinely nice people. It's pretty clear that the writers would like to continue those class and companion storylines, but well...anyway. The group, as a whole, is pretty excited about the galactic starfighter expansion, so for those who are interested in space pvp - congrats! Not my cup of tea, but I'm glad some people are getting new content. If you guys ever get a chance to go to a cantina tour, do. If nothing else, it's good to know the developers are real people rather than some faceless maniacal code-monster out to destroy you ;)


Well that's depressing as hell, but no big surprise. I'm not ready to quit yet since I haven't finished all my classes, but since the money I've spent on the CM clearly isn't going to the content I'm interested in, it's time to quit buying CC. I wish they would at least release the story lines that had been worked out as an apology for bailing on the core of the game.

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"they have to see if there is enough demand for extending class stories and getting new classes and stories..."


Seriously, do they even *look* at the forums? What on earth do you have to do to them to get them to realize there is a demand for that? *shakes head* 'we'll never say never.' It sounds like they kinda did. -_-


We all know the forums are a small minority of players. I'm sure they read the forums very well... but it's only one data point they use in their planning. And frankly, that's the way it should be.


I would have thought you would have felt good about them stating in a Cantina event that they will "never say never". That leaves the door wide open for more class story later on.

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Great read, maybe next time I will make it there, It just was way to nasty out there to make that drive :)


Heh. Same here. Nasty weather in Austin? Yes. It does happen from time to time. Of course our definition of nasty is not quite the same as some of you Yankees. It was close to freezing and raining which in Greenbay is fair weather. Lol.


I'm sorry I missed it, but I do know they are working hard at BW despite what some of us may think. I would like them to be more open with us about what they are working on however. I understand the need for holding back info, after all they are in a competitive business and we, gamers, don't do well with information given sometimes. The QQ begins early and often. Nevertheless, I would to see something verbalized in the form of direction now that we have GS on the starting blocks. What comes next?

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So other questions were asked, and its very easy for you who isnt there to "backseat critique" questions that were asked however, Bioware same as any other company has a marketed dept who is in charge of ensuring that certain details about the game they are working on, isnt released until the development of content is done etc. Its the way marketing works, build hype and excitement for content so consumers are more willing to make a purchase or participate in the new content. So other people were asking questions such as capital guild ships and a bunch of other things that I didnt include in the Q&A portion because they just answered with the same standard response as they did when talking about the SSSP (super secret space project) when people asked before details came up. So if you wanted all the Q&A portion to contain responses to in YOUR opinion "more valid" questions then sure you would have been reading more responses containing "yea we know there is alot of demand for something like that but we have nothing to talk about at this time". So go back to my original post talking about how 1) I dont remember every questions that was asked so not every question asked I personally posted, and 2) read how i stated if you dont like the questions or answers then theres nothing I can do for you. Nobody there can wave there hand in front of BIoware employees and magically "use the force" to get them to give answers you "want" to be sufficient etc. Think your missing the reason i made this post and it was to thank the Bioware employees for a good time and interacting with the community publicly, and to share the experience with others. Like I said please keep this positive and productive, if you feel you could have done a better job somehow in getting your "sufficient" answers to questions others asked and didn't then more power to you, go to an event yourself and do that.


ChillingFear, you need to...chill :cool:

I wasn't talking about you or your questions specifically. There is no need to get so defensive. Besides, I never said that those questions aren't "valid". But do you think that asking for the millionth time if we're going to get new class missions, is going to get us anywhere?

I was talking in general about the questions that are always the same, always get the same "we don't know/maybe/we'll see/it's on the wall of crazy" reply and amount to nothing.


I'm pretty sure that if one of the questions was a new one (capital guild ships is not a new question either, they've been asking that since beta), you would remember it, so again, I wasn't bashing you, your post or your questions. You can ask whatever you want. I was simply pointing out that asking the same thing over and over again won't get us any closer to it.

