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''The other game'' steals another idea. Again. This time from us.


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When swtor came out with aoe looting. wow came out with it a few months later


And LotRO as well as STO had it long before those two. I remember playing TOR and wishing it would copy LotRO in that regard.

STO had away teams long before that. Their DOFF system is amazing.


STO also has epic space combat. Much better than anything that EVE (yeah, I said it, and I still play EVE), or TOR have.

SWG had the best space combat of any MMO, and I cant wait until the new expansion pack lets us have real dogfights against other players. Really wish it was PvE as well, but oh well.

Edited by TheLexinator
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and I guess SWTOR is like reading War and Peace?


No you are making assumptions. I never said it was more complicated but its less dumbed down than wow and older generation mmos are less dumbed down than this game. When mmos were a niche it attracted the hardy gamers that were able to appreciate the sphistication and complexity without having adhd nerdrage kick in so fast. It required a certain patience and trial by error none of the spoonfeeding going on today to appease jimmy the ritalin baby with the attention span and patience of a fruitfly. Personally i liked them that way as the complexity kept the kind of ppl away that permeate the genre today and make it worse

Edited by mmjarec
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No you are making assumptions. I never said it was more complicated but its less dumbed down than wow and older generation mmos are less dumbed down than this game. When mmos were a niche it attracted the hardy gamers that were able to appreciate the sphistication and complexity without having adhd nerdrage kick in so fast. It required a certain patience and trial by error none of the spoonfeeding going on today to appease jimmy the ritalin baby with the attention span and patience of a fruitfly. Personally i liked them that way as the complexity kept the kind of ppl away that permeate the genre today and make it worse



Are you saying TOR offers more challenging content and greater opportunities for all kinds of sophisticated number crunching and min maxing than what WoW has going?

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are you freakin kidding me? 90% of SWTOR gameplay screams "WoWclone", and you complain if WoW incorporates one single aspect from SWTOR?


remember that one?



I rather ask myself when will they finally wake up and copy some stuff from SWG instead.


The best and most unique thing about swtor is LEGACY, that was really a good idea all around, also companion story. Okay, and Huttball. Apart from that.. not many other real original concepts.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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The garrison feature does look pretty interesting. I'm kind of hoping Bioware will make a move and start copying from WoW. Well more so than they have been. :rolleyes:


This. BW needs things that WoW has, IMO.


-In-game calendar to schedule raids and stuff.

-Expand their zones (planets) and implement flying mounts


Just to name a couple.

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UO Vet here as well...


I miss the PvP and thieves.


PvP in pre Trammel UO would make SWTOR PvP'ers curl up in a corner and suck their thumb.

Fully lootable corpse complete with stat loss lol and huge gank squads.


Forget trying to run Champion Spawns in Ilshenar least to be raided by other guilds.


UO was hardcore PvP at it's finest. I played from launch to about 2008, it like other MMO's went the way of the carebear .

Edited by Ceasaigh
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Try DDO if you want that.


To my recollection DDO was not particularly challenging, and was unbalanced enough that you didn't need to do sophisticated number crunching. Its great fun for a 3e based game though(almost as unbalanced as 3e itself).

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So, ''the other game'' finally offer player housing and companions.


''The other game'' however had a twist to the way we use companions : the said companions can be set up to do dungeons or raid missions, for which you need to make a NPC party-apparently, if your NPC fails the mission, you will have to go rescue him.


Once again, it's not an especially original idea, but it's a pretty neat improvment.


(Yes, I do follow a lot ''that other game'' and MMO in general. There is nothing wrong about looking for what other games do good and see if we can do better. The idea to merge followers and the house (our ships) into one idea is pretty neat should I say...)



They didn't steal they just went pokemon all out in WoW setting , pokemon has a stigma among the net .

But is still considered one the most popular theme for virtual goods.

they just wrapped in there Blizzard package of WoW , they always take popular ideas and improve on it .

With CoH gone :( , think they look around for different inspirations .

This time they made some of there own with micro system of swtor companions but hopefully more interactions in the castle ! (not like ours who you can't even resummon old dialogues for fun )

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Are you saying TOR offers more challenging content and greater opportunities for all kinds of sophisticated number crunching and min maxing than what WoW has going?


