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3,000 Cartel Coins FOR A Tauntaun ...


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As a customer I want to feel appreciated and taken care of, and not like a cow in line to be milked.


Just go to Hoth, talk to the Taun Taun trainer, and collect 15 domestication data certificates. EA/BW HAS taken care of you. You can get an awesome Taun Taun for a few hours of your time and like 30k credits worth of lures.

Edited by tharbison
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Can't speak to Aion as i haven't played.. but what i would say though is at least in wow the paid mounts are always a unique and custom designed mount not a bland re-skin (as to be believed by preview pictures we've seen here) theirs nothing unique or interesting about this taun taun really... :(


Would you prefer that they never added an in-game method of acquiring Tauntauns? Then would this one be worth it?

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Just go to Hoth, talk to the Taun Taun trainer, and collect 15 domestication data certificates. EA/BW HAS taken care of you. You can get an awesome Taun Taun for a few hours of your time and like 30k credits worth of lures.


Or you know, buy the data for like 30k each from Infernal Harvest if you're on Jung Ma (30k x 15 = 450,000 credits).

Doesn't that sound better than hours of farming?

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Or you know, buy the data for like 30k each from Infernal Harvest if you're on Jung Ma (30k x 15 = 450,000 credits).

Doesn't that sound better than hours of farming?


Or...send me $30 and I'll collect the domestication certificates for you!


Really...EA/BW has taken care of its player base on this one. You can earn a Taun Taun in game, or buy one from the CM. If people are too lazy to collect a few certificates to earn a nice reward for next to nothing then they should have to pay 3,000 CC.

Edited by tharbison
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While I am all in favor of the CM and I generally agree with the sentiment that sales will drive the price of these things and we already have other tauntauns available in game, you have to admit that the price is a little silly. The highest any of the other CM mounts have been is 1,800 credits. This price of 3,000 credits for this tauntaun is basically $25, and that's not including the cost of a collections unlock if you want it for more than 1 character. The ROTHC expansion only cost subs $10 and cost non-subs $20 when it came out. So, yeah, something seems out of whack with the pricing of this tauntaun. However, they regularly discount the prices of stuff that doesn't sell. I'm assuming they intentionally priced it high because of the 50% off coins deal and because certain people will rush to buy it right away and overpay. Then, as sales of it start to die down, they'll drop the price.
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In my opinion its just an absurdly priced piece of rubbish. There is literally a few minutes work involved modifying the colours of the original textures to create that, its money for nothing.


For that price I would expect a truly unique and extravagant mount, like a Rancor or a Basilisk war droid not a half hearted re-skin. I and I imagine many other people would be tempted to buy something like that, something with a bit of effort and imagination behind it.


Thats my first negative post on the forum out the way :)

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There is literally a few minutes work involved modifying the colours of the original textures to create that, ...


Technically yes, but don't forget you have to follow some type of system development lifecycle. Have some meetings, define the requirements, have some more meetings, create the new color scheme, have some more meetings, do some system testing...blah blah blah.


Sure, changing the color may be easy, but the process involved in introducing changes to a production environment is a little more invovled.

Edited by tharbison
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In my opinion its just an absurdly priced piece of rubbish. There is literally a few minutes work involved modifying the colours of the original textures to create that, its money for nothing.


For that price I would expect a truly unique and extravagant mount, like a Rancor or a Basilisk war droid not a half hearted re-skin. I and I imagine many other people would be tempted to buy something like that, something with a bit of effort and imagination behind it.


Thats my first negative post on the forum out the way :)


I personally think BMW's are pieces of rubbish (mechanically sound but pretentious as hell). Yet people still buy them and pay lots of money for them. There is no accounting for personal taste. These items are priced partially based on the fact that they just gave 5k CC away for half price so people have more then what they typically would, thus to see a return on investment (the game, not just this item) they raised the price too account for (what i assume is) a MASSIVE influx of CC into the market. Thus diluting the overall value of the coins. Additionally they timed the CM market in game discount with this item thus allowing more people to get it cheaper than what they typically would be otherwise.

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Look, its this simply... this game is going to ****... its simply a rinse and repeat with characters and BW is just trying to get what they can out of it. when the cartel coin crap came out it was obvious this kinda crap would happen. Most of the gear looks like **** and almost all of the crafted gear is **** and virtually worthless. They seriously don't have a clue or atleast the desire to generate a player base and almost everything they are working on involves cartel coins. if you want half *** decent looking stuff you have to buy cartel coins... PERIOD. Now they are testing the limits on how much they can get. This 3,000 CC mount is flat out retarded.