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ChillingFear, you need to...chill :cool:

I wasn't talking about you or your questions specifically. There is no need to get so defensive. Besides, I never said that those questions aren't "valid". But do you think that asking for the millionth time if we're going to get new class missions, is going to get us anywhere?

I was talking in general about the questions that are always the same, always get the same "we don't know/maybe/we'll see/it's on the wall of crazy" reply and amount to nothing.


I'm pretty sure that if one of the questions was a new one (capital guild ships is not a new question either, they've been asking that since beta), you would remember it, so again, I wasn't bashing you, your post or your questions. You can ask whatever you want. I was simply pointing out that asking the same thing over and over again won't get us any closer to it.



Thats what im getting at (then you wonder why I responded the way I did), who are you to say why myself or anyone should or shouldn't ask certain questions regardless of how many times they have been asked before,Your right guild capital ships isn't a new question but a "sufficient" answer would have been which is why I used it as an example. If they answered it and said it was something they were working on as we speak or gave us a time-frame for it then all of a sudden it IS something new right? Same with any other "million asked questions". People ask them to SEE if there is a new response or something new to be said. So yes asking a question that someone else has asked regardless of how many times it has been asked in the past COULD potentially render a new response depending on if they are allowed to elaborate or talk about it. Either way I refuse to continue going on a back and forth with you, what you have said was an opinion, however saying that you "blame" others because questions/answers that were gotten weren't to your liking is always going to meet a "defensive" stance. Nobody can control who asks what or what responses the Bioware employees will give outside of their company itself.

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Thats what im getting at (then you wonder why I responded the way I did), who are you to say why myself or anyone should or shouldn't ask certain questions regardless of how many times they have been asked before,


Ok you either missed this or simply chose to ignore it to make me look like the bad guy here:


You can ask whatever you want. I was simply pointing out that asking the same thing over and over again won't get us any closer to it.



Your right guild capital ships isn't a new question but a "sufficient" answer would have been which is why I used it as an example. If they answered it and said it was something they were working on as we speak or gave us a time-frame for it then all of a sudden it IS something new right? Same with any other "million asked questions".


I was going to say that by "sufficient" you obviously mean "yes, we're working on it" but you said it yourself :)

And I think you're confusing "sufficient" with "what players who want X feature want to hear".

Their previous answers were sufficient enough ("no, we're not working on it"). If something had changed they would've announced it themselves, since they already know it's something some people want to see in the game.


Either way I refuse to continue going on a back and forth with you, what you have said was an opinion, however saying that you "blame" others because questions/answers that were gotten weren't to your liking is always going to meet a "defensive" stance. Nobody can control who asks what or what responses the Bioware employees will give outside of their company itself.



I don't really care enough to go back and forth with you either, so that's great.

I stand by my post and I honestly don't get why an opinion will always get a "defensive" response when the point I'm trying to make is logical and based on their previous announcements/communication.

Asking the same thing over and over again makes no sense or difference and it doesn't help the community either. They advertise the new additions to their game so if they were going to add it, they would tell you without you having to ask them 1000 times. People kept asking about the SSSP and they kept saying "we can't say anything yet" until they could.

You have, of course, the right to ask whatever you want, but just because some people refuse to accept "no, at least for now" as an answer, doesn't make it a good question to ask.

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It would be nice to know what they are working on.


Seems a lot of questions were answered with depends if their is the demand for it. So outside of the Galactic Star Fighter team what is being worked on by the other teams? Fair play if they want to see if GS is popular before working on new maps, they want to see how ranked PvP arenas work out before working on too much new stuff for it.


But if you can't speak on those things it would be nice to know what the next chapter in the story is going to be. The Dread Masters is finally played out and its a new story arc yet they haven't spoke on this yet. It would be nice to hear about this if they can't speak on the other things.

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So somehow by breaking down and quoting different portions of my posts that makes it incorrect or not accurate? Oh yea that works :rolleyes:, so going back to your first post (since we are "quoting" people)


At this point, "news" from Cantinas are pretty disappointing and I blame both Bioware and the people that go to them.


