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3,000 Cartel Coins FOR A Tauntaun ...


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You see, though, the difference is that they are not ripping off their customers. You can't rip someone off when the purchase is completely unnecessary and voluntary. A "rip-off" is when I need to buy a hammer to fix something in my house, and there is only one hardware store in town. Since the owners of the store know they are the only place where one can buy a hammer, and I have nothing else I can use in place of a hammer, they charge $1500 for it. That's a rip-off.


Fortunately, though, in the case of the Tauntaun pet in the CM, it is merely a hammer with a black handle that they are selling for $1500. I can either use some of the other tools in my chest in place of a hammer (other mounts in my inventory), or simply quest for the in-game Tauntaun mount (fill out some paperwork in the hardware store and get a yellow-handled hammer for free). When all things are considered, this is as far from a rip-off as you can get.


I like how you focus on two words in my post that you can correct my use of but miss the actual point of my post completely. It made me laugh.

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I like how you focus on two words in my post that you can correct my use of but miss the actual point of my post completely. It made me laugh.

The entire point of your earlier post was that you think the tauntaun is a rip-off. As was pointed out, it's not a rip-off because there is no reason to buy one other than because you want to.


In sum ...


... too expensive? Don't buy it.



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The marketiers are testing the market to see if it can bare the higher prices.


IF YOU PLAYERS buy this item and they still make a lot of money, expect to see all cartel prices slowly rise.


I agree they are market testing.. but not in the sinister way you present (ie: testing for price rises). I think this has more to do with price testing a new item right after the one-time 50% discount on CCs. Some players will see the price as 1500 (net) because of this.. and some will not... So this is a good way to test how non-recurring special discounts of CC purchases interact with new CM content releases.

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I agree they are market testing.. but not in the sinister way you present (ie: testing for price rises). I think this has more to do with price testing a new item right after the one-time 50% discount on CCs. Some players will see the price as 1500 (net) because of this.. and some will not... So this is a good way to test how non-recurring special discounts of CC purchases interact with new CM content releases.


That would be assuming that they will offer discount deals in the future. Not sure they will go in that direction. And if that's what they are doing... offer an item at an inflated price right after (or during) a discount offer... that defeats the purpose of the discount.


I think they are, indeed, testing. I don't think it's sinister, though. I think they just want to find the price ceiling.

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That would be assuming that they will offer discount deals in the future. Not sure they will go in that direction. And if that's what they are doing... offer an item at an inflated price right after (or during) a discount offer... that defeats the purpose of the discount.


I think they are, indeed, testing. I don't think it's sinister, though. I think they just want to find the price ceiling.


Which is business and the only way for players to control how high the prices go is to control their spending. If players really feel prices are too high, stop spending money.


Coming to the forums and complaining that the prices are too high then giving in only does one thing, it shows the company that the price was not too high and they can get away with testing it with slightly higher prices later.

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I agree they are market testing.. but not in the sinister way you present (ie: testing for price rises). I think this has more to do with price testing a new item right after the one-time 50% discount on CCs. Some players will see the price as 1500 (net) because of this.. and some will not... So this is a good way to test how non-recurring special discounts of CC purchases interact with new CM content releases.


I don't feel thats its a price test, more like specific targeting of two types of customers, the first being the no time/too lazy to grind for it on hoth, or the creds needed, and the second being the collectors, and I'm fine with that because they are available in game already.

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Which is business and the only way for players to control how high the prices go is to control their spending. If players really feel prices are too high, stop spending money.


Coming to the forums and complaining that the prices are too high then giving in only does one thing, it shows the company that the price was not too high and they can get away with testing it with slightly higher prices later.


I agree. Forum whining does not discourage pricing.... not buying discourages pricing.

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The entire point of your earlier post was that you think the tauntaun is a rip-off. As was pointed out, it's not a rip-off because there is no reason to buy one other than because you want to.


In sum ...


... too expensive? Don't buy it.




The point of my initial post was that listing it at that price was a public relations fail. Evidence this thread.

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The point of my initial post was that listing it at that price was a public relations fail. Evidence this thread.


That's not public relations. That is marketing. Your reaction to it is personal.. hence.. NOT public, even though you decided to share it with us in the forum.


The point of your original post IMO was to whine and complain that you don't like the price. I get it. The price they chose had some sort of laxative effect for you personally. Others.. may be fine with it. Each player is free to decide for themselves.

Edited by Andryah
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I can understand the frustration, but I think it's a bit misplaced. You want the item cheaper, and you definitely can get a Tauntaun cheaper....in game.


Some arguments against certain items in the market has some legitimacy IMO since those items are not available in game (though subs get a coin grant every month, so even that complaints legitimacy is diminished a bit) but in this case there really is no basis for the argument IMO, since it really comes down to simply wanting it to be cheaper.


It would be nice if it was cheaper, but it is by no means bad PR IMO...if it is too expensive it will not sell. That is the best yardstick IMO.

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Dont like it? Dont buy it.


Your money voting has more feedback power than your forums posting.


Sorry, I don't think that's 100% true. Sure, if everyone boycotted it they might look at the total lack of sales and go "crap, we got that wrong".


However, as a single punter they won't notice if I don't buy it. On the other hand if I tell them in no uncertain terms on their official company forums that not only will I not buy it, but I believe they've forgotten what the " micro" in microtransactions means, and I think they are deliberately taking the piss out of the playerbase by pricing it in this manner, then it is more likely to be seen by company representatives and just perhaps make them pause for thought.


Just my 2p of course.

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In addition to not buying it, I'd like it if there was a discussion to convince others not to buy it as well.


If the price is as unreasonable as you claim it is, others will not need to be convinced not to buy it.


You just exposed your true reason for throwing a temper tantrum.

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If the price is as unreasonable as you claim it is, others will not need to be convinced not to buy it.


You just exposed your true reason for throwing a temper tantrum.


three sentences across two posts is a temper tantrum? :confused: If the thread has enough activity, Eric pushes the consensus up to the developers and descision-makers.

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three sentences across two posts is a temper tantrum? :confused: If the thread has enough activity, Eric pushes the consensus up to the developers and descision-makers.


If people don't buy it, they will get the message anyways. And do you really want to waste Eric's time with nonsense like this when the game still has REAL issues? Ridiculous.

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I doubt that any efforts to campaign to convince others to refrain from buying the mount would bear fruit. You are certainly welcome to do so naturally.


I just think that, like the holiday mount and dyes this item would most likely appeal to certain individuals...sales will determine it's merit.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I agree. Forum whining does not discourage pricing.... not buying discourages pricing.


By not buying this mount I am reacting to the price and doing my part to discourage this type of pricing. Forum "whining" as you put it has a purpose as well.


First, you need to keep in mind to many customers the simple fact that Bioware priced this so high is an insult to their intelligence. I know I feel insulted. I like buying stuff from the market. I usually feel that I get what I pay for, but this price makes me feel like someone is attempting to pick pocket me. I realize it is my choice, and I have made mine, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth about Bioware. As a customer I want to feel appreciated and taken care of, and not like a cow in line to be milked.


I come to the forum here to vent this feeling. To talk about it, in the hopes that there are like minded people and that our voices together can be heard by Bioware and that maybe next time they will respect us enough not to insult us with such stupidity.

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