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Look, its this simply... this game is going to ****... its simply a rinse and repeat with characters and BW is just trying to get what they can out of it. when the cartel coin crap came out it was obvious this kinda crap would happen. Most of the gear looks like **** and almost all of the crafted gear is **** and virtually worthless. They seriously don't have a clue or atleast the desire to generate a player base and almost everything they are working on involves cartel coins. if you want half *** decent looking stuff you have to buy cartel coins... PERIOD. Now they are testing the limits on how much they can get. This 3,000 CC mount is flat out retarded.


I think it's pretty clear now that the f2p/CM model is keeping this game alive. That's where a majority of the company's development resources are going. Can't blame them, that's where they get the biggest return on their investment. At the end of the day they're a business, and a business's goal is to make money.


Pretty much everything on the CM is sooner or later available on the GTN. If you don't want to support the CM directly, you do so indirectly by purchasing those items from the GTN.

Edited by tharbison
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In my opinion its just an absurdly priced piece of rubbish. There is literally a few minutes work involved modifying the colours of the original textures to create that, its money for nothing.


What in the world does that have to do with anything?


They are giving people an option to buy a mount directly, saving them the time to farm the materials on Hoth. Some people will be happy to pay it, just to have a tauntaun.


And for whomever compared it to the price of RotHC, it's not a fair comparison. The tauntaun is fluff, therefore does not fall under the same price structure as content. Besides, I'm sure they sold many many more copies of RotHC than they ever would sell tauntauns at any price.


But, if you want to compare... a one-time use dye module cost 1,000cc. This is a mount that will last forever... for the cost of three dyes.

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What in the world does that have to do with anything?


They are giving people an option to buy a mount directly, saving them the time to farm the materials on Hoth. Some people will be happy to pay it, just to have a tauntaun.


As I said its just my opinion you are free to ignore it, not trying to force my will on anyone.


I used to work 3d animator, I know how much work goes into creating these things. And a very basic re-skin does not strike me as a product worthy of its asking price. Just my opinion nothing more.

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Technically yes, but don't forget you have to follow some type of system development lifecycle. Have some meetings, define the requirements, have some more meetings, create the new color scheme, have some more meetings, do some system testing...blah blah blah.


Sure, changing the color may be easy, but the process involved in introducing changes to a production environment is a little more invovled.


This isn't a "new" tauntaun, it was created at the same time as the originals and the color schemes were previewed on the cantina jump drives together. They've been withholding it for the Cartel in-game sale, which is why it's been released so late. Which is crazy, because you could sell 3000 CC worth of crates and get the in-game money to get a tauntaun & still have megabucks left over.

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This isn't a "new" tauntaun, it was created at the same time as the originals and the color schemes were previewed on the cantina jump drives together. They've been withholding it for the Cartel in-game sale, which is why it's been released so late. Which is crazy, because you could sell 3000 CC worth of crates and get the in-game money to get a tauntaun & still have megabucks left over.


But would it be all dark and sithy? :t_cool:

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People are really complaining about his?


There are 3 you can acquire in-game easily for FREE! This is simply a recolored version of one of those. If someone pays $30 for it, by all means, I encourage Bioware to develop a TON of these types of things...why would ANYONE care when you have access to THREE for FREE already? Because of the color? I completely understand customization is important with characters, but I don't get it at all when it comes to mounts. I hope a lot of players purchase it outright.

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It wouldn't. So I guess we'll see $50 special dyes in Jan, where they change color or are reflective/add particle effects, etc.


If that happens, I hope lots of people buy them. I'm not bothered by the things that they put up for sale. The presence of these items has no negative effect on me. People get to invest in the game and I get to see some cool stuff whilst standing around on fleet.

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Or you could just stop crying whilst marching to the fleecing, and....not buy the bloody thing, it's not like it's even remotely necessary.


But we all know that that's not how it's actually going to work, now is it.


Who's a good little consumer? Why, yes, you are!



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Or you could just stop crying whilst marching to the fleecing, and....not buy the bloody thing, it's not like it's even remotely necessary.


But we all know that that's not how it's actually going to work, now is it.


Who's a good little consumer? Why, yes, you are!