Can those of you that will visit the next Cantina ask questions that haven't been asked a million times already?

That way we might learn something new and we won't have to complain that they never make any big announcements in them.


So again placing "Blame" on people because it doesn't fit whatever pre-requisites you have in your mind for questions/answers sounds a little dictatorial to me. Remind me not to vote for you to be in charge of anything if thats your stance. Stand by your posts all you want, only thing I'm saying is your quick to point the finger at people by placing "blame" when you weren't there and all of a sudden can speak for me as to what I would recall and what i wouldn't depending on questions that were asked and if they were (by your standards) new. Stop deterring my post which again I wanted to have as a thank you to the Devs and spark PRODUCTIVE conversation about anything regarding the Cantina and what I posted. Want to contribute something productive? Go to a cantina event yourself, or ask your magical questions you think that nobody else has asked, or better yet just stop playing the blame game and create your own thread with your magical questions that you think weren't asked based off my thread (which again I said straight from the beginning doesn't cover all questions asked).

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So somehow by breaking down and quoting different portions of my posts that makes it incorrect or not accurate? Oh yea that works :rolleyes:, so going back to your first post (since we are "quoting" people)


I quoted my post as a reply to your accusation.

You didn't read that part, obviously.



So again placing "Blame" on people because it doesn't fit whatever pre-requisites you have in your mind for questions/answers sounds a little dictatorial to me. Remind me not to vote for you to be in charge of anything if thats your stance.


Quite honestly, I think you just want to make me look like that (or you just don't know what "dictatorial" really means) because you're trying really hard to distort what I said.


And to answer your question, no there are no pre-requisites. Anyone can ask anything they want and that's great.

But if the point of Cantinas is to get together with the devs, have fun and (hopefully) learn something about what's coming up next for the game, asking the same question (regardless of whether I want to see that feature, too) is pointless. For instance, asking about class stories when they said less than a month ago that they are not currently working on new ones, is pointless. It might be something you and I both want to see, but the question is still pointless (and was answered recently).


Stand by your posts all you want, only thing I'm saying is your quick to point the finger at people by placing "blame" when you weren't there and all of a sudden can speak for me as to what I would recall and what i wouldn't depending on questions that were asked and if they were (by your standards) new.


I put the blame equally on Bioware (for not having a better communication with their players) and the players themselves, not because they're not asking the "right" questions for me, but because they are asking the same thing over and over again.

And, just for the record, I never "blamed" you specifically for your questions or for not remembering the rest of them. And I also said that if something major (or even, simply new) was asked and answered then you would've remembered it - that's all.


Stop deterring my post which again I wanted to have as a thank you to the Devs and spark PRODUCTIVE conversation about anything regarding the Cantina and what I posted. Want to contribute something productive? Go to a cantina event yourself, or ask your magical questions you think that nobody else has asked, or better yet just stop playing the blame game and create your own thread with your magical questions that you think weren't asked based off my thread (which again I said straight from the beginning doesn't cover all questions asked).


Again, you're simply ignoring what I said and distorting it to make me look like the bad guy.

I'm happy you had a good time and that you want to thank you thread for the devs and everything else you said. And it was nice of you to share the information about the event for the rest of us who don't live close to where those events happen,so thanks for that.


But you say that you wanted to also "spark PRODUCTIVE conversation about anything regarding the Cantina".

So that was my criticism, not to you but to the people who go to cantinas in general - asking the same questions, combined with Bioware's "we can't comment yet" stance, leads nowhere.

Funny how my "ask different questions" is dictatorial, but anything that doesn't fit into what you consider "productive" should be left unsaid. :rolleyes:


Now, I'm kind of bored with this whole thing.

I'm trying to explain something to you and you just take it personally and refuse to read what I wrote.

If you still think this is a personal attack then PM me.

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