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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Another Server Merge


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There are servers that are dying nowdays, and the game simply doesnt have the population to fill all the servers we have..


Why cant we mix the servers again until we only have a PVP server, a RP server and a PVE server just like the Asia pacific ones, that way the 3 servers might have enough population to make the game more enjoyable...

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There are servers that are dying nowdays, and the game simply doesnt have the population to fill all the servers we have..


Why cant we mix the servers again until we only have a PVP server, a RP server and a PVE server just like the Asia pacific ones, that way the 3 servers might have enough population to make the game more enjoyable...


servers numbers are based on what the hardware can reasonably handle. trying to have 1 machine handle 50,000 people is excessive. so instead have 5 servers with 10,000 people.


Previously servers were running at say a 2k capacity as populations dipped, they developed the super servers that held about 5x the number of players and reduced their server numbers (save on energy and maintenance) and thus could get rid of 4/5 of their servers.


Server populations (and the game) appear to be mostly stable if not growing (in general, individual servers will vary). EA/BW are the only ones that know the actual server# and will determine if current populations can justify the hardware investment, otherwise they will be removed and merged into other servers. But going down to jsut 3 servers seems unlikely at this point, populations are just too high to justify that limited load.

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servers numbers are based on what the hardware can reasonably handle. trying to have 1 machine handle 50,000 people is excessive. so instead have 5 servers with 10,000 people.


Previously servers were running at say a 2k capacity as populations dipped, they developed the super servers that held about 5x the number of players and reduced their server numbers (save on energy and maintenance) and thus could get rid of 4/5 of their servers.


Server populations (and the game) appear to be mostly stable if not growing (in general, individual servers will vary). EA/BW are the only ones that know the actual server# and will determine if current populations can justify the hardware investment, otherwise they will be removed and merged into other servers. But going down to jsut 3 servers seems unlikely at this point, populations are just too high to justify that limited load.


I was thinking on this because I have been playing on different servers from which my favorite is Jung Ma for it's RP/PVP game preferences. But the population on that server is falling more and more the more time I keep playing and now I think its the US server with the lowest active population on the game. If it gets merged with another PVP or RP server with low population the people who's still on that server might get better game enjoyment because we cant afford to pay 1800CC to transfer each of our characters to another one, I only have one lv55 guy on that server but Im talking also for people who already have many lv55 toons that have been working on them almost since the game came out.

As well I've been playing RP on Begeren and Ebon Hawk, which the most active one is Begeren, I didn't knew if there was a point on having 2 RP servers until I read your post and realize that both servers have a population level between standard and heavy, but I still think the problem with Jung Ma population must be solved by merging it with another RP or PVP server.

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There are servers that are dying nowdays, and the game simply doesnt have the population to fill all the servers we have..


Why cant we mix the servers again until we only have a PVP server, a RP server and a PVE server just like the Asia pacific ones, that way the 3 servers might have enough population to make the game more enjoyable...


What Server are you on? I am on Harbinger and often times it is listed as VARY HEAVY, with like 3 instances of fleet. Server has had more people than it could handle a few times. Far from dead .... and since a lot of population is Asia it is super busy 24 hours a day.

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Do NOT touch Harbinger! We are full, busy and active like 24/7 with the mix of time zones. And we fall down a lot. One more person might kill us, let alone a server merge!


Yeah - sorry, I live in Asia and I keep getting more and more friends to play (and of course they go Harbinger). So not only is it over crowded, but we are rapidly adding people.

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I would agree that Jung Ma should be merged. POT5 could easily handle the population. But i don't like the idea of losing the names i have on JM.

If you assume BW is independently monitoring internal metrics and will initiate action without prompting you are assuming too much. I don't have numbers but i am extremely confident that BW's very very long hesitation with the first merges cost them hundreds of thousands of subs as many lost interest in playing on empty servers. I don't see that happening now, btw, but the game would be more fun with busier and more varied pve/pvp qs on both servers

Edited by Savej
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There are servers that are dying nowdays, and the game simply doesnt have the population to fill all the servers we have..


Why cant we mix the servers again until we only have a PVP server, a RP server and a PVE server just like the Asia pacific ones, that way the 3 servers might have enough population to make the game more enjoyable...


Hell no!


Right now, i have to play after 2am my time to be able to get anything done, since during the day, its always 150+ on the planets, the higher level ones are manageable with 100-125 players, but the lower level worlds are too over-crowded as it is.


The population was perfect before the last freaking merger, now its play between 2am-5am or spend over an hour longer doing things because players are all rushing in and stealing quest kills and everything, hell getting the slave collars on Coruscant took me 3 hours, because there was never any crates to open.


If they do another merger, it will kill the game, especially without limiting the max players per instance, 25 players max per instance for the origin worlds, 50 players max per instance for the capital worlds, ultimately, it is extremely off-putting when i have to sit and wait for things to spawn back because 25 players rushed through here at once...its not fun like this at all.

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Well if the problem is the European servers, go invite some friends :)


Or you'll have to get bi/trilingual servers. I'm sure there would be enough people if the English/French/German servers were merged to one RP, PVP and PVE server. So maybe everyone can start learning Esperanto?

Edited by CrazyMcGee
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I know BC is pretty empty in regards to planet instances, where Fleet barely can fill 2 instances at the most active time of the day.


Not to mention our overall quality of player having been decimated from recent server transfers. It would be nice to at least merge with another RP server, to hopefully enhance that aspect as we have too little concentrated zones for RP to flourish.

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NO! No more merges! :mad: If you want a more populated server, go to one!


Its too easy to say it when you haven't spent more than a year working on your toons on that server. Thrust me receiving that suggestion or simply starting again on another server is like a kick on the balls... as if all the time you've spent playing was a waste...

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Even then, what about if you already have a group of friends on one server and don't want to leave them? BC is my home, because of the people I raid and sometimes even PvP with, but I can see it getting close to dying soon (if not already, dead) thanks to the server transfers already.


Just saying, it would be nice to get a bigger population to it as a server even if it meant a name change

Edited by ZooMzy
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No more merges.


Instead, work on cross-server tech.


Because, you know, if they merge more servers, the qq will just be even more terrible during the times of high activity like it was when Makeb was released, especially for the already overcrowded servers. And it's much more difficult and less likely to ADD a server.


Also, you guys really want to lose more names?

Edited by chuixupu
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