Terror From Beyond NiM and Scum NiM (pre 2.4) were more challenging than some of Hard Mode Raids I played on WoW.


More challenging? Maybe.

greater opportunities for all kinds of sophisticated number crunching and min maxing than what WoW has going? WoW is a 8 years old Game. Swtor is a 2 years old game. How can you compare them?

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the only real similarity is the word "companion" it stops there.


This has been a long time coming for wow and am excited to see the innovation they are trying to incorporate into this ten year old game. Very happy for blizzard straying away from dailies and creating a more involved world. I have not enjoyed wow since tbc, i don't enjoy reptitive quests, raids, dungeons. I like to have a multitude of things to do in a game and a variety of ways to entertain myself.


hopefully bioware sees this and takes ideas from them. Galactic starfigher is a step in the right direction.

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In my opinion UO was and still is a true MMO. Real PVP, as it should be.


I remember permadeath, corpse runs, player looting, open PVP....when that was gone I simply accepted the loss, lamented the loss and adapted. Those days are sadly long gone IMO.



Offcourse those days are gone , the few mmo that tried it , sadly stumble onto a block .

Most people consider mmo like real life investment .

But mmo investment is nonesense it suppose to be entertainement , but even in UO end deal were mages ganking people cause they could keep there spell books .


True to that spirit pvp has not evolved , cause people still just want advangetage pvp .



people should play what they find most fun , if a game isn't fun , or the community isn't fun .

then time to move on and find something you consider more fun , or try a different server .

MMO aside from gameplay is socialising , the power of socialising like twitter facebook etc understand that all to well.

The more people the more chances for similair minded people .


The less people even if they are so verbal , the quiter the game gets . I think of all the mmo I played only city of heroes broke the example , it should have died , but instead kept attracting a new group of people .

By default , not even planned . Something blizzard MOP expansion tried to capitalise on .

Well there expansion annoucement is perfectly timed when the game is in decline !


older gamers move to swtor , cause we like the combat system , ha 29 buttons I Regulary use in pvp !

Beat that new age generation ;) that for a clicker :p

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Oh, they just announced an idea that would be interesting too.


Simply said, some piece of gear (''armor'', let's say) is no longer role specific. The stats of the armor change when you swich spec, if I understand correctly.


Ehhhhhhh, I don't really want people casually trying out tanking or healing all the time. If a person goes through the effort to get another set, we can be pretty sure they'll try and learn how to play them, but I can easily see people who only dps normally queueing up for healing or tanking roles despite having no idea how to play them with this.

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There is one thing that "the other game" can't steals, the most fantastic element that can't be added in "the other game", the most anticipating thing that can empty all the server of "the other game", the huge, the true, the only one : PaZaak.

A damn Pazaak game implemented in SWTOR, with special-rare-secret cards, with tactics use of it, etc.


It's a real shame that it was not implemented at day 1, I would prefer to pvp with pazaak cards, than space pvp...

Please release a "Pazaak strike back" extension, asap !!

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There is one thing that "the other game" can't steals, the most fantastic element that can't be added in "the other game", the most anticipating thing that can empty all the server of "the other game", the huge, the true, the only one : PaZaak.

A damn Pazaak game implemented in SWTOR, with special-rare-secret cards, with tactics use of it, etc.


It's a real shame that it was not implemented at day 1, I would prefer to pvp with pazaak cards, than space pvp...

Please release a "Pazaak strike back" extension, asap !!


No I'm pretty sure they could do Blackjack or Blackjack-esque games if they want to.

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There is one thing that "the other game" can't steals, the most fantastic element that can't be added in "the other game", the most anticipating thing that can empty all the server of "the other game", the huge, the true, the only one : PaZaak.

A damn Pazaak game implemented in SWTOR, with special-rare-secret cards, with tactics use of it, etc.


It's a real shame that it was not implemented at day 1, I would prefer to pvp with pazaak cards, than space pvp...

Please release a "Pazaak strike back" extension, asap !!


PVP with Pazaak would be the epitome of awesome IMO.

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