I'm glad there are people who can't resist it. If this tauntaun doesn't sell well, what do you think the chances are that we never receive a new featured mount released in-game prior to the cash shop release?

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I'm glad there are people who can't resist it. If this tauntaun doesn't sell well, what do you think the chances are that we never receive a new featured mount released in-game prior to the cash shop release?


Honestly, what makes you believe we will see another new featured mount released in-game prior to the CM? Tauntauns are it. Varactyls, Dewbacks, and 99% (excluding a few new mounts added to BBA, OPs, etc) of all mounts have come through the CM, with no way of obtaining them in-game like the 3 Tauntauns.


I truly believe BW won't put another animal/unique/whatever mount for in-game acquisition, like they did with the Tauntauns, especially if people snatch up this one at it's current price. Why would a business practically give something away to it's customers (because they really aren't making that much off of people using the in-game method, when it only takes a couple hours at most to get the data for the sub Tauntaun), when they're willing to pay $30+ for it?


Also, to the whole 'don't like it, don't buy it and they'll understand to lower the price' mentality, I call shenanigans. If you don't buy something, and say nothing on the subject, the business only knows you didn't buy it. That's it. Not that it's too expensive, not that you don't think it's needed, not that you don't like the color of it, not that you thought it needs a widget when they used a sprocket. They simply know you did not buy it, so this thread, and the people (like me) who are saying that 3k CC for a re-skinned, single-character use mount is ri-friggin-diculous are correct in telling BW/EA their opinions. True, some come off in an ... abrupt ... way, but it's still needed feedback, imo.


(@TUXs: Only my 1st real question was directed towards you, good sir; the rest is merely some thoughts I've had over the past couple days of reading this thread. I'm not aiming any of my negativity your way (pessimism maybe, lol), just honestly curious as to why you think that. I just wanted to make sure you didn't think I was going off on you, because, while I don't always agree with them, I do respect your blunt (in a good way!) posts, sir.)

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Honestly, what makes you believe we will see another new featured mount released in-game prior to the CM? Tauntauns are it. Varactyls, Dewbacks, and 99% (excluding a few new mounts added to BBA, OPs, etc) of all mounts have come through the CM, with no way of obtaining them in-game like the 3 Tauntauns.


I truly believe BW won't put another animal/unique/whatever mount for in-game acquisition, like they did with the Tauntauns, especially if people snatch up this one at it's current price. Why would a business practically give something away to it's customers (because they really aren't making that much off of people using the in-game method, when it only takes a couple hours at most to get the data for the sub Tauntaun), when they're willing to pay $30+ for it?


Also, to the whole 'don't like it, don't buy it and they'll understand to lower the price' mentality, I call shenanigans. If you don't buy something, and say nothing on the subject, the business only knows you didn't buy it. That's it. Not that it's too expensive, not that you don't think it's needed, not that you don't like the color of it, not that you thought it needs a widget when they used a sprocket. They simply know you did not buy it, so this thread, and the people (like me) who are saying that 3k CC for a re-skinned, single-character use mount is ri-friggin-diculous are correct in telling BW/EA their opinions. True, some come off in an ... abrupt ... way, but it's still needed feedback, imo.


(@TUXs: Only my 1st real question was directed towards you, good sir; the rest is merely some thoughts I've had over the past couple days of reading this thread. I'm not aiming any of my negativity your way (pessimism maybe, lol), just honestly curious as to why you think that. I just wanted to make sure you didn't think I was going off on you, because, while I don't always agree with them, I do respect your blunt (in a good way!) posts, sir.)


If it doesn't sell they'll put it on sale. Why wouldn't they, they have nothing to lose. If it sells well at a lower price they know that it was too high.

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If it doesn't sell they'll put it on sale. Why wouldn't they, they have nothing to lose. If it sells well at a lower price they know that it was too high.


People tend to forget, they dont' make money off the CM. They make money off the purchase of CC. The CM is priced to what would be the expected in game value, and they get the most money by finding ways for you to spend those CC and purchase new ones.


The one Hoth one can be purchased with in game credits for about 2 million (for non-subs) or time spent farming , the Oricon one requires legendary status + credits (again time). This basically puts a new value on the CC to Credit ration and sets it around 1500:1 rather than the 1000:1, or the Hoth one is running at a discount compared to the one on the CM (based on the 1000:1 ratio)

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