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Need to change the group finder timeout based on role

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Just sick of waiting 2 minutes for some AFK DPS, my record so far is 5 before the group finally formed (that's 10 minutes of pointless waiting)


What is your 2 minutes compering to an hour a DPS has to wait for a pop? Try and understand what is going on, people wait so long that sometimes they just forget they are in a queue or may have switched screen.

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Then they should leave queue if they need to AFK. Not doing so wastes the time of the other 3 people, and any other DPS behind in the queue.


No, you misunderstood, the wait time is causing them to AFK not the other way around. Did you actually expect someone to stare at the screen for an hour to make sure Your Royal Highness does not have to wait 2 minutes? You are playing the wrong game.

Edited by ELRunninW
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I don't think they should change the time, but after 30 seconds the other players should be able to vote to kick. It really is annoying getting 4 people afking all 2 minutes in a row, annoying for the tank, the healer and the dps (who actually saw the notice and clicked despite waiting the same amount of time).
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Then they should leave queue if they need to AFK. Not doing so wastes the time of the other 3 people, and any other DPS behind in the queue.


The DPS aren't doing it to annoy you. They are AFK because they've likely been waiting a long time, and sometimes people go AFK when they are at the computer for a long time.


What you've got yourself here is a first world problem, and a pretty small one at that.


Imagine waiting for a group for an hour and a half only to get kicked when one forms because you went to get a cup of coffee.

Edited by thecoffeecup
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The DPS aren't doing it to annoy you. They are AFK because they've likely been waiting a long time, and sometimes people go AFK when they are at the computer for a long time.


Like I said, not anyone's problem but theirs. TBH it's really dumb to go AFK if you have already invested that much time.


Imagine waiting for a group for an hour and a half only to get kicked when one forms because you went to get a cup of coffee.


So? If he's AFK, it doesn't matter he gets kicked after 2 minutes or 30 seconds.

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whoa... just whoa... if it's okay to wait 2 minutes for you, it's okay to wait 2 minutes for anyone else. get over yourself


Ok I can play this game too, if I can sit there and watch for the pop, so can they.

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Ok I can play this game too, if I can sit there and watch for the pop, so can they.


Problem is, you think you're special and your demanding special treatment. You are not.


If you don't want to risk AFK ppl, make the group yourself (you'll have no trouble at all if you're a tank) and queue the team up. Problem solved.


Also, you shouldn't forget that you have fast pops because they are many of other roles, if others massively play tanks, your queues would suck as well and you would be the one going afk. Everything has pros and cons. Deal with it.

Edited by wainot-keel
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I love how all you idiots assuming I only play a tank, in fact I queue as all 3 roles.


Who cares ? I have 2 tanks, 3 healers and 2 dps. I queue with all of them. *shrug*

This is simply a numbers game, tanks are hard to find, their slowness is more tolerable, so it makes sense their time out is longer.

I disagree. If anything, it should be shorter, since their queues are short, they really have little excuse to be afk. And I'm not saying it should. Just the same as everybody.

The rules should be the same for everybody. The system shouln't benefit a group more than others, otherwise, next thing will be tanks asking to be allowed roll need on everything everytime, because you know , they're hard to find and stuf....

Edited by wainot-keel
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I disagree. If anything, it should be shorter, since their queues are short, they really have little excuse to be afk. And I'm not saying it should. Just the same as everybody.


You do realize, 10 minutes is the same as 30 seconds for tanks given the average wait-for-tank timer.


The rules should be the same for everybody. The system shouln't benefit a group more than others, otherwise, next thing will be tanks asking to be allowed roll need on everything everytime, because you know , they're hard to find and stuf....


DPS are second class citizens of the group finder queue, that's just the fact. You can spout platitudes all you like, it's not going to change.

Edited by anwg
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Like I said, not anyone's problem but theirs. TBH it's really dumb to go AFK if you have already invested that much time.




So? If he's AFK, it doesn't matter he gets kicked after 2 minutes or 30 seconds.


because maybe they would have been back in 40, or even in 90.


stop being such a diva.


few minutes of wait time are not going to kill you.

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OP should measure runtime to toilet + small job + wash hands + dry hands + run back. No cheating, we dont wanna have stuff to get on keyboard. Try to make it in 30 seconds!


Anyway, i think good dps is hard to find, and even worse when unnecessarily stressed. Two additions could help:


1: distinct sound for FP popup (like in WZ)

2: optional short (eg 5 miin) "out time" after each hour in the queue. (stay in queue, but if you are next, you let the next one in queue to go). this isbetter for group and the dps after you, no others get a disadvantage